Dota 6.68 AI Entering the Second Beta Stage Soon! - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.68 AI Entering the Second Beta Stage Soon!

Dota 6.68c AIPleaseBugMeNot (PBMN) has just posted a great news on his blog! It seems he succeed to fix the crucial bug on the AI map. And, he will release the DotA 6.68c AI beta into the public if no more critical bug appear.. Wow, nice! It's been a while since there's an update in the AI development. Check out what he said!

Second BETA stage
After some testing, the most crucial bug is not appearing. Now i`m starting to make some AI changes and another BETA will be rolling. If no crucial BUGs appear... we can release 6.68c BETA map to the public. I also got 6.69`s changes and i`ll begin working on moving the 6.69`s content into the AI map.

Keep up the good work PBMN! And let's help him by not throw any whining about the DotA AI map on the net :)

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  1. rampage ..!!!!!! hehe ^^

  2. pointless comment
    what happen to harreke??

  3. owh.. too much rampage..
    the blog is owning...

  4. can't wait.. kp it up!

  5. Isn't this harreke's field? what happened to him?

  6. who cares about harekke?

  7. ya la.. harekke so noob.. make ai map taking a long time

  8. who cares where harreke is , as long someone make ai map can already la . idiots . be grateful a little la .

  9. Piss on u son of a bitch!!

  10. is this mean this map release around this week?

  11. damn. all u guys are total ass holes.... fck u guys dat comment shit bout whoever makes da maps... at least someones makin maps for low lifes like u bastards

  12. agree with above. Damn, bunch of ungrateful bastards. If i were Harekke. after seeing the buck on comments from u ungrateful shits, i wouldnt even bother about doing it for u guys either. Put urself into AI map makers shoes for once. Just imagine if bunch of bastards cursing AI map makers to do their work like some computer. Even Harreke is only human.

  13. pls dont be 'tards. juz be patient until the map is released. i'm sick of hearing ' release ai map plz ' or even insulting the ai makers. get a life. u all r bunch of idiots who dont know to appreciate what ppl have done 4 u. i bet as soon as the map is release, everyone will b gone without even thanking the ai makers. if u cant be patient, then STFU GTFO

  14. They - pleasebugmenot, phaselock, harreke and others - are all part of the AI project, they teamed up you see...

  15. wow...the news sounds good.
    keep up the great work.
    I'll be waiting for the release date

  16. finally release !!!

  17. hey we should respect PBMN's efforts. let us not disturb his work on the AI map... thanks a lot. Rampage!!!

  18. the AI mapmakers are important to teamwork idiots

  19. there is still have fatal error when play on LAN pal

  20. 6.68 AI Beta Fatal Error...

    PBMN take ur time to work on a proper map..

    F*** Harrekke or Hareke or watever his name maybe.

  21. Bravo PBMN ! ! ! nC work!
