Dota 6.70b Changelogs | Dota-Allstars 6.70b Complete Changelogs - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.70b Changelogs | Dota-Allstars 6.70b Complete Changelogs

Dota 6.70b Changelogs - Dota-Allstars 6.70b Complete Changelogs. You can download the map on the this post. Check out the full changelogs of DotA 6.70b!

Dota 6.70b Changelogs

* Added support for Turkish language
* Fixed Essence Shift interaction with Tuskar and Phoenix
* Fixed some bugs with All Int/Agi/Str and SD modes
* Fixed Techies Land Mines not triggering on Phoenix
* Fixed various misc bugs with Supernova
* Fixed Sunray and Last Word/Hex interaction
* Fixed Degen Aura working against towers
* Fixed Janggo killing Forged Spirits
* Fixed some attack modifier (Feast, Backstab, etc) interactions with Supernova
* Fixed a minor visual effect issue when picking up a Gem with full inventory
* Fixed Item drop commands interaction with Sunray
* Fixed various tooltips
* Fixed a fatal error if Phoenix dies while using Sunray against Blademail/Dispersion
* Walrus Punch cooldown from 18/16/14 to 30/24/18
* Walrus Punch landing damage from 100/200/300 to 75/150/225
* Walrus Punch crit from 2.5 to 2.25
* Snowball max chase duration from 4 to 3.25 seconds
* Snowball no longer dispels negative buffs on you and your allies while rolling
* Fixed an old bug with Call Down instantly killing Forged Spirits

Well, i hope this fix can make the map more enjoyable. Enjoy guys!

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  1. yes the walrus punch is now balanced

  2. yess
    stupid tuskar
    i hate him


  4. yeah me too i hate him..
    its so unbalance when i played, that
    char. now i will try f hes balance.

    can u change the phoenix last skill. all char, can run when i uses last skill. only creeps i can kill. its freaking me out. can u change CD to 60- 90?? to the phoenix. please

  5. pls add cd to pheonix skill 3 (sunray) :D

  6. i very hate tuskarr !!!!

  7. tuskar is better in 6.70

  8. nice tuskarr rebalance..kekeke..

  9. amf.. tuskar is still unfair hes freaking me out.
    hes so imba... T_T it's

  10. lol.add cd? k dyan loko.. pangit n nga mxado 3rd skill. dagdagan mo p ng cd n loko na

  11. haha you right,,tuskar like tiny without dager n have culling blade as ulti..haha,,monster

  12. change too the land mine effect against pheonix

  13. yeah tuskar still unfair,,, in my battlenet tuskar got more rampage,, always like that,,
    pls reduce tuskar's skills effect icfrog

  14. this is why icefrog balanced it.
    bcoz this map really imba~

  15. tuskar is already balance, so why need to reduce its skill anymore? i think you are fucking noob dude, cant you use your own small brain to think a strategy and an effective item to face tuskar?? there are so many way you can pawn that hero.. cmon dont be so stupid..geez, what, you want tuskar be some useless hero with a pathetic skills? what a fucking NOOB

  16. i agree with above comment, well for me earthshaker and shadowfiend are more imba than tuskar, so all have been balance now, ONLY NOOBS will complaint that tuskar is hard for them haha, because NOOBS do not know how to pawn hero with skills hahahahahahaa FUCKING NOOBS please dont play DotA, go eat your own shit better

  17. I'm Agree With Above Comment, Because Only Noobs that can't pawn tuskarr
    This Already Balanced
