Dota 6.76 Map - Official DotA 6.76 Map & Changelogs (Released!) - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.76 Map - Official DotA 6.76 Map & Changelogs (Released!)

DotA 6.76 Download - Official Dota 6.76 Map. Wow, i never thought the new map will be coming out really soon, but here you are, DotA 6.76! Phoenix's skill has changed once more as well as some other heroes like Centaur who got new skill or Drow Ranger with new aura mechanism. And also, we got a new game mode,  -TagTeam (-tt)! Check out the complete changelogs and download links below!

Dota 6.76 Changelogs
DotA 6.76 Changelogs

Dota 6.76 Download Link
Dota 6.76 Download - GameWebZ Mirror

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Wow! Thanks Ice for the new map! Let's give it a try guys, and don't forget to tell your thought in the comment section!

Update: DotA 6.76b is released!

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  1. Please, rework bara as he was before... His aura not giving dmg, wtf...
    Some hero with the marines skin of starcraft could be nice also

  2. Tidehunter 2ndskill "Karaken shell" please rework that! Its sucks for vanguard,stout shield,poor man shield,

  3. Rampage!!! life to the shit

  4. make a hero has a model of the mortar team...
    "Human Techies"

  5. pls make mediafire link plss..

  6. so whats the new? fuckshit it only makes us download but no new..

  7. Icefrog you really made the map worst you should make phonix like he was and make bara 3rd skill give damage but lower it dont make it so imba and make the force stuf like it waas and why reducing the boots speed the game will be so slow motion pls rework all this :)

  8. oh dear Icefrog,
    the one and only,
    the developer of the best game
    Icefrog, please dont failed us..

  9. next time if the new map is released please make sure that its ai version will also be released asap...

  10. u guys be patient .... ok icefrog is makig the map 4 free so just wait but i have 2 agree with u guys ... waiting SUCKS!!!

  11. boto niu mga weak man japun
