Give Your Suggestion for DotA 6.72!

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If can , remove Tuskar = =!
ReplyDeleteno need la remove tuskar...if he really that imba, just remake or rescale his skill...
ReplyDeleteremove undying better than
ReplyDeletereduce ursa's fury swipes buff duration to 2-3 seconds....5-6 seconds is way too long
ReplyDelete1st Blood!!
yea.. please remake tuskar skill.
ReplyDeleteRemove Tuskar Snowball's STUN !!
ReplyDeleteIF snowball have stun + ulti stun and critical = gg.
And Tuskar Snowball roll with ES = gg..
ReplyDeleteIf you are making a new hero plz go for something like a man archer or something like that
ReplyDeletemake Roshan drop something else!
ReplyDeleteI want a PEON !!!
ReplyDeleteThey're awsome, they can build tours, hide in barracks and make Orkish shields to block other units =)
u can make new voids ulty.stun in aoe 5 secs...or u can make ethernal blade but with 40 str or int,like treads u can change...
ReplyDeleteyeah u could do that its good idea.rebalance tuskarr
ReplyDeletechange heroes like lion or lina that make lot of damage b their ulti
ReplyDeleteRemove *_BUYBACK COOLDOWN_*
ReplyDeletemake an item that enables you to hover for awhile when clicked
ReplyDeletemaybe a cool down reduction item
ReplyDeleteIf u can add some hero who can with his attack get intelect like Slark
ReplyDelete4 me so far 8s fair...
ReplyDeleteAnd if u can create 6.70 ai pls?!
ReplyDeleteadd lich king
ReplyDeletewhere is my butterfly hero?
i want that really! like it starts from being an egg, then to a scary worm then to a butterfly!
we girls who play dota loves butterflies! like the nymphora in HON. can you?
remove huskar plz more coldown his ulti minium 140 sec... and ursa fury swipes more coldown and maximium 3 sec
ReplyDelete*increase heroes in cm
ReplyDelete*add item that has hand of midas effect instead of hand of midas
*remake hand of midas, 30% attack speed + active ability of 3 sec sheild on the user
*add a 2 new heroes (this will be hard to do) like 2 siblings: one earth one ice,
earth brother - 1. casts rock shield on himself reflecting damage for 1 spell
2. passive spirit of the earth the more oponents around him the less damage he takes
3. rock smash is cast on cliffs creating passable terrain
4. stone temple* - aoe rock shower stun + damage
frozen sister: 1. ice shape: who ever attacks here becomes stunned as well/ she cannot attack in that form.
2. passive: spirit of the frozen: increases the attack speed of ranged heroes in 300 aoe
3. freezing glare: nuke + slows one target
4. snow temple*: sends a wave of ice cold wind towards opponents cancelling spells and attacks for 3 secs (attacks animations will be cancelled before they are done) spell too (example: lion wld raise his arm for an impale but nothing wld come out, cooldown is not affected as if u didnt cast the spell
frozen golems summoned: when the siblings cast their ulties together special effects are added and 2 frost beings are raised from the earth attacking random oponents for 5 - 7 secs
just hoping icefrog add new sexy girl hero.. and want it in STR type.. it'll be fun.. XD
ReplyDeletetuskars skills isn't bad .it's easy to counter .just hitter
ReplyDeleteTuskarr is balance for now.. yess tuskar is super when ganking even with teammate the kill are almost 100% success.. guess u just need more training in map awareness.. yes team work and warding are important.
ReplyDeleteplease change the icon skill of VENGEFUL SILKWOOD .please
ReplyDeleteIf Possible,I Relli Like To See "Roshan" In More Horrifying Way.I Think Roshan From Hero Of New Erth Is Better Looking(Scary).I Think That's How A Map Boss Should Look Like.Any Seggestion??
ReplyDeletesorry if out of place but the AI in 6.68 still has a bug, that is if they use portal after they cast them, they JUST WALK and cancelling the portal resulting the game become too easy for this blunder to happen.
ReplyDeleteplease make meepo's other self receive 30% stats of the main meepo..and if the main got additional 100 damage, then the others might get additional 30 damage..
ReplyDeleteremake roshann ..
ReplyDeletemake a new look of roshan ..
then add a skill for the roshan .
give more power and durability to phoenix's ulti!!! :D
ReplyDeleteComplete RMK for fucking Ursa the most imba hero in dota ... !!
ReplyDeleteadd yasha to skadi ==''
ReplyDeletejoke only...xD
don't remake ursa ,tuskar ..that two hero is not imba if all the team mate play well...plz remake shadow demon,undying,n improve necrolic skill 2...this 3 hero have almost no damage skill at late game...if possible plz add more blind spot at jungle... make roshan more stronger so that ursa and jahrakal can't kill it easily ... plz increase crystl maiden movement speed..she's already too soft..i'm pity of her..lolz
ReplyDeleteadd more hero effect scapter pls
ReplyDeletemake map even bigger !!!!! :DD
ReplyDeletetower more great n have a regeneration..... so the game more great
ReplyDeletepls..... give a new hero and new features
ReplyDeleteitem that reveals all enemies on the map for a few seconds. No damage though.
ReplyDeletepls get out tuskar
ReplyDeleteit is maphack if reveal enemy heroes... and for what a fog if item reveal use ?
ReplyDeletenull talisman is used to make dagon scepter.. wraith band is used to make ethereal blade.. i think they should create an item that has a bracer required....
ReplyDeleteimprove more graphics and expect new heroes and items....................
ReplyDeletehow about a kamen rider type? abilities likewise.. ulti skill rider kick with bash....that would be great!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletei think it's great if the water in river is more higher
ReplyDeletemake the ice of tuskar to convex instead of concave..
ReplyDeletean extra aura for those hits the godlike kills..adc..
ReplyDeletewhat about the tree cutting orc in reign of chaos! make that guy a hero!!
ReplyDeleteif you dont know that, play the Warchasers in scenario maps then look for megatron!
lol.... tuskar?? imba?? just use phase boots and all is solved..... hahaha and for ursa, just use ghost scepter or blade mail.... duh??
ReplyDeleteInstead of making a new hero, how about adding some items, new creeps, new neutral creeps. For example, buying landmines that deal 200 damage for 100 gold.
ReplyDeletephoenix ulti..very sucks..after destroyed the ulti, the phoenix will die..can u make the phoenix turns 2 normal after they beat the ulti but the phoenix hp/mp still b same..
ReplyDeleteNew Model For Roshan.Please Make Water Element Hero Like Morphling,Tidehunter,Admarial etc gain a little MS and more damage to their skill if they are in the water.That would me fun.And Make Fire Element Hero A Little Slower In Water.What Do You Guys think??
ReplyDeleteNew Model For Roshan.Please Make Water Element Hero Like Morphling,Tidehunter,Admarial etc gain a little MS and more damage to their skill if they are in the water.That would me fun.And Make Fire Element Hero A Little Slower In Water.What Do You Guys think??
ReplyDeletechange creep type...
ReplyDeletemaybe orc, naga, human....
make roshan stronger against troll or ursa...
yes they did a wisp hero {IO Guardian wisp} how about an Acolyte hero or maybe a Peon hero
ReplyDeleteJust make 6.72 better than 6.71
ReplyDeletedeng, remove pa blurr... even when invi approach he oso know =.=" if illusion come, oso won blur, so u know =.=" from fog of war wan genk oso cannot cuz he will blurr and know u coming =.=" sumore u buff his agi so he can farm so much better now, once out bkb and battlefury all no need play diu...pls balance pa again
ReplyDeleteYash+ultimate orb =manta style!! so build somthing like sange+ultimate orb = item that can maim + other effect!!!
ReplyDeletenew revive style.
ReplyDeleteplayer can revive hero even though they don't have enough money by owing the money to their clan (scourge or sentinel). By then they need to farm to pay back the money. this revive style is good to quick respawn and help teamate
mirana arrow should explode or deploy into many arrow at the end if it missed.
ReplyDeleteeaster egg? a plane coming and booming anywhere..
ReplyDeleteWIN! haahahahahaha
it would be good if u will change some of the hero icons, skill icons, etc. and pls add some special effects in the skills of all hero. Thank you . i'm expecting a new hero like STR type girl :D .
ReplyDeleteadd new agi heroes that have stun, heroes that have aoe ulti.
ReplyDeleteNew Heroes
ReplyDelete1) Add a 2 Roshan one for scourge and one for sentinel
ReplyDelete2) I want a Large Map
3) And i like the graphics like a Dota 2
4) Add items
5) And add a lane ( A DIAGONAL!!! )
6) Make more neutral creeps. :))
7) Make my wishh and please release Dota2 faster??
Change Roshan to another heroes
ReplyDeleteremake tuskar..
ReplyDeleteChange the Heroes Clothing,shirt,pants,hood,sword,shield..etc with new colour,design...
ReplyDeleteDota has been played for many years..I think its time for someting new..
also give gold for assists
ReplyDelete~ Isis - STR / INT Type..
ReplyDeleteLvl. 1
- Ray :75/150/225/300 - Just like Lucent beam from Luna..
lvl. 2
- Sunlight Blessing (Passive) 8%, 12%, 24%, 35%- When sunlight / day.. additional damage/mana regen/ and atc.spd for Isis and all heroes around..
- Sun Wave - 45/75/150/250dmg + stun for 1.0,2.0,2.5,3.0...
- Solar Eclipse - Based damage from Ray (same as ECLIPSE) 4 counts, 7 counts, 10 counts..
(aghanims + 6hits+12counts)
~AMATERASU- STR / INT Type.. (choose names)
ReplyDeleteAmaterasu (天照?), Amaterasu-ōmikami (天照大神/天照大御神?) or Ōhiru-menomuchi-no-kami (大日孁貴神?) is a sun goddess and one of the principal Shinto deities (神 kami?). The meaning of her name, Amaterasu-ōmikami, is "the great august kami who shines in the heaven".[1] She was born from the left eye of Izanagi as he purified himself in a river and went on to become the ruler of the Higher Celestial Plain (Takamagahara).
She is also said to be directly linked in lineage to the Imperial Household of Japan and the Emperor, who are considered descendants of the kami themselves.
Lvl. 1
- Ray :75/150/225/300 - Just like Lucent beam from Luna..
lvl. 2
- Sunlight Blessing (Passive) 8%, 12%, 24%, 35%- When sunlight / day.. additional damage/mana regen/ and atc.spd for Isis and all heroes around..
- Sun Wave - 45/75/150/250dmg + stun for 1.0,2.0,2.5,3.0...
- Solar Eclipse - Based damage from Ray (same as ECLIPSE) 4 counts, 7 counts, 10 counts..
(aghanims + 6hits+12counts)
bracer icon change
ReplyDeleteI Want New Roshan!!!!!
ReplyDeleteit would be better if Roshan will be changed once he's defeated. then after that there will be another neutral there as powerful as Roshan.
ReplyDeletewe're getting tired of seeing Roshan.
for Undying, you really need to remake him because he's really weak or you can just replace him with a new hero since no one really uses him that much.
30 Roshans Please. Please put them in the place of Neutral Creeps. Kthnx Bai !
ReplyDeletePS : Im selling Aegis of Immortal, who wants ?
how about aegis will only be carried by the lowest level hero in the team.
ReplyDeletePlease make a hero that looks like a hydra name:Venzrok and has these skills:
ReplyDelete1:breath switch- switches from poison to fire or ice
2:Blast-blasts an enemy with a projectile depending on what type of breath he is using
3:(passive)head bang- has a chance that one of his heads will blast out a random breath type
4:triple trouble:deals enormous damage to an area like rexxars ulti, effect depending on what type of breath he is using
please I always play dota!!!!!!
yeah! I agree to what he said! make that hero please
ReplyDeletegive Silencer Scepter Upgrade... reduce his GS cooldown...
ReplyDeleteneutral creeps crossing in rivers carrying the ruins....
ReplyDeletea torrent type hero but looks like scourage tree...
ReplyDeleteAghanims for Rooftrellen and Leviathan...and remake Epicenter Agha improvement, like, % damage? a plus one pulse doesnt really do much in late it to Raigor's Agha.. :O
ReplyDeletemake a new hero like wolverine:
ReplyDelete1. Claw
slashing opponent with its claw, maim effect, damage 250
2. Jump
jump to opponent and hold at opponent's back, up to 3s (lvl 4)
3. Furious (passive)
this hero will gain armor and movement speed for each time its attack, up to 15armor/5%ms
4. Claw crusher
wolverine will focus its attack to hero for 6slash at full speed(active), gain critical 2.5(passive)
i don't wan new hero or remake hero i want icefrog
ReplyDeleteincreases range windrunner gorgon boneclink to625 like drowranger and improve atribute abit and change 3ndskill vengeful spirit increases DMG alies to decreases DMG enemy
Que buena idea lo de la hydra como heroe, tambien pediria que intercambien el icono del scepter con el del mystic staff, solo por estetica, tamien que cambien el icono del bracer, parece una foto desenfocada
ReplyDeletepls have a new 2 hero
ReplyDeleteits ok for 1 hero
ReplyDeletecan you make oger magi multi-cast upgradeable w/ aghanims? and it will make his multicats aoe..?? when ever an allied hero cast a spell theres a 0.1 or 0.5 chance to do 2 times that skill? hahaha.. just for fun?? thnx icefrog!! you rock!!
ReplyDeletemake the gnull assasin hero!!
ReplyDeletemagnataurs polarity 2 low dmg! change plz
ReplyDeleteoh and a new item gr8 1 plz
I want a strenght hero,but the +of agility is more than the strenght with skill like this
ReplyDelete1.Stun enemy for 2sec with 275damage
2.5/10/15/20% lifesteal Passive
3.make him cant be affected by spell for 4.75sec
4.every time he hit the enemy,he steal 5 damage/hit Passive
make 6 player stable map and hero
ReplyDeleteArcher with the SS of riding into a hippo gryph.
ReplyDeletei want ZEUS more powerful and add 2 slot inventory! :D
ReplyDeletechange the image of all hereos!!!
ReplyDeleteROSHAN is too easy to kill even the hereo lvl is 1 ....add two strong bodyguard in R.S field and make ROSHAN stronger and add a REVIVAL ITEM when ROSHAN DIE!!
ReplyDeletemake a new voice when killing a BEYONG GODLIKE STREAK!!! like GOD KILLER!!! or PUNISHER!!! or GOD SLAYER!!! WRAHH!!!!
ReplyDeletedotais dead
ReplyDeleteMake Roshan stronger and Drops a random special item! I think thats cool!
ReplyDeleteChange Slardar's Bash... Its boring and too similar to time lock(or vice versa)
ReplyDeleteSuggestion is
Tidal Bash
Slardar Gathers Strength from the Ocean Everytime he attacks and releases it every 7th Strike.
Level 1- +.5x Str damage .4 sec stun. 150 AoE.
Level 2- +.8x Str damage .7 sec stun.
175 AoE.
Level 3- +1.0x Str damage .9 sec stun. 200 AoE.
Level 4- +1.2x Str damage 1.2 sec stun. 225 AoE.
Give Hand of Midas a Purpose, Transmute: When clicked on hero does 200 damage and gives 100 + 5% of heroes max hp gold, On Creeps converts 60% of max hp into gold.
ReplyDeleteAnd Change its Recipe to
No Recipe
Quelling Blade
Gloves of Haste
This makes its stats
+15 damage
+15% attackspeed
+8 strength
+2 agility
+2 Intelligence
Transmute(active) mc:220 cd:35
More or less 2k to buy, But after you could farm the 2k back
let morpling his second skill back to the old one.. 3x pls ^^
ReplyDeleteWho say undying is useless !
ReplyDeleteit's skill is most effective on broadmother and enigma duh ==
Aghanim Scepter for Ancient Apparition
ReplyDeleteMore dmg or better lesser cooldown
Lion red model it will be better i think
ReplyDeletemirana arrow when hit a target will show stun duration for team
ReplyDeleteadd more aghanim scepter for heroes and aghanim visual effect
ReplyDeletepls when lvl 25 will get a new ultimate(ultra ulti) haha. e.g - drow lvl 25 learn ultra arrow ( shoot an arrow until hit a enemy hero or until the end of the map (like ancient apprtion ulti) ) nice
ReplyDeletemake a hero with the model of Priest (WC3 skirmish)
ReplyDeletei want 4 lvls of ulty.
ReplyDeletei'd go for a black lion, suited for ganking purposes.. hehehe
ReplyDeletecan we have chen control 5 creeps rather 4 only? i guess many would then use jackie chen ^^
ReplyDeletewhy not put BRACER as a requirement for amrlet instead of a CLAWS of ATTACK?
ReplyDeletenot bad eh?^^
and can we change the requirement for oblivion staff?--> quarter staff + robe + sobi mask into---> q.staff + robe + 2 mantle of int? ^^
ReplyDeletecan we make sandking a bit more skinny?he'll be harder to catch. ^^
ReplyDeletelvl4 ulti is so much imba..
ReplyDeletepls make eradar a bit bigger, i have a hard tym casting spells on him. hehe
ReplyDeletechange leshrac's skin, coz somtyms i thot he is ezlor on ulti.^^
ReplyDeleteAghanims Suggestions
ReplyDeleteSlardar: Burns 10/15/20 mana per second
Mortred: Truesight(Target) and 10/20/30 dps for 2 seconds per critical.
Silencer: 10%/20%/30% of current Mana drained Per second, After duration, .1 damage for every point of mana missing, If mana reaches 0 50/100/150 damage.
Batrider: Increases Range by 15/30/45, Passively Increases movement speed by 10/15/20.
Shadow Demon: Increases damage by 75
Ursa: When Enraged Ursa Gains a Passive Pummel Skill. Every successive attack slows the target even more until a stun is gained. 15/20/25% on the first Strike and 5/10/15% for every consecutive hit when 5 Slows have been stacks the target is stunned for 1.1 seconds.
Stealth Assassin: Increases Movementspeed by 20/30/40. Regens 2/4/6 HP per second while invisible.
i wan new roshan style and change any hero skill and add new hero or item or remove turskar and undying!!!plz!!!PLZ!!!!
ReplyDeletemake Furion's Force of Nature to summon 2/3/4/5 Random between.
ReplyDelete40% Oak(Normal, Balanced)- 320 ms, 520hp, 2 armor,25-30 dmg - Ancient of Life
18% Cypress(Melee Siege Tank)- 300 ms 720 hp, 5 armor, 30-35 dmg to buildings and 10-15 dmg to other units - Ancient of War
18% Pine(Ranged Damager)- 310 ms 500 range, 400 hp, 1 armor, 30-45 dmg- Ancient of Lore)
19% Yew(High Speed attacker)- 400 ms 400 hp 4 armor, 10-20 dmg - Ancient of Wind
5% Maple(Aura Giant, Tank)- 360 ms, 800 hp 10 armor, 10-15 dmg. Has Command, Endurance, Devotion and Brilliance Aura.- Ancient of Wonders.
Scaled Models to .7
Don't remake Ursa!!!
ReplyDeletefor all of you faggot that says Ursa is imba, try defeating it 1 on 1 with Eredar! Eredar really overpowering Ursa with Orchid and his own amplify damage! try it and u will see that 4000 hp of Ursa means nothing in front of Eredar.
why not make a hero something like a monkey
ReplyDeletemake it a great agi
need new great hero
include gem of true sight in divine reaper recipe.
ReplyDeletehope windrunner have animation when have scepter...
ReplyDeletehmm... for huskar
ReplyDeletei think he is so bugged..with him ulti..X( is horrible no mana....and for balanar i think he needs more dmg;)
aghanims scepter for eredar and also its own visual effect, and also for ogre magi.
ReplyDeleteDEAR SIR,
change aghanim scepter recipe
ReplyDelete|Ogre axe and Blade of Alacrity |
from:|Staff of Wizardry and Ogre Axe | +Point Bstr
|Staff of Wizardry and Blade of
Alacrity |
to Ultimate orb + Point Booster
give black king bar recharge ability by buying the black king bar recipe again
ReplyDeletebecause if the charge is empty is useless
remake jahrakal
if jahrakal use quelling blade in melee attack it gives 32% more damage
then if jahrakal cast Berserker Rage change to range attack it still gives 32% more damage
works on vanguard, poor man shield, and other items that have different function between melee and range attack
works on hero that have ability to change from melee to range or from range to melee attacks
have 2 new inventory and add a 6v6
ReplyDeleteremake phoenix picture, coz phoenix not same with rupture...
ReplyDelete6v6 ai
ReplyDeletemake more pet on guinsoo like mini boar mini crab :D
ReplyDeleteand some new game mode's or new skills for hero's
hope to see it soon :D
I want a new skill like flashbang so it can make some enemy blind for a short time =)
when i make a new hero i make the legendary hero that cannot beat by enemy..
ReplyDeleteplese add hero named Devamet-the hacker
ReplyDeleteall skills should be computer or hacking
make an ultimate item combines the divine repair,hearth of tarrasque, butterfly, burza de canon,and battle fury. NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS PLEASE JUST A SUGGESTION
ReplyDeletemake a new item that combined boots of speed and kelen dagger escape
ReplyDeletemake a new character 'fire lich'
ReplyDeleteadd aghanim scepter to tinker..tank mode
ReplyDeleteCreate a mode that the inventary of the other team can't see!! (I hope that I told Understand, I'm Argentinian)... If somebody have a problem or you don't understand that I told, my e-mail is, you can send me a e-mail!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy are invoker (ai use) not use any power
ReplyDeletecan you recreate the ring of regenaration from 2regenarate hp to 3regenarate hp and make it free or lower the price
ReplyDeletechange the model of scourge HQ
ReplyDeletemake a new hero using rock golem just like roshan and make it in AGI so it have a long range attack plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i begging icefrog
ReplyDeleteitem HEALING SALVE make it free and each character bring this item only two can carry
ReplyDeleteyou create why you do not create marine (starcraft 2)
ReplyDeletedo not do the "ANIME HERO SAN GOKOU" that not cool
ReplyDeletemake a standard BOOTS OF SPEED from 50 movement speed to 60 movement speed
ReplyDeleteFIRE LICH that cool man i can imagine that twin brother like LICH KING
ReplyDeletein Dota Only have 1 Dragon make it two more the chractristic is like ice or wind or water or poison
ReplyDeletewhy Roshan Only at one place make it two place but the roshan only came one time when we kill it
ReplyDeletechange scepter ricepe.. point booster + ultimate orb + ricepe
ReplyDeleteNew loadscreen perhaps? One for the Scourge like the one you made for 6.69.
ReplyDeletewe need woman strenth hero..... Plz make her hot and
ReplyDeletechang roshan look
ReplyDeletenew rune
ReplyDeleteimprove atribute slark
ReplyDeletepls add a str-type woman... thanks... :D
ReplyDeleteplz change both side forest......
ReplyDeletei recommend that all heroes get a bonus skill if they reach level 25, much like the heroes in the Moo Moo map.. ^_^
ReplyDeleteadd new mission!!!
make a new ueful bug..!!!
change the roshan into "her"
ReplyDeletemake it sexy...
remove bug that using kelen from middle to base..
ReplyDeleteit is not fair..
ReplyDeletei've try using all hero and its working!!!
icefrog,plz remove that bug..i'm begging you..
also remove Void's bug..
ReplyDeletehis long-ranged TimeWalk with Dagger!!
use bottle to store TP..
ReplyDeletemake 6.72 map cannot being hacked..although using GM/GUMH/DD..or a new command to detect maphack player..
ReplyDeleteturn Roshan into IceFrog..
ReplyDeleteadd new Natural Creeps..Cows the Moo Moo..
ReplyDeletechange the Roshan look-a-like when he dies for the second time..also the third time..and pliz make it harder to kill..XD
ReplyDeletefix bug with happen when "i" die,it respawn directly without a cooldown..even i'm not buying back..and a message that tells you ("i" is buying back)..
ReplyDeleteplz make the river have deep and shallow part... in deeper part movement speed become slow 4 str n agi ..more 4 int... increase ursa pow so that players can't gb him on lvl 1...add extra path in jungle n xtra blind spot so that pudge become more interesting, plz add rune like armor rune^^
ReplyDeletesir.... can you release the 6.70AI+ thank you sir!
ReplyDeleteand for 6.72 can you release rognar or other hero! thanks again!
hope their will be a new hero named Girlfriend....make it a scourge.....please..more gamers will be hooked....thanks
ReplyDeletegirlfriend are always annoying during our dota game session...can you please make a character named GIRLFRIEND? so that we can kill her..during the game..thanks....
ReplyDeleteplease make haro from indonesia
ReplyDeletePlease make a new rune and remake the run illusion because it;s imbaaa. -.-
ReplyDeleteThank you guys !
ReplyDeleteProvide several map selection.
ReplyDeletehow about a black Mirana riding on panter-scourage just add poison skills with arrow.
ReplyDeleteplease make a new AI map..i'm always waiting for an official map from don't make me wait more longer..
ReplyDelete~ nB ~
plzzz make new roshan!!!! PLZZZZZ RESCALE OR REMAKE ULTI PA IF CAN
ReplyDeleteplzzz make recipe dagon more cheap and plus the damage!!!
ReplyDeleteremove "buy hero back" cooldown please
ReplyDeletekardel more be strong...
ReplyDeletePlease make a hero that looks like a hydra name:Venzrok and has these skills:
ReplyDelete1:breath switch- switches from poison to fire or ice
2:Blast-blasts an enemy with a projectile depending on what type of breath he is using
3:(passive)head bang- has a chance that one of his heads will blast out a random breath type
4:triple trouble:deals enormous damage to an area like rexxars ulti, effect depending on what type of breath he is using
please I always play dota!!!!!!
------->I think it's a good idea
make aghanyms scepter available for all heroes so they would be a lot stronger with their killer last skills (even passives like traxex,ogre magi,centaur warchief,etcetera)
ReplyDeletechange traxex silence to a skill that damages for easier killing like wild axes or something....
ReplyDelete___make morph's especial's image can use a skill... but some consideration of course..
ReplyDelete___make a diffrent model on catapult and wagon when they reach the super creeps level..(idea comes from a certain warcraft games i can't rem.)
___make a message post "FOOLISH DEATH" when killed by creeps or neutral...(idea from NAruto Wars)..
___hopefully added a REVENGE message (self explanatory)...
___release the hero that is alike of Balanar.. the DREADMORE from the campaign undead hero version.
___make an item that can change your main attribute, customize your stats.. and made it permanent like the aghanims scepter before.
___make a "Roaming Shop" it was a rectangular model thats flying in the map [for some route], it hire some character to be ordered,[exchange of gold], defend in times of uncertainty... or what ever they want.. just to expand some hidden model to join the Dota family...
____add some expression
Can you please fix Pheonixs sun ray ability. When he uses it people lag and makes it about impossible to get out of. Way to imba.
ReplyDeleteUrsa is so OPed!! Reduce is Fury Swipes buff to 2-3 seconds. Make an AI 6v6 map.
ReplyDeleteA function of reconect
ReplyDeletemake roshan a new look and this time when he gets killed which ever team that kills him the heros from that team get a buff for 1 minute like 200 damge or anything cool