Phoenix and Pit Lord Remake on the DotA 6.74? - DotA-Blog

Phoenix and Pit Lord Remake on the DotA 6.74?

After several weeks without any news regarding the DotA 6.74, today we are surprised with 2 new sticky threads on the PlayDotA forums. Those thread are named Phoenix and Pit Lord. IceFrog starts the thread with "Discuss what you like and dislike about the hero".

This could be an indication that there will be some remake for those heroes on the next DotA version. So, let IceFrog know what do you think of those heroes. You can go to this thread for the Phoenix feedback and this thread for the Pit Lord feedback.  Personally, i think that the Phoenix's Sun Rays is quite difficult to use for most player and Pit Lord's ulti maybe need some tweak because i rarely saw it used properly. But that's just me, what about you guys? 

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  1. Please change their 3 skills & put 1 buff,

  2. ah..

    second blood!!

  3. Pitlord is weak!!! He needs a remake on his spells...too vulnerable 

  4. Just change the ulti of Pitlord.... Change it to a godlike spell.... :D

  5. @f638cc2d61f2712e16edaf34a60da842 Pitlord is Weak ???WTF !!imba pusher..dumbass..

  6. Pitlord is not weak dude... he is balance a i agree with Roh_hendz.. he is imba pusher and good at team gank and fights....

  7. the only problem with pitlord is his ulti.. it may need a tweak or something and the like... ^^

    Phoenix's sun rays aren't that hard to control, it's just the movement of the desired target that makes it hard (my opinion, hahaha)..
    it's just the second skill that may need a change.. ^^

    That's all

  8. Ice Frog better change pit lord ulti.... because big hero need big ulti that makes ur opponent run like hell... take example like tide hunter,treant protecter,Ancient Aspiration... their ulti hurts but not pit lord, it just teleport him and make look like a big fat purple pussy... atleast give him an ulti that damages ur opponent or debuff, slow,stun or what ever icefrog gotta offer. CHANGE THE PURPLE PUSSY ULTI!!!! into a cock so i can fuck my opponent like hell... about pheonix?? dont bother changing his skills... cheers!!! =)

  9. satan do something really great to enjoy your life here on earth..hahahha so long satan!!

  10. PitLord!.. LEt it Burn LIke HeLL!!

  11. please add sephirot as one of the heroes.....i love sephirot .,... i want to have him in all the games i have......REUNION

  12. A PITLORD should have some scary traits related to his PIT and not just trapping opponents. His ulti is not good. Other than that, the skills are just fine although I think they can be improved for late games.

  13. pit lord nice hero...i love him when i get soul ring, then push tower,burn enemy especially at earlier game....

  14. I think pit lord ulti its ok because give you a chance to escape with your partners. Pit lord have to change his first power. phoenix its all ok.

  15. PITLORD'S ULTI is cool, makes your team show up on the battle field like power rangers

  16. Pit lord's ulti is fine but considering his other skills i'm gonna hav to say it doesn't really him him specifically, as a support skill it's quite useful but if he's soloing he can't use it except to run away and that makes him a bit underpowered when facing 2 enemies and all he can do is rely on dead creeps or hold enemies in place for minor damage from his rain of fire, a remake perhaps is in order, as for pheonix i see no reason for a remake his skills are original balanced and fit the pheonix quite perfectly i wouldn't change anything in him except maybe for mana/health costs a slight bit.

  17. hahaha...nice ulti for both hero...but dont mind if u change their ulti..hehhe  :P  ... phoenix need improvement on his ulti cause when on ulti cont this hero cant survive.. :P  hahaha

  18. Pitlord must have skill which can useful on late about a percentages damage?

  19. SebastianMichaelisMarch 3, 2012 at 3:19 PM

    phoenix Ulti became so useless in late gAme and laser so hard to use too

  20. pitlord is a support and assist hero.... theres no need to have such powerful ulti get it?


  21. just tell us u cant play this hero... dumbass.. ,,/,, 

    character are weak if u dont know how to use it...
    some character dominate in last game.. "Bara, Mort, Merc"some character is a early gamer.. "lion, lina, slark"
    some hero are support assist and wat so ever... U should knw that because ur a DOTA player improve urself...DMA...

  22. Dude The name is PIT LORD for crying out loud... and a Pit Lord is something u don't wanna mess with. Y not make his skill leave up to his reputation or name?? rather then disappointing the player with his ridiculousness ulti. 

  23. I was wondering why pitlord is a support hero. The name is pitlord after all, so he should be something to fear, Maybe give his ulti to sum1 else? like the Gnoll character that used to be the model of Eredar the shadow demon.

  24. just combine all the first three skills as a ulti .and change the first three w/ aura,stun and damage type of skill,thats all

  25. they are both rare to see in combat
    and i  see pitlord always running
    phonix is fine.

  26. true, atleast it should be an AOE disable or someshit. his support skills not even that strong. especially since his fire thing became channelling... his almost useless

  27. add damage to pit lord ulti... like when he appearing in frnt of the enemy... the earth will burn and stun enemy for 1sec and damage 20% life XD

  28. just remove channelling from pit lord?and do something about supernova its so vulnerable.

  29. just help necrolyte pls useless 3 skills.change heartstoper aura skill with something else?or the other passive skill pls thre is no way it can help team or fight against enemy heroes with these skills just ulti is not enough...

  30. give dammage to pit lord ultimate :)

  31. hOW about amun-ra in HON for pitlord's skills??

  32. Please this is a dotablog NO HON. HON is a complete shit a copy.

  33. Phoenix is a good hero...dont ned to change nothing..but pit ulti should be changed

  34. +pit lord+
    1.remove channelling.2.give aoe damage to ulti.+phoenix+1.more sensitive sunray.
    2.make ulti can be stopped.

    i think choose one for each hero?

  35. pitlord third spell remove plz (no use)

  36. Pheonix excellent hero, doesn't need any changes. Pit lord is also an exceptional lane pusher and support if you play him correctly. I do agree however on changing his ulti. Prophet can teleport to any place on map so why not make pitlords ulti do the same (its an ulti so it can be stronger in this regard). Also I would make the ulti stun for 1sec on arrival (+0.5 for every hero in a 600 range of target teleport location) and do 100 damage(+50 for every hero in a 600 range of target teleport location). The pit animation can be used for teleport arrival. Then on arrival he can activate exploding corpse. The ulti's damage suggestion is on level 3 it can be nerved. Also when he teleports heroes with him they are disarmed for the same duration as the enemies in the vicinity. (They can use the time to get into place and plan ahead). He is the pit lord and must be feared as such.

    1. They are disarmed for the same duration as the enemies are stunned so they can use the time to maneuver into position. The 3rd spell can be changed into a passive aura that gives friendly heroes 2% attack damage and attack speed(blood frenzy) for every dead corpses in the vicinity.

    2. Sorry my bad I was referring to the 2nd spell being remade is its been incorporated with the ulti.

  37. Dont limit pitlord ulti to units and buildings make it like furion, team teleport to any revealed area on map or just cut out the casting time to 1 sec or none. As for phoenix if sunray could be used in supernova even with a limited radius would do better.

  38. I was thinking mabey pits ulti could do some damage upon arival, or stun, slow , silence, heal do something. It already has a 130 cool down

  39. That is false explosion is his greatest power, And you can stack it so 2 are active. 2 active explosions = 160 damage/sec and 80hp heal/ per sec. Can be very powerfull early and late game

  40. Pit Lords only real strong in a lane with corpses, his greatest weakness, perhaps if he could carry aditional corpses team fights would go better. Also His ulti should do damage upon arival/stun/silecne/ something even if its not that powerfull ceirtanly would make people more feearfull of him. 

  41. How about if it could damage upon arival, or stun, or silence, or anything would make him truly feared

  42. That would make people very scared of his ultin, rather then using it for mostly escapes

  43. .Pitlord must have a passive skill atleast like vengful spirit ..... And then after completing sange yasha and basher he will fuck like anything...... Give him a stun atleast....

  44. please take the sun ray(3rd power) of pheonix out it sucks.
    instead of that put new one like the venomanser's poison sting put fire sting for pheonix

  45. Firespirits and Supernova need a change.
    Seriously, despite being an ultimate, Supernova is the ONLY SKILL IN THE GAME that makes you more (=very) easy to kill. And it isn't worth it. Reincarnation is useless when you have full HP, so the skill is wasted for initiation. In fact, half of the effects is always wasted. It's a high risk low profit skill.

  46. phoenix's sun ray is a really powerful spell if used properly, it can kill many enemy heroes consecutively and the ray also lessens the chances of enemies from escaping.

  47. sun ray hurts in early game,

  48. hello, i think that phoenix is way to strong there is no way you can kill the egg if he dives into you.. it needs 11 hits on lvl 16 and disables 5/4 heroes ( if done good not so hard ) with dive for 2 seconds just to strong to me and the ray is way to strong its a great escaping maganism over gaps and fire fly does healing and damadge this hero got it all please make him less strong its just to strong.. in my opinion and pit y the ult maby with slow so people understand how to use it.

  49. I think Icarus Dive is good, because it can steel the first blood and you can use it for run away. Sun Ray is not difficult like you thought, with more practicing, you can handle it while you move. So I think it's not necessary to change Phoenix's skills at all

  50. Phoenix is great if you know how to play him! skill based and FUN! DO NOT CHANGE HIM!

  51. Maybe IceFrog is making change to Pit Lord and Phoenix to make them available on Captain's Mode??? Since those only are the only auto-bans on that mode.
