Blizzard DOTA Trailer Announced! Will They Rival Dota 2? - DotA-Blog

Blizzard DOTA Trailer Announced! Will They Rival Dota 2?

Blizzard DOTA trailer has just announced in the 2011 Blizzcon. As you may already know, Blizzard has working on its own Dota map on the Starcraft II for quite some time. And now, we can see a little glimpse of what the Blizzard Dota will looks like. Check out the Blizzard DOTA trailer!

After watching the trailer, i must say that it is quite amazing. The story lies between two Gods in the universe, the Red God and the Blue God (i must say that their names kinda lame -_-). They then kidnap heroes from across the time and universe to fight each other and amuse them.

We will see many heroes from Blizzard on the battle field, such as Queen of Blade and Nova from the Starcraft series, Thrall and Arthas from the Warcraft world, and much more. But the release date is yet to know. For those who are too lazy watching the trailer, you can check these images. Enjoy!

Thrall from Warcraft in Blizzard Dota

Nova from Starcraft!

More heroes from Blizzard's realm!

The legendary Arthas will also join the party!

Enjoy the Dota war in the Starcraft II realm!

Another battle field for ancient heroes!


Now, there's only one question remain, when will the map finished? ^^;; Will Dota 2 released before them? What do you think? And stay tune for more news of the DotA genre!

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  1. I think some it will not be successful as the original DOTA. Red God - Blue God, not an interesting name. lets wait and see!

  2. i think its quite interessting, but DotA2 will never be beaten by this... it could be a funny game never the less 

  3. red and blue gods? i think its not lame, its just blizzard style :) funny kitsch :)

  4. hope to play this game :) i think its kinda cool :P

  5. i think this could be better. i mean when Dota wants to add new heroes it mostly comes from Warcraft, so this can do it, Valve cant add new heroes.

  6. I mean DOTA2 from valve is better, well, its nice too that there is a story in blizzard's DOTA.

  7. OMG, it seems a little complicated for me bcause too much versions of DoTa *0* . sorry bad english

  8. dota ripoffs + dota2 + this?

    bah, too many games with the same idea

  9. wowdota  the trailer was cool!!! i really like this one compared in Dota2... its impressive.. i guess let's decide who will be famous,. and still the great father of all time is not really dead. nice one! 

  10. wat if this one is free? and dota 2 is not.....

  11. blizzard dota ftw dota 2 ftl

  12. You do realize that 95 percent of the heroes in Dota were created by Pendragon, ginsoo, and mostly by Icefrog... and have nothing to do with warcraft III units. They can make as many new heroes as they want. Hell Even the heroes they took from WC3 don't have the same abilities as in the game.

  13. ftw, they only want moneys,  same idea at war3 but in war3 they cant get moneys. 

  14. as far as i know Abaddon got Frostmoure, Razor (lightning Revenant) was the guard of frostmourne till Arthas took it.

  15. loool kidnapping heroes

  16. are you stupid?! have you forgotten that most of the games have cracks? or are you just new to the net that you don't even know how to download a game without paying?! damn stupid.

  17. damn! don't you even know that Icefrog is a part of the DOTA  2 team from VALVE?

    if you do, then you couldn't have said those things.
    so stupid.
    Icefrog only works for the DOTA 2 team on VALVE, IceFrog also said in the past that if there will be new characters on DOTA 1, he will include those new heroes to DOTA 2.

  18. yeah, DOTA 2 is much better than this one.

    and what makes DOTA 2 good is because IceFrog is a part of it and he'll still be updating DOTA 1.

  19. that sounds f*cking lame.

    HoN and LoL are definitely much better than this one.

  20. steam engine will most like monitor those cracked games most likely so it'll b difficult for us to jaz play it especially VALVE have expended greatly on the DOTA 2 int'l ..if u wanna play it then u must buy it!!

  21. this what im thinking about when Icefrog joined VALVE..Icefrog dont own the DOTA AFAIK..the big question is WHO OWNS DOTA? does BLIZZARD dont have the right to file sanction against Icefrog because he stole their game? (i mean the original DOTA)

  22. did you even understand what Biligsaikhan Chovtronjamts said?

    Blizzard owns warcraft and starcraft, Dota is just a map made for warcraft. When they make new heroes, they use warcraft models made by blizzard and the item names such as Guinsoo, Euls, Kelen's Dagger,etc. are NOT used in DOTA 2 due to copyright issues.

    What Biligsaikhan Chovtronjamts wants to say is, the next new heroes in DOTA 2 would be entirely made-up, not based on a model from warcraft(except if they base it on a new hero in dota 1.

  23. will the owner of this blog learn to speak english?? English is not my local language but I speak it well. You owner makes me puke everytime I read your posts. Sheesh!

  24. This is actually free you dumbass. Buy StarCraft2 then you can play this.

  25. at least you speak good than the one who do posts in this blog.

  26. what did you fucking think VALVE cant add new heroes?? they can create new heroes of their own, they're not stupid dumbass.

  27. the word DOTA was licensed to VALVE then the word Defense to the Ancients are left not owned by any other company. It is for the sake of the modders.

  28. you are lame. we are talking about DoTA2 and Blizz DOTA. Get your fucking LOL and HON somewhere else.

  29. why the fuck you care?? even though they have cracks you cant play MP and DOTA are played in MP fucking asshole.

  30. Are you masochistic then? Or do you like to puke?

    Just don't come here if you don't like it.

  31. I Speak English too i never had any problem with their post. Must be something wrong with your eyes or brain.

  32. i think his posts deserve to participate in Special Olympics

  33. All because of dota,thanks a lot icefrog.

  34. blah blah blah blah blah blah......BIGMOUTH!


  35. believe me~
    DotA on wc3:tft the only , the best and again the only good platform for DotA , 
    have u all watch DotA2 international?
    the game pace is SLOW(unless valve do something!) , the gameplay mechanic is . . .wierd(not good too) and unfamiliar ....
    again SLOW!

    for bliz dota:
    faster game ,
    easier to learn(for new comer),
    once again full of killing....
    please know who develop it? blizzard you guys, they are far more experienced in making such rpg/rts/moba games...
    valve just kid...but they will succeed if the listen to us!

    DotA2 need introducing more game option ~(overall)

  36. LOL , this is map ... to be played on sc2...
    LOL ... LIKE wc3 too.
    HA HA

  37. blizzard is not necessarily the creator of the game... as it is known is frog is the actual creator.. it's just created in the warcraft application which blizzard created... so technically you're an idiot saying that blizzard is the true creator you dunce!!!

  38. Filipinos are just mad because they rely on pirated games hahaah!

  39. I buy my games.. don't generalize filipinos you racist piece of SH*T

  40. ahahaha kidnappers ???

  41. Sorry if you have those money in your nation we filipino's not if you start living like us in the start of your life you will sure do like us
    here in the philippines we budget our money and not wasted it for
    games only , games will not make you happier if you dont have
    enough money to make your selves live !!!
