Dota 6.72b Map - Dota-Allstars 6.72b Official Map Released! - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.72b Map - Dota-Allstars 6.72b Official Map Released!

Dota 6.72b
Dota 6.72b Map Download - Dota-Allstars 6.72b Official Map has just released! IceFrog made some fix for PPC Mac bug that could crash thing and also made several adjustment. Check out the changelogs and download link below!

Dota 6.72b Changelogs:
>> DotA 6.72b Changelogs <<

Dota 6.72b Download Link
Dota 6.72b Download - GameWebZ Mirror
Dota 6.72b Download - GetDota Mirror

Note: Don't wanna miss the next map? Subscribe our feed and we will deliver the latest Dota-Allstars map updates to your email or RSS reader.

Nice updates! Hope this map will be the last series of the DotA 6.72! :)

PS : For AI map update, check out the Dota 6.72 AI post.

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  1. 2nd blood

    from macabebe , pampanga , add me

  2. kailan lalabas yan

  3. kailan kya magkakaroon ng bagong hero?

  4. hove can i download dota 6.72 and instal on my comp

  5. write getdota on google
    first site

  6. scourge needs a new hero aswell ;)

    and rubick cant use jugger's blade of fury and i think i wasnt able to use furions ulti, im jsut sayin' make a spell stealer a real spell stealer

  7. change husk ult back hes 2 op

  8. with slark attribute steal and treant global cast living armor removed, the fun is gone

  9. the doom - life stealer issue is not yet fixed, naix(infest), doom(ethereal staff)+(devour).
    naix still disappears. ;(

  10. hahaha.. yup, it's still there..

    too bad they nerfed slark a lot.... i am a slark user, and i think that they totally balanced slark a lot...
    low agi, low agi growth, they made slark a total weakling...

  11. also, the permanent steal is gone.... o great...

  12. 一群垃圾 =.=

  13. WISP APPEAR in -randomint!!!
    even wisp himself wants to be an
    int type hero xD

    i mean just look at his base stats O.o

  14. remove shadowraze visual effect? hey now how it looks like...dont have purple raze anymore?

  15. Tons of nerfs this time... Icefrog's way of work is clear now: fuck up first by making tons of op remakes, then nerf them to the point that they totally suck :(

  16. Thanks icefrog for the mac updates...

  17. THANKS ICE! the shadowraze is cool again now :)

    Sorry slark, please go back to the bench...

  18. whoa big nerf on slark ahahaha
    getting amused already

  19. What a great map, it has a new hero..
    Message from: Watch Movie Online

  20. May Naghahanap agad ng new hero eh kaka-release lng :))

    Translate: Someone's now expecting a new hero while IceFrog released one on the last time .. Zz

  21. i want the exploding effect on sf's shadowraze :(

  22. no slark isn't nerfed a lot cause essence shift doesn't permanently steal attribute from the enemies it only steals for 30 secs while in 6.72(A)essence shift permanently steals stats from the enemies.

  23. strongly suggest to balance new hero in the next version. either increase the CD of Fade bolt or lowers both the damage and deduced effect of Fade Bolt, and increases the CD of the ultra skill being stealed.

  24. If u will release a new version, please make it BALANCE! :) Thanks!

  25. Puck,,sylabear his bear cannot atack an ememy unit...
    please fix this bug

  26. I've created a new version of DoTA AI Map , DoTA 6.70 AI R2 Fun 2.5, you can find it in the link in my name.

  27. what is the wrong of this map
    it cannot be open
    I am so angry

  28. sarap pa mag dota pag lumabas na un excited na me

  29. exciting †lex†t.libid †

  30. new items...
    2x exp. scroll - double your exp. gain for short time.
    reskill - allow the owner to reset the skills.
    scroll of awakening - Reveals hidden stats of Armor, Weapons, and shields. Negative stats can be revealed, so please be careful

  31. apparently refresher orb is a good item for rubick if its used by a non-noob players (especially those who oppose the idea without thinking). having enough mana and refresher, rubicks can use 4 skills with his ulti.. by stealing 1 earlier on, in a team battle, rubick can use its first stolen spell, followed by a second stolen spell. continued by refreshing it to reuse the second stolen spell and finally steal another spell to be used.. not to mention his other skills will be refreshed as well n that would be 8 skills in total to spam and it could definately makes a great difference in a team battle.. however this applies only to pro-players who are fast n flexible in their gameplay.. so if u are only noobs like u ppl who suggest end games items like rapier buriza mkb n all those shit, rubicks isnt a hero for u..

  32. very good... gg nlng para malaman yan....

  33. Warlock spells should still be improved
    shadow word is weak and unreliable
    its healing per second makes it incapable on
    saving comrades on big spells like finger of death
    unlike purist heals that also gives him a nuke
    and even Rooftrellen new leech seed ability makes the healing of warlock look like shit I mean damaging the enemy while healing allies

    shadow word should make your defense and resistance.words that encourage you and envelope you with positive energy .the term "spirits up" should apply to that.Its about a word that bugs your enemies mind making them less battle ready. Or just make it have 2 sec stun. the details can be " warlock uses magic chants that can enhance allies capabilities or to an enemy to be stun if the enemy suffer enough damage that the chant will increase the enemies sorrows and causes the enemy to have mental breakdown. i mean saying fucking words to enemy must do something

  34. warlock slow is again not very reliable you'll black king bar to not be interrupted and eve if your immune the slow itself is a bit complicated to use use it too early then the enemy may just ignore it and do burst attack or whack you to death it doesn't take as much time to kill warlock compared the time the golem kill his enemy
    . Use it to late and it will not be so effective like slows that have burst effect then the enemy will just run away not to talk about most picked enemy has escaping capability
    You must use it in between the enemy don't have the ability to kill you and have less health that the slow can sustain him until the golem can kill your enemy. c very complicated
    But if it have very long range it can avoid warlock from being hit and make it always at the right place for greater effects

  35. ^^ gg tau mga sir ^^ walang galingan ehhehehe

  36. AllandominiquecalderonAugust 8, 2011 at 11:08 AM

    geh sali po ako sa inyo

  37. bqT aYAW maG Run sa Dota!!!

  38. Can someone give me a link for the mac version of DOTA?
