Dota 6.77b Map - Official DotA 6.77b Map & Changelogs (Released!) - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.77b Map - Official DotA 6.77b Map & Changelogs (Released!)

DotA 6.77b Download - Official Dota 6.77b Map. IceFrog has just released DotA 6.77b today to fixed some bugs in the DotA 6.77. He also remove the Christmas themed elements as well. Check out the changelogs and the download link below!

Dota 6.77b Changelogs
* Removed Christmas themed elements
* Fixed a death streak bounty bug
* Fixed Fire Spirits instantly kililng Forged Spirits
* Fixed Brilliance Aura's self effect on Crystal Maiden not working properly
* Fixed some tooltips

Dota 6.77b Download Link
Dota 6.77b Download - GameWebz Mirror

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Well, never expected that there will be another bug in previous map. Let's just hope that DotA 6.77b will be the latest revision before going to DotA 6.78. Enjoy the map guys!

Update: DotA 6.77c is released!

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  1. Blood blood blood!!!

  2. Suggestion for troll for the next map !!
    STR 17+2.4
    AGI 25+3
    INT 15+1
    Berseker Rage bonus damage increase from 15 to 20
    Whirling axe damage increase
    lvl 1 125 damage, 60%miss, last 5s
    lvl 2 175 damage, 60%miss, last 6s
    lvl 3 225 damage, 60%miss, last 7s
    lvl 4 300 damage, 60%miss, last 8s
    Fervor add bonus damage
    lvl 1 40 AS, +20 bonus damage
    lvl 2 60 AS, +30 bonus damage
    lvl 3 80 AS, +40 bonus damage
    lvl 4 100As, +50 bonus damage
    That is my suggestion for improving troll

    1. You a noob? Troll is way to good to improve even more they should make him weaker and traxe too

    2. I'm noob? of course not, i'm a pros player.. then why would i give advice like that? because troll is still lose fighting 1 vs 1 in the late game with traxex and mortred. Okay maybe remove the fervor's bonus damage, but whirling axe and berseker rage bonus damage to be improve i think it's a good one..

    3. If you lose a 1 vs 1 against them then you dont knoe how to build a good troll or you let those heores to build in line either way troll is imba the way it is

    4. @anonymous, pro player wont tell they are pro. i think, ur not 1 of them..

    5. RIGHT NOOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @ano...

    6. so you will always pick troll warlord right :D ??

    7. @first anonymous..

      dont fuck your shit here. you're a noob. play farmville and not dota. btw if you dont win 1v1 with troll, fuck your "pro" rank. \m/

    8. noob of the year \(")/

    9. @first ano...

      i suggest you to play Zuma.

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  4. EVERYDAY IM PITLORDING(part rock) hahahha

  5. dota blog idol! because of dota blog my map is in update the latest map is in me!and im so happy because i play with arc warden that i've wish only few weeks!
    the best game for me is dota from grade 1 to 1st year!

  6. i wish in 6.78 AI map is have new heroes and new items and new powers of skills!

    6.78 AI map i wait you!!!

  7. Keep on working, great job!
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  8. give back barathrum -Empowering Haste damage increase

    beacsue bara hv nothing now in late or early game, he does not hv much strength as campare to other strength heroes, attack damage , attack speed so at least give him some thing

    1. Barathrum`s empowering haste give him way too much dmg in early game with just a refresh boot he has like 60+dmg compare to other heroes and he does get dmg when the passive bash works

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  11. guys lets play dota on GARENA :D i'll be waiting for you TEAM SAN CARLOS :D

  12. OOOH new map

  13. suggestion:
    make shadow slayer
    -dark slash(active)
    -shadow fade(active)
    -dark impulse(passive)
    -unholy judgement

  14. make new hero:
    sacred guardian
    holy slash (active)
    blinding dash (active)
    unwavering faith (passive)
    heaven's wrath

  15. Can u make traxex stronger.............. and its silence make 7, 8, 9, 10

  16. expecting sniper son, new hero in next map... ptrrrrrrrrr

  17. сука когда уже 6.77c выйдет?!заебало ждать

  18. If you dont win 1v1 with troll, fuck your "pro" rank.
