WoDotA Top Ten Week 43 - DotA-Blog

WoDotA Top Ten Week 43

Here you go! Another top ten moves of the week!

10 : Shadow Fiend manage to avoid a stun from Venge with Smoke of Deceit and manage to kill her instead
9: Zeus doing a rampage with his ultimate
8: A timely Shallow Grave from Dazzle allow Mortred to get a triple kill
7: Dazzle used Shallow Grave to save Earthshaker and Magic Stick to save himself. Raigor then does a Fissure and blocked Pugna allowing Spectre to get the kill.
6: Meepo using Poof to free himself from Rasta’s Wards and Mekans to save himself and doing a triple kill
5: Kunkka predicted the movement of BH and killed him with TideBringer by hitting a neutral creeps
4: Lion avoid being killed by a gang from Juggernaut and Ogre Magi. Juggernaut ending up died by the help of the tower and Ogre Magi killed using a fogged Impale

A: Storm Sprit predicting the movement of Clinkz and manages to kill him. If this done without MH, then it's really a cool move ;)

B: Faceless Void used Time Walk to avoid Tide’s ulti and Tuskar’s Snowball and manages to kill them both with the help of SF to get a double kill. He also avoid Sniper’s Assasinate with a timely TimeWalk to avoid death

C: Shadow Fiend manages to predict and killing Clinkz With 3 razes. Same comment with the A part

Enjoy the vids!

JK: Thanks for the time line!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. they look like they use maphack..ahahaha

  3. y i feel like the A SF is using a MH ==

  4. Last one, clinkz changed direction multiple times and each time SF changed its direction accurately as well. I call MH on that one.

  5. A and C are totally maphack

  6. Actually , A can be possible. Raijin is pro-invi.
    But SF at C , unbelievable. MH .

  7. Yep. SF is a map hacker.

  8. Riiight. Do you think the author is stupid enough to put in a maphacked replay? Here's my guess.
    1 : Sf predicts BF is at the right.
    2 : Bf runs towards the left to throw off SF.
    3 : Sf predicts that and razes.
    4 : Bf runs to the right.
    5 : Sf predicts, razes.

    Not everything is always maphack y'know -_-''

  9. u know, when u use mh and save the replay, the replay will look like just a normal game..

    in my opinion SF at the last part is using mh.. canceling and redirecting the raze like that, its like he totally knew where the enemy is..

  10. My guess its high level mindgames for SF.
    He knows bone would run the other side when he hit the first raze. so he alternate it.

    But it could also be pure mh.
    Just saying, don't stereotype all high level blind razings as mh.

  11. its up to you guys what you want to believe :D
    but its all amazing xD

  12. its not mh, thats just a sudden feeling when u r the player cause it happened to me already also playing as SF

    i was chasing gondar with low hp then he got invi, i cast my 1st raze then i thought that if he got hit he may go to the opposite direction to avoid the next raze so i redirected my nxt raze at the other side and used my ulti for all or nothing, then he died,, kept calling me using mh and quit the game..

    if u really play a lot and with that so many experience u'l have some sudden feeling of where the enemy is.. u put urself to the enemy and thus predicting his next move.. in the video SF is really one step against BC..

  13. at the last sentence i posted above

    * SF is really one step ahead BC..

  14. i bet i can beat you guys easily in a blink of an eye

  15. shut up okay...you are not good at all i bet

  16. predict and predict so fort and so fort but look at it so damn accurate.
    mh~just my opinion sure sometimes you get the feeling where the enemy will go but cmon cancelling the raze,wtf!

  17. lol SF last part obviously MH

  18. A, if Raijin's user is ahaha_111 , i believe it :)

    but that SF, Totally MH la
    even professional is near impossible...

    or maybe SF use Dust before that 8-|

  19. * SF is really one step ahead BC..

    lol. Clinkz is way too fast for SF, unlike Gondar who has no movespeed increase from his Windwalk.

    By the way SF moved, he turned clockwise when Clinkz went down. That would give a higher chance of MH than when SF turns counterclockwise.

  20. Riiight. Do you think the author is stupid enough to put in a maphacked replay? Here's my guess.
    1 : Sf predicts BF is at the right.
    2 : Bf runs towards the left to throw off SF.
    3 : Sf predicts that and razes.
    4 : Bf runs to the right.
    5 : Sf predicts, razes.

    Not everything is always maphack y'know -_-''

    -As if the Author watched the game, someone could have just uploaded it to their site. lol

  21. mh nevermore, pure mh...

  22. its like trolls bash you know.. 10% to stun..

    this one, SF is like 10% pure genius and 90% pure mh..

    although in the video SF really looks mh, theres still the chance, a crazy probability that he's not..

    or maybe he's just lucky at razing anywhere he wants to and cancelling it then razing again..

    judging without full proof of evidence is bad you know..

    BTW to the one calling Bone clinkz BF,, u really need to study initials of all the heroes..

  23. bone fletcher(BF),. like (SF)shadowfiend.not (NM)Nevermore.well thats my proof that you sir need to study as well.

  24. C is totally map hack, even Yaphets cant do that.

  25. BF is not stupid to run in a straight line and get hit by all 3 raze..so BF dodge the 1st raze..but SF also know that that would be dumb of BF to windwalk in a straight line and hit all 3 raze..so SF predict the movement of BF..if only BF didn't walk around, the raze would't have hit him..

  26. pffffff all of you people!! They are Good Rated Players!! they usually are in internet cafe's so why would they use mh in front of everyone....some people are just st***d.....

  27. he used raze to scare BF maybe?? or you people might not know that??Is that a probability??

  28. thats the difference between pro and noobs..

    in my thought, those saying that SF is pure mh are the ones using mh, that if they play without cheat and seeing a move like that is like totally new to them.. better watch replays of international tournaments and u'l see that those kind of stuffs are nothing but normal...

  29. i did not quite understand how the top10 worked, of how SF dodge the stun of VS.. did that worked like troll changing from range or is that distance far enough for SF to get invi avoiding the stun?

  30. @^ Read the TimeLine TY. Smoke of Deceit allows the user and teammates to turn invisible for a time until opponents seen you.. Sf used that and turn invis for that few Miliseconds causing VS Stun to Miss . Like BH/TA/CLinks Going Invis Before a Stun Hit Them

  31. SMARTASS IS SHITASSApril 1, 2011 at 1:33 PM

    @3 above from this comment
    you're really smartass.. since when you know about international tournaments ?? if u know, i ask u.. who the hell is ZSMJ, 2009, and NWO ?? international tournaments (<< as you pronounced) never pick such hero like BC, they play strategy !!

  32. ^ right..
    this sf is really MH

  33. LOLWUT BF ??? BLUE FILM ??

  34. those saying SF is using MH is just jealous of SF and keep saying MH so other newbie will thinking like that.. (STFU man..)
    all of those who thinking SF not MH have to agree on above statement
    and to all of those judging SF MH..
    if you reply to this comment then it means you admit that you are noobs that will never be able to play like that!!

  35. "BF is not stupid to run in a straight line and get hit by all 3 raze..so BF dodge the 1st raze..but SF also know that that would be dumb of BF to windwalk in a straight line and hit all 3 raze..so SF predict the movement of BF..if only BF didn't walk around, the raze would't have hit him.."

    lol. SF used Shadowraze(Mid) first. Unless Clinkz was really stupid to go near he would still be alive even if he gets hit with Shadowraze(far). How would Clinkz get hit with the Shadowraze(near) since he's faster?

  36. most of the kills are caused by good reflexes of the player and some are just pure luck. the one that isn't is the zeus part...i also will save my ulti to last hit like that...gagagagaga

  37. any good clinx user will always try to juke the enemy by fake-windwalking (not like AI dood)
    if you didn't realize this I'm sure u'll be FARMED by a clinx in a game

    did you pay attention to the second raze? the AoE just barely hit the clinx because the SF just turn to face west (the clinx was actually on his south-west) so it was more like razing right-left-right than actually aiming directly to clinx ;) I'm guessing the SF plays lots of clinx himself or have a good time observing his enemy in-game, really WP, deserved to be number 1 move this week^^

  38. @ 1:33PM "smart"-dude
    man, there are no such team with the name NWO right now O_O" are you have just woken up from a coma or sumthin'?
    for BC pick... EVERYONE right now is still discussing the epic Na`Vi vs Garaj(DTS) where goblin plays BC (and shows how WEAK he is againts ghost scepter >_<)
    But yeah, I agree that BC isn't a good pick for today's version metagame (carries such as morph and weaver is still way OP)

  39. i think strom use MH.. but its good video n very annoying

  40. this song is annoying

  41. he shows the little video on the lower left corner and can see because he use replay

  42. yeah , the last one is absolutely using MH ... in what world , dota player can predict 100% of his foes movement even thought he's invisible ?? at the first time i saw it , i thought he was really pro . But the part that he canceling the second rages is just crazy man ...

  43. Maybe C isn't MH, but they are already arrange this dota match to make this video look great....

  44. you noobs if u play bone clinkz and seeing sf razes u think u would run straight?you just want to ward the enemy. so SF predicted it. tell me if u have a clinkz enemy would you raze in a straight line?cmon noobs if you know how to play SF with invi enemies you just have to raze any were bitches!

  45. @ ^

    YEah u are correct in a way but how the hell do u STop Raze twice. Normally against an invis hero u will just raze u wun know where he is much more stop raze.

  46. @^

    he stop razes twice cause he predicted that clinkz turned the other way. its just common sense for people who play dota for a long time

  47. @ joon kiat
    are you telling me that you can't stop raze?
    that's a piece of cake for the player who master SF

  48. zzz the game is -cm la.. how to maphack?

  49. SF!! PURELY MH!!.. PERIOD!

  50. All the noobs saying mh..very sad....no more people who actually got brains posting.

  51. Anonymous said...

    he stop razes twice cause he predicted that clinkz turned the other way. its just common sense for people who play dota for a long time
    April 3, 2011 9:15 AM

    Sorry lo maybe i lack such common sense

    Anonymous said...
    @ joon kiat
    are you telling me that you can't stop raze?
    that's a piece of cake for the player who master SF
    April 3, 2011 12:40 PM

    I never say they cannot stop raze but stopping it to raze an invis player?. i dun think so

  52. @ ^
    that's why all u noobs should start practicing nvm now better than shouting MH

    anyway it's pointless to explain it to you because you think "invinsible" is "invincible" and no matter what you do you can't raze invisible enemy without gem

  53. @^ Ok la u the most pro here can? problem is i dun even fking know wth are u. using Anonymous? Too scared to be called a noob thats why hide behind anonymous? JOKE

  54. the top "teen" moves of the week and meepos "spoof".. better correct it, its kinda funny to read...

  55. @ above above
    yeah i agree with you
    but what that anonymous said is also true.. it sometimes irritates me that when someone play nice move the others saying MH
    what i'm trying to say is what's your proof for saying MH?
    because that SF can predict clink movements?
    nope, i think it's not a good reason..
    what i'm trying to say is cool down your head and think before you say

  56. SF used raze ->This caused BC to go invi -> This in turn would cause a "non-MH" SF to guess/predict where to land the next raze.
    A logical choice, by using reverse pyschology on BC, would be to raze in the opposite direction as the last.

    So far so good right?

    Here's where it gets blurry:
    Why in the blue hell would SF CANCEL a raze if he already has his own prediction?
    Like seriously, in real life, if u can't see your opponent, what's the point in throwing a left feint followed by a right punch when you already anticipate him moving to the right?
    Why not just...so straight to the point and punch him?

    But allow me to call it right down the middle. I'll give SF the benefit of the doubt. I mean, maybe for some reason he "accidentally" or "miscalculatingly" pressed Raze, so he had to cancel it.
    Seriously guys, there's no way to find out unless you saw it firsthand. I say it could go either way.
    Ergo, it's POSSIBLE, but NOT CERTAIN, that this isn't MH. :)

  57. Hehehe.....

    Miss and Miss... Why... im a BF player.. so for me SF is not a MH user.. FOR me... ^^, nice one SF.. till the next game!! hehehehe

  58. Clinks can run straight and still not die. Maybe he's stupid.

    The reason why? SF used Shadowraze X first, so he won't be able to hit Clinks with Shadowraze Z.

  59. any good clink player will try to juke their opponent when invisible
