Dota 6.76c Changelogs | Dota-Allstars 6.76c Complete Changelogs - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.76c Changelogs | Dota-Allstars 6.76c Complete Changelogs

Dota 6.76c Changelogs - Dota-Allstars 6.76c Complete Changelogs. This post provide you with the complete changelogs of DotA 6.76c. If you still don't have the map, you can get it here :)

Dota 6.76c Changelogs
* Stampede cooldown increased from 65 to 120/90/60
* Stampede duration rescaled from 3/4/5 to 3.75
* Stampede damage slightly reworked from 100/150/200 + 2x str to 0 + 1/2/3x str (no base damage)
* Stampede mancost increased from 50 to 80
* Stampede AoE reduced from 120 to 105
* Drow's base armor decreased by 2
* Marksmanship focus AoE increased from 375 to 400
* Last Word manacost from 100 to 115
* Living Armor cooldown and duration decreased from from 20 to 15
* Living Armor manacost decreased 30/35/40/45 to 25

* Fixed an exploit with Enfeeble allowing it to be perma stuck on the enemy in some situations
* Fixed some lag when Centaur initially casts Stampede
* Centaur restricted from Captain's Mode
* Fixed a couple of bugs with -TagTeam mode
* Fixed Force Staff shop hotkey
* Fixed various tooltips

Nice changes Ice! I hope with this tweak we'll have a balanced map :)

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  1. the last word needs more fixed than just manacost. i prefer either reduce the damage or debuff duration at the end of it....

  2. lastword and sniper still need to be nerf'd,
    nice seeing centaur nerf, no more overpowered early games.

    1. they ok la now.....they too nerfd before..:)

  3. Centaur strongly nerfed . Now he cant do shit

  4. Why u need to decrease Drow's base armor by 2? Drow is an agility hero. So, for balance no need to decrease.

  5. that ok what.. u dog

  6. last word is too frickin powerfull..other changes are awesum but..XD

  7. too nerfed. centaur need the nerf but not that much i think
