DotA Tuskarr Guide, Strategy & Build | Ymir the Tuskar

DotA Tuskarr: Ymir The Tuskarr Guide, Strategy & Build. Ymir is a Strength hero which added to the Sentinel in DotA 6.70. This post will provide you with the Tuskarr Skill Description, the Tuskarr Guide, the Tuskarr Strategy, the Tuskarr Item Build and the Ymir the Tuskarr Skill Build. If you play Dota 2, check Dota 2 Tusk Guide!
Hailing from the Borean Tundra, Ymir is one of the wisest Tuskarr warriors. Acquainted with years of warfare experience against raiding Ice Trolls and Nerubian Spiders that beset his village during his younger years, Ymir eagerly volunteered himself into the ranks of the Sentinel to help halt the notorious rise of the Lich King. A specialist in controlling the element of ice, Ymir's prowess lies in surprising enemies with frosty magics. His arsenal not only consists of propelling Snowballs and hurling shards of solidifying ice, but also conjuring massive Snowstorms that greatly impede his enemies' battle efficiency.

Alliance: Sentinel
Strength: 23 + 2.3 (primary)
Agility: 23 + 2.1
Intelligence: 18 + 1.7
Base Damage: 50-54
Starting Armor: 3
Movement Speed: 305
Attack Range: Melee
Ymir the Tuskarr Skill Descriptions
Ice Shards
Tuskarr compresses 5 shards of ice into a ball of frozen energy that damages all enemies in comes in contact with. If the ball comes in contact with an enemy hero or reaches its maximum range the shards are released, creating a barrier that lasts for 5 seconds.
Travel AOE: 200
Cast Range: 1500
Damage: 70/140/210/280
Shards Duration: 5
Manacost: 120
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12
Note: Shards block path
Has quite damage, but the ability to block the path is the most useful one. The range is high and allow you to harass from far away.
Tuskarr and any nearby allied heroes roll in a quickly growing snowball towards the target enemy unit. Any victims caught in the snowball's path take damage and are briefly stunned; the final target takes 40 extra damage and 0.25 extra stun duration.
The snowball moves at the relative move speed of the heroes within.
Damage: 40/80/120/160 ( +40 each level on the final target)
Stun Duration: 0.25/0.5/0.75/1.0 ( +0.25 each level on the final target)
AOE: 200 + 40 per second
Target Cast Range: 1250
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 40
Note: Snowball stops traveling after 3.25 seconds. Can destroy trees and cross cliffs. Must target an enemy, cant target ally or ground.
A unique skill which maybe fit the best for the Christmas. Have a really long target range. A nice skill to initiate a gank.
Frozen Sigil
Tuskarr summons a Frozen Sigil by calling upon the deepest cold of winter. The Sigil creates a snowstorm which slows all enemy units within 600 range.
MS Slow: 10/15/20/25%
AS Slow: 30/40/50/60%
Movement Speed: 310 (Flying Unit)
Sigil HP: 300 (same as pugna's ward)
Bounty: 90/100/110/120
Duration: 30
Cooldown: 50
Manacost: 75
Note: Spawns infront of him and automatically follow tuskarr when no order given to it.
A really useful skill for team battle. Will slow down the enemies on the area targeted.
Ymir the Tuskarr Ultimate
Walrus Punch
Tuskarr prepares his mighty Walrus Punch; his next attack will do a critical strike and launch the victim into the air. The victim will be slowed upon landing and take damage.
Critical Strike: 2.5x (4x if the target is below 50% hp) (physical damage)
Landing Damage: 75/150/225 (magical damage)
Landing Slow: 40%
Landing Slow Duration: 2/3/4 seconds
Cooldown: 18/16/14
Manacost: 50/75/100
note: Walrus punch will end if you dont hit a target in 10 second
A cool move which a little similar to Tiny's Toss. It deals lots of damage, especially to the below 50% HP enemies.
Ymir the Tuskarr Skill Build
1. Snowball
2. Ice Shard
3. Ice Shard
4. Snowball
5. Ice Shard
6. Walrus Punch
7. Ice Shard
8. Snowball
9. Snowball
10. Frozen Sigil
11. Walrus Punch
12-14. Frozen Sigil
15. Stats
16. Walrus Punch
17-25. Stats
Snowball is for early ganking while Ice Shard is for your main nuke. Walrus always taken whenever without any question. Maximize Snowball and then Frozen Sigil. Sigil will be useful for team clash which usually happen on mid-late game, hence taken start on level 10.
Ymir the Tuskarr Item Build
1. Sobi mask, Gauntlets of Strength, and Tango
2. Finish Urn of Shadow
3. Boots of speed
4. Empty Bottle
5. Finish Power Tread
6. Bracer and finish Janggo of Endurance
Tuskarr's core item should be like this:

Urn of Shadow - It will be first to picked up cause you already have 2 of its components on your item slots. Gives you HP, damage, and mana regeneration which you need on early game.
Bottle - is the best source of regen on Tuskarr. Especially his lack of mana. Because he's a ganker and he will badly need a fast replenish item. One slot, 600 gold, fast regen (both HP and Mana), and a measure against mana burners, makes bottle more effective and cost-efficient than other early regen items.
Power Tread - Provide you with stats and damage as well. and ofcourse some good additional AS.
Janggo of Endurance - It has aura of AS and MS. its endurance can add more of AS and MS to your team. Perfect for gangking. Use it after your snowball hit your target. Its aura will be more useful if you gank with your teammates.
Preseverence - Solve the mana problem and can be upgraded to BFury.
Orb of Venom - Optional item. Get this item if you have a hard times chasing your enemies. Useful on early game when your sigil's level still low.
Vladimir's Offering - also optional item. You can get this item if you have a more melee hero in your team and your teammates dont intend to make it. Has a good support auras (lifesteal, damage, armor, and mana regeneration).
Here is core late game item for him:

Luxury late game items:

Battlefury - Additional damage and HP/Mana regeneration. It's ability to cleave is just a bonus for easy farming cause your ultimate stacks with it.
Monkey King Bar - Your mana problem has been solved, so its time to get more DPS to your Tuskarr. MKB has +88 damage which can add some very nice damage to Walrus Punch (4x critical if your opponent's HP less than 50%). Its IAS increases your DPS and minibash wil help you to chase when your sigil is activated.
Assault Cuirass - is a smart route to take, supporting the rest of the team with the positive and negative auras to shift the tides towards team's favor. IAS and Armor adds to DPS and survivability at the same time.
Sange & Yasha - An all in one item (provide additional HP, damage, AS, MS, and Maim ability). Your EHP is increase as well as your probability to chase and kill your enemies when combined with your skills).
Stygian Desolator - Boost your DPS. Thanks to +60 damage and -6 armor reduction. But no EHP at all.
note: You can combine this with vladimir to add your survivability.
Satanic - Gives you DPS (+45 damage) and more EHP (HP and lifesteal). Choose between this, stygian, or Sange & Yasha depend on your game's situation.
Ymir the Tuskarr Strategy
You can pick this hero when your team needs disabler, tanker, supporting chaser, team battle initiator, or chase assister.
You need to be supported by:
- Babysitters :
to get a good farming on early game
- Close Range Disablers :
Snowball can provide them with free kellen's dagger. Good disabler teammates can make an effective gank on every phase of the game.
- Close Range Nukers :
They (such as Nevermore and Crystal Maiden) can give a good combo. But in some circumstances only (no disabler).
Beware of his counter:
- Close Range Disablers:
The more you close to them, the more you close to death.
- Silencers and Manabreakers:
can't do anything except do normal attacks. You will choose to gank them real fast without fail if you want to success. Including Doom Bringer, a hero with an awesome spell which is troublesome for A spell depended hero like Tuskarr.
- Evaders:
Blinkers or windwalkers. Hard to chase and can pop-up from nowhere to gank you.
You can choose any starting lane. Just deny and farm by last hit as best as you can. try to harass and dominate the lane. You can do that with the help of your teammate. Don't push the lane unnecessarily. If you have been holding a solo lane and you are above level 7, you might want to go gank a low level hero. Don't do ganking alone because It will be more effective if you do that with your teammate. Before doing that at least you must have a boot and a bottle on your slots.
What you should be doing in mid game is ganking a lot with your partner. Because your main role is making enemy's carry hero suffer so they cant be threats to your team on late game. Try to find chances to gank every time you have in this phase of the game. Snowball can be the initiator, follow with ice shard which can be the nuke and the trap, finish with walrus punch. Some additional hit will be enough to make em dying. You can use frozen sigil to slowing down your targets if they still have HP remain on them. But normally use frozen sigil first before snowballing so you can prevent enemies for running away.
In the late game, your role is a bit different as Mid-Game's: to slow and pick off certain heroes. Use frozen sigil when the teams clashes to slowing enemy's team and focus on your remaining skill to carry heroes. But always remember to hit enemies heroes as much you can using Snowball and Ice shards (because they have an AOE damage). Walrus punch to kill them or at least disable them.
Based on: Playdota Guide
This post contain Ymir Guide & Build - The Tuskarr Strategy. If you have different build or strategy, you can give your comments or make your own guide on the Tuskarr Forum.

Alliance: Sentinel
Strength: 23 + 2.3 (primary)
Agility: 23 + 2.1
Intelligence: 18 + 1.7
Base Damage: 50-54
Starting Armor: 3
Movement Speed: 305
Attack Range: Melee
Ymir the Tuskarr Skill Descriptions
Ice Shards

Travel AOE: 200
Cast Range: 1500
Damage: 70/140/210/280
Shards Duration: 5
Manacost: 120
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12
Note: Shards block path
Has quite damage, but the ability to block the path is the most useful one. The range is high and allow you to harass from far away.

The snowball moves at the relative move speed of the heroes within.
Damage: 40/80/120/160 ( +40 each level on the final target)
Stun Duration: 0.25/0.5/0.75/1.0 ( +0.25 each level on the final target)
AOE: 200 + 40 per second
Target Cast Range: 1250
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 40
Note: Snowball stops traveling after 3.25 seconds. Can destroy trees and cross cliffs. Must target an enemy, cant target ally or ground.
A unique skill which maybe fit the best for the Christmas. Have a really long target range. A nice skill to initiate a gank.
Frozen Sigil

MS Slow: 10/15/20/25%
AS Slow: 30/40/50/60%
Movement Speed: 310 (Flying Unit)
Sigil HP: 300 (same as pugna's ward)
Bounty: 90/100/110/120
Duration: 30
Cooldown: 50
Manacost: 75
Note: Spawns infront of him and automatically follow tuskarr when no order given to it.
A really useful skill for team battle. Will slow down the enemies on the area targeted.
Ymir the Tuskarr Ultimate
Walrus Punch

Critical Strike: 2.5x (4x if the target is below 50% hp) (physical damage)
Landing Damage: 75/150/225 (magical damage)
Landing Slow: 40%
Landing Slow Duration: 2/3/4 seconds
Cooldown: 18/16/14
Manacost: 50/75/100
note: Walrus punch will end if you dont hit a target in 10 second
A cool move which a little similar to Tiny's Toss. It deals lots of damage, especially to the below 50% HP enemies.
Ymir the Tuskarr Skill Build
1. Snowball
2. Ice Shard
3. Ice Shard
4. Snowball
5. Ice Shard
6. Walrus Punch
7. Ice Shard
8. Snowball
9. Snowball
10. Frozen Sigil
11. Walrus Punch
12-14. Frozen Sigil
15. Stats
16. Walrus Punch
17-25. Stats
Snowball is for early ganking while Ice Shard is for your main nuke. Walrus always taken whenever without any question. Maximize Snowball and then Frozen Sigil. Sigil will be useful for team clash which usually happen on mid-late game, hence taken start on level 10.
Ymir the Tuskarr Item Build
1. Sobi mask, Gauntlets of Strength, and Tango
2. Finish Urn of Shadow
3. Boots of speed
4. Empty Bottle
5. Finish Power Tread
6. Bracer and finish Janggo of Endurance
Tuskarr's core item should be like this:

Urn of Shadow - It will be first to picked up cause you already have 2 of its components on your item slots. Gives you HP, damage, and mana regeneration which you need on early game.
Bottle - is the best source of regen on Tuskarr. Especially his lack of mana. Because he's a ganker and he will badly need a fast replenish item. One slot, 600 gold, fast regen (both HP and Mana), and a measure against mana burners, makes bottle more effective and cost-efficient than other early regen items.
Power Tread - Provide you with stats and damage as well. and ofcourse some good additional AS.
Janggo of Endurance - It has aura of AS and MS. its endurance can add more of AS and MS to your team. Perfect for gangking. Use it after your snowball hit your target. Its aura will be more useful if you gank with your teammates.
Preseverence - Solve the mana problem and can be upgraded to BFury.
Orb of Venom - Optional item. Get this item if you have a hard times chasing your enemies. Useful on early game when your sigil's level still low.
Vladimir's Offering - also optional item. You can get this item if you have a more melee hero in your team and your teammates dont intend to make it. Has a good support auras (lifesteal, damage, armor, and mana regeneration).
Here is core late game item for him:

Luxury late game items:

Battlefury - Additional damage and HP/Mana regeneration. It's ability to cleave is just a bonus for easy farming cause your ultimate stacks with it.
Monkey King Bar - Your mana problem has been solved, so its time to get more DPS to your Tuskarr. MKB has +88 damage which can add some very nice damage to Walrus Punch (4x critical if your opponent's HP less than 50%). Its IAS increases your DPS and minibash wil help you to chase when your sigil is activated.
Assault Cuirass - is a smart route to take, supporting the rest of the team with the positive and negative auras to shift the tides towards team's favor. IAS and Armor adds to DPS and survivability at the same time.
Sange & Yasha - An all in one item (provide additional HP, damage, AS, MS, and Maim ability). Your EHP is increase as well as your probability to chase and kill your enemies when combined with your skills).
Stygian Desolator - Boost your DPS. Thanks to +60 damage and -6 armor reduction. But no EHP at all.
note: You can combine this with vladimir to add your survivability.
Satanic - Gives you DPS (+45 damage) and more EHP (HP and lifesteal). Choose between this, stygian, or Sange & Yasha depend on your game's situation.
Ymir the Tuskarr Strategy
You can pick this hero when your team needs disabler, tanker, supporting chaser, team battle initiator, or chase assister.
You need to be supported by:
- Babysitters :
to get a good farming on early game
- Close Range Disablers :
Snowball can provide them with free kellen's dagger. Good disabler teammates can make an effective gank on every phase of the game.
- Close Range Nukers :
They (such as Nevermore and Crystal Maiden) can give a good combo. But in some circumstances only (no disabler).
Beware of his counter:
- Close Range Disablers:
The more you close to them, the more you close to death.
- Silencers and Manabreakers:
can't do anything except do normal attacks. You will choose to gank them real fast without fail if you want to success. Including Doom Bringer, a hero with an awesome spell which is troublesome for A spell depended hero like Tuskarr.
- Evaders:
Blinkers or windwalkers. Hard to chase and can pop-up from nowhere to gank you.
You can choose any starting lane. Just deny and farm by last hit as best as you can. try to harass and dominate the lane. You can do that with the help of your teammate. Don't push the lane unnecessarily. If you have been holding a solo lane and you are above level 7, you might want to go gank a low level hero. Don't do ganking alone because It will be more effective if you do that with your teammate. Before doing that at least you must have a boot and a bottle on your slots.
What you should be doing in mid game is ganking a lot with your partner. Because your main role is making enemy's carry hero suffer so they cant be threats to your team on late game. Try to find chances to gank every time you have in this phase of the game. Snowball can be the initiator, follow with ice shard which can be the nuke and the trap, finish with walrus punch. Some additional hit will be enough to make em dying. You can use frozen sigil to slowing down your targets if they still have HP remain on them. But normally use frozen sigil first before snowballing so you can prevent enemies for running away.
In the late game, your role is a bit different as Mid-Game's: to slow and pick off certain heroes. Use frozen sigil when the teams clashes to slowing enemy's team and focus on your remaining skill to carry heroes. But always remember to hit enemies heroes as much you can using Snowball and Ice shards (because they have an AOE damage). Walrus punch to kill them or at least disable them.
Based on: Playdota Guide
This post contain Ymir Guide & Build - The Tuskarr Strategy. If you have different build or strategy, you can give your comments or make your own guide on the Tuskarr Forum.
ReplyDeletefirst blood
ReplyDeletetriple kill asdasdadsa
ReplyDeleteWALRUS PUNCH!!!!!!!!!! XDDD
ReplyDeleteOyeah Indonesian pertamax !!!
ReplyDeleteChesee chandra domainz like this !
ReplyDeletei dont like him
ReplyDeleteAmazing !!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWALRUS PUNCH!!!!!
ReplyDeletei love most is the CANDY CANE FANG OF HIM HAHAHA
I dont like his Ultimate -.- way too much dmg and slow and with snowball too easy to place...
ReplyDeletethis is super imba heroe that should alert is removed too imba breaking Dota with this thump heroe
ReplyDeleteTuskarr's ULTI is IMBA...wiwww even the 1st skill & 2nd skill = DEADS
ReplyDelete14 sec cd lol, go around falco punching people
ReplyDeleteimba la....!! imba than slark... zz
ReplyDeleteLol, another ice-based hero
ReplyDeleteThis is an Imba hero, WTF
putang inang kaimbahan
ReplyDeleteTotally imba character :D pwnage^^
ReplyDeleteban hero
ReplyDeletewith Battle Fury u owns
ReplyDeleteto imba pls remake this hero
ReplyDeleteto imba pls remake this hero
ReplyDeleteDecember 25, 2010 5:28 PM
remake? are you stupid? then i wan say please remake earthshaker too cuz he is way too imba, can? u juz a noob thats y u cant pawn him, LoL fucking retard
too much op and imba. If somebody from opposite team picks him, leave immidietaly
ReplyDeleteObviously, he is going to get a nerf, come on, Slark was alright when he was first released, because he had small HP, but now, Tuskarr, wtf, come on, str that is a semi-carry/semi-ganker, and maybe, one of the best initiators.
ReplyDeleteThe snowball skill is pretty much like old raijin's ulti, pretty imba
ReplyDeletei like this hero :)
ReplyDeletethx icefrog..
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteto imba pls remake this hero
December 25, 2010 5:28 PM
remake? are you stupid? then i wan say please remake earthshaker too cuz he is way too imba, can? u juz a noob thats y u cant pawn him, LoL fucking retard
just pick troll or void and u will own tuskarr not that imba :)
y its true that troll and void can stop a fed tuskar but he still is too strong :(
ReplyDeletethis tuskar sure rmk cuz too imba
ReplyDeletethis tuskar got stun nuke critx4 dps slow = nerf
ReplyDeletei like this hero..
ReplyDeletebut sometime it too imba... with it slow... then a snowball... and a ice shard which can deal quite lot of damage and create a annoying barrier.. and the ulti is too OP..
Hope ICEFROG can make it a balance hero... ^^
Is somehow not sometimes... sorry spell it wrongly
ReplyDeletewhat kind of items do you make on tuskarr ?
ReplyDeleteshit what an hero ramPAgE
ReplyDeleteWAY too the hands of a novice its still gg....I mean his spells w/o his ulti make him a great hero, slow, snowball + AoE ulties = ownage...but then Walrus Punch...@level 16 you have what, around 100 base attack. So thats 550-700 damage with 14 second CD that slows for 4 seconds, and costs 100 mana on a STR hero, so just imagine if you have like +100 damage or something, easy to get, but would mean your ulti does up to 1100 damage AND slows with 14 sec CD and 100 mana cost...IMBA OP, nerf this guy HARD
ReplyDeleteurgent remake! very very easy to play with. he's strong early,mid and late. he can initiate, he can chase, he can kill with ease and he has a better version of "Fissure". NERFFF IT, too imba.
ReplyDeletewe(experienced players) need something challenging to master, this guy is way too easy to play with
ReplyDeletetroll and void dont have imba early skills like this dude, they need a lot of farming. 6.70 b should be released inmediately. nerf this guy HARD
ReplyDeleteuse this guy will rape hard. snowball with allies hero.sure kill
ReplyDeletebeyond godlike .. shit :D
ReplyDeletewell, i've tried him, and i feel that the game is eaaasy. so this hero is a little bit unbalance.
ReplyDeletefirst: his snowball skill, it said that it ms is same with the combine ms of all hero within. but if tuskar alone, the ms of snowball is higher than tuskar ms. it cast range is about 1000 or 2000 range, but when it turn snowball, it chasing anywhere, like barathrum, but it can brings allies hero. well, ice frog can rebalanced this skill.
second: his ulti, what a damage, but fast cooldown? cmon, 300 damage, 2,5 crit (even 4), and slow 40% 4 sec + tiny throwing? make the cooldown longer, or reduce the slow thing. with skill 2 for chasing, it's enough.
and tuskar is the only hero that can slow, stun, chase, movement blocker, and toss. no escape right? hehe
err, raigor with shiva, phase boots, stun, slow, movement blocker, chasing, but no toss. well, maybe it's a christmas gift from icefrog, haha. thx
again? hehe it's chasing ms is higher than bara. bara is limited to 522. tuskar snowball is maybe 1700? 5 hero buy boots and together within swowball. and i check again, snowball ms when tuskar alone is same. maybe i see the snowball is big so, well, just eye illusion
ReplyDeleteim pretty sure his ulti will get nerf next verse...
ReplyDeletewat d f!
ReplyDeletegtfo wayyyyyyyyyyy too imba. whoever says that he sshouldnt get changed, uninstall warcraft and gtfo of the rts community. becuase he is sooo good you shouldnt be thanking icefrog, you should be begging him to nerf this hero.
ReplyDeleteWtf... this is to imba... icefrog make another look on him and introduce new heroes that are better than this... more likely to be the primar attribute agility
ReplyDeleteplayed 15 games these days....every single one, tuskar raped everybody and won the game.
ReplyDeleteImagine tuskar with leviathan in snowball....or it imba or not?
new heroes are much powerful than older it should be some balance
ReplyDeletefor first skill on Icarus should be shorter dive distances for example 900 range
sun ray is nearly imposible to target well
for Tuscarr
ice shards should be decreased or damage or ice duration both are too powerful compare this to centaur warchief damage/stun ratio
frozen sigil with shivas guard makes enemy almost stuned
keep up the good work ICEFROG but please make some balnces
all the best from Drow
Tuskar should be nerfed on his ulti. Cd is very short and mana cost too. Snowball should aso be make in a unguided one instead of a guided 1.
ReplyDeleteAbove said: "this is the best hero ever." but i may ask you, how is your idea of being the best? imbalance = best? come on, im not talking about his ulti or snowball stuff, only his 1st skill already make me want to quit playing dota. fking hurt and block and sometime even stuck?! crazy hero. rebalance is necessary, remake is needed.
ReplyDeleteEMPTY Bottle
Battle Fury
++YUNG DRUM++ << di ko alam kc pangalan nun eh..
RADIANCE or Butterfly
hei what the item?
ReplyDeletethis hero really need to remake,too strong ,too imba ,unballance.
ReplyDeleteimba combo on alone person
ReplyDelete1st stay away from eyes of enemy then walrus punch,then go snowball and hit him with walrus.When he tries to run just some shards to block him and wowwww u got a kill :D
ReplyDeleteArcane Boots
2x Bracers
Me just played 5 games with these items and owned
tuskar is so crazy op.. i quit dota till hes nerfed
ReplyDeleteBest gangker ever!
ReplyDeleteHow the f*ck did his ult make it into the patch. It's f*ckin retarded. Free 4x crit + 300 dmg at half life? That's like insta kill on half the intels and agi lategame. ON A 14 SEC CD!
ReplyDeleteIcefrog is a f*ckin retard.
i dont even want to practice ,he's too f***ing imba. u dont need to be a skilled player to rape with him
ReplyDeletethis just makes me laugh. wtf is this shit doing in a balanced dota game? i guess this is why it took so long for all the heroes to get balanced. icefrog, either buff ALL THE HEROES in dota, or nerf this rigged ONE HERO.
ReplyDeleteI like it's ultimate,do 2.5X critical damage!If less target less than 50%hp,4X critical damage!
ReplyDeleteWTFROFLOLMAO.... ulti to imba cooldown duration too fast, can kill anytime.... hero with low hp sure cant survive
ReplyDeletelooks like everyone here got walrus-punched by icefrog.. =p
ReplyDeleteblademail kill him. =.=
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU~
ReplyDeletePLS RECR8 TUSKARR......
ReplyDeletepower thread
Assault curaiss
what the fish!
ReplyDeleteplease remake tuskarr =.=
ReplyDeletei love this too pwoerfulll hahah
ReplyDeletewell, it's the hero's first appearance anyways, no need to say too much about it. The fact that his skills will be changed or nerfed to fit with dota's balancing gameplay is always a certain, so y'all don't need to spam much the rec8 thing anyways. Dota 6.70 is just a introduction map, public testing phase i think. the balanced one is always the later version of it, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteLOOK RETARDS... ICEFROG made all heroes better and improved them and items... dont blame tusk that is ovp and stuff... NOOBS
ReplyDeleteAnonymous December 27, 2010 6:53 PM
ReplyDeleteU dumb douche.. His skills are pretty much imbalanced if you'll observe. How can you even counter a hero that can make you a dental floss in the EARLY, MID, and LATE game? I bet you will get very pissed off when an IMBA player playing and IMBALANCED hero will rape you in the ass all day... STUPID RETARD
yes, critical hits are useless early game. this hero is not actually imba. just fight this guy with some range hero (viper), he will probably lose. also naga will easily defeat this hero, just take note that walrus punch is a single target skill
ReplyDelete@above 2,3 PFFthahaha idiots.. what about AOE stun noobs? what about ogre magi , admiral, sven, knight davion tiny centa... tusk has no power versus them
ReplyDeleteand if they are joined by a carry in battle it is gg... they pwn tusk very fast.. tusk is no ovp hero only if it gets feeded but as i said above there are a lot of heroes who get imba if they are fed up... so please... learn to play with him and shut up...
Recreate Tuskarr,.... the ultimate of Tuskarr is so ImBA! less cooldown and realy powerfull damage..... and Tuskarr is cool in Ganking.... Especially 5on5.... but there are other heroes that are Imba right?? like Troll,Mortred,Balanar,etc. if they get in late game, they will gonna kick your Ass !!!
tuskar is not imba u can kill him easily if u think ^_^ just like using blademail ../..
vladimir, basher, sange yasha, phase boot, assault cuirras, dagger/bkb/mkb/whatever item ==''
ReplyDeletethis hero aren't unbalanced.. but, i didn't like the his ulti cooldwn duration.. btw, the phoenix's icarus dive cooldwn are 40sec?!! o.O wtf!!
needs remake... strong early, very strong mid and still strong late. i like his ultimate but it's too easy to land it(with snowball),and maybe a little more CD.
ReplyDeletevladimir, basher, sange yasha, phase boot, assault cuirras, dagger/bkb/mkb is that a build???? wtffff before u get those items, the enemy team broke everything
ReplyDeleteLet's discuss 'bout the most useful orb fx if u want to play tuskarr as hard carry:
ReplyDelete1- Mask of Madness ! (i like it)
2- Maelstrom -->Mjolinir (i like it)
3- S&Y (mm i have to think bout)
4- Dominator -->Satanic (occasional)
5- Diffusal (dont like it)
6- skady (i like it, but not really viable)
7- desolator (mm i have to think bout)
quote: vladimir, basher, sange yasha, phase boot, assault cuirras, dagger/bkb/mkb is that a build???? wtffff before u get those items, the enemy team broke everything
ReplyDeletethose items are all possible with tuskar, he's also a spammer with the ice and snowball and baby, cradle and all.
too much imbalanced. maybe the next version will rebalance his skills. too little manacost but too much damage.
ReplyDeleteMorphling wave skill and Syllabear perma stun can easily own Tuskar
ReplyDeletevladimirs or eye of skadi
battle fury
dagon 1,2,3,4,5
he has mana probs so arcane boots 1st
ReplyDeleteSnowball unguided.. thats a good idea
ReplyDeletei think his too much good
ReplyDeletesnowballs should be unguided just like meat hooks and arrows (mirana)
Tuskar is amazing...
ReplyDeleteBig damage with low mana...
He is too strong...
and about his third skill, it's very amazing...
i think this hero must be remarkable
Tools for Tuskar
- Arcane boots...i more like it than Powerthread
- Battlefurry
- Cuirass
- Maybe buriza
Tuskar Items
ReplyDeleteBattle Fury
Arcane Boots / Phase Boots ( i think?)
Guinsoo / Orchid Malevolence - no escaping
Assault Cuirass
but still, items depends on ur enemy
tuskar items
ReplyDeleteshiva's guard
battle fury
arcane boots/phase/treads
mask of madness
first activate walrus punch then roll (the snowball)madness next ice shards,next shiva,next its all yours.
Oh dudes, i think all of you are those fucking mimimi-imba-hero-flamer..If you got some skills you gould easily kill tuskarr.Also you forgot that dota isnt game made for 1on1 it´s a game wich works on teamplay and if you weren´t so stupid kiddis´you wont flame here...Btw Why there is no flame against Mortred? Her ulti is without cooldown and crits in endgame with over1.5k :O
ReplyDelete@above, you are looking one sided, if you look at the other team on a 5v5 with tuskar on the enemy surely there's not much you can do. just come in snowball and let another stun or maybe even aoe stun and from there you're done, while maybe your team might have killed one hero on the opposite, remember Tuskar's ult cd... thats enough to kill atleast a hero. Mortred has her ult, but Tuskar as a Combo- skills...
ReplyDeleteway too imba.even a 5 year old kid can do a 3ple kill using this hero.
ReplyDeletei hate this hero....
ReplyDeletejust to imba for battlenet
fukkin imba leh! lvl1 SS 18s cd and 50 mana LoL plus landing damage ... wtffffff
ReplyDeleteif theres an ultimate hero, its void and troll, no hero can match this two, if u really know how to play dota and icefrog will always make adjustments with a new hero so stop whining, and lastly tuskar depends on mana for the skill combo right? even naga siren can kill this or other hero that has illussions and drain his mana using item or skill like magina. try to think and use other heroes. i bet keeper of the light can sustain this hero if u know how to use his skill.
ReplyDeleteu all noob arr=.=?? this hero is fine.. i can bully this hero using pudge.. slardar can bully this mammalia easily
ReplyDeleteno need to think. just play if lose u noob if win that ok le.....
ReplyDeleteOmg. . This hero is f*kin weak la. .
ReplyDeletehey anyone say this hero weak is newbies
ReplyDeleteit just u dunno how to use this hero
or u battle with AI or 5 year old kid
oh i forget there is no AI for this hero
ReplyDeletebut for sure u guys are noob
At least make the range of his snowball very short, like come on, I pushed myself away with ForceStaff when the snowball was chasing me, but still, it reached me, come on man!, WTF, fucking OP
ReplyDeleteIf the range of the snowball was shorter it nearly would be a crap skill...Wich range does the skill has to in your opinion?
ReplyDelete@above - i used force staff when he was near, and come on, the damn snowball still reached me, that's too long man.
ReplyDelete@force staff man, every hero has his own rival try using other hero and if u cant use force staff so dont use it, u cant use force staff to any hero or skill, just like the other skills, theres no perfect skill or item, meaning everything has his own limitations, if theres a perfect hero or weapon or item then you are IceFrog LoLs!!! To all stop whining, use ur brains there are so many heroes in dota. even ezalor can kill this hero and if ur problem is snowball, use the 2nd skill of ezalor, the longer the travel the more mana drains and how can tuskarr kill u if he has no mana?
ReplyDeleteeven lion can kill this easily... i think those people who complains a lot, knows maybe 2 or 5 heroes only. practice other heroes u noobs!!!
ReplyDeleteSnowball = Surprise Butt Secks! :DD
ReplyDeletethis shit always kill me/// T_T
ReplyDeletetang ina nyo i think i think pa kaung nalalaman mga gago tapos no escaping pa ulul!
ReplyDeleteImba combo for Tuskarr: Snowball+ Ice Shards + Dagon + Wallrus Punch... TRY TO USE YOUR BRAINSS... THE COMMENT ABOVE THIS IS CORRECT NOOBSS!!
ReplyDeletetuskarr alredy balance. 6.70c reduce dmg and increase mana cost for ulti also increase its cooldown duration.
ReplyDeletebalance to me.
only noob like u will be caught in that kind of combo, do u think all heroes/players will be caught on that kind of combo sheeshh!!! practice man... u can say any combo u like but if u are a real pro, theres always a way. like what they said if he has no mana how can he use that combo.
ReplyDeleteinstead of complaining why dont u practice. noob try this, use ezalor and use the 2nd skill,after the first combo snowball lets see if he can still use the dagon. every hero has his own weaknesses but not for troll or void in late game. this two heroes will eat your tuskarr. manta diffusal chrono ur done!!!. even magnataur and slardar can kill this, stun lock!!!
tuskarr vs doom bringer? still imba tuskarr? hehehe. you complain a lot because u dont know how to use other heroes.
ReplyDeleteIMO Tuskarr item build is the same like Kunkkas as he then can dish hell a lot of dmg with his ulti.
ReplyDeletehe will be balanced though. cheer guys! :D
ReplyDeletehey!..what r u saying it's can be beaten easily in late hero is imba..
ReplyDeletethe problem is, if a pro plays tuskar. he can easily own early game and will make sure there will be no chance for late game to come.
ReplyDeletewell dude, tuskar is now balance, if you all keep complaining so you must be a NOOB, with an effective items you can easily pawn that tuskar, use your own small brain to think a strategy to pwan tuskar, dont keep complaint like a retard
ReplyDeleteevery hero has its limitations and weakness,so please stop posting bad comments on him. he maybe strong but still,he may someday find his greatest counterpart. just like what happened unto another imba hero slark. as well as unto troll, raigor, naga siren, lycan, doom, trax, ursa,my fav huskarr and the rest who also have their counterparts.
ReplyDeleteeach hero is great and unique;you just simply need to get the best out of them:)continue playing,enjoy all of you sir
tnx to icefrog.
my core item will be
ReplyDeletebottle or arcane boot and dagon + wards .. this hero to me is much much for ganking..
roll + shard + dagon + ulti should the work ;D
please remake this hero icefrog,,,this one is so imba and easy to use,,,only noob players can't play this hero,,,
ReplyDeletethe comment above by -pilot_geass, is very true. i agree...
ReplyDelete"the problem is, if a pro plays tuskar. he can easily own early game and will make sure there will be no chance for late game to come." - this is true if pro vs. noob, but not for pro vs. pro
at the first look tuskar is slightly ovp but if you know how to counter him it will be no prob cause his worst nightmare is blood and doom
ReplyDeleteprob fixed
""the problem is, if a pro plays tuskar. he can easily own early game and will make sure there will be no chance for late game to come." - this is true if pro vs. noob, but not for pro vs. pro"
ReplyDeleteNot really. With the new Smoke of Deceit the pros will just own wards so that you either nerf the opposing warder (Sentry Wards cost a lot of money if you're placing it on every ward) or get the kill, so there is no real counter and if you all do have one then tell me. Doom can't counter him for sure. Tuskarr will just rofl in and get the kills after which he's useless anyway...
no real counter? for sure u dont know how to play DOTA. practice and you will see.
ReplyDeleteI would prefer if instead of the 3rd skill, he had a passive one... Although it's really nice in teamplay, he is a strength hero after all...!
ReplyDeleteDOTA is a teamwork's game.
ReplyDeletethis hero is good in teamwork.
but not really as god like la...
This hero is easy to play with. I suggest the reduction of his ulti's damage or at least make it long enough to be used once again. You can almost use it twice with a team clash.
ReplyDeletewalrus punch GODLIKE
ReplyDeletemake his ulti 60s cd
ReplyDeleteYou can easily counter him with Magina. Just burn the mana and Oops! Dude you cannot do shit w/o mana!!
ReplyDeletedont make walrus snowball can target hero make it only can target to the ground that will make it miss...because when icefrog downgrade again walrus it will be useless....
ReplyDeletedelete this hero from tavern.. just put this hero on FUN TAVERN!!!
ReplyDeleteHey y r ppl flaming d critiques >.> let icefrog read their comments and decide for himself la~ stop the flames~~~~
ReplyDeletefisrt look :
ReplyDeleteSo funny how walrus can fight...
5 and up to 10 minutes later:
How hurts it can be if struck by Big snowball and then Punched into the air!!!
"delete this hero from tavern.. just put this hero on FUN TAVERN!!!
ReplyDeleteJanuary 5, 2011 10:35 PM"
yes, i agree with comment above, in DotA there are no such things that a hero cant be counter at all, each heroes have their own weaknesses, so it up to the player how to counter their enemy, for pros they have many ways and strategy with a good teamwork to own the game, but for the NOOBS???? they only can complain cause they had been raped by the pros like slut hahahahaha NOOBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ReplyDeletehi guys!! i love this hero..if you got the level 6 with walruspunch last skill you can start the hunting session..aribah!! dota!!!
ReplyDeletehunting is not easy, so bring your allied beside to have the extra advantage. regard to all ^_^...
ReplyDeleteYou can easily counter him with Magina.
ReplyDeleteIts one of the best ganker.:)
ReplyDeletenot only is Tuskarr imba but also this hero makes team combat imba.Snowball+centaur hoof stomp=invincible
ReplyDeleteimba....walrus punch 14 secs..WTF!!
ReplyDeletehey guys what is ROFL
ReplyDeleterofl=rolling on floor laughing btw this is not imba n i like this hero so damn good wtf=welcome to facebook
ReplyDeletethis hero should be remaked. anonymous is just weak.
ReplyDeleteTuskarr is surely IMBA hero. That is IT! final! no offense but this is true. :P
ReplyDeletenoobs?. hah. then you are weak!. what is wrong with complaining anyway?. it is just complaining.
ReplyDeletewell here all bunch of NOOBS, tuskar is not imba if u got an effective items and suitable hero to counter him, keep on complaining NOOBS.. NOOBS always complain and always being rape by pros thats y they keep complaining, agree? hahahaha NOOBS
ReplyDeleteagree, only noobs will complain and imba is for noobs only. so starting now anyone who complains is a TOTAL NOOB!!! accept the fact if u can kill this hero and keep saying tuskarr is imba therefore u r a BIG TIME LOSER in dota. stop playing dota try other games.
ReplyDeletei think morphling's wave skill is a good counter for escape and added damage to tuskar after being hit by snowball
ReplyDeletei got beyond godlike and rampage for TUSKARR
WTF.....this one is unstoppable
Not the most IMBA but i believe that he is the best ganker hero with the snowball....nC AOE skill and nC ice shards that block path(another ganking skill) and insane ulti for late game with insane cooldown...Not IMBA but just good enough to make a whole team gankers...Like him...and Tuskar is the only hero that can slow, stun, chase, movement blocker, and toss. No escape right? hehe...
ReplyDeleteThe Ice Shards are quiet effective as it deals damage as well as blocks in an "U" shaped area between them, which makes it extremely difficult to escape.Only limited hereos can escape it like morph or spectre.Tuskar overall can be said as quite effective.
ReplyDeletechange its skill pls. It's too powerful
ReplyDeleteSo freaking OP. 90% whoever has Tuskar on their team, that team wins!
ReplyDeletethis one too imba lol
ReplyDeleteMagnum + Nvm + Tuskar in snowball = ?
ReplyDeleteRetards. Get a ghost stick, he can't punch you. Or better yet, get blademail. More armor means punch deals less damage, and if you want, just smack his punch right back at him.
ReplyDeleteI never had a problem fighting against Tuskar. That's because I think first before I complain.
ReplyDeleteit's still to IMBA u dumb.. i think u always use tuskar in every game. that's why u don't want that hero got remaked. such a noob. everyone can use that hero. what's the fun of playing DotA if u almost always win / kill many people with an IMBA hero?? stupid
play'em you'll see what joy it brings you...or maybe not..cause you dont know how to play you want'em to be remaked...already released 6.70b and 6.70c what changes should be made?if there were, icefrog changed it in 70b and 70c already or he balanced him and gave us 70d... the real question is ARE YOU GOOD ENOUGH TO BEAT THE HELL OUT OF TUSKARR, ARE YOU GOOD ENOUGH TO CONTOL HIM?? you say imba, remake, of the hero..AN IMBA HERO EQUALS IMBA TEAM MATES TOO...tuskarr wont be fed if there is no feeder, no good teammates?? WHAT IMBA?? imbalanced for the fact that every game you have an enemy tuskarr you quit on GARENA and you cant do anything about the dude...DAMN suckish reason...too imba you say,.
ReplyDeleteright on dude!! if he was imba he would have been remade and icefrog would have given us 70d or 6.71 already.=D 2 thumbs up!
ReplyDeleteTUSKY aint imba! sometimes youre just going to be a good dota player to own him..
Noob suckish reason for imba tuskarr is failure to win against him..=D yeah! own!
good teammates, good items, good player makes tuskarr..not skills... you cant be tuskarr if youre noob enough to say he is imba..the dude is right..he is not imba okay.
ReplyDeleteright! the dude above with the nosebleed english is right! tuskarr aint imba. player prowess plus experience and specially brains can make tuskarr be at youre command or enslave him if he's youre enemy!
ReplyDeletean imbalance hero...><
ReplyDeletewhat r u talking about,, nub..
ReplyDeletestop talking.
just prove it,.
maybe he's a great hero but that's not enough reason for him to remaked.. damn fuck you all noob! every hero can counter him.. you forgot to mention "TERROR BLADE"
ReplyDeletemy favorite hero
ReplyDeletewhich is HUSKAR can beat him..
simply because tuskar do deals
a lot of damage
and that's what i want..
you fool noob!
ReplyDeletetry this..when your enemy is a melee and attacking the tower..just use ice shards..he will be trapped and that hero is dead..i tried it shards is useful..hehe
ReplyDeletethis hero is sooooo gay coz he always stick with his teammates..magnus,morp,potm,can escape from him.dun complain so much la...
ReplyDelete` whats the right and the most nice things for tuskar ?! ..
ReplyDelete` anong maayos na gamit pra kay tuskar ?!
tuskarr is very nice for me
ReplyDeletebuild item
battle fury
lol.....good team work and the very important not the imba hero..
ReplyDelete5 vs 5........
level 1 to 6 bottle/2xbracer/arcane boots/poorman shield
level 7 to end arcane/battle fury/btf/radiance/bkb/cuirass
WALRUS SH*T!!!!! Imba na yan?
ReplyDeleteFor me first build dagon for him,charge walrus punch, throw ice shard and quick snow ball while ice shard in coming walrus punch then dagon....BAAAAAAAM!!!! yan imba moves..
ReplyDeletemuka nyo......
ReplyDeletei can almost see it kumanta ng beat it but akoy nsa unang hirit napapabirit...i may not know it... but its so malagkit....? :)
ReplyDeletethis hero sucks. any pure dps/caster acn easily destroy him... useless hero. or either buying one hood of defiance can made him really tanky. i tried it with my friend. AA vs Tuskar. i dominated him
ReplyDeleteI can beat ymir just using Slardar.
ReplyDeletewhat mean is IMBA????
ReplyDeleteImba is Imbalance
ReplyDeleteidiots... icefrog doesn't make them anymore , blizzard does...and tuskarr is easily countered by techies or lothar or any silence hero. however, tuskarr is imba in combo with centaur,2nd level first blood,only thing that can actually counter them is an axe/healer combo