Dota 6.82b Changelogs Revealed! | The Official Dota 6.82b Changelogs - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.82b Changelogs Revealed! | The Official Dota 6.82b Changelogs

Dota 6.82b Changelogs has just announced! Valve released another patch which seems to reduce the Gold/EXP bonus for the losing team in the Patch 6.82b. Well, i'm sure we already know that this changes will be implemented in the DotA 6.82b. Let's check out Valve's latest gameplay changes!

Dota 6.82b Changelogs

* Reworked how the AoE bonus Gold calculation is done slightly: NWDifference variable is now (EnemyTeamNW/AlliedTeamNW) - 1 [Min 0, Max 1]
* Rescaled the AoE Gold constant multipliers (in part to account for the formula tweak) from 0.26/0.22/0.18/0.14/0.1 to 0.06/0.06/0.05/0.04/0.03
* Reduced AoE XP bonus factor for 1/2/3/4/5 hero kills from 0.5/0.35/0.25/0.2/0.15 to 0.3/0.3/0.2/0.15/0.12

6.82b Full details (from initial 6.82 to 6.82b)
* Kill Streak Bounty from 100->800 to 60->480 (6.81: 125->1000)
* Adjusted bonus area of effect Gold and XP

6.82 Gold Formula
VictimLevel = Level of the Victim
VictimNW = The victim's Net Worth
EnemyTeamNW = Enemy team's total Net Worth
AlliedTeamNW = Your team's total Net Worth
NWDifference = ( EnemyTeamNW - AlliedTeamNW ) / ( EnemyTeamNW + AlliedTeamNW ) [Min 0]
NWFactor = NWDifference * VictimNW

1 Hero: Gold = 40 + 7 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.5
2 Heroes: Gold = 30 + 6 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.35
3 Heroes: Gold = 20 + 5 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.25
4 Heroes: Gold = 10 + 4 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.2
5 Heroes: Gold = 10 + 4 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.15

6.82b Gold Formula
VictimLevel = Level of the Victim
VictimNW = The victim's Net Worth
EnemyTeamNW = Enemy team's total Net Worth
AlliedTeamNW = Your team's total Net Worth
NWDifference = ( EnemyTeamNW / AlliedTeamNW ) - 1 [Min 0, Max 1]
NWFactor = NWDifference * VictimNW

1 Hero: Gold = 40 + 7 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.06
2 Heroes: Gold = 30 + 6 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.06
3 Heroes: Gold = 20 + 5 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.05
4 Heroes: Gold = 10 + 4 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.04
5 Heroes: Gold = 10 + 4 * VictimLevel + NWFactor * 0.03

6.82 XP Factors:
1 Hero: XP = 20 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.5
2 Heroes: XP = 15 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.35
3 Heroes: XP = 10 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.25
4 Heroes: XP = 7 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.2
5 Heroes: XP = 5 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.15

6.82b XP Factors:
1 Hero: XP = 20 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.3
2 Heroes: XP = 15 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.3
3 Heroes: XP = 10 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.2
4 Heroes: XP = 7 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.15
5 Heroes: XP = 5 * VictimLevel + XPFactor * 0.12

Well.. Let's hope IceFrog will be kind enough to port all those changes into DotA really soon so we can have a taste of the DotA 6.82b!

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  1. Some Really Bad Changes man...
    WTF Stealth Assassin?! And Bloodseeker ?!

  2. Some bad changes...mainly the one wich excludes Bloodseeker from captain's mode...:/ and the kill streak bounty is nerfed too...:(

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