Dota 6.69b Map - Dota-Allstars 6.69b Official Map Released! - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.69b Map - Dota-Allstars 6.69b Official Map Released!

Dota 6.69b
Dota 6.69b Map Download - Dota-Allstars 6.6b9 Official Map has just released. The DotA 6.69 came with a cool quest inside it. And as usual, IceFrog is releasing the b version of the map which doesn't have the quest and of course also come with bug fixes from the DotA 6.69. Check out below for the DotA 6.69b changelogs and download links.

Dota 6.69b Changelogs:
Fixed a few bugs

Dota 6.69b Download Link

Dota 6.69b Download - GameWebZ Mirror
Dota 6.69b Download - GetDota Mirror

Note: Don't wanna miss the next map? Subscribe our feed and we will deliver the latest Dota-Allstars map updates to your email or RSS reader.

Well, if you hate playing the DotA 6.69 with some player summon the Phoenix and causing global stun on the whole map once in a while, DotA 6.69b is your cure :) Enjoy the map guys!

PS : For AI map update, check out the Dota 6.69b AI post.

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  1. triple kill! (third blood just isn't as awesome as first or second blood)

  2. hey,did it says 2nd blood ahahah :D i like that..

  3. what is new in 6.69?

  4. meron akong na discover na BLOODSEEKER kapag nka buo ng BLACK KING BAR hindi n sya BUMABALIK SA PAG KALIIT..UNLESS!!! pag na PATAY siya...TRY nyo!

  5. meron akong na discover na BLOODSEEKER kapag nka buo ng BLACK KING BAR hindi n sya BUMABALIK SA PAG KALIIT..UNLESS!!! pag na PATAY siya...TRY nyo!
    October 17, 2010 8:35 AM

    anu mapa yan? 6.69? or 6.69b?

  6. what's new in map 6.69b ??
    i look just same..i just wait map 6.70 !

  7. wa new map ody rless bur 6.68ai no rlesy.................................pls relesfst

  8. where is 6.68ai map ,i can't wait anymore

  9. Fuck You Herekke.. Other map has been released, But AI map? where is it? Fuc* You.. Pui

  10. what a noob playing with AI, im sure that you have a noob PC and no internet. BTW respect the AI map makers. Losers like you should read more in PlayDota Forum.


    please delete comment that insult Harreke or other else. Thanks.

  11. STFU.. Son-Of-A bitch wont quit barkin..

  12. yes please delete that insult harreke or other else

  13. let those dogs bark all the want. The only person they're embarassing are themselves. Ungrateful dogs. They make themselves sound as if they can make an AI map without any time at all. Yet they're here just putting blame on others just cause they cant count on any1 else

  14. hahah xD
    he tot AI maps is easier to make than the non-AI maps.. -,-'
    SOHAI >:P

  15. harreke we stil counting on u au...

  16. harreke is great can u insult that person that give us ai map with free???u should thanks them...they willing to make ai map for us..

  17. terrorblade bug.can sometimes lose items when killed in demon form and using illu skill.

  18. i hope that goddamn techies scepter bug is fixed

  19. The load screen sucks. I prefer the one in 6.67... This one's cartoon-ish.

  20. really? i think tis one's loading screen is better
    since all heroes are included

  21. only sentinel heroes

  22. WTH? someone is still using AI maps?!
    AI maps are only for training noobs.

    well one thing is for sure, that noob who just can't wait for another update on the ai has gotta be the biggest noob i know and i bet she doesn't even know how the AI is made.

    DOTA 2 will have its own AI as well as unique character models for each character, so we'll be saying goodbye to the character models of WC3 when DOTA 2 is released next year.
    there's a huge possibility that DOTA 2 will be seen in E3 2011.

  23. ai for training the noobs? i see. . .
    try u alone vs 5 insane than u have right to say ai for noobs...eventhough ai look pretty readable.

    someppl play it when they hard to find any ppl to host it,and play it when no connection avialable.

    ai for noobs?

  24. there's nothing wrong playing with AI(insane). i have no time playing in pubs :(

  25. Dota 2 is not a f2p game =)

  26. what? YEah AI map is use for NOob. I played alone with five insane using ursa, terrorblade, admiral, spiritbreaker watsoever.. Still got rampage y know. 50+plus killed. See ai is for noob

  27. Of course Dota 2 is a pay to play game... Who gonna pay for their work if it not us? Sure they say, if You wanna play pay, if free, get lost...

    AI is for training only, AI isnt an official for DoTA. People create AI for fun and training. Plz dont beg for AI, or say F**K to the AI map makers. They human and working for free to the others. Do you know why BMP(the ex-ai developers) stop producing ai map.. it is because of people who condemns and unpatient. It is sad because there a person said to BMP he's a noob ai map maker making noob ai. i say WTH.. BMP is amazing, he's willing of work is very grateful. Be patient, read PlayDota forum, see Harreke and PleaseBugMeNot work in progress...

  28. Anonymous said...
    meron akong na discover na BLOODSEEKER kapag nka buo ng BLACK KING BAR hindi n sya BUMABALIK SA PAG KALIIT..UNLESS!!! pag na PATAY siya...TRY nyo!
    October 17, 2010 8:35 AM

    anu mapa yan? 6.69? or 6.69b?
    October 17, 2010 9:01 AM

    i discovered a bug form bloodseeker if you BKB he will never back to his real size... unless if you died he will return to his normal size. try it

    what map is that? 6.69? or 6.69b?

  29. ai for noobs? try playing 5v5 ai(insane) w/out -neng .

  30. Hey Alief.

    Can you please blog about HoN's nomination at the MashableAwards?

    HoN Updates already did:



    Wow DotA is cool

  32. i found new bug on 6.69b
    if -switch used
    player that has been switched can't use circle to pickup all item no item slot available at circle...

  33. And besides AI don't complain, lol.

  34. when will be the next AI map?
    tagal po kc!.


  36. what is new in this map..?
    got new item or new hero ah..??

  37. ^
    read the changelog from 6.69....

  38. dont work on 6.68ai...Go straight on 6.69!!!

  39. to anonymous October 19, 2010 8:34 PM
    even without that ai still weak
    y not try -hehg ..

  40. WTF? AI FOR NOOBS???? Shut the hell up!!
    AI is for training only, AI isnt an official for DoTA. People create AI for fun and training. And it used for training the new Heroes! Plz dont beg for AI, or say F**K to the AI map makers. Or saying AI for noobs! They human and working for free to the others. Do you know why BMP(the ex-ai developers) stop producing ai map.. it is because of people who condemns and unpatient. It is sad because there a person said to BMP he's a noob ai map maker making noob ai. i say WTH.. BMP is amazing, he's willing of work is very grateful. -Freshmeat

  41. The dota wallpaper seem to be getting better

  42. @ freshmeat
    yahhh trueeee!!!

  43. rock and roll!!!!!

  44. I found a bug
    Hex Permanent \o

  45. above me

    stfu indo noob , use english !!

  46. AI >> easier finding bugs and learn new hero

  47. yeah!! you should first now well how to play the game (noob)fot short A.K.A beginners. duh?? thats why you became a professional dota player... that's why AI maps are great for practicing... other people who thinks there cool there "COOL" ahahaha... what a PHONY!!! ..l.. F*CK YAH!!

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. what about add some knockback effect on sniper when he cast lease it can help him escape from being attacked when waiting ulti's delay..
    and add scepter effect that make enemy close to sniper's assasinate target also take damage from his ulti..

  50. guys, my description of items, heroes, skills all gone, for skills, it only shows that mana required and level of it... anyone know how to make it back?? i tried recopy war3 from my friend, but it still the same, i think it is about some button that i pressed before make it gone, so anyone know to recover it?

  51. all of you stop fighting because your all weak.

  52. whatthe fuck! i discover a bug~ on meepo..X2 THE Damage on normal attack plus 20% on poof..hehehe its really imba! and if you use lothars and dagger on the same time while on poof, (main meepo) it's forever poof-ing.

  53. I'm late to this map, I will try this at home.

    Guys, please try also other PC and PSP games and their cheats here. Game Serye

  54. where's the 6.68ai map???
    hey wat's the build of veno???


  55. bit confusing here
    where 6.69 changelogs?

  56. veno builds :mjholnir,burriza and butterfly

  57. that's just stupid..2nd blood?

  58. how to download this map..

  59. just click link below XD

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