Dota 6.74 Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.74 (Released!) - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.74 Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.74 (Released!)

Dota 6.74 Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.74 Download & Changelogs. Finally the map is out! And as IceFrog hints before, this map contains a lot of skill balances. Other than that, we got a skill remake on the Nerubian Assassin and Aghanim upgrade on Ogre Magi.

Dota 6.74 Changelogs
DotA 6.74 Changelogs

Dota 6.74 Download Link
Dota 6.74 Download - GameWebZ Mirror
Dota 6.74 Download - GetDota Mirror

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Enjoy the new map and don't forget to share your thought on the comment section! :)

Update: DotA 6.74b is released!

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  1. gua harep map ini bisa lebih bagus. i hope 6.74 greater than 6.73 with new item or new skill of hero.

  2. tambah hero agility aja gan. eh gak usah tambah hero duu ding. nambah hero tuh satu satu aja.

    " just improve a new map with no bugs "
    thanks :)

  3. Try getting a new hero::

              Steel Go'xin
    to copy corresponding skill of enemies.
    can also copy ulti
    time limit of skill remaining 120sec
    mana cost 250
    cannot copy passive skills
    agility player.

    Plzz try it if u can it will be an imba hero

  4. next hero please (kodo) (gryph rider) (earth panda) (wyrm) (hydra) (kraken) (orc raider) (wivern) (gaorgul) there rly many heroes so create one of them 

  5. i thin the new hero is wendigo or elder jungle staker,wyvern,etc

  6. what about hero who can merge with ancient neutral creep..
    i think they have no benefit...
    just like doom skill who can take skill from neutral creep but new hero should be full take over rather than just take their skill....

  7. a female hero plsss :))

  8. i agree ^^ that can make all male hero horney ^^

  9. were is  the 6.74 map

  10. John Emanuel M. AlamaresJanuary 1, 2012 at 3:45 PM

    uhm..i suggest make one new hero hero on 6.74 ^^ can u make
    a new cool agility hero? Dark Assassin (Shin)
    Skills :
    Level 1 :  Inner Assassin(Passive) Increases movement speed and
    attack speed. MS 7% to % and AS 20% to 50

    Level 2: Slash : Slashes an enemy hero with a sword dealing pure damage from 90 to 320.

    Level 3 : Wind Walk : Shin uses a Dark Magic to make himself Invincible for 10 to 40 seconds (1.5 FadeTime at all levels)

    Ultimate (Sword Rain): Shin summons a huge wave of swords falling down from the sky at the selected area (575 AOE) dealing pure damage from 90 to 225 each sword.

    Agility: 24
    Strength: 21

    I Hope this suggestion helps you.. Thanks ^^ and i hope i will see this hero in 6.74..

  11. hei im from indonesian..

    who knows how to play dota together?

    1. Please translate to english.

      dyorang buat id bnet yang gratisan , contohnya idgs free, terus setting timezone nya 7, terus pasang ip idgs free.

      Cuma ide. Cmiiw

  12. I think something that resembles an assassin is a good new hero for 74. :DD

    Name: Stalker 
           Level 1 Stalker
    (The name on the level bar and the name on the top of the level bar is same.)
    Model: Something that is dark.
    Attack speed: Same as Ember Spirit
    Move speed: 320
    Primary stats: Agility

    1.Tracking Seal - active
    The Stalker puts a Tracking Seal on the targeted area. Those in the Area of Effect will be tracked by the seal. This will give Stalker the ability to track the movements of the affect outside his line of sight.
    Level 1 - 15 seconds
    Level 2 - 20 seconds
    Level 3 - 25 seconds
    Level 4 - 30 seconds
    Tracking time will not stack
    CD - 40/35/30/25  Manacost - 75/100/125/150

    2.Armor Destroyer - passive
    The Stalker sharpens his blades on the flesh of his enemies and will make him stronger. Each kill will sharpen the blades and each hit destroys the armor of the enemy.
    Level 1 - plus 6 damage per kill, -1 armor
    Level 2 - plus 9 damage per kill, -2 armor
    Level 3 - plus 12 damage per kill, -2.5 armor
    Level 4 - plus 15 damage per kill, -2.5 armor
    Corruption will not stack
    No limit on plus damage
    Buff placers do not stack

    3.Flash Attack - active
    The Stalker buffs the target to track the enemy down. The enemy will be slowed and can be seen even invisible. Stalker can ambush the enemy. An ambush lasts 3 seconds nearby allies get 30 gold if Stalker kills the enemy
    Level 1 - Lasts 15 seconds, 20% slow
    Level 2 - Lasts 20 seconds, 20% slow
    Level 3 - Lasts 25 seconds, 20% slow
    Level 4 - Lasts 30 seconds, 20% slow

    3a.Ambush - active
    Needs flash attack buff
    blinks on target and attack for 3 seconds
    plus 75 attack speed

    4.Silent End - active
    The Stalker ends the enemy's existence in the battlefield. Stalker prepares for his ultimate attack and attacks at high speed. Damage is lowered but attacks are very fast and dangerous. Lasts 12 seconds
    Level 1 - minus 35/30/25 damage, +150 Attack speed, 3 seconds
    minimum preparation time, 5 seconds maximum.
    Level 2 - minus 60 damage, +200 Attack speed, 4 seconds minimum preparation time, 6 seconds maximum
    Level 3 - minus 95 damage, +250 Attack speed, 5 seconds minimum preparation time, 7 seconds maximum
    Level 4 (Aghanim's upgrade) - minus 95 damage, +250 Attack speed, 10% chance bash, 5 seconds minimum preparation time, 7 seconds maximum
    Aghanims upgrade - Invisible when Preparing and Stun chance.

  13. CD is - 200/180/160
    Manacost is - 150/300/450
    Also when attack the enemy, it will damage it depending on the preparation time. 
    3 seconds - 30 landing damage
    4 seconds - 40 landing damage
    5 seconds - 50 landing damage
    6 seconds - 60 landing damage
    7 seconds - 70 landing damage

    also there's a button when preparing
    4a.Charge attack
    Now The Stalker is ready to land the attack. he will now jump and stun the enemy by 1 second.
    Available only in 3 to 7 seconds

  14. And please post to other DotA pages of you like it!
    :DDDD Hoping to see this hero on 74!

  15. I think something that resembles an assassin is a good new hero for 74. :DDName: Stalker ---------------------------       Level 1 Stalker---------------------------(The name on the level bar and the name on the top of the level bar is same.)Model: Something that is dark.Attack speed: Same as Ember SpiritMove speed: 320Primary stats: AgilitySkills:1.Tracking Seal - activeThe Stalker puts a Tracking Seal on the targeted area. Those in the Area of Effect will be tracked by the seal. This will give Stalker the ability to track the movements of the affect outside his line of sight.Level 1 - 15 secondsLevel 2 - 20 secondsLevel 3 - 25 secondsLevel 4 - 30 secondsTracking time will not stackCD - 40/35/30/25  Manacost - 75/100/125/1502.Armor Destroyer - passiveThe Stalker sharpens his blades on the flesh of his enemies and will make him stronger. Each kill will sharpen the blades and each hit destroys the armor of the enemy.Level 1 - plus 6 damage per kill, -1 armorLevel 2 - plus 9 damage per kill, -2 armorLevel 3 - plus 12 damage per kill, -2.5 armorLevel 4 - plus 15 damage per kill, -2.5 armorCorruption will not stackNo limit on plus damageBuff placers do not stack3.Flash Attack - activeThe Stalker buffs the target to track the enemy down. The enemy will be slowed and can be seen even invisible. Stalker can ambush the enemy. An ambush lasts 3 seconds nearby allies get 30 gold if Stalker kills the enemyLevel 1 - Lasts 15 seconds, 20% slowLevel 2 - Lasts 20 seconds, 20% slowLevel 3 - Lasts 25 seconds, 20% slowLevel 4 - Lasts 30 seconds, 20% slow3a.Ambush - activeNeeds flash attack buffblinks on target and attack for 3 secondsplus 75 attack speed4.Silent End - activeThe Stalker ends the enemy's existence in the battlefield. Stalker prepares for his ultimate attack and attacks at high speed. Damage is lowered but attacks are very fast and dangerous. Lasts 12 secondsLevel 1 - minus 35/30/25 damage, +150 Attack speed, 3 secondsminimum preparation time, 5 seconds maximum.Level 2 - minus 60 damage, +200 Attack speed, 4 seconds minimum preparation time, 6 seconds maximumLevel 3 - minus 95 damage, +250 Attack speed, 5 seconds minimum preparation time, 7 seconds maximumLevel 4 (Aghanim's upgrade) - minus 95 damage, +250 Attack speed, 10% chance bash, 5 seconds minimum preparation time, 7 seconds maximumAghanims upgrade - Invisible when Preparing and Stun chance.LikeReply
    0 minutes ago

    Skanzgg47CD is - 200/180/160Manacost is - 150/300/450Also when attack the enemy, it will damage it depending on the preparation time. 3 seconds - 30 landing damage4 seconds - 40 landing damage5 seconds - 50 landing damage6 seconds - 60 landing damage7 seconds - 70 landing damagealso there's a button when preparing4a.Charge attackNow The Stalker is ready to land the attack. he will now jump and stun the enemy by 1 second.Available only in 3 to 7 secondsLikeReply
    0 minutes agoin reply to Skanzgg47Skanzgg47CollapseAnd please post to other DotA pages of you like it!:DDDD Hoping to see this hero on 74!

  16. download garena plus or garena classic

  17. an agi hero, female please. hehe....
    we already got 4 new male heroes, wheres the female? :D

  18. Nice new map! 

  19. Next Hero PLease Lightning Runner

  20. First hero is like combining gondar and legion commander's ss, imba?

  21. Ok correction, combining gondar, legion commander, and jarakal

  22. can u create this characters in 6.75???

    Jiro ( Element Controller ) - Controls 5 elements of nature : Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning

    Skills :


    Exhales a fire that damage a targeted enemy unit

                                Lv.1 deals 100 damage, 25 extra damage for burn lasts 5 seconds
                                Lv.2 deals 175 damage, 25 extra damage for burn lasts 6 seconds
                                Lv.3 deals 250 damage, 25 extra damage for burn lasts 7 seconds
                                Lv.4 deals 325 damage, 25 extra damage for burn lasts 8 seconds

    Ice Blast 

    Blasts an enemy unit with a combination of Wind and Water

    Lv.1 deals 75 damage, stuns for 1.00 seconds  
                                                                                                               Lv.2 deals 150 damage, stuns for 1.50 seconds

    Lv.3 deals 225 damage, stuns for 2.00 seconds

    Lv.4 deals 300 damage, stuns for 2.50 seconds


    Jiro slams the ground forcefully causing the Earth shake violently

    Lv.1 deals 150 damage, slows for 5 seconds

    Lv.2 deals 200 damage, slows for 5 seconds

    Lv.3 deals 250 damage, slows for 5 seconds

    Lv.4 deals 300 damage, slows for 5 seconds


    Jiro calls the god of nature to grant him a fully charged electric power  that damages a targeted enemy unit

    Lv.1 deals 300 damage, stuns for 2 seconds

    Lv.2 deals 500 damage, stuns for 2 seconds

    Lv.3 deals 700 damage, stuns for 2 seconds

  23. can u create this characters in 6.75???

    Jiro ( Element Controller ) - Controls 5 elements of nature : Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning

    Skills :


    Exhales a fire that damage a targeted enemy unit

                                Lv.1 deals 100 damage, 25 extra damage for burn lasts 5 seconds
                                Lv.2 deals 175 damage, 25 extra damage for burn lasts 6 seconds
                                Lv.3 deals 250 damage, 25 extra damage for burn lasts 7 seconds
                                Lv.4 deals 325 damage, 25 extra damage for burn lasts 8 seconds

    Ice Blast 

    Blasts an enemy unit with a combination of Wind and Water

    Lv.1 deals 75 damage, stuns for 1.00 seconds  
                                                                                                               Lv.2 deals 150 damage, stuns for 1.50 seconds

    Lv.3 deals 225 damage, stuns for 2.00 seconds

    Lv.4 deals 300 damage, stuns for 2.50 seconds


    Jiro slams the ground forcefully causing the Earth shake violently

    Lv.1 deals 150 damage, slows for 5 seconds

    Lv.2 deals 200 damage, slows for 5 seconds

    Lv.3 deals 250 damage, slows for 5 seconds

    Lv.4 deals 300 damage, slows for 5 seconds


    Jiro calls the god of nature to grant him a fully charged electric power  that damages a targeted enemy unit

    Lv.1 deals 300 damage, stuns for 2 seconds

    Lv.2 deals 500 damage, stuns for 2 seconds

    Lv.3 deals 700 damage, stuns for 2 seconds

  24. how about Chen beside can heal allies also can damage to enemies. It is nice to improve Chen the holy knight.

  25. how about an ice wolf???? i bet that would rock dota as it is!

  26. try a new hero with skills , all passive :) 

  27. Thats cool! 

  28. too much stun

    combined with
    too much skill damage
    especially Firebreath

  29. hahahahahhahahahhahahahahha MGA WEAK!!!!!!!!!!

  30. I like your idea i want this hero to be in 6.74

  31. can you up my terrorblade strenght and intelingence..itu aja..please..? 

  32. i like it too .. :))))

  33. can u also create a BOXER hero ? and name it PACMAN !!!! hahaha

  34. Please create this..  change d costume of invoker in dota 6.74 version , color black bec. his costume white  is not appropriate for being a scourge,and also add his movement speed into 300....add new skills :

    *Electro ball  QWQ
    *Shroud Lighting  EWE
    * Rock Blast  WEW
          ...................invoker is very fun to play..................


  35. If Ice Frog release such hero,then it would be the most imba hero in dota!Fucking noob idea that is..Skill damage soo high,such lot of fucking stun,and adds some slow effect skill??!!!Crazy noob o0o

  36. PLZ I WANT FROST  WYRM as A hero in NEXT MAP 6.74 !!!!!

  37. wew.. jiro is too nuke.. 

  38.                 Can you Please make it for Invoker in 6.74 map..

    Please change Invoker's costume into black in color instead of white.

    Add his movement speed into 300.

    Change his skills keyboard shorcut instead of using more keys only use 2 keyboard letters.
        Letter "D" for the first skill combination .
        Letter "F" for the second skill combination.
    Except for :Cold Snap,Ghost Walk,Tornado,Ice Wall,EMP,Forge spirits, Chaos Meteor,Deafining Blast,Sunstrike and Alacrity

    Please Add this Skills if possible:

     *Energy Ball
     Wex Quas Exort-Invoke Energy Ball
     Mana 250
     Summons an energy ball that explodes dealing up to 450 damage to units in a 400 AOE based on  Wex,Quas,Exort level.

     *Shock Wave
     Wex Exort Wex-Invoke Shock Wave
     Mana 150
     Release a ring of shocking energy that summons a bolt of energy on each target in its path and deals 160  damage based on   Wex and removing all buffs in 300 range based on Exort.

     *Water Blast
     Quas Wex Quas -Invoke Water Blast
     Mana 200
     Summons a gigantic wave of water that dealing up to 250 damge based on Quas level and slow 1.5,2.0  seconds slow base on    Wex. 
     *Rock Blast
     Exort Quas Exort - Invoke Rock Blast
     Mana 175
     Hits the ground with a Rock Blast dealing 65 damage per level in Exort and causing 3,5 seconds stun based  on Quas.

     *Lightning Blast
     Exort Wex  Quas- Invoke Lightning Blast
     Mana 350
     Deals up to 650 damage to a target enemy unit, based on Exort .Heals Invoker for up to 400 hit points  based on Quas.Cast    range is based on Wex.


  39. stupid people, posting stupid hero ideas, PLEASE IF YOU ARE SUGGESTING A HERO MAKE SURE ITS FUCKING BALANCED. ZZZ

  40. new hero master of monkey 
    agi hero 
    agi per lvl : 3 str per lvl : 1.8 int per lvl :1.6
    dmg:49 -57

    skill 1:bounce(2charge consume 1 charge each use refresh every 10 sec) mana cost 90 cd is 7
    lvl1leap 200 unit in front of facing direction and deal 20 dmg bonus 
    lvl2leap 210 unit in front of facing direction and deal 30 dmg bonus
    lvl3leap 220 unit in front of facing direction and deal 40 dmg bonus
    lvl4leap 250 unit in front of facing direction and deal 60 dmg bonus

    skill 2:leap over(2charge consume 1 charge each use refresh every 10 sec)mana cost 110 cd is 11
    lvl1leap over a hero and land 500 unit away and the hero pushed b 300 unit and deal 75 dmg
    lvl2leap over a hero and land 500 unit away and the hero pushed b 300 unit and deal 150 dmg
    lvl3leap over a hero and land 500 unit away and the hero pushed b 300 unit and deal 225 dmg
    lvl4leap over a hero and land 500 unit away and the hero pushed b 300 unit and deal 275 dmg

    skill3:rock slam mana cost 90 and cd is 11
    lvl1:slam a rock in front of 200 unit infront of you and stun for 0.8 sec and deal 50 dmg and explode again after 3 sec
    lvl2:slam a rock in front of 200 unit infront of you and stun for 0.9 sec and deal 95 dmg and explode again after 3 sec
    lvl3:slam a rock in front of 200 unit infront of you and stun for 1.0 sec and deal 125 dmg and explode again after 3 sec
    lvl4:slam a rock in front of 200 unit infront of you and stun for 0.8 sec and deal 150 dmg and explode again after 3 sec

    ultimate:flying nimbus passive( will fade whe attacked and resummon after 6 sec)
    lvl1:summon a cloud and give 5% movement speed bonus and reduce all skill cd for 0.5 cloud
    lvl2:summon a cloud and give 7% movement speed bonus and reduce all skill cd for 0.9
    lvl3:summon a cloud and give 10% movement speed bonus and reduce all skill cd for 1.1
    lvl4:summon a cloud and give 16% movement speed bonus and reduce all skill cd for 1.7

  41. BOOBS BITCH KISS MY ASSFebruary 5, 2012 at 5:43 PM

    TOO IMBA need to have lots of int

  42. xin and raijin is existing please update a new hero "panda earth" please..

  43. please up soul kepper strenght..up to 20.+2.0..and zeal change to soul steal..please

  44. hello his sunder is imba and plus with his soul steal  
    enough lah healing if sunder and soul steal is his skill i cant get rampage all the time

  45. What about make a hero using Lich King model XD XD XD
    the Lich King always been disturb at the Frozen Throne, being attacked by the Sentinel while he is cold because of frozen.
    And by executing my suggestion, the Lich King will Rise !!
    (let the Sentinel destroy king-less throne huhu)

    His name is Arthas, the Lich King.
    Primary attributes : definitely Strength
    MS : a little bit slower than average - he carry heavy armor 0_0
    AS : slow too

    1st Skill - active skill
       > The Lich King swing his Frostmourne to launch a deadly frostball.  The ball move to the targeted location & slow down any enemy unit that bypass by the ball. As well as lightly damaging them. When the ball arrive at the targeted location, it will explode and freeze enemy unit nearby as well as damaging them with deadly amount of damage. The ball will also make the tile that bypass by the frostball change to Ice-Tileset temporary.

    2nd Skill - passive skill
    Frozen King
       > The Lich King's armor & weapon has been frozen for long time at the Frozen Throne. And now, the Rise & the Wrath of Lich King grants himself tremendous power of his ownership as King to the Scourge.
    [Frozen King]
    - @ lvl 1
          > When the Lich King move on Icey Ground(ice tileset) his boots grants him bonus MS. (fix ms bonus even lvl up)
    - @ lvl 2
          > The Lich King armor slow down enemy AS who is attacking him (fix AS reduction even lvl up)
    - @ lvl 3
          > Lich King powerful blade of Frostmourne that slow down a unit being attack by it. (ORB EFFECT, only for targeted unit)
    - @ lvl 4
          > Lich King swing his Frostmourne and gives splashing attack to enemy.

    3rd Skill - passive/active skill
       > Anywhere does the Lich King appear, his honour will be salute by his ally minion. Every ally creeps nearby will stop attacking/moving and praise Lich King somehow. Each of the Lich King attributes increase by percentage(according to lvl) & the more the minions nearby, the higher the bonus attributes. The bonus attributes remain until there is no minions nearby. When the Lich King get away from his praising minions, his minions will continue attacking/moving.
    The Lich King can also use this skill to order his praising minions to obey his command.(number of dominated creeps according to lvl,1-4)

    Ultimate Skill - active skill
       > Arthas, the Lich King stab his Frostmourne into the ground while in Rage. Upon his stab, number of super cold icey wave will be blasted from the Frostmourne to surrounding area in large radius. Each wave will slow down enemy unit as well as damaging them gradually. The last icey-blue wave will freeze all unit including ally and will change the tile into Ice Tileset temporary.

    I hope u guys can consider my suggestion wisely.
    Thanks for reading my text. huhu ^_^

  46. hmm no need 3rd skil but turn it to

    3rd skil ice charge 
    lich king charge an enemy (not global) ,slow the enemy and leave a trail of ice (like specrte 1 skill but it is ice ) deal minor dmg 

  47. how about u make hero that can pull many enemy heroes like pudge but not only one maybe more than one and u can do counterstrike like axe .

    the rope for 2000 aoe.

  48. ADD this char :D Totoy (The Bomberman) Str Type
    Fart Bomb
    Smells bad that last for 5 secs
    Lv.1 30 dmg per secs and 20% miss
    Lv.2 60 dmg per secs and 30% miss
    Lv.3 90 dmg per secs and 40% miss
    Lv.4 120 dmg per secs and 50% miss

    Throw Bomb
    Deals dmg per second last 8 secs
    Lv.1 50 dmg per second 250 AoE
    Lv.2 60 dmg per second 275 AoE
    Lv.3 70 dmg per second 300 AoE
    Lv.4 80 dmg per second 325 AoE

    Life Thrower (passive)
    20% of your life will be added to the Skill dmg
    Lv.1 250 dmg + 20% of your life convert to dmg
    Lv.2 275 dmg + 20% of your life convert to dmg
    Lv.3 300 dmg + 20% of your life convert to dmg
    Lv.4 325 dmg + 20% of your life convert to dmg

    Lv.1 450 dmg
    Lv.2 600 dmg
    Lv.3 750 dmg
    Scepter Upgradeable
    Lv.1 670 dmg
    Lv.2 950 dmg
    Lv.3 1250 dmg

  49. uhmm i mean the 3rd skill is not passive srry about that
    but the starting stats:
    str: 20 + 1.9
    agi: 19 + 1.2
    int: 17 + 1.6

    range: 128(melee)
    ms: 310
    armor: 3

  50. lolz to all requesting hero....
    it is very expensive and strong and fuck again..!
    plsz don't do it any one of requesting hero...
    her mind is very cheep and non-sense..!

  51. 1st skill and 3rd skill is unacceptable to much over powering

  52. add or change?

  53. wtf? icefrog just released new heroes in the recent 6.73 map.. and now u want another one? oh no..pls stop this.. are u not even contented/satisfied?

  54. desarrollen el dota 6.73AI porfavor--- kiero practicar con los nuevos heroes y saber k armarles.. porfa!

  55. add more str growth for str hero that have a giant body like tauren , pit lord etc, since they have larger model they are easier to hit. n for some reason now i fill many player can dodge kunka ulti n torrent even u cast it from black map, or pit lord pit of malice sometime they dodge it right after you click it, pit lord it self still casting. is there a cheat to see your opponent click?

  56.  come on ! I'm waiting 6.74...

  57. that's too imba.. are you thinking... noob minded... what a pity...

  58. too fucking stupid hero

  59. You Guys are fucking stupid. go to if you want to submit suggestion

  60. Can you let rubick use aghanims in 6.74 then he can steal skill to his allies if possible ...

  61. that was a nice hero

  62. can you crate The Grim Reaper in 6.75

  63. change invoker hotkeys, 'D' for the first skill and 'F' for the second skill 


  64. 6 six {i mean sex}March 9, 2012 at 2:37 PM

    can u create a item who can control roshan in 6.75 but very expensive worth of 50000 gold

  65. that cant be haha too imba with only 3 skills the enemy is dead already

  66. Why don;t you create your own dota with millions of stuns then ?

  67. meron ba bagong hero?

  68. aus to pro msyadong skill type mdli mpunit kc int. type pro mskit prin...

  69. jst not poss... way too imba hero...

  70. 6.74.. out.. 6.73 ai... ??? i though someone said early march... zzzz

  71. I would like if you increase the fucking lvl 25 to some another one, like 30, 35 or something like that...

  72. Ferdinand franciscoMarch 11, 2012 at 10:49 AM

    you fucking weak

  73. The Man in the MirrorMarch 11, 2012 at 1:18 PM

    How about earth panda with these skills:
    1st: Boulder Trow(2 sec stun with 280 max damage)
    2nd: Bash?
    3rd: Rock Armor(Just like tinys craggy exterior but no stun)
    ss: Grand Slam(Jumps on an area and stuns at an aoe)

  74. I tried out the new Nerub... he rapes Huskar's Ulti, lol!

  75. pls do something about necrolyte and ezalor.i think they need new skills

  76. can you add aghanims for kardel? twice the range or global range for assasinate?

  77. waa nerub new power?? yes have been w8ing for this!!! >:D

  78.  lol.. alot of stuns.. are u mad?

  79. this would a kik ass hero

  80. viper vs venomancer.... venomancer lose

  81. oh bullshitt this character..

    really crazy.. stun(already high damage) + slow 5secs(high damage also) + ulti stun(too high damage) = confirm any hero who fight this character sure die dude... really IMBA

  82. tooo goooood to beee trueeeee.......

  83.  jiro = super stupid noob hero suggestion, people who always suggest heroes like these are the ones who don't know how to play dota, gm_lars.naga hope u will meet jiro one day in ur life and receive all it's stuns, so stupid hero suggestion that it pisses me off

  84. new hero, the courier will have a courier shield :)

  85. you're already making 6.74 but the 6.73ai is not yet released and we were waiting like forever for it.. :(

  86. WTF!!! imba . create ur own game.

  87. hahah thats not fair hero

  88. what a joke.. 5 element right? then where is the skill for wind? and so many stun skills? you should suggest this hero for fun mode though...

  89. sir xin's bug is not fixed there too many bug users pls remove that bug

  90. Admiral ang monster what the hell hindi sha monster lol bobo...)

  91. new hero idea.

    Iredea - The Sacrificer1. Blood Conversion - sacrifice hp for additional 10 damage for allies or to yourself.2. Soul Release - sacrifice mana for additional 10 damage for allies or to yourself.3. Sacrificial Ward - allies near the ward will start to automatically balance their hp and mana percentage differences as long they will not use any skill.4. Chain Pain Curse - target ally or enemy will be healed or damage while Iredea sacrifice 1 unit's hp around her.

  92. Iredea - The Sacrificer

    1. Blood Conversion - sacrifice hp for additional 10 damage for allies or to yourself.

    2. Soul Release - sacrifice mana for additional 10 damage for allies or to yourself.

    3. Sacrificial Ward - allies near the ward will start to automatically balance their hp and mana percentage differences as long they will not use any skill.

    4. Chain Pain Curse - target ally or enemy will be healed or damage while Iredea sacrifice 1 unit's hp around her.

  93. ur so noobs!!!.. fuck you asshole!!!

  94. ur noobs too! idiot!!!

  95. pandaren is earth.. are you Playing dota?! ur an idiot!!
