Dota 6.81 AI Map Download and Dota 6.81b AI

Dota 6.81 AI & DotA 6.81b AI Map

Dota 6.81 AI
 and DotA 6.81b AI Map Download. DotA 6.81 until DotA 6.81d already released and people are starting to search for the latest AI map. And this post will give you the latest updates about DotA 6.81 AI download link and updates so you can have the map immediately. Stay tune!

Update 2:
James Druid is kind enough to translate the unofficial Chinese DotA 6.81b AI map. Finally!

DotA 6.81b AI Unofficial Download Link (English, translated by James Druid)
DotA 6.81b AI 1.2.0 Rev 3 via GameWebz
DotA 6.81b AI 1.2.0 Rev 2 via GameWebz
DotA 6.81b AI 1.2.0 via GameWebz

Update 1:
While the official DotA 6.81 AI map not yet available, we managed to get the unofficial version of DotA 6.81b. This map tooltip is still in Chinese and has some bugs. But you can still use it for training and playing with AI. Check it out!

DotA 6.81b AI Unofficial Download Link (Chinese)
DotA 6.81b AI Unofficial via GameWebz

DotA 6.81 AI Unofficial Download Link (Chinese)
DotA 6.81 AI Unofficial via GameWebz

Those maps are the unofficial version, if you want the official map, check out the DotA 6.78c AI Map.

PS: Subscribe this blog or connect via Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus so we can let you know when the official DotA 6.81 AI released!

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  1. finally, new AI map has been released :D

    1. no, not really, it's an old map -_-

    2. Its Unofficial dude ithere a official map ? Link please

    3. There will be no more official Map by the AI team. JoyJ and Me will now officially take over as AI maintainers

    4. Thanks @James Druid, but i cannot play saved game

    5. when hero with change formlike dk,undying got stunned or sometimes even if not stun they goes back to normal form !

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Still unofficial

  3. why i can start it

  4. is map 6.80 ai working in me . . hahaa wars

  5. It Sucks when everything is in chinese
    i really hate to play when i understand nothing
    it wont kill them if they try to translate it. xD

  6. Hi... My warcraft is version 1.26a. I downloaded the map but it cant be recognise by warcraft TFT program...

  7. I don't know why it isn't working... I'm using the same version as yours.
    I think you should double check your version and whether you placed the map in the right place. Sometimes I do misplace my maps too ;-)

  8. Hi james... I'd placed the file in the correct folder. I think there is a bit problem with my installer and warcraft3 patch. I just downloaded another installer and patch from the web. The was playable thenafter. Thanks for the reply.

  9. Hi james... I'd placed the file in the correct folder. I think there is a bit problem with my installer and warcraft3 patch. I just downloaded another installer and patch from the web. The map was playable thenafter. Thanks for the reply.

  10. OK I'll translate it...

  11. Super woooow!!!! Your upcoming english translation is a big breakaway since the official AI team became hiatus for the time being. I'll gonna wait for DOTA 6.81b AI (en).

    In behalf of DOTA fanatics who love to play with BOTS, A VERY BIG THANK YOU!!!

    JAMES DRUID. You're a big support to DOTA COMMUNITY.

    THANK YOU!!!

  12. 1.2.0 has many bugs.... Orb of venom isn't working.... 1.1.9 is better for translation....

  13. Well I just ported 1.2.0 and it's here :-) Enjoy!

    @2nd Anonymous - I'll just try to fix the orb of venom thing in 1.2.0 if I can. If I can't, I'll translate 1.1.9 then.

  14. Can you guys give me a list of the bugs that you can find? I'll try to fix those things :-)

  15. I think the Orb of Venom is working just fine now

  16. hai,,,, when is 6.82 map realese?
    is there new hero?

  17. Is there a official map???

    1. There won't be anymore... The AI official team has been already dissolved. So the Official AI maintainer will be JoyJ and me

  18. @James Druid,

    I had problems with gold increasing over time. Gold gets stuck during the game, it does not change even if I kill creeps. After some time is begins counting and everything works. Also, Maelstrom and Mjollnir dont work also.

    BTW, thank you for your efforts for DOTA map.

    1. Mjolnir and Maelstorm is working fine and also Gold only gets stuck when you buy back which is part of the game.

  19. It was good enough to play but I had these following issues:
    1.)Cannot Load Saved Game(every time I load it says its corrupt)
    2.)AI hero names are replaced with AI_name which quite difficult to know which hero killed who,please do give them their names in brackets atleast.

  20. I have an error: the map filename is too long...

  21. nice even though its unofficial, still useful. But why is the AI team not making AI maps anymore?? And also PBMN??

    1. The AI team and PBMN is no more. They already broke up.
      And, I think it's IceFrog's decision to halt the AI progress.

  22. Is jamesdruid around??? gan_pico15 here... Any info why playdota is offline? Are they shutting us down? Hope not... :(

    1. I don't know but seems like it.

  23. 1.more bug with Ezalor Selling tranquil boots makes him GOD!!
    and some lag issues to(venomancer Ultimate).

  24. Yes, mee to, i cannot play saved game, same problem

  25. I guess Steam is trying to make everyone play their DOTA 2 by eliminating AI team.

  26. AI ??????????????????
    WHy donT u ArrIVe fASt?

  27. there's few bugs like casting Invoker's EMP anywere will give you maximum mana

  28. how should i download those maps and ai maps it isnt working

  29. Holy crap! This hapened in my game right now. Same bug here. Ezalor cheater...

  30. i want a new map like dota 2 maps where can i get it ??

  31. Still waiting for the new official AI map..

  32. -dm still have bug, when die there is nothing to do
