DotA 6.78c AI v1.4e Changelogs - DotA-Blog

DotA 6.78c AI v1.4e Changelogs

You can see the changelogs of DotA 6.78c AI v1.4e below:


1. All of 6.78c content was ported.
2. All AI heroes have their skills updated, they should work properly ( more or less ).
3. Some tweaks to item builds, including item builds for Oracle and Kaolin. More changes were intended but sadly were put down due to lack of time.
4. Name roster for -cm mode has been updated. Now it contains the names of TI3 contestants, instead of TI2.
5. Numerous behavior and logic changes, including a fix to old and annoying stuck bug that forced all AI heroes group in one point ( now they should get unstucked after 10 seconds or so ).
6. AI now uses 2 couriers instead of 1. Originally number was intended to be 3, but it was decided to use 2 since 3 would be, a little unfair.
7. Additional small tweaks like price checks and mana checks for AI have been applied. These should help AI manage their gold and mana slightly efficiently.
8. Now when AI is lvl25 and XP/Gold bonus mode is active, it will get extra boost to gold ( since bonus xp for lvl25 hero won't matter anymore ).
9. Fixed some minor bugs that were reported. Most of them shouldn't happen anymore.
10. Some code optimizations were applied. This should make map slightly faster/stable.

Enjoy the new AI map!

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