Dota 6.79e Map - Official DotA 6.79e Map & Changelogs - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.79e Map - Official DotA 6.79e Map & Changelogs

DotA 6.79e Download - Official Dota 6.79e Map.
 DotA 6.79e has just came out to fix a major exploit in the previous map, DotA 6.79d, which can cause Arc Warden to have "infinite" gold. It's been a while since there is a major exploit like this. But you can sit still as IceFrog already fixed those bugs on the DotA 6.79e. Check out the changelogs and download link below:

DotA 6.79e Changelogs
* Fixed a gold exploit with Arc Warden

Dota 6.79e Download Link
Dota 6.79e Download - GameWebz Mirror

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Great response from IceFrog to fix the exploits. Let's hope there won't be any bugs and we can play fair and square!

Enjoy the brand new DotA 6.79e !

Note: Curious about the bug? Check out the DotA 6.79d Bug

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  1. Replies
    1. Hello every body i just want to say that in Cuba there are more than 10000 DotA players i think that that information was unknown

    2. ah by the way my nick is RLtySuprA.King
      PS: dendi the best

  2. ahhhh... loves that bug, having linken sphere in lvl 11 and more than ten courirs with linken in them is AWESOME..!!

  3. Damn. Thats the reason why arc warden can make an lock item w/in 20 mins!!!

  4. what about 6,77 ai?? tired of wating -_-

  5. Dota 6.79e has bug:
    If Earth Spirit is picked after someone has re-picked it then its 2nd skill doesn' t work.
