Rubick Guide | DotA Grand Magus Strategy & Build

Name: Rubick, the Grand Magus
Type: Intelligence
Alliance: Sentinel
Strength: 19 + 1.5
Intelligence: 27 + 2.4 (Primary)
Agility: 14 + 1.6
Movement Speed: 300
Attack Range: 600
Total starting damage: 44-54
Total starting armor: 1
Rubick, the son of Aghanim, is a force to be reckoned with. Crowds marvel in wonder at his effortless ability to hurl objects through the air, using nothing but his mind. Many wizards have challenged him yet none have surpassed his powerful and debilitating magics. The Grand Magus, with his endless talent, will stop at nothing to bewilder and outsmart his enemies, even if it means turning their own magic against them. Renowned for his unique ability to steal magics with a mere thought, he is undeniably a favorable asset to the Sentinel in their fight against the Scourge.
Rubick the Grand Magus Skill Descriptions

Rubick uses his telekinetic powers to lift the enemy into the air briefly and then hurls them back at the ground. The unit lands on the ground with such force that it stuns nearby enemies.
Lift Duration: 1.5/1.75/2/2.25 seconds
Stun duration: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75 (in the area it lands in, all enemy units except the initial target)
Land stun AoE: 325
Cast Range: 550/575/600/625
Cooldown: 18
Manacost: 160
While the target is in the air, Rubick may use a secondary ability to control the throw the enemy in a targeted direction. Maximum of 375 units away.
Note: The directional landing happens when the lift duration is over, but you can issue the direction order anytime.

Rubick creates a powerful stream of arcane energy that travels between enemy units, dealing damage and reducing their attack damage for 10 seconds. Each bounce reduces the damage dealt by 4%.
Damage: 75/150/225/300
Attack Reduction: -14/20/26/32 Damage [-7/10/13/16 on creeps]
Duration: 10 seconds
Cast Range: 800
Cooldown: 10
Manacost: 90/95/100/105

Rubick's mastery of the arcane protects his allies against weaker magics, granting them magic resistance.
Magic Damage Reduction: 5/10/15/20%
AoE: 900

Rubick studies the trace magical essence of one enemy hero, learning the secrets of the last spell the hero cast. Rubick can use this spell as his own for several minutes or until he dies.
Spell is stolen for: 3/4/5 minutes
Cast Range: 1000
Manacost: 25
Cooldown: 20/18/16
Note: If you steal another spell, the old one is lost. Both teams see what spell was stolen. Items cannot be stolen, only abilities. You will get a warning message when the spell steal duration is close to expiring.
Note 2: There are a small set of spell exceptions (for technical reasons) that cannot be copied.
List of skill that Rubick cannot steal
Rubick the Grand Magus Skill Build
1. Telekinesis
2. Fade Bolt
3. Fade Bolt
4. Telekinesis
5. Fade Bolt
6. Spell Steal
7. Fade Bolt
8. Telekinesis
9. Telekinesis
10. Null Field
11. Spell Steal
12. Null Field
13. Null Field
14. Null Field
15. Stats
16. Null Field
17-25. Stats
Rubick is easy to get killed in early game, so take Telekinesis first to prevent it. Then maximize Fade Bolt for its nuke and it is only need a few mana. So it will be more useful than stuning spell. Next Telekinesis until maximum and then Null field. Spell Steal is taken everytime it is available. Stats for the last.
If your enemy has more dps heroes than spellcasters, you can choose to take stats instead of Null Field. Also if you meet spell spammers in your lane, you have an option to take Null Field on early level. But it will slow you down when you want to gank.
Rubick the Grand Magus Item Build

1. 3x ironwood branches, Mantle of Intelligence, Magic Stick, and Tango
2. Boots of Speed
3. Finish Arcane Boots
4. Finish Magic Wand
5. Finish Null Talisman
6. Urn of Shadows
Rubick's core item should be like this:

Arcane Boots - Boost your movement speed as well as your mana pool. Good for ganker like Rubick. Help your friend to spam their skills too.
Magic Wand - Obviously used for instant regen (HP and Mana). Best when enemy has spell users.
Null Talisman - Good early stats and can be upgraded later into dagon.
Urn of Shadow - Gives you HP boost. Also a free salves. Obviously get this if no one on your side have it.
Bottle - One slot, 600 gold, fast regen (both HP and Mana), and a measure against mana burners. But don't take it early because you need stats more than this. Purchase it when you're ready to gank.
Boots of Travel - Change with this boots on late game for his mobility.
Dagon - Perfect for ganking. But if you get hard to farm and fail to get this in early to mid game, change to other useful item. Such as luxuries.
Here are Luxury late game items for him:
Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse - Very good stats (str, agl, especially int), mana regen, and Hex. Disabling your opponent's carry or good spell caster.
Eul's Scepter of Divinity - An alternative for Guinsoo. Its cheaper of course.
Shiva's guard - Huge amount of mana is welcomed. Plus Its Aoe nuke and slow. Good when combined with Rubick's spells.
Linken's Sphere - Not only gives attributes and HP/Mana regen, but also provide you with ability to prevent the effect of deadly skill. Get this item if opponent's team has good nukers (such as Lina, Lion, Lucifer, etc) and single disabler (leviathan, etc)
Khadgar's Pipe of Insight - Gives magic resistance againts magic damagers. A situational item. Get it if the other team has a lot of magic spammers.
Shiva's guard - Huge amount of mana is welcomed. Plus Its Aoe nuke and slow. Good when combined with Rubick's spells.
Linken's Sphere - Not only gives attributes and HP/Mana regen, but also provide you with ability to prevent the effect of deadly skill. Get this item if opponent's team has good nukers (such as Lina, Lion, Lucifer, etc) and single disabler (leviathan, etc)
Khadgar's Pipe of Insight - Gives magic resistance againts magic damagers. A situational item. Get it if the other team has a lot of magic spammers.
Veil of Discord - This new item is really nice. Additional stats and Its Discord can amplifies your magic damage. Get this if your team has more than one of good spellcasters.
Orchid Malevolence - Consist of cheap obivion staff and useful for counter enemy's scary spells or imba skills. Its also amplifies magic damage.
Rubick the Grand Magus Strategy
You can pick this hero if your team need nuker, supporter, AOE disabler, or spell stealer (?)
You can be supported by:

- Your team's Ganker and Carries (Ursa, Lina, Venge, Bala)
It's more easy when ganking with them.

- Enemy team's AOE disabler (Treant, Leviathan, Enigma)
Steal their spell so you can use it for your team's benefit.
You can be a supporter for:
- Your team's heroes, almost all of them (especially carries)
Beware of his counter:
Beware of his counter:

- Silencer and manaburner
Once you are silenced or mana-emptied you can do nothing except normal attack. Thats game over (espesially Magina and Lucifer)
Counter Lucifer:
Let he dooms to other hero on your team and steal it. When you are on a same lane with him harass him and control your lane. Don't make him farm easily.

- Disabler
You are a squishy hero, so you must be careful not to get stunned or disabled.
On early game, you can start laning by solo mid or dual lane. But when you take dual lane be careful not too carried away because your stun isn't enough to disable 2 enemies on one time. You will easily get pawned.
Rubick has a good stun and nuke. But not enough to kill your enemy. Just be patient until you get to level 6. Bolt will be spammable when it goes to lvl 3.
When the game enter mid game, you must be at lvl 6. At this time you should already have Arcane Boots and Wand in your slot. Then start gank with help from your teammate.
Gank is your job. You can do Telekinesis, Spell Steal your enemy's skill right before he dies, and end with bolt. But always remember to leave the kills to your carries. Farm between gank and try to destroy tower.
Aim to get some good support items such as Guinsoo, Discord, or Shiva while youre in this phase of the game.
Aim to get some good support items such as Guinsoo, Discord, or Shiva while youre in this phase of the game.
Late game will be hard for spellcaster like Rubick. So always stick with your team and support them as much as you can. Your spell still good enough to break the enemy's combo, especially when you steal a good skill from them. Choose it carefully. And also Rubick's AOE magic protector for your whole team.
At this moment you must be already get at least Guinsoo, or Shiva. Use it wise.
Based on: Playdota guide
This post contain Rubick Guide & Build - the Grand Magus Strategy. If you have different build or strategy, you can give your comments or make your own guide on the Rubick Forum.
This post contain Rubick Guide & Build - the Grand Magus Strategy. If you have different build or strategy, you can give your comments or make your own guide on the Rubick Forum.
first blood, hahaha
ReplyDelete2nd blood?..........
ReplyDeleteWhat the
ReplyDeleteNoob HERO~!
ReplyDeleteeverytime icefrog releases new heroes, they are slightly imbalanced....idk whether his ult can steal another hero's ult, but if that's possible.... lol
ReplyDeleteyeeahh! 8th!!! GO PINOY!!
telekensis,click manta and attack while enemy is on air, when the enemy comes down, do guinsoo, and if the guinsoo is gone go shiva, and KO :)
GG haha
LOL ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
phase boots
butter fly
sure kill
wala takas
ReplyDeleteThis is the prophet Character of Warcraft III , right ? Now I foresee his future .. With his Ulti , alot of bugs will appear .. BEHOLD !! Haha ,
ReplyDeleteGrand Magnus doing a Walrus Punch ! LOLOL
and Grand Magnus doing a SuperNova .. :D
comment above ^
NICE. wrong spelling on Grand Mag(n)us though XD...
Grand Magus with Divided WE Stand
LoL =D
4 Grand Magu =D 2 imba !!! =D
Didn't morphling have the same ability like way back before 6.4.. somthing. Wasn't it super buggy?
ReplyDeletenice new item lina got this GG ...
ReplyDeletei tried playing him. super cool to do supernova! item build linken guinsoo skadi
ReplyDeletePeople. This hero is NOT a late game hero. He's a freaking ganker/support. So please, no more item suggestions like Skadi or Manta. And they should make a list of ultimates that cannot be copied...
ReplyDeleteWhy does he have to keep changing the skills of old dota heroes? Naga's Crit is ruined to a common active, Tide's passive which he used to be good at is totally ruined. NO1 IS GONNA USE HIM AT ALL with a 6 sec limit used to be passive skill!!, Treant now is shit. He no longer has that insane armor buff but is now replaced with a useless "similiar to offering skill" and btw it does not stack with offering (tried it)and WTF its duration of Overgrowth is reduced to only 3 fuking secs i mean cmon man.. the only thing that is a bit better is that leech shit thing? Is he out of his mind???? And look at troll now he is even more imbal than before so everyone will keep using troll. I mean what the fuk. And lastly look at TB. What the fuck man. I guess everyone is so amazed with the cool skills and stuff but they forgot that TB's leech life IS REMOVED and Conjure Images used to do 50% now it does only 20%. The zeal skill is created to make up with the change BUT that is just puny.
ReplyDeleteI dont mind him improving heroes like reworking how shit works BUT NOT continously overhauling them and making thrash.
agreed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
ReplyDeleteyou all weak ..the item for grand magus :
ReplyDeletephase boots
etherial blade
ah., i think i can't play dis anymore because of many changes., wa my favorite hero is treant.
ReplyDeleterubik , this hero sure will either picked or banned .. n dota become more IMBA .. yeahh
-refresher orb
(rubick have more mana so buy)
(rubick damage is slow so buy)
-Veil of discor(new item)
(magic resistance)
-plus his skill =go buy *linken sphere*
(the last is his damage and the damage tht gain so buy)
-Blade mail
Shity item build sry dood
DeleteMy item build for Rubick
Arcane Boots
refresher? WTF?
ReplyDeleterefresher orb??? hahaha what a noob!!! you can't copy 2 skills at once and the longest cooldown is 20 secs!
ReplyDeleteWEW GRABE MADAYA PA TO KAYSA KAY SHADOW DEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF!!? new hero?
ReplyDeleteman dota is so good back then.. but now it become no more than shit
making imba heroes more imba? WTF man you don't need to change the troll anymore
and now this new hero.. are you out of your mind?
better start playing HoN than this useless shit
FUCK you all bitches..weaklings
ReplyDeleteman HoN dont have originality..they just copy DotA >.<
ReplyDeleteYeah dota isnt dota anymore. Whats the point on training heroes if they keep fucking getting changed every bloody version comes up.
ReplyDeleteMan wtf i loved terror blade before. Even thow im prety imba with him now. His first move is anti dps just get dagon bkb and have util ready. fighting against a dps 1v1 use first skill run in circles while hitting them use bkb use soul steal then use dagon. instant kill vs dps and ive proved it many games anti morph anti mort anti gondar ahahah and anti void. I also found a bug terror blade vs lina his zeal alwalys give him atleast 1 hp when he gets nuke and sospose to die. e.g. against lina i had 200 hp she used util and i had 1 hp left so i just soul steal and dagon. :)
ReplyDeleteFrom the killer combo with terror blade. Its me again found the same bug with gondar again. max out his moves wind walk shiruken and his util and 1 point of attributes. and then get jednia and he will get unlimited crit ON EVERY ATTACK. Im so mad i didnt save that game to post replay. It was totaly disgusting how i owned that game.
ReplyDeleteshut the f*ck up b*tch
ReplyDeletefade bolt is gay wif its low cd =.="
ReplyDeletef#*k this hero sucks....
ReplyDeletebut this hero has a great combo
ReplyDeleteit can kill if you had bloodseeker as your opponent
Lothars will be good!
ReplyDeletegrand magus item:
ReplyDelete6x ironwood branch and than RAMPAGE!!HAHAHA
xD This is a new hero ... easy to kill the enemies at Time!!!
ReplyDeletehahaha to the guy who said troll is imba.. that thing was useless not not so much but still useless. treant is way better now, at least more balanced and allows for either support or meaby even carry . its huskar and spiritbreaker who got way better than any of the other heroes in -.72 and for magus go for boots, urn or ROB then a poin or it booster and a dagger
ReplyDeleteRubick Itembuild :
ReplyDelete-magic wand
-force staff/eul
Rubick is a support roammer like vengeful.
try it combo with tiny xDD
ReplyDeletelift it and tiny rock it..........
will it take damage?? i know is very useless combo, as tiny can kill himself.
but i wonder about will it take damage with it?? xD
above, troll second skill is usefull.
ReplyDeletenow my skill built change to 1, 2,3,2,3 ulti.
troll bcome gang hero in 1st game.
not late game hero anymore..!
hello plz just discuss only about Grand Magus! are all noob!!!
ReplyDeletethe right Build for MAGUS is:
Arcane Boots
Eul's Scepter
Telekinesis first and when enemy comes down use Euls so that you can double stun and to double the damage of the spell...when enemy comes down use the shivas guard to frost the enemy so that you can freeshot...BOOM!!!...motherFUCKER!!!...DEADS!!! KO...stun that shit!!! are all noob!!!
ReplyDeletethe right Build for MAGUS is:
Arcane Boots
Eul's Scepter
Telekinesis first and when enemy comes down use Euls so that you can double stun and to double the damage of the spell...when enemy comes down use the shivas guard to frost the enemy so that you can freeshot...BOOM!!!...motherFUCKER!!!...DEADS!!! KO...stun that shit!!! are all noob!!!
ReplyDeletethe right Build for MAGUS is:
Arcane Boots
Eul's Scepter
Telekinesis first and when enemy comes down use Euls so that you can double stun and to double the damage of the spell...when enemy comes down use the shivas guard to frost the enemy so that you can freeshot...BOOM!!!...motherFUCKER!!!...DEADS!!! KO...stun that shit!!! are all noob!!!
ReplyDeletethe right Build for MAGUS is:
Arcane Boots
Eul's Scepter
Telekinesis first and when enemy comes down use Euls so that you can double stun and to double the damage of the spell...when enemy comes down use the shivas guard to frost the enemy so that you can freeshot...BOOM!!!...motherFUCKER!!!...DEADS!!! KO...stun that shit!!! are all noob!!!
ReplyDeletethe right Build for MAGUS is:
Arcane Boots
Eul's Scepter
Telekinesis first and when enemy comes down use Euls so that you can double stun and to double the damage of the spell...when enemy comes down use the shivas guard to frost the enemy so that you can freeshot...BOOM!!!...motherFUCKER!!!...DEADS!!! KO...stun that shit!!! are all noob!!!
ReplyDeletethe right Build for MAGUS is:
Arcane Boots
Eul's Scepter
Telekinesis first and when enemy comes down use Euls so that you can double stun and to double the damage of the spell...when enemy comes down use the shivas guard to frost the enemy so that you can freeshot...BOOM!!!...motherFUCKER!!!...DEADS!!! KO...stun that shit!!! are all noob!!!
ReplyDeletethe right Build for MAGUS is:
Arcane Boots
Eul's Scepter
Telekinesis first and when enemy comes down use Euls so that you can double stun and to double the damage of the spell...when enemy comes down use the shivas guard to frost the enemy so that you can freeshot...BOOM!!!...motherFUCKER!!!...DEADS!!! KO...stun that shit!!! are all noob!!!
ReplyDeletethe right Build for MAGUS is:
Arcane Boots
Eul's Scepter
Telekinesis first and when enemy comes down use Euls so that you can double stun and to double the damage of the spell...when enemy comes down use the shivas guard to frost the enemy so that you can freeshot...BOOM!!!...motherFUCKER!!!...DEADS!!! KO...stun that shit!!!
ReplyDeleteulol anong alam nyong pa item build item build pa kayo!!! mga ungas!!! tanga!!! hahahaha!!!
ReplyDeleteITEM BUILD:
IronWood Branch
IronWood Branch
IronWood Branch
IronWood Branch
IronWood Branch
IronWood Branch
the true build is
ReplyDelete-phase boots
ReplyDeleteenglish: I AM A PRO THANKS
ReplyDeleteLOL :)
ReplyDeleteoh noezz!1!111!one *cry* I don't like this hero *cry*
ReplyDeleteTime to go on dotablog and put up rage comments as Anonymous to show that I'm a pathetic little kid
tra same hero...
ReplyDeletemga weak!
tignan natin kung cno PRO
shut up u freaking idiot come 1v1 me^^with magus
ReplyDeleteSus!! mga tanga!! wag na kau mgdota.... mag-pacman n lng kau ^_^
ReplyDeletewhy is he reseting the old abilities of other heroes..?? WTF
ReplyDeletemana boots thne dagger the guinsoo and dagon etherialang then chivas
ReplyDeletemanaboots>dagon>dagger>eules scepter>etherial>mjoin nir
ReplyDeleteanaboots>dagon>dagger>eules scepter>etherial>mjoin nir
ReplyDeletepls add me on garena:ayduna123
I go for hood of rejuv to start, with some mana potions, then build mana boots and mek form there...his nuke and passive and ult are really all you need...use the mek and mana to team gank, he will hold his own with aura alone. :3
ReplyDeletepeople who play this hero with carry like items are fucking retarted and should kill themselves. The world is the shitty place it is nowadays because of people like you.
ReplyDeleteDrop dead stupid noobs hahaha
nice build for new her0 ^_^
ReplyDeletethis hero is the best support for SF! :D
ReplyDeletegood build for magus:
ReplyDeletephase boots/arcane boots
my build for grand magus is:
ReplyDeletePower Treads
Linken Sphere
Veil of Discord
Diffusal Blade(used for extra semi disable-slow)
Guinsoo Scyhthe of Vyse(extra disable)
And the other one is situational :) but i prefer Bloodstone,Heart of Tarrasque and Pipe of Insight so you can endure more attacks and additional magic resistance with null field
This sucks
ReplyDeletewhen i try this map
slark and treant protector
owned the game in
2 on 5 match
nice going there ...
guys...some of you are totally crazy and have no idea of what dota is.
ReplyDeletethis new hero should never get carry items. as someone said he is a support roamer.
items are not really important if you play him good because he can get A LOT of useful skills from other heroes.
As items I would suggest:
- BoT, (phase are also good),
- eul scepter (provides decent mana regen also)
- vanguard/hood (if you get targeted a lot)
- dagoon - this item is situational and you should think twice whether is worthed in your game or not (sometimes can be really good)
- linken - always a good item on any hero, especially if the other team want to kill you first (and probably will because you are playing a gay hero). do not get linken if you choose vanguard/hood
- guinsoo - a luxury item worth buying on ANY hero (very fun to get it on magina :))
- dagger - this item is for advanced game play and it requires good control. get it if you are comfortable to use it.
- mekasm - if there is no one else to get it
- jangoo - very good for your team now that you can recharge it. and besides, you get nice stats for that price.
- ghost scepter - can be really good if you play against heroes like mortred, trol, void etc
- sheeva's guard - not a bad item, yet i consider you can always get better for that gold. besides, it can be difficult to get the staff because it's quite expensive.
- any dps item is just stupid (of fun agains noobs).
- lothar's edge - i really hate this item because it's only good against noobs. it's also bought mainly by noobs and they get very surprised how fast i get a gem or dust and THEY DIE!! (hehe) - dagger + eul is way better to escape.
- cuirass - someone else in your team should get it, and you must rush for guinsoo. you cant afford to buy shit
- power treads - not that bad but you really need more speed. better get jangoo for life and attack speed and wait for travel.
- manta style - this is also big waste of money as you are not meant to kill a hero by hitting him.
- refresher orb - big waste of money
As strategy, try to lane with another hero for some combo spells, and gang as much as possible. the idea is to unbalance the game a little in the beginning so that your carry (leoric, slardar, trol etc) can build up some items. After that he will win the game.
just have fun and try to think outside the box.
and watch totalnewbie on youtube. :)
these hero needs much more mana point,and attack speed but the last is mana regeneration
ReplyDeleteno need movement speed because he can steal a skill so no need to run just spell the magic at all cost
WTF!! rubick doing requiem oh my!!!
ReplyDeleteRubick studies the trace magical essence of one enemy hero, learning the secrets of the last spell the hero cast. Rubick can use this spell as his own for several minutes or until he dies.
he steals the last spell that hero casts
so he can steal invoker's skills?
you all noob, all shit fking build.... NOoB all and shit icefrog for making dota become so suck _|_ shit you all and stop posting your own item build noob! you called that owning build? WTF? stop being a joke! BALLS TO YOU! and check your basement for dead bodies _|_
ReplyDeleteGrand Magus item build :
ReplyDelete1. starting items :
- 3x mantle of intelligence
- a clarity potion
- and some tangoes
2. core items :
- arcane boots/phase boots
- perseverance
- dagon
3. luxury :
- Guinsoo
- Bloodstone
- Boots of Travel
- Dagon
- Shiva's Guard
dagon will be no.1 item for this hero! COPY SKILLS
ReplyDelete+ 2 other skills of his + dagon = GG
then build
arcane boots
and yeah! bloodstone or if you want to kill go with necromancer then.
necro. can help you to suck mana to enemy and see invisible enemy
Awwww Men....... Noob Build......
ReplyDeletePhase boots
dagon 5
bkb for spellcasters
veil of discord for dagon n fade bolt... GG sir!!
guinsoo shivas attack fade bolt telekinesis attack complete ownage on noobs!!!!
-Travel Boots
-Blood Stone
ook assim ele fika imortaaal Blz Jáaah Testeeei
woeiwoeiwoeiwoeiwoeiwoeiwoei !
ReplyDelete-Dagon +5
-Shiva's Guard
-Boots of Travel
-Blood Stone
ook assim ele fika imortaaal Blz Jáaah Testeeei
woeiwoeiwoeiwoeiwoeiwoeiwoei !
ang best build dyan
ReplyDeleteANY boots
best spell steal
finger of death,voodoo (lion)
laguna blade (LIna)
enfeeble(bane elemental)
You all Noob. If u see magnus has is own spell reduction skills. U dont have problems in any skills in buying other items like hood of defiance and go to pipe. Ur problem now is for physical attacks and how u can kill the hero.
ReplyDeleteBest Items!
Dagger / LOthars
Etherial Blade
You all Noob. If u see maguz has is own spell reduction skills. U dont have problems in any skills in buying other items like hood of defiance and go to pipe. Ur problem now is for how to avoid physical attacks and how u can kill the hero.
ReplyDeleteBest Items!
Dagger / LOthars
Etherial Blade
Why this Items? If u see Maguz can cast 2 spells on his ulti. If u have fast hands u cant kill ur enemy in sec. By using Etherial blade dagon + 2nd skill of maguz and the skills u copied from other heroes. And why lothars cuz u can set ur skills by lothars and u can use it to escape for enemy's. This is for Gangker Build
keh..keh..keh..can you stop your stupid oppinion creeps ?!
ReplyDeleterubick is a support hero...
ReplyDeletekaya ang best item dyan
mekansm/pipe-to support allies
shiva/guinsoo-to slow down enemies
Radiance-for DPS
jango of endurance/Linken Sphere
Urn of shadow/bloodstone
Arcane boots
I dont recommend:
dagon/manta/- his only a supporter
bkb-he has passive that makes him magic resistance why not linken as an alternative?
^^ right!!
ReplyDeletefor me 4 manta recipe ,,dagon ,, and boots of speed.. im sure wlang takas ang kalaban..pati ang tower..
ReplyDeletejust veil, vanguard, urn of shadow, arcane boot, shiva/sheepstick/orchic, and sthing else
ReplyDeletei hate this new not fare coz it can still other hero lame
ReplyDeleteyang hero na yan nkakainiz!!lgi nlang ako minsan natatalo jan!!Rubick is a bitch hero!!
ReplyDeleteyuckkk.napaka noob nio... the build up for grand magus is depend to the heroes of your enimies...haha...^_^..
ReplyDeleteMad of madnes
new item requirement and function is kinda weird why force hOd with two robes and recipe is too damn hero 3rd skills is already countered by the new item..lolz
ReplyDeleteimbalance at all
ReplyDeletewew...check my link hahaha...item build ko imba hahaha...dagon 5 yan sir...
fb yan sir...
cmon don't say that just because of that hero u loss..hahaha..what a pity!!!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my Rubick Feature Here
ReplyDeleteThis Is My Build
Magic wand
Boots of speed
I am godlike in 10 seconds
he never disappears in all of my GG games
ReplyDeleteMay 6, 2011 5:29 PM
nice grammar LOL!!!
rubick ultimate item is linken ... :D
ReplyDeleteWTF YOU ALL>>
Best Item Build Ever!!!!!
Dagon 5
ReplyDeletethis hero sucks!
ReplyDeletevalid for all hero:
ReplyDelete3 rapiers
1 madness
1 bkb
1 mkb
Evrything changes i think, all we can do is to adopt.
ReplyDeletei like rubick when i stole the spell of QOP the sonic wave .. :DD
ReplyDeleteparang W I C K E D S T I CK
ReplyDeleteapparently refresher orb is a good item for rubick if its used by a non-noob players (especially those who oppose the idea without thinking). having enough mana and refresher, rubicks can use 4 skills with his ulti.. by stealing 1 earlier on, in a team battle, rubick can use its first stolen spell, followed by a second stolen spell. continued by refreshing it to reuse the second stolen spell and finally steal another spell to be used.. not to mention his other skills will be refreshed as well n that would be 8 skills in total to spam and it could definately makes a great difference in a team battle.. however this applies only to pro-players who are fast n flexible in their gameplay.. so if u are only noobs like u ppl who suggest end games items like rapier buriza mkb n all those shit, rubicks isnt a hero for u..
ReplyDeletetama, pag bobo gumamit ng rubick magiging pataba ka lang sa lupa. malambot pero malakas mangharass at magpapera. d para sa mga batang tanga at d maruning mag isip
ReplyDeletehey stupid, u think refresher good? fuck off. you must have at least 2000+ mana to use all 4 skills. 1 finger of death already more than 500+ mana, how you gonna spend the rest?
ReplyDeletefucking nightmare!!!
ReplyDeletepokok-e menanggg!!!!!! Phoenix the hero KhayaL
ReplyDeletewtf if anyone dont like the changes of the heros in new version of dota map then delete the new version and stay with the fucking old version and dont ever think to look for the new version again...son of a bitch
ReplyDeleteWTH !
ReplyDeleteItem Build:
You all Noob !
ReplyDeleteThis hero's skills and stolen spells on its own are usually enough to kill early game, just go for eul's as disable (ms bonus and mana regen also very useful) and then dagon so you won't lose your nuking power mid game on, then bloodstone to make up for his low hp.
ReplyDeleteEarly game rubick and tiny in same lane, telekinesis + fade bolt + avalanche + toss, guaranteed kill.
mag laro nlng kayo kesa mag away2x pa kayo!
ReplyDeletemga ulol!
ReplyDeleteyou have so may complaints if you don't want the new character then don't use it..hahaha..
ReplyDeletethis is good for all novice...
ReplyDeleteWhat is a cheated map?
ReplyDelete- A map with cheats
Can I use it on garena or bnet?
- Yes,but everyone who will join you will download.
So what’s the point of this map?
- Use it for lan games,play it with your friends…
How to use:
Download the map below
Place the map in any of your warcraft maps folder
Host the map
Type the activators to be able to use the menu and cheats
Have Fun!
I'm not sure if it is my eyes or what, but your skill build for Rubick has 5 levels of Null Field.
ReplyDeleteInstead of Spell Steal at Level 16, it has a Null Field... Other than that, this strategy is good! Love it!!
come on guyz plz ;/ he is a support ganker hero. rub is not a late game hero and should be played like a the item build should be: arcane boots,dagger,mekanms,hex,orchid,shivas......this will give him the ability to support and have a bit survival during teambattles :)
ReplyDeleteMga tanga! support si magus on 4v4 or killer din sa 1v1-3v3..dapat ang buo lang sa kanya ay ganito:
ReplyDelete-ANY BOOTS (nag aaway away pa kayo sa kung anung boots dapat ang gamitin eh lahat naman un auz lang para sa kanya..sapatusin ko kayo dyan eh..
-EULS SCEPTER magandang combo para sa telekenesis oh kaya pantakas kapag ikaw ang target.
-LINKEN SPHERE bagay para sa kanya.gamitin nyo.
-GUINSOO Pang disabled sa hero target kapag gustong tumakas dahil malapit nang ma-GG. Bagay na bagay sa isang support Hero kagaya ni magus.
-MAELSTORM-Magandang gamit para sakanya,..owning mo lahat ng creeps sa lane mo,..puro money shot..bilis pera!..kapag nag nag-maasim at lumapit ang enemy hero mo,..labas kunat nun..
-DAGON/PIPE-maganda pang godlike ung DAGON sa 2v2-5v5..bawal sa 1v1 game..PIPE kn lang mas bagay sa 1v1..
oh ayan!..naliwanagan na cguro kayo,..geh,..GG-hin nyo na yung mga puta na kalaban nyo,..magiging noob yan seinyu,..hahaha!!..HAPPY GODLIKE SAYO at -BUHAY again sa kanila,..
-happyneski jherson :-)
dominator nyo yan ilagay .. anim !!
ReplyDelete`build vladmir and battle fury on rubick
ReplyDeleteuloL ... kung ayaw nyo sa gamit e d wag nyo gamitn ... buy nyo yung gus2 nyo at sa tingin mo na my silbi ! TAnga ... wag kang mag pa foods !!!
ReplyDeleteit's only logical that it steals other heroes's ulti it is your ultimate!
ReplyDeleteso you don't have a normal ultimate but you can get one!
and you can also use other weaker spells such as vengeful's magic missil or lich's frost nova
can someone pls answer me?
ReplyDeletei mean what is it with noobs and the maelstrom for rubrick?
he's a support spell caster not a physical damager he nneds to cast spells not hit normal attacks!
and why would any one buy vanguard for this hero?
oh and for refresher the smart ass who explained forgot that this strategie is useless it depends on what the other team has cast!
i know you won't get it at first but let me explain
you expect something like:you have frost nova then you steal something like rhasta's first skill then you use refresh and you use rhasta's first skill again and you steal something like serpent wards right?
but in fact it will go like this you have a spell like frost nova then you use it you get a weaker spell because other team's spellcaster will die quickly then you use your spell steal on a tanker like axe(what are you gonna steal i mean you are not gonna steal his ulti because if you steal it you will have to run like an idiot in the middle of the team battle to use it and you will surely get killed!)so to continue you will steal a tanker or a carry's weak and lame spell to use it twice with refresher than you get a carry's spell(because most likely only carry will survive at the end because they have good escape mecanisme like invisiblity or blink or simply haste!) and you can do nothing with a carry's escape spell like for example you are not gonna use blink on anti-mage or even worse if for example viper had a lother and he was the last one standing all you can steal is his first spell! hahaha and you are very slow in attacking so it won't help so next time someone calls another a noob make sure to think better and you will realize that no one is better than the other
oh and most pro's are noobs but they're lucky and they have good team and heroes so it's easy to win!
Note: I said most and not all
GG nlng
ReplyDeletehe's not a melee hero
ReplyDeletefirst of all. MAELSTROM not MAELSTORM. Rubick is not a DPS type of hero. He's a spell caster. 2nd. DONT USE TREADS ON RUBICK. He's a SPELL SPAMMER. You'll need mana to do it.And as you said, he's a support hero.So Use arcane boots. TANGA MO TALAGA! PATI NANAY MO BINOBOBO KA NA
ReplyDeletekatulad mo
ReplyDeleteni puta ang bobong ina mo
ReplyDeleteMy Rubick Build:
ReplyDeleteBoots of Travel
Shiva's Guard
Then rub it in their face!
p0ta galing
ReplyDeleteinstead of phase boots, use arcane boots!! instead of mjollnir, use eul's scepter of divinity,!! and last one instead of vanguard, use shiva's guard!! rubick is a support hero and not a melee/DPS hero..
ReplyDeletewhats the use of desolator if you have -damge (effect of 2nd skill) you are a support hero and not a melee, better use eul's scepter of divinity instead of deso!!
ReplyDeleteYour one of them!!
ReplyDeletephase boots!!? why don't use arcane instead, much better mana that you can use on early game.
bkb!!? you already have the 3rd skill, instead use eul's scepter of divinity, such a useful item for a support hero. you should be supporting your team by having supporting items like urn of shadows or pipes and in addition of spamming your skills.
you dont even know how to post a real f*ck you,, eat this bastard ,,/,,
ReplyDeleteMy build is as below:
ReplyDelete1st.Magic stick and arcane boots in the beginning.
2nd. Dagon 1, dagger and hex.
I think this should have end the game lol :)
Blink and telekinesis one of the hero backwards, hex one of them. Dagon( ks or spam ) the choice is in your hands :)
this's my favourite hero :)
ReplyDeletebobo lang nglalagay ng maelstrom at vanguard kay rubick
ReplyDeleteang bobo muh namn dre kahit ai.. d ganyan ang build haahha
ReplyDeletethe new item build for rubick
ReplyDelete3x ironwood branch
stout shield
null talisman
urn of shadows
desolator or skadi
Why you all keep on fighting like sh*t?
ReplyDeleteJust keep in mind that Rubick is a SPELL SPAMMER, so at least, got Bloodstone, Dagon, Ethereal Blade or Guinsoo, and BKB for uninterrupted spell barrage.
Cause Rubick is a freaking scary hero on early game, so go offensive and send enemy back quickly as possible to their fountain then u can have the whole creep on current lane as fast money for ur item build.
Fucking noobs pro item build for rubick grand magus is:
ReplyDeleteArcane Boots,Silence,Bloodstone,Mealstorm,Shiva good game! gg
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wrong items you motherfucker!!
ReplyDeletebobo mo nakputa cnu gumawa ng blog na toh wala kang kwenta wag ka na mag dota mag JACKSTONE ka nalng!!! malimali putangina mong gamit tarantado!!
hello my name is jack Jud from U S A i was once a poor man and have been trying every mess to be rich by joining the Illuminati brotherhood all to know are vain every person i contact through the internet we eat my money and scam me with the little i have then i was frustrated and never want to join anymore till one day my director sent me message to format his lap-top, from the lap-top i saw a message line chief Illuminati initiator called illuminatimoneyfavour how he initiate my director and how he always sent my director money i quick-ling write the email and the number out,so when i get home i email him and also called him.that i am so poor that i want to be rich he said okay and ask me to do some things which i did within 2weeks which he initiated me i started getting rich day by day i got money to the extent i was afraid too much money.i called him on phone his name is MONEY FAVOUR that money keep coming to me day by day that i do no understand,he reply and said to me that he has bless me with money;that is why i am called ILLUMINATI MONEY FAVOUR,go and enjoy your money i have already bless you..if you want to contact him here is the email;; and his phone number;+2347055620537…i thank you MY OGA AT THE TOP ILLUMINATI MONEY
mah gawd.....whats wrong with u..
DeleteWhat if rubick uses rot from pudge... hahaha... BOOOO NOOB