Dota 6.82 Map - Official DotA 6.82 Updates - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.82 Map - Official DotA 6.82 Updates

DotA 6.82Dota 6.82 Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.82 Download News and Update. With the DotA 6.81 series finally released and only focused on fixing remaining bugs, now we can expect a new changes for the DotA 6.82. Some people already have their list of heroes that need to be nerfed. While the others want some buff in their favorite heroes. What about you? What do you want from DotA 6.82? Let us know in the comment section!

Update 1 (24 September 2014)
Valve revealed the Patch 6.82 changelogs which is also DotA 6.82 Changelogs. Check out the changelogs here.

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Let's wait for the new map! However, i have a strong feeling that this map will come months after Patch 6.82 released in the Dota 2..

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  1. new hero-> concept: damage absorbing skills -> skill damage release!

  2. i wish there is a new hero call the Valkyrie which is a Str-Melee , i'll suggest to make Valkyrie a girl because there is no girl on Str Tavern ><. Abilities : 1.Angel's Curse : Decrease enemy's attack damage 2.Goddess's Lights : Blind the enemy with light cause them to miss attack and damage them 3.Grace of the Valkyrie : Increase the magic resistance of Valkyrie and HP regen . Ultimate.Flames of Angel : Burn and slow the enemy , remove positive buff

    1. Legion commander is a girl

    2. Well they can't because there is already valkyrie in HON

    3. Where can I get 6.82 map for dota.

  3. -increase io "spirit" damage a little
    -change lion "impale" into other stun
    -new str hero for the scourge
    -remove the aura and orb animation for dota 1 just like dota 2 . . .
    ex: vladmir's offering
    assault cuirass
    stygian desolator
    skeleton king "vampiric aura"

    1. "remove the aura and orb animation for dota 1 just like dota 2 . . ."
      are you fucking retarded? orb animation is the only thing i want for dota 2

  4. how about item that can add range attack , and can combine to become battlefury .

  5. how about ultimate of chen beside heal also damage to enemy like purification of Purist.

  6. keke khori nakoonid enghade baw kekea

  7. batrider ulti been nerf.argh,why? he's ulti just a plain and dull rope ,it is not fair

  8. hey.. please release the 6.82... am verry excited

  9. Can you change apparitions 3rd skill and give him some escaping abilities

  10. I hope they will increase Terrorblade's strength gain from 1.4 - 1.7 just and the cooldown of sunder to be 130/90/50 and Metamorphosis cooldown to 140/130/120/110 and starting strength to 17

  11. i want the last skill of NEVERMORE be upgraded when having aghanims please

  12. It'll be nice to see the changes in warcraft dota just like the 6.82 patch in dota 2...... hope to see it soon

  13. ahm,,,, Dota guides pls make new hero girl in strength,, if you make a new hero strength girl please make it range,,,,,,, This is my suggestion my name in RGC is Granger in Dota my name is DemiGODs™

  14. By The Way what happen to my RGC account why is it my points is decreasing even i won the game is it bug?

  15. This is DemiGODs™/Granger
    what happen to my RGC account why is it my points is decreasing even i won the game is it bug?

  16. how about the ultimate of pit lord can bring the enemies to somewhere or even to fountain . i think it will be fun .

  17. change the map like dota 2

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Guardian Wisp's tether affects enemy too.
    New four heroes for scourge because there are too many heroes in sentinel

  20. Can you make new heroes?
    If you can I suggest one.

    Omega: The Battle Golem
    Str-melee type
    Release Missiles:It likes the 1st skill of gyrocopter but it stuns the enemies near it.
    Maintenance: Heals Omega
    Battle Jump: Omega Jumps to the limited area + Stun the enemies near the area + damage dealt by jump.
    Battle Golem Upgrade!: this is like the ulti of tiny but has added features. each ulti lvl (1-3) omega will grow + adding the basic attk power,armor,str,agi,int,movespeed,attkspeed. when you buy aghanims scepter the skills will be upgraded too and omega will become bigger. the basic attk power, armor,etc. will not be upgraded.

    1. 1st skill: Release Missiles -(non passive)
      2nd skill: Maintenance -(non passive)
      3rd skill: Battle Jump -(non passive)
      Ulti: Battle Golem Upgrade! -(passive)

  21. New heroes for Sentinel and scourge and new shops plss

  22. when the 6.82 will be released ?

  23. Hope DotA 6.82 will be release as soon as possible.
