WoDotA Top 10 Weekly Vol.50 - DotA-Blog

WoDotA Top 10 Weekly Vol.50

Well, the release of DotA 6.72 and DotA 6.72b made us skip the usual edition of WoDotA Top 10 Weekly in this blog. But here it goes, let's watch the WoDotA Top 10 Weekly Vol.50!

10: Anti Mage getting a Rampage with one ulti!
9: QoP save himself by blinking away from Gondar's Toss twice
8: Neutral Creep Got A Triple Kill!
7: Storm Spirit killsteal Roshan, getting Aegis and got a double kill
6: Dying Meepo save himself by using Poof and Net, what a micro!
5: Morphling avoid a stun from Ogre Magi by using Waveform and Tping to base in the fog. He then using Replicate to return and kill Ogre Magi
4: Puck avoid Venge’s stun and Sniper's Assasinate with Phase Shift. Ended up kill all the chaser
3: Invoker got an Ultrakill With the help of Neutral Creeps Centaur Warchief's Stomp
2: Great team work from Sand King, Kunkka, Faceless Void, Magnus And Lina.
1: Sven using Armlet to prevent himself from dying and gets a double kill with ES help

Special: Nevermore is dancing to the death!

Thanks to JK for the time line :) 

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  1. lol the last one is epic, i never noe armlet can use like this

  2. nice one sven! Epic 1st!

  3. As always, wodota brings us another great video

  4. 8th place should be the first, bcoz in 10000 games there's only 1% chance that a neutral creep will get triple kill, double kill, etc.

  5. Nevermore is the BEST !! :)

  6. You should've post N.C getting triple kill as humiliating kill. =,=" Yeay Natural creeps!!

  7. Nice vid ^^ Mostly of the 10th, 3rd and 1st :))

  8. that,s a really profesional player

  9. 1% of 10000 is 100. Haha :D Therefore, in 10000 Dota games played around the world, a neutral creep getting a triple kill has done it a hundred times.

  10. hahaha asteeg! gago kayong lahat!

  11. nice armlet HP abuse. gotta try that one :D

  12. Anonymous said...

    8th place should be the first, bcoz in 10000 games there's only 1% chance that a neutral creep will get triple kill, double kill, etc.
    May 10, 2011 4:59 PM

    Anonymous said...

    1% of 10000 is 100. Haha :D Therefore, in 10000 Dota games played around the world, a neutral creep getting a triple kill has done it a hundred times.
    May 11, 2011 2:20 PM

    nice! you owned that dude!!

  13. it's cool to see someone who used armlet to save his life a couple of times!
    great video! WoDota proves that they can own!!

  14. This is a very nice video!!

  15. Nevermore in the end.. LIKE100X

  16. what a backsound video WoDotA top 10 weekly Vol.50? thank's

  17. anyone know DotA video backsound TOP 10 Vol.50 weekly? thank's

  18. HAHAHAHA...
    lol nvm

  19. gay nvermore...haha!

  20. We Are Electric

  21. what song is that?

  22. what song is that?

  23. HAHAHAHA...
    lol nvm

  24. what is the last song?? pls... need 2 know.. tnx:))
