Dota 6.79b Map - Official DotA 6.79b Map & Changelogs - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.79b Map - Official DotA 6.79b Map & Changelogs

DotA 6.79b Download - Official Dota 6.79b Map.
 Just 2 days after DotA 6.79 map released, IceFrog unleashed another map to fix some bugs in the previous version. It seems Slardar will cause Fatal Error in some old Warcraft client. Other 4 bugs also got fixed as well. Check out the full changelogs and download link below:

DotA 6.79b Changelogs
* Fixed a crash on older versions of Warcraft when picking Slardar
* Fixed some performance problems when Bloodseeker was in the game
* Fixed Vampiric Aura and Linken's Sphere sometimes spawning runes on the ground
* Fixed Radiance not working on illusions
* Fixed selling items after a buyback not giving back gold

Dota 6.79b Download Link
Dota 6.79b Download - GameWebz Mirror

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Wow, thanks for the update IceFrog! Let's hope there won't be another bug in this version. Enjoy the DotA 6.79b guys!

Update: DotA 6.79c is released!

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  1. Replies
    1. no.. its a slow update. normally it's only took 6 hours- 1 day for fixing bugs. But this release need 2 days, maybe because there is so many bugs.

    2. No,its a fast one. Maybe you're too much of an idiot,to get a life,or have one. You need to give the developers time since they are not god to even fix a solution quickly as needed or as expected by fat turds like you.

  2. no one recommend for slark ulti remake??

    1. True! Gem of truesight wont work when slark use his ulti..pls fix.. T_T

    2. lol retard, slark ulti is perfect already.

    3. Thats is not bug Zzzz

    4. Gem won't work when slark uses death pact in ulti for a few seconds thats all

    5. Concerned Dota PlayerDecember 2, 2013 at 12:33 PM

      I'm actually o.k with the current slark ulti... It may be a pain for a few seconds but his cd is mega high. The passive regen is irritating but his hp is quite less so not bad I guess.

    6. I think slark's ulti is better go back to the previous version.That most better to me... and i guess the lothar's cooldown so long, why not be reduced a little?like 22 seconds?

    7. whats the use of gem if u will remake the ulti of slark that the gem wont work if slark use its ulti.?common sense please.!!!!!!!!do u know the meaning of gem?LOL.

  3. this update is garbage lothar cd is garbage.. gold increase is mega garbage even the biggest newb can farm big items. its an overall garbage update you should have just left it how it was before stop trying to make it like LoL too easy.

    1. wanna play with indonesian people?

    2. We play with monkey first. If we lose..arggghh!!

    3. You are garbage this balances and updates are awesome the only bad thing is earth spirit being so OP but to be OP you have to know how to use it witch not everyone can

  4. no matter what and how much remake is going to be made,it still tough and hard game if you play it with the expert and pro player...

    1. Concerned Dota PlayerDecember 2, 2013 at 12:38 PM

      Yes I agree with you... but i lked the previous version better(not hero changes but the gameplay changes). The hero changes were nice cause other less seen competitive heroes can make a comeback..

  5. Let's play on garena. My id is reki_sniper213. If u are coward,,,,just say it dumbass..hahaha

    1. Concerned Dota PlayerDecember 2, 2013 at 12:35 PM

      Hi I have a friend on Garena named Hulk_36... He is a pub standard player and I would like it very much if you can help him.. I can't play garena anymore and I have no one to train him.. Pls because he is a good player. Just say Chaos asked you to play with him. I would appreciate it very much.


  7. Concerned dota PlayerDecember 2, 2013 at 12:27 PM

    I don't know... the gold upgrade is too much.. now I can farm faster then before.. the jungle creeps now give less exp and creep pull site was changed so i dont see any rewards for pulling creeps or going nc. I bet in competitive scene they're going to sk back so for that i salute ice frog. He is a genius but the game is becoming easier... It won't be long before it becomes like HoN or LoL.. Maybe Valve is disturbing with Ice Frog's Mojo? If someone can pls explain to me why this updates are so good pls do.. Now I can't use bottle crow for 3 minutes. That hurts a lot.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. there is some bug, when switch players, they can reveal to opponent players like hack,
    and also when take the quest by hero he is also reveal to opponent, he is visible,
    fix this bug

  10. hey slark's ulti cant be revealed by gem !! just like in dota 2!!!

  11. P.S he is unable to be attacked even from towers!!

  12. Fuck you all ..I.. XD
