Smoke of Deceit, Medallion of Courage & Ancient Janggo of Endurance Guide - DotA-Blog

Smoke of Deceit, Medallion of Courage & Ancient Janggo of Endurance Guide

Smoke of Deceit, Medallion of Courage & Ancient Janggo of Endurance has just introduced in the DotA 6.70. Lots of players is trying to figure out the best use of these new items. Let's give it a check, shall we?

Ancient Janggo of Endurance
Bracer (525), Robe of the Magi (450), Recipe (750)
+ 8 All Stats, + 8 Damage, + 5% MS and AS Aura
Comes with 3 charges. When used, grants nearby player controlled units an extra 10% MS and AS buff. Lasts for 6 seconds.
Cooldown: 30

Without a doubt, this items will come handy when you're ganking someone or on the team clash. The speed and AS buff will let you chase and kill the enemies with ease. Even though it only contains 3 charges, the aura will still remain there.

Medallion of Courage:
Chainmail (550), Sobi Mask(450), Recipe (200)
6 Armor, 50% Mana Regeneration
Target an enemy unit, both you and the enemy lose 6 armor for a duration.
Cooldown: 7, Duration: 7, Cast Range: 800

Another ganking items. A ganker like Vengeful Spirits will surely have the benefits both from the Mana Regeneration and the targetable armor reduction from this item. Just make sure you put the armor reduction on your team target. Another perfect wearer is Balanar (Slow + Silent + Armor Reduction = GG) and maybe Tidehunter (Gush). If you have more suggestion for which hero that fits this item, share it on the comment section.

Smoke of Deceit (Consumable)
Cost: 100, Charges: 1
Stackable in inventory
Store Stock Max: 3
Store Stock Replenish Time: 10 minutes

Places a buff on all allied player controlled units in 900 aoe. Makes them invisible, grants 10% movespeed bonus, and prevents them from appearing on minimap to enemy players. If you get within 900 aoe of an enemy hero or tower, the buff wears off. If you attack creeps or Roshan, it dispells.

Buff lasts up to 40 seconds,90 Cooldown

At the first glance, i really confuse with the purpose of this item. Invisibility which will break if you're around 900 AoE of enemy hero or tower is seems useless. And so what if you disappear from Minimap? You're invisible after all. Geez, is IceFrog make the wrong item?

But wait! After giving it more thought, i think i know the main purpose of this item.

Let me ask you, as a ganker, what is your biggest obstacle? Ward, ward and ward. No matter how cautious you are, if you're getting caught by the enemies ward on the river or forest, your gank will likely to fail. However, the Smoke of Deceit will allow you to get through with ease.

The invisibility will counter the Observer Ward and Dominated Creep which placed on the river. And even if the enemies put Sentry Ward, you still won't appear in the Minimap. Yihaaaa! Moreover, the speed buff will let you go into another line faster. Neat huh?

All in all, i dare to say that Smoke of Deceit is by far the Ultimate Ganking Item. And it is very possible that this item will be popular soon on competitive scene (which is full of Ward and Counter Warding).

Do yo have different thought with me? No problem, let's discuss! :)

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  1. the smoke of deceit will counter sunstrike or ice blast...
    since iceblast travels and also have visions on its path.. the invisibility can save you because they dont know if they have passed you or not..


    medallion of courage is great for mana regeneration and defence like basillius

  3. medallion of courage is a good item for venge since venge has (WOT + medallion = great minus armor) then the stun makes more damage and makes the target easier to kill xD

  4. i think that medallion for alchemist
    think smoke -6 armor + medallon its -12
    and the -32 dame per second.
    None will be near you

  5. Smoke of Deceit -> very well said.

  6. I think..medallion is perfect for lanaya..if she make
    desolator,cuirras,+medallion,+meld=even centaur scare of her!
    and it will be very useful at early game,meld+medaliion..mean easy kill

  7. I think janggo is best with barathrum or yurnero for a start.

  8. have u guys ever thinking of medallion with slardar? xD

  9. Cool items...the 3new items are very useful nice 1

  10. Dazzle's touch + medallion + wave ^^

  11. Don't limit your usage of Medallion for heroes with armor-reducing skills. Use it on heroes that can't use Desolator, like Ursa, Magina, Weaver, etc. You can also use it before Walrus Punch, since the automatic crit is affected by armor.
    And dude, Smoke of Deceit is not really a ganking item. You can only get 3 every 10 mins. It's best used during mid/late game when setting up a clash. Dagger has 1200 range. :)

  12. How can you reload janggo???

  13. @CrimsonLake - I think the limitation of this items is due to balance purpose. And moreover, it's justify that this item is really powerful for ganking so IceFrog decided to limit it uses :)

  14. reckon medallion synergizes pretty well with panda's ulti being as he doesn't take the negative armor hit and does most of his dmg output with the first clap and boulder.

    i'm not sure on this one but it could also work for omni.

  15. Medallion with slardar for instakill

  16. medallion for treant . not bad . use it with ulti

  17. Arinardi:
    This is the first time i know that sentry ward would be beguiled by the SOD, I have to try it out

  18. lanaya fits that medallion perfectly

  19. I think slark is good with the medal of courage, sinch essence shift affect inner attributes not item like bonuses it adds additional armor to him giving the negative armor to the target and the user seems useless to slark because his armor is about 23+ or etc... and the armor of the target is 0 adding the negative effect of the medal its instant kill for him

  20. Medallion for support/gankers.
    Slardar doesn't need it, he needs dps items.
    Let his allies do the nega-armor

  21. dragon knight needs janggo an the medallion will be great with his
    armor in early game with low hero armor and he will have
    agood mana and dameg and as+ms he will be GG!!!

  22. dragon knight needs janggo an the medallion will be great with his
    armor in early game with low hero armor and he will have
    agood mana and dameg and as+ms he will be GG!!!

  23. just another unusable item....:p
    like black king bar :D

  24. gondar medalion + track (s) ..or bara with janggo + medalion + mad + pt + agha

  25. it would be nice if balanar has JANGGO+pt+Armlet+mom+agha+radiance

  26. does anyone know how to reload janggo??

  27. jango and medallion is perfect for slardar...amplify+medallion+jango and then stun..then all you have to do is to gank the enemy...ouch that really hurt..

  28. never with deso, medallion and cuirass if in late game

  29. the medallion is good at ulfsaar..if he sees an is a walking gold for him..

  30. if we will use the smoke of deceit and they had sentry wards can they see us???????

  31. Can the charges of Ancient Janggo of Endurance be refilled?

  32. does anyone know how to reload janggo ??

  33. i hope all guides in will update and start to list item above..i think that janggo cant be reload..3 charge only! for more balance..

  34. why not just update all guides in this blog =_=..

  35. can someone make a list on what hero can use ancient janggo and medallion?

  36. to reload jango buy recipe again . it is awsome with barathum :))

  37. try the medallion with slardar,,enemy is a paper..

  38. Hi,
    Your article is very informative and has a lot of information. I really like your effort, keep posting.
