DotA Items and Their Counters! - DotA-Blog

DotA Items and Their Counters!

New items are keep coming out on the recent DotA versions. But do you know that almost every item has its counters? Check this out!

Black King Bar and Linken is the obvious counter, but you should know that you can Purge the heroes to remove Hex or Cyclone.

DagonMedallion of Couragevs 

Black King Bar is the ultimate counter for any spell!

BKB prevent you from return damage while Satanic 100% lifesteal will help you nulled the return damage if you are using physical attack.

Not many people know that we can remove the Ghost Form using Purge. Hex is pretty obvious.

vs -disablehelp
Tired with your team mate who keep using Force Staff on your hero? -disablehelp is your ultimate counter ;)

vs  Rapier
Just kidding, you just have to quickly gank the holder and destroy (or steal) it when dropped. Remember the Gem cooldown is quite long.

Sentry War anyone?

Dust is the cheapest solution if you wanna gank heroes that have Lothar while Sentry is better used when you are going into a team war.

Ghost Form is the ultimate counter for any physical attack (and their effect)!

True Strike will negate any evasion with ease.

Both item is negating each other. While Assault Cuirass has attack speed increase aura, Shiva have the attack speed decrease aura. Shiva armor boost will also help you againts the minus armor aura from Cuirass.

Battlefury will remove illusions with ease if you are using melee hero. Mjollnir's Static Charge and Shiva's Arctic Blast also work well for illusions.

Radiance can screw up Blink Dagger user. If you have charge you can cast Urn to your enemies to prevent them using Blink Dagger.

Chop all the trees before your enemy eat it! I'm serious here!

Scroll of Town Portal vs 

Basically any disable will do well here. Please note that Force Staff does not cancel Town Portal.

They cancel each other. The left reduce magic damage while the right enhanced it. Veil of Discord is still rarely used though.

Turn the Dominated creeps into gold with ease.

Urn is the cheapest item which can counter Linken. Use it before your main spell for maximum damage.

Actually there's no actual counter for BKB, that's why IceFrog nerf the BKB duration. But if the enemy use BKB you can cast cyclone to yourself and watch your enemy wasting 2.5 seconds waiting for you. Or cast Force Staff to get some distance with the BKB user.

vs  Smoke of Deceit
You can avoid the enemies Observer Ward using Smoke of Deceit. However, if the enemies for some reason also using Sentry Ward alongside the Obs, Smoke won't work. But it rarely happen because of the cost for both Ward.

vs  Smoke of Deceit
Cast Purge on the Necro Warrior/Archer for instant Gold :)

You got another? Feel free to add more in the comment section ;)

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  1. for the illusion there, the butterfly pic is wrong.

  2. Ethereal blade also counters hood/pipe. Remember that cripple amplifies magic damage dealt.

  3. You're right, i will added it soon :)

  4. wait, can radiance disable the effect of heart of tarrasque?
    because just the way radiance cancel blink dagger's effect, i think it also cancel heart's effect..
    anyway, this is cool... :D

  5. ahhh w8, there is another one, can urn also cancel HOT's effect, just like the way radiance does?

  6. New hero

    Name :

    Devamet - PowerUP Master

    Main Attribute = Agility

    status :

    Strength = 19+1.9

    Agility = 18+2.95

    Intelligence = 24+1.1

    Melee hero

    sigh range 1800. And 1000 at night

    base dammage = 44 - 66

    base armor = 3

    base movespeed = 295

    base regen and attack speed standard

    1st skill = Haste

    522 move speed for 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s

    mana cost 50

    2nd = double dammage

    dammage x 2 . Last for 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s

    mana cost 60

    3rd = illusion

    create 2 illusin of him self which deal 50% dammage and receive 300%
    dammage. can have 1st and 2nd skill if he using it. Last 5, 6, 7, 8 s

    mana cost 100

    Ultimate = Inviregeneration

    Invisibility + Regeneration for 5(*7), 6(*8), 7(*9)

    mana cost 150

    sceptre upgradeable, add 2 second and lower coldown

    1st, 2nd, 3rd skill have 31s coldown

    ultimate 67s (*45) coldown

    *with aghanim sceptre


    item suggest

    bottle, power thread, butterfly, madness, buriza, bkb, cranium

    skill build up

    lvl 1, 3, 9, 10 haste

    lvl 2, 4, 5, 7 double dammage

    lvl 6, 11, 16 ultimate

    lvl 8, 12, 13, 14 illusion

    lvl 15, 17-25 bonus status

  7. Radiance's "radiance" is countered by Mjollnir's Static charge because the static charge activates when the buffed hero is damaged thus if the buffed hero is near the radiance carrier which ofc the enemy the enemy will be zapped! :D

  8. hehehe kitamz!! tama ako!! walang maniwala sa kin dun sa veil

  9. Alief, I have kind of an off topic question!! I hope someone can reply...   If I go Ethereal and try to TP away, I have noticed the ethereal form gets removed. Is that right or was it just my imagination!?

  10. i most like use purge to destroy necro summon unit n have some benefit. 1 save mana from their steal mana ability 2 gold 3 exp

  11. Doesn't BKB counter effects from cranium basher? And does true strike go through PMS and Vanguard?

  12. can u make one item VS skills too? XD

  13. Yes, it's not just your imagination...
    You cannot esc via ghost form + TP...
    Casting town portal will remove the ghost form...

  14. ganunba? haha. di kasi effective na gamitin ang veils kng nde aoe magic dmg ang gamit nyu ee. mas lalo na kng makiki 1v1 ka kay magina. magastos pa kya bihira kunin ng support type na hero

  15. Thx for such a quick reply!

  16. what is the anti in bash item and skills

  17. i want the item Shendelzare's Nether Swap staff or whatever. :D that is so fun to use

  18. how about diffiusal blade vs necronomicon? the purge will kill the summoned unit instantly?
    then I want to ask you all, if there are 2 radiances, can the effects of 2 radiances be stacked?

  19.  Two radiances auras won't stack. The first one that gets into the action area is the one that remains. Even if two or more heros with radiance arrive at the location.
    Same with illusions: Only one radiance aura is the one that works (but your illusions will have the radiance effect)

  20. ahhh...  thanks for the answer! :D

  21. Besides Urn, abuse the short duration and cooldown of Medallion of Courage(7 secs) to force the activation of Linken Sphere's spell block..

  22. That could work, but the reduce armor is quite powerful, so maybe i'm still prefer urn :)

  23. As i remember, BKB negate the damage but not the stun/bash. Maybe the other can elaborate? True Strike is for Evasion, while PMS & Vanguard is Damage Block, so they don't have any relation.

  24. You're right, didn't think of it :)

  25. Well, i'll think about it. But since there's so much skill in DotA, it might quite hard to compile it :)

  26. Yeah, i will add it in the article :)

  27. Yes, Town Portal remove Ghost Form :) So it cannot be used for escape mechanism from Troll or Mortred. However, you can use Ghost Form and use Furion Teleportation :)

  28. Yes, i think it's work too :)

  29. Medallion of Courage can counter Linkens aswell.

  30. Necronomicon can be a counter for radiance, bfury and mjolnir/maelstrom because when the radiance aura/cleave/lightning kills the warrior necro it explodes and deals heavy damage.

  31. Mjollnir counters Radiance. >.< Static charge activates everytime the buffed hero is damaged, rest is self explanatory if the enemy has a Radiance.

  32. just use etherial form to negate any damage from bashes. BKB doesnt negate bashes, except for the bash by BARATHRUM ---still dont know why but i guess bara's bash is MAGIC so i guess bkb negates his bashes.

  33. or get MKB for the mini stun is blocked by linken lol but cost expensive lol

  34. I don't think 2 radiances stack. Whether you buy 2 yourself or your teammate has one. It doesn't stack. And yes diffusal kill necro-summons instantly just like when you do with warlocks roshans

  35. i have a question mod, why does tp cancels ghost? kindly explain just wanna know 

  36. i understand that haha

  37. Awesome, Helm of Dominator VS Hand of Midas really inspired me
    Cyclone can be purge?????!!!!
    I played for 5 years and I didn't f*cking realized that

  38. Try it dude it works. the Radiance holder which must be your enemy will be zapped if the Static charged hero is near it.

  39. super nice guide :))

  40. Damiel_sarmiento045August 2, 2011 at 3:02 PM

    why do you think force staff cant cancel sroll of town portal??

    woooooooo it hurts my brain !!!

  41. Daniel_sarmiento045August 2, 2011 at 3:05 PM

    but you need to assist for urn charge ^_^

    GO medalion 

  42. U Can try it urself. it just forces the enemy infront but does not cancel the TP

  43. hmmmm. how about manta style vs urn, orchid, medallion and diffusal blade. when you get the effects of urn, orchid, medallion and diffusal blade, just use manta style. then that effects will be useless. it is also good for shadow strike, viper strike, etc.

  44.  we use medallion of courage or desolator to counter a hero wearing vanguard or hood of defiance

  45. BKB could not be a counter for Blademail since Blademail deals true damage and not magic damage.

  46. Melee units bash with physical stun and magical damage. Ranged units bash with magical stun and physical damage. Thus BKB will block stun from ranged units but they receive the physical damage. The magical damage dealt by melee units do not damage those who are in BKB, but they still can be stunned.

  47. Mjollnir and Maelstrom counters Linken's Sphere. Mjollnir's static field and Mjollnir and Maelstrom's Chain Lightning is blocked by Linken's.

  48. Rylai Not Maiden AgainAugust 10, 2011 at 8:53 PM

    because ur skill still beginner fool

  49. how about he wear MKB ??
    i think u wrong kids..

  50. medalion can counter manta illusion..^^

  51. why tango vs quiling blade? why?

  52. Desolator will not counter the wearer of hood of defiance because HoD grants magic reduction and Desolator reduces armor so it will not affect the effect of HoD

  53. BKB negates the damage of bash but he will still be stunned

  54. I lol'd at this one. I might try it haha

  55. bcoz your going to be an illegal logger for the whole time. too bad theres a LOT OF TREES OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. you can cancel TP only by stun or hex or ensnare the target

  57. i remember it USED to. but now it is still in effect. Your illusions will have no "debuff" but you still will

  58. i remember it to be like that too. But now illusions carry a radiance damage.

  59. because simply they do not stack.. Like orb effects..

  60. Nope.. HoT only cancels out with "hero" damage so it will not be disabled. 

  61. Bara can still greater bash a BKB-ed hero

  62. BKB is stun proof except when physical bash. (time lock, slither bash, basher, MKB, etc.) and in an area bash (reverse, ravage and reign of chaos)

  63. then how come the illusions of phantom lancer has radiance? why is radiance the core build for phantom lancer if it doesnt stack? seriously man

  64. ya bara can greater bash to bkbed hero but but no damage dealt

  65. can you make a movie for dota??

    im sure it will be a very nice movie

    and many dotafans will watch it .,.,.

  66. roflmao...cant get the joke? hakhak

  67. how about to cancel the stun? imba moves..

  68. Deso can counter tarasque why's not there?
    Crystalis/Buriza or mkb  can counter  cuirass

  69. bter primary is phase then vanguard for 4000 gold guys

  70. Blademail counters not just normal damage but also magic damage.. Even a little damage that splashes on you will also return to its sender i.e. radiance,battle fury, etc..

  71. Your so strong men

  72. Your just like N'aix

  73. can a allied purge cancel hex?

  74. deso and buriza counters TARAS

  75. to be exact the radi demage wont stack....but the illusion also get the radi effct..even there 8 illuon of pl using radi...the demage apply will be the same

  76. How to defeat Naga if she uses diffusal blade at the first minutes of the game in a one-on-one game?...

    Honestly I'm not a good gamer. But its so unfair for us newbies  to fight players who uses naga with Diffusal blade at the"first minutes" of the game. 4x Mana burn + 3x Critical Damage (3 Illusions) is quite unbalance. Items that can counter Illusions like Battlefury, Plate mail, Shiva, Mjollnir , and Radiance are too much expensive and so hard to buy at the first minute of the game not like diffusal blade. that's why sometimes we don't enjoy the game anymore :(

    I hope there are some Items that can counter this type of damage. Or characters that has a skills like...-Similar to Obsidian's 3rd skill but will regenerate Life not mana. (Goblin Shredder-Rizzrak's 3rd skill is the one I'm looking for. But It's so hard to use co'z its a "chance" basis and has a limit and how could you use Chakram if Naga will attack in different directions? even you deploy it on your position, you cannot attack and your mana is depleting due to mana burn. 1st skill is good but you can only use it once co'z it will cooldown and your mana is depleted before cooldown ends. 2nd skill is your only chance but You cannot use it becuase of Naga's Net. Axe's counter helix and sven's 2nd skill are the best but if Naga has Diffusal blade at the first minute of the game... Its worthless. Phantom Lancer has a similar to Naga but Illusions are so Irritating co'z it only appears when you attack. 1st skill is great but its nothing when naga uses her Net, the Real one stays and Naga can still see it.)

    -Return Damage will equal to Missing mana (damage depends on skill levels) but will damage more to Illusions.So do you know some? :-)pls. I really need answers THANKS! :D

  77. lol.theres so many skill to cancel omnislash and chainfrost of lich

  78. if ur a newbie den ul just hav 2 b more experiencd 2 play a gud game against naga wit diffusal....
    u shud think of da tankiness dat naga lacks not only mana burn... dont get harassed n if its a fight den ul hav 2 use ur eyes nicely 2 spot d real 1... d 1 whose health goes d least... it reqrs sum1 exp so just keep on practicin

  79. nevr knew purge on necro creeps cud kill n return gold

  80. Thanks.
    but do you have any suggested character and items that I could use and study against Naga?

  81. can you use domi for controlling necrobook?
