DotA 6.77b AI 1.4 Map (Official by PBMN)

Dota 6.77b AI Plus - Dota-Allstars 6.77b AI Plus Map Download. Finally.. After several months, PBMN released the official AI map for the DotA 6.77b. Many changes and improvement included in this map, like the AI Owned private Courier system. You can check the full changelogs and the download link below!
Download Link
DotA 6.77b AI v1.4 Download Link
DotA 6.77b AI 1.4 via GameWebZ
DotA 6.77b AI v1.4 Changelogs
Yeah! Now we can train our skills in the latest DotA map with the more advanced AI players. I know lot of players waiting for this map, so don't forget to share this news with your friends! And don't forget saying thanks to PBMN! Enjoy the brand new map guys! :)
Download Link
DotA 6.77b AI v1.4 Download Link
DotA 6.77b AI 1.4 via GameWebZ
DotA 6.77b AI v1.4 Changelogs
Yeah! Now we can train our skills in the latest DotA map with the more advanced AI players. I know lot of players waiting for this map, so don't forget to share this news with your friends! And don't forget saying thanks to PBMN! Enjoy the brand new map guys! :)
i cant wait no longer.....
ReplyDeletemake it fast woo :)
ReplyDeleteplease make the ai stronger and smarter
ReplyDeleteto make it more challenging :)
your right man like the ai in 72f ai nightmare, they are very challenging.
DeleteIt depends on what you type like -apxmnn
no matter what you type, the ai is still weak
Deleteyou are the one that is stupid!!
the 6.77ai it's very easy, only invoker knows how to play!
DeleteI feel the 6.74c 1.3b AI is smarter than other ones
DeleteI feel the 6.74c 1.3b AI í smarter than other ones
DeleteThe AI's take useless tower hits showing too much noobness no matter what the mode its.
Deleteyap, i agree with you all, may I comment? I think you're right only invoker know how to play but also Sand King too.. they both the smartest AI hahaha
DeleteWanna more challenge?
DeleteJust Play with another player. Don't play with AI.. -_-
..No typing try Normal Mode .. To see How challenging what you Lvl 3 them lvl 7 ..with sickness in denying...
DeleteAI nya terlalu stupid untuk ngekill 1 hero lawan meski udh beramai, sibuk denied creep, sama terjadi waktu tower lawan sudah tinggal sedikit, selalu sibuk dengan denied creeps..cckckk
Deleteente maen ai easy???
bner, insane tp ttp malah sibuk denied creep atau hajar creep
Deletemake it strong the ai plz like traping the enemy fast support allied and go another way to kill the noobs like me yeah...
Deletemap yg 6.77ai ini cacad pada hero tiny and azgalor,, skillx ilang coba aja,
Deleteanon atas ane..
Deletebener tuh.. bukan tiny ma azgalor aja..banyak yang lainnx, venge ma lion juga suka ngilang skillx.. skill 1 / 2
this is the officia ai maps ???
ReplyDeleteplease make the ai strong like at dota2
ReplyDeleteyup i agree about that...
Deletedota ai map 6.77 1.1.8 download link;
ReplyDeleteplease fix allied ai stupidity and bravery. did not have any cooperation at all except 5 or 6 heroes.
ReplyDeleteyeah thats right dude, hope you fix it cause its really frustrating
Deletebakit binalik ang second skill ni terror blade na conjure image, sa 6.74 yung second skill nya ay Zeal
ReplyDeleteplease up this new ai maps...ASAP
ReplyDeletechangelog please..
ReplyDeleteHello. fantastic job. I did not expect
ReplyDeletethis. This is a splendid story. Thanks!
Visit my web page :
Good dota blog!
ReplyDeletehffff. finally...
ReplyDeletei've been waiting for hundreds years...
still have bug.. storm spirit level 2 skill disappear whn casting.. after level 4.. and ai after reach level 6 only play mid lane.. wth
ReplyDeleterubick n bat also... their skill disappear after ulti.. rubick lost telekinesis while bat lost ulti and flamebreak...
Deletetiny and azgalor too,,you right bro... many bug here6.7 1.4 AI
DeleteMy ai enemy is centaur and i play kardel. Already had my devine and had my third normal attack on the ai. Then suddenly... it used dagger in front me. Wtf! Dagger couldn't be used during my attacks. Please modify... ty
Deleteskeleton king also has bug his hellfire blast dissappear
ReplyDeleteit is true that ai in this map looks like easy???????
ReplyDeletei already play it
great nice map, thanks
ReplyDeleteThanks for the map... keep posting browww
ReplyDeleteSo demanding players . AI are for testing item builds or combo only . Not practicing . Try playing with players instead.
ReplyDeletesome of the skills are missing out when I'm playing on any hero!! Is there any solutions to it??
ReplyDeleteBug bug bug...after 30 min your 1st spell will disappear...played with rough knight then boom no stun..:D this sucks...AI sucks..
ReplyDeleteI had the same situation with you!! Not confirm 1st spell, I even had ulti spell missing ><
Deletei was playing with skeleton king and his hellfire blast disappear
ReplyDeleteugh bug, rigwal can't nasal goo to enemy hero & lost skill for rasta , fix it !
ReplyDeletebug bug oh bug
Deletemissing rasta spell :lol
Deletemy invoker cast spell automatically
ReplyDeletehey.. i want to share a little .. when i play 1 on 1 on ai. the ai character wont face me in the battle .in this new maps 6.77b ai doomsday. so i play to old 6.77ai. this is a bug or not//
ReplyDeleteJoin and like our Garena CLan guys!! here
ReplyDeleteAI have and exp...WTF!!
ReplyDeletePls make a new version AI with more random hero >.<
ReplyDeleteSlark skill shadow dance from lv 11 , 16 no longer passive skill , active only ... fix this pls.
ReplyDeleteWTF is this AI. so very noob AIs. The AIs don't know how to gank and they take hits hits like crazy walking back and forth when hit. AI's too brave that they end up dying.Also on one vs one, AI don't show up and fight on the lane that's y the AI ends up outleveled.Pls improve the AI.
ReplyDeleteWell, no offense. But you should be glad that he still want to make an AI for you to TEST new hero, new item, or your new build for a hero. If you really want to play a strong one, just play battlenet. Play another player. Simple right?^^
DeleteAI are indeed much better. You can't expect them to react like humans do. Just try adding dedg into your mode and see how that is. Now that's much more interesting.
ReplyDeleteAs for the missing skill, it has happened to me too. Venge's magic missle dissapeared twice in a row. Might have been tied to the 30min time thing. Not sure. Switched to my courier, bought something, switched back, skill gone.
i think this map didnt fix... too many bug! please make a perfect one
ReplyDeleteis better u play with another player,, if u want smart allied or enemy its simple
so many bug here,,,, almost 1st skill of each hero is disappear..... but thanks for the map....
ReplyDeleteQuick ......6.78 AI Map.
ReplyDeletetoo many bug here,almost each hero lost one of their skill.. please fix it
ReplyDeleteNerubian assasin impale skill disappear
Deletehow to bring up new hero in this map ?
ReplyDeleteBugs, Bugs and Bugs tis map, my Bane Elemental 1st pwr, 3rd pwr, & ult disappear after 15mins. This OFFICIAL maps has so many r noobs in OFFICIAL maps..
ReplyDeleteso many complains about bug so got to wait another updated AI map.
ReplyDeleteplease fux all bug^^
ReplyDeletenoob map. bristleback cant throw 1st skill on hero but can on creep. and sometimes one of your hero skill are missing especially witch docter.
ReplyDeletethe 6.78 map looks like dota 2 ?? why??
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePlease fix the bugs for skill.. I have encounter the skill bugs for lina and kunkka.. The skill dissapear after 15 minutes..
ReplyDeleteWhen playing solo the AI does not show up in your lane, if you TP to another lane then that AI character runs back and doesn't participate in the lane.
ReplyDeleteAlso, when you play Gyro, once you cast your stun on a hero, they start running back immediately. This happens even when you cast in the fog and the missile isn't even visible to the AI yet.
Please make ai pro like aaa man...!!! wanna new hero maa
ReplyDeleteTsk tsk... this is a map made from failure... this map is ment for noobs... the ai are freakin easy... but if you make them as your ally.. its freakin hard cause their so food... damn... couldnt you make an ai map properly? my grandma could do it better than you do...
ReplyDeletecome on guys we have to wait for a better ai map
ReplyDeletedont comlain because its hard for the ai team to make ai
ReplyDeleteand it isnt easy to make ai you know.
WTF……Ai will cast ur spell automatically when gang-ing……
ReplyDeleteGood dota blog. noob map. bristleback cant throw 1st skill on hero but can on creep. and sometimes one of your hero skill are missing especially witch docter.
ReplyDeleteHave you all think you already take something that might be meaningful to you and you never think to thank for it . PBMN tried so far to make the ai map better, and only less of 20% of people say a thanks?
ReplyDeletethanks to share dude
ReplyDeleteGood site and very thanks for the map
ReplyDeletesekenan cuk, cacad ai nya
ReplyDeleteseems have many bug here.. today i was using bane elemental when it reach lv 7 booom.. ulti skill and third skill disappear lol
ReplyDeleteHey there was an update to this map it is available ib pbmn blog or download it here Dota 6.77c ai 1.4b Thank you friends.
ReplyDeletehey friends Dota 6.77c 1.4b ai map now was relased. update your ai maps. available in PBMN blog. or Downlkoad it here by mediafire
ReplyDeletewhy would i say thanks?
ReplyDeletegwapo si brian
ReplyDeleteearthshaker suddenly stun..witch doctor level 1 suddenly missing..
ReplyDeletehow can I download I don't the Download button