New Comment System! - DotA-Blog

New Comment System!

Let's welcome the new DotA-Blog comment system! We realize that the previous comment system is lack of feature and quite hard to interact between comments. Hence, we decide to install a new comment system /interface in the DotA-Blog and hopefully it will provide you with a better comment experience.

Some features are:
- Login the comment system using Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo and OpenID
- Reply directly to each comment
- Flag a comment so a moderator can either delete or blacklist the user
- Like a comment

And our team also happy with the new comment system because we can:
- Reply directly from the comment control panel
- Blacklist a user which offend the other

Last but not least, we also need your feedback. So please let us know if you like/dislike the new comment system. If you don't like it, please kindly tell us why. And most importantly, if you can't see the comment form like the picture above, please send me an email at :)

PS: Anyway, do you have any idea which picture for the comment default image? Currently we are thinking between Phoenix and the old Kunkka. But if you have better image, let us know! :)

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  1. And yeah, this time i take the First Blood :)

  2. lol 19 mins late XD
    Double kill

  3. the "like" font should have been bigger?

  4. This is rather cool :)

  5. O Rampage! :) 

  6. Oohhh... Shiny... This is great! Good job as always guys!

  7. Yeah, good one. But the space is very narrow. You can make it more wide.

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  9. the interface is cool men! and also the threading system, ...

  10. yeah, i hope they can occupy the other half, to make the reading not too long.

  11. yea new look and can reply to people lol good job dota-blog and also to Alief

  12.  yeah, a little bigger will be enough

  13. waw,, it's easier than before,, thanks Alief

  14. I like this new comment system, how about this icon? my favorite hero

  15. I suggest using either scourge or sentinel creeps image for the default avatar

  16. nice new comment system bro

  17. er.. This is just a simple disqus installation.. It's standard everywhere these days.. 

  18. but yeah, good to know someone is intent on improving the site here... Would be happy if this is extended to the overall website design too.. :|
