Eredar Guide | Shadow Demon Guide, Strategy & Build

Long before the war of the Scourge and the Sentinel, an ancient demon named Eredar waged war on all creation. No champion of Light could match him, but he was betrayed and killed by his own underlings. However, the faintest sliver of his shadow survived; over the millenia Eredar regained a portion of his former being and grows stronger each day, but in a twist of fate his new form was that of a gnoll. Eredar's new form is not well suited to direct confrontation, but he knows a number of objurations and tricks to deal with his foes; his skills include banishment, poison, curses, and darker demonic arts.

Hero Class: Shadow Demon
Hero Name: Eredar
Alliance: Scourge
Strength: 17 + 1.9
Agility: 18 + 2.2
Intelligence: 26 + 2.7 (Primary)
Base Damage: 53-57
Starting Armor: 3
Movement Speed: 295
Attack Range: 500
Eredar the Shadow Demon Skill Descriptions

Eredar banishes the target to a dimensional pocket for 2.5 seconds, removing it from play for the duration. Upon return two images of the target are created under Eredar's control which last for 6 seconds.
Displacement duration: 2.5 seconds
Illusion Outgoing Damage: 30/40/50/60%
Illusion Incoming Damage: 150%
Illusion Duration: 6 seconds
Cast Range: 700
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 16
Note: Can target enemy, ally or self.
Useful skill for confuse the enemies, start a gank, avoid skill like Epicenter and projectile like stun of Venge and skeleton king. Even for chasing enemies, just treat it as Eul :)
Soul Catcher

Eredar lays a curse on an area; one random enemy unit in the area is afflicted with the curse, causing it to take increased damage for 12 seconds.
Damage Amplification: 20/30/40/50%
AOE of Spell: 500
Cast Range: 600
Manacost: 50
Cooldown: 13
Similar to Chen Penitence, but with random target. If the enemy is alone, a sure hit is guaranteed. Cheap mana cost but a little useless if there's a lot of creeps.
Shadow Poison

Eredar casts forth a shadowy poison which deals 50 damage and afflicts all it touches for 10 seconds. If a unit is affected again in this duration, the toxin will be renewed and amplified exponentially. At the end of the duration, the shadow poison deals extra damage for each time it affected the victim. You have small vision over affected heroes.
Each stack increases the damage it would deal exponentially, up to 4 stacks.
Level 1 Per stack: 20/40/80/160 + 50 each further stacks
Level 2 Per stack: 35/70/140/280 + 50 each further stacks
Level 3 Per stack: 50/100/200/400 + 50 each further stacks
Level 4 Per stack: 65/130/260/520 + 50 each further stacks
AOE: 150
Travel Distance: 1500
Cooldown: 3
Manacost: 50
Note: This has a sub ability to let you release the poison at any time.
This is what makes Eredar so scary. This skill is similar to Bristleback Quill Spray, it will stack the damage and you can released for instant damage. You can even stack the damage until 2000 if the enemy didn't know what happen with him.
Demonic Purge

Eredar casts a powerful demonic purge on a target enemy, removing all positive buffs. The purged target slowly regains its movement speed over 4 seconds. At the end of the purge the target takes damage.
Damage: 200/300/400
Cooldown: 50
Manacost: 200
Just a regular Purge but with damage at the end of duration. Nothing special here.
Eredar the Shadow Demon Skill Build
Level 1: Disruption/Shadow Poison
Level 2: Shadow Poison/Disruption
Level 3: Shadow Poison
Level 4: Soul Catcher
Level 5: Shadow Poison
Level 6: Demonic Purge
Level 7: Shadow Poison
Level 8: Soul Catcher
Level 9: Soul Catcher
Level 10: Soul Catcher
Level 11: Demonic Purge
Level 12: Disruption
Level 13: Disruption
Level 14: Disruption
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Demonic Purge
Level 17-25: Stats
Here is my initial skill build for Eredar the Shadow Demon. Take Disruption first to help you safe from level 1 first blood attempt. But if you feel confident, feel free to take Shadow Poison first. Shadow Poison without a doubt is maxed first because it's your main weapon. With it, you can take a hold from two enemies alone.
Soul Catcher will your next skill. The damage amplification is really great, especially if you catch them alone. Demonic Purge without a doubt is always taken due to targetable damage and the Purge. And the last skill to maximize is the Disruption. Disruption will come handy on the late game when heroes already got their items and the attack damage is high. Until then, one level is as a tool for chasing and escaping.
You can also can contribute in the comment section :)
Eredar the Shadow Demon Item Build
1. 3x Ironwood Branch, Magic Stick, a set of Tango, and Animal Courier
2. Finish Magic Wand
3. Empty Bottle
4. Boots of Speed
5. Finish Power Treads
Eredar's core item should be like this:

Magic wand - Add some attributes and healing tool
Empty Bottle - fast mana regen for spell spammer like eredar and HP regen for survivability on early game
Power Treads - More damage, more HP or Mana, and more AS for fast killing. My recommended boots.
Arcane Boots - An alternative for Treads. It only provide you with mana and mana replenisher which already provided by Magic Wand and Empty Bottle. Choose this boots if you want to all out supporter.
Mekanism - When you want to be supporter hero you should get this. Its Aoe HP restore and additional armor are really helpful when the team clashes.
Necronomicon - Used to add your mana and EHP. Its Demonic Summoning is really hard to use. But if you can manage to control them, they must be very annoying to other team.
Ancient Janggo of Endurance - It has aura of AS and MS. Sure can effect your illusions of your Disruption and your allies as well. Consider to buy necronomicon because you can use it to boost up your Demonic Summoning.
Force Staff - Its a very useful when you know how to use it. For Eredar it can be used to land your soul catcher more accurately cause it can Force enemy to go out from bunch of creeps.
Here is core late game item for him:

Luxury late game items:

Orchid Malevolence - this item provide you with +20 int, +30% AS, +45 damage, +225% mana regen, and soul burn (silence spell). Your active silence will shut your opponent from casting spells while they trapped by your ulti. And your increased dps will kill him faster.
Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse - The additional attributes are nice, mana regen, and HEX. Using Hex will make an enemy take damage longer than before. Use after 4 seconds of demonic purge.
Stygian Desolator - DPS booster. It will be perfect when combined with your demonic purge. Kill as fast as possible during 4 seconds effect of your ulti. But this item provide you with no EHP at all.
Manta Style - An alternative to Stygian Desolator. Also a DPS booster. Plus illusions to add your damage or distract your opponents.
Assault Cuirass - Increase EHP for survivability cause its armor. Very useful when comes to team clashes due to IAS and armor reducer.
Shiva's guard - An alternative to Cuirass. Aoe nuke and slow are this item specialities. Solve Eredar's armor problem too.
Eredar the Shadow Demon Strategy
You can pick this hero if your team needs anti-carry. Later He also can be a semi-carry or support hero.
You need to be supported by:
- Disabler:
If you want to stack your Shadow poison more accurately, ask their help.
Beware of his counter:
- Manaburner:
Make Eredar hard to cast his skills (anub'arak, medusa)
- Silencer:
No Disruption or Demonic Purge means no escape meka (lucifer, silencer)
- Magic-immune caster:
Resistant to all your skills (jaggernaut, Slark)
- Dps hero:
Once you caught unguarded by this kind of hero, especially when they have silence skill, youre deadmeat (Traxex, Stygwyr)
- Invulnerable caster:
When they cast on the right timing, your shadow poison and demonic purge damage will be screwed (morphling, puck)
- Hero with illusions and friends:
It's rather hard to kill them due to their skills. Illusions make you confuse to target the real one and hero's mate will screw you cause your skill only effective when theres only 1 hero targeted (Slytice, Nessaj, Syllabear, Meepo)
It's recomended to choose solo lane than dual lane, because eredar's skill will be more effective when it comes to 1 on 1 battle. So you can start buying items and move to your lane. On early level, play safe until you get lvl 2 Shadow Poison. Time to harass the opponent. Throw Shadow Poison on him and keep throwing whenever you get the chance, while you last hitting and denying creeps. When your Shadow Poison get the 4th stack, release the poison. It will make him hurt enough to backs off or even back to his fountain if his healing tool is depleted. Try to dominate the lane and get your level higher than your opponent.
If you get behind and the only option is dual-laning, be a babysitter and support your partner. It's rather hard to get the damage of shadow poison maximized because you face 2 hero at a time. Still you have to dominate the lane if you want to win this phase of the game.
When you get some level on you (lvl 6+), you can start to kill your enemy. Throw Shadow poison 2 times on same target. Use Disruption on him. Move forward to get a better vision. Throw Shadow poison again when he gets back. Follow with Demonic Purge and some normal attack. Shadow poisoning him again and when the Demonic Purge effect finishes, cast to release your Shadow poison. It will hurt him badly or even kill him. Ofcourse your teammate aid is always welcomed for better result.
You are made of glass, so better not wander around alone during mid game where ganks always happen. Keep safe while farming and stick your eyes to the map. You can try ganking, but always remember to do it with your friends for better efficiency. Gank your enemies by using disruption on an unguarded hero. Then let your partner take apart with their skills when he gets back. Demonic Purge to disable him.
Between ganks you should farm the lane to get more experience and gold by last hitting every creep as much as possible.
As a supporter, you can help your carry hero to gank the enemies using Disruption and Demonic Purge or even save her ass when she get ganked. Remember that Disruption's role same as Eul's.
Late game will change your role as semi-carry to anti-carry. Using Disruption which spawns 2 illusions of the strong enemy's late-carry hero should be a pain in their asses. Soul Catcher's damage amplification will make your team kill him faster. If there is a hero who manage to survive use Demonic Purge to disable him.
Still, you can be a supporter to your team by gives vision to some suspected places which the other team wander around before the team clashes begin. By doing this, your team will be more confident to land their combos and increase the probability of winning every battle.
Based on: Playdota guide
This post contain Eredar Guide & Build - the Shadow Demon Strategy. If you have different build or strategy, you can give your comments or make your own guide on the Shadow Demon forums.
yeah first
ReplyDeletedouble kill!!!
ReplyDeletewhat does the shadow demon look like? i cant DL dota cuz i dont have warcraft T_T
ReplyDeletethis hero is way to imba, he'll get nerfed very soon.
ReplyDeletei like the ulti!! kill dem all..
ReplyDeletethe poison skill is ghey!damn!3sec cd.ouch
ReplyDeleteit's look like a Gnoll Warden.
ReplyDeleteit is gnoll warden :D.
ReplyDeletethe good skill combo soul catcher + shadow poison. since catcher has amplify damage shadow poison deals more additional damage. plus with demonic purge :)
shut up
ReplyDeletemy skill build for this one :
ReplyDelete3rd skill
2nd skill
3rd skill
2nd skill
1st skill
bonus attributes
3rd skill
1st skill
2nd skill
3rd skill haha !
Mana regen is the best for this guy
ReplyDeleteMy Item build would be:
Obliv Staff
Arcane boots
and maybe squeeze an orchid or linken's in there
(linkens for avoiding silence, orchid to get more 3rds into the enemy before release)
yeah, silence totally owns this hero
ReplyDeleteitem build..
ReplyDeleteDagon(lvl 1-5)*
Magic Stick(EarlyGameItem)
Kelen Dagger*
Force Staff*(optional used to escape and attack combo with dagger)
those in "*" are the late game items..
-surprise attack(with complete item build)
use dagger and blink beside the enemy hero use shiva's guard rushly use the last skill on enemy hero then use 2nd skill then u can choose between shooting 4x ur 3rd skill then wait til he dies... or use Dagon and finish him.. or u can use force staff push him to the allies side then start hitting him... til he goes boom..
-surprise attack(earlygame)
harrass the enemy by spamming ur 2nd skill till u can see his life bar 75% or 60% then choose..
use ur first skill on the enemy that will make him uhhh lets say stunned?? for a while and ready ur post beside him.. ready ur 2nd skill and last skill.. once he comes out use 2nd then last spam 3rd skill.. or.. u can just use ur last skill then spam 3rd skill while he is running he will die eventually xD
thats all hope i help xD
you can use Eredar's 2nd and 3rd skill while the enemy is disrupted with 1st skill
Deleteskill 3 cool down is way to low considering the damage done per stack. obviously heading for the nerf. silence or hex and this hero is useless lol
ReplyDelete@guy with the long post
ReplyDeletehave you played the hero yet?
early game you spam your 3rd, not second, and with mana regen, you can stack a huge amount and kill him when you release (I player Eredar vs Swapper, first blood in 1m 10s)
i dont understand the soul catcher fuck i keep understanding it but i really cant
ReplyDeletedo soul catcher got more chances on hero?
ReplyDeletei think anonymous is right with the spam of 3rd and not the second.. the soul catcher isjust for amplify damage..
ReplyDeleteDoes it amplify magical dmg?
ReplyDeleteObliv Staff
Arcane boots
Noob. arcane boots is enough. rush sheep stick. y the hell wud u go bloodstone.
this hero is very great, yesterday i play him for a first time is o great hero and very imba
ReplyDelete"this hero is very great, yesterday i play him for a first time is o great hero and "VERY IMBA""
ReplyDeleteso... hes not great...? make sense.
dagon is a must for this hero
ReplyDeleteThis hero is fucking useless later in the game he has very low HP which makes him easy to be pwned :\
ReplyDeleteNoobs.. x)
ReplyDeleteKiller type spammer..
Game starts..Clarity Potions Tango and a chick..
Spam..First Blood comes..Vanguard then Mecanism and the short game ends..For long game? I would go for the Linken then whatever you like Dagon or Shiva or anything would do at this moment of time.. x) base on my experience.. GG kids..
for me eredar is a ganker
ReplyDeletearcane boots/ phase boots/ p treads
*guinsoo <- for ganking
disrupt one enemy, then guinsoo + amplify the other. u can purge whom u want depending on situation. this idea works best if u have stunner hero with u.
sorry, this just come out of imagination. :D tnx
The most imba of all 4 new heroes...
ReplyDeleteAll of you noobs suggest that he buys a vanguard.
ReplyDeleteNo. wtf. Save your disruption. save yourself with it.
Don't be a noob and go anywhere alone. have someone there with you. this is DotA. not "Teehee-I'm-gonna-rambo-in-an-all-mid-push-and-kill-myself".
Urn of Shadows
ReplyDeleteArcane Boots
And by that time the game should be over.
If not go for hex + linken.
eredar is definitely a ganker.. vanguard euls arcane boots is all u need..
ReplyDeletedefinitely he's one of the early game killers... but this hero really depends on your item build when it comes in late games.... i suggest guinsoo for tanks and blink for quick escapes, since this hero has low armor.. welll thats it... but i love this hero... definitely the strongest of the four....
ReplyDeleteagreed the most imba of all four new heroes!
ReplyDeletevery imba, icefrog nerf him is as it can take down any hero with ease :D
ReplyDeleteThis hero is unbalanced. Please rework it
ReplyDeletemy item build. hex phrase boots butter loathar /blink. depends man and lastly hearts
ReplyDeletethis hero super imba when early game. keep using 3rd skill to harass. but then u also got to farm. if not u will die at mid game or even late game. when starting, but 2 mantle and 1 gaunlets and branchwood and healing salve. this will help. really, ur mana really cant use finish unless u dun know how to use the skill and anyhow spam.
ReplyDeleteshould have made this hero's 3rd skill his ult... at 3 seconds cd, 50 mana, this skill is much worse than Ezalors 1st skill. total lane control with just minor MP regen items.. (sobi mask)
ReplyDeleteskill has vision too.. a minor scouting skill.. damn. :)
my item are:
orb of venom
weak in clash
ReplyDeleteone word.. IMBA!!!
ReplyDeleteItems are arcane and venom orb
ReplyDeletethe rest would be int upgrade and hp boost
For killer mode just spam Shadow poison 3x then release follow with disruption combo. Early game killer.
shadow demond is not that imba. you just have to find the ryt hero to kill it.
ReplyDeletevery good counter to broodmama ,ursa n GS of sven!!!!!
ReplyDeleteshadow demon is not that imba you just have to find right hero to kill it... like slark,ursa,and many more!!!!
ReplyDeletebest item is gem
ReplyDeleteNoobs! he is not imba. He could only spam his skill in early game since in late game he has low hp and requires him to gank. (can't gank if you comes in the clash first so there will be no time to spam his skills) hahaha!! Area stun, hex and silence makes this one useless since a lot of late game heroes can kill this guy in seconds during late game.
ReplyDeleteTo the counter sven, arachnia,ursa guy, do you play dota?? No, seriously, lots of heroes can counter those three like Barathrum, Medusa, Slark, Diffusal blade and for god sake even an early game Alchemist could pawn them. Maybe you need to go out and fight some strong players.. :P
I think there will be just an adjust to his 3rd skill cooldown and that's all. IMO Gyrocopter is more imba.
IMO gyrocopter imba? noob? moron? better u say chen ulti more imba than that....
I love this hero.... But I think that the Gyrocopter is more imba because if he ply dps, his attack is like what the fuck!!
ReplyDeleteeven dis hero is the MOST IMBA among 4..
ReplyDeletei like the icefrog idea for her third 3 skill bcuz it unthinkable for me.. :)
I wanted to let everyone know that there was a shadow demon bug with centaur. I had blink dag on centuar, blinked in and hoof stomped a teammate. I was about to double edge kill someone as shadow demon sends me into a rift just as I am double edge'n the guy. After 2.5 seconds I come back and I can't stop the action. My hero will do nothing but chase the guy and the icon has double edge selected, so I keep chasing the player I was going to double edge kill until he makes me run into the fountain and die.
ReplyDeletelate game..
"I think there will be just an adjust to his 3rd skill cooldown and that's all"
ReplyDeletecouldn't agree with you more. But i think Io is much more of a use to a game than the other 3.. not saying his imba or anything, just more useful. For me. :)
i think the cooldown should stay as it is, since there's a 10 sec auto release. but, mayb the travel range or travel speed of the skill shud lower. the range is a bit far... he could just stand all the way back and keep casting with enuf regen
ReplyDeletethis hero is useless when a hero wears HoD and the weakness of this one is the hero with great magic reduction like magina or pudge but it is imba in early game
ReplyDeleteskill 1+2 best
ReplyDeleteok shadow poison got high damage result
but due my experience
skill 1 and 2 (+ultimate perhaps)
can do instant killing
that's the art ^^
and i combined with dagon for better result
with 3rd skill you must target and retarget
so boring to do
(i used it just for map checking at beginning)
my combo here is... 2nd skill + 1st skill... when enemy comes out... use last skill... spam 3rd skill...
ReplyDeleteyou can spam the 3rd skill from the start though... it depends on you... heheh
sorry... i'm a noob... but that combo works with me... ^^
item build
orcid, force, necro, dagger (optional)
useless on magina,pudge or hero with hood of defiance....haha but strong in early game
ReplyDeletegod you moaning wretches... "Oh hes imba... nerf him! nerf him!" The people saying this, are most likely the ones who while your repeatedly casting shadow poison on them, stand their and let you... Yeah... doin that, you gonna die... if u keep a close eye then at rage it ain't that hard to dodge.
ReplyDeleterange*** not rage lol
ReplyDeletei ply it late game...
ReplyDeletebuy it a desor....
since everyone know SD third skill, thatz no function to up third skill anymore.
ReplyDeletenobody will stand still let eu spam third skill.
for me, i only up 1st and 2nd skill.
it still can 1st blood easily with these skill.
I agree it with desor.
my built::
with these built.......HOLYSHIT
Does Soul Catcher stacks with Pugna's Decrepify?
ReplyDeleteFucking useless after 40 min,
magic stick. >:)
ReplyDeletetry combine his amplify w/ dagon
ReplyDeletebest damage output ive seen thus far
skill 2 is suck...i just like skill 1,3 and 4
ReplyDeletethis hero is very similar to a hero in LOL (league of legends) try checking out twitch "plague rat". it seems hero design can be imitated either way.
ReplyDeleteEredar second skill amplify must be remove..
this is one of my favorite hero because its too imba!!!
I build it with lothars and dagon level 5.
guess what... i can kill a hero for 5 secs..
compute it...
SS (4oo) + dagon(800) = 1200
amplify it before dagon = 1200 + 1200(.5) = 1800
very very very againts stryg bloodseeker!
ReplyDeletevery very very weak againts stryg bloodseeker!
ReplyDeletei can make the playrer quit in early games.
ReplyDeleteskill 2 damn imba with dagon+ulti
pro know how to use it
and yep
bloodseeker his mortal enemy (and other int based heroes i thought).
i used skill 1 for escaped mechanism
ReplyDeleteskill 2 for gangbang/ kill
sklll 3 for stopped enemy potion regen/spying map/kill
skill 4. who said it useless? its effect can through bkb,bm,naix&yurnero invulnerable, etc.
sorry for bad spell. at least you know what i mean ^^
Eredar 2nd skill too imbaaaaaaaa! Icefrog please, if you are listening, please, i beg really hurts! sakiiiiittttt!
ReplyDelete@Christopher Lacey
ReplyDeleteits not a bug, technically Disruption doesn't stop a hero's action but rather delays it, there are lots of skills like these... you could have simply pressed S (stop)
phew too many items
ReplyDeletejust build phase boots and eye of scaddy nuff said
its builds depend on what kind ur enemy is
ReplyDeleteshadow poison effective too if i say
pro use every skill it has
just make urself combo
my build for shadow demon:
Orchid Malevolence
Magic stick
vanguard or blademail
power thread(int)
Where is the freakin item built ?
ReplyDelete(Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAll of you noobs suggest that he buys a vanguard.
No. wtf. Save your disruption. save yourself with it.
Don't be a noob and go anywhere alone. have someone there with you. this is DotA. not "Teehee-I'm-gonna-rambo-in-an-all-mid-push-and-kill-myself".
July 31, 2010 6:02 AM)
Noobs..?are you crazy or just plain stupiD?
vanguard is ideal to this hero..
i played this guy with a vandguard and i always managed to escape
treads (0r arcane)
dagon(very needed)
cuirass(since he has low armor)
and either refresher or linken
if you use refresher...
the combo is soul catcher+disruption+ purge+ dagon+ refresher+ disruption+soul cather+purge + dagon
i did that and managed to have 19 kills - 0 deaths - 13 assists
let's see someone who'll survive that!
all heroes are great, depends on who are the player.. :)
ReplyDelete...... ahahhahahaha mga weakkkkkkkkkk ..... ♥
ReplyDeletekelen's dagger for me is a must using disruption isnt enough escape
ReplyDelete1st Blood then triple kill,killing spree (start-10 mins)
ReplyDeleteMegakill,double kill (mid-25 mins
Godlike,double kill (last-33 mins) "HolyShit"
p treads,guinsoo,linken,magic wand,shivas,cuirass
and little help of crow....
my item
ReplyDeletearcane boots
dagoon 1-5
perse to linken's
then kill.
the best imba hero ever..
easy kill ppl hero..
1.poison 5x (stack more 5 shuld kill a hero)
2. 2nd skill amplify.
3. purge..
4. dagon..
sure diE..
ur an imba dota player!!!
ReplyDeletenow i don't even want to use eradar<>
not even a single build!!!!
you all weak one on one on garena... hahah food....
ReplyDeletei prefer to use this combo :
ReplyDelete> be sure to stacking your enemy with Shadow poison first, if your skill is max lvl, stack up to 4 is more than enough...
>catch your targeted enemy with disruption..
>after the enemy released from its disrupt, quickly use the Demonic purge..
>if its empty enough use your soul catcher... or if you can see an empty spot to use this skill..
>just hit your enemy.... and then wait and see your enemy HP to finish it with Your shadow poison release.
(note: if your on by 1 with your enemy)
ReplyDelete1- any boot
2- linken/ deso
3- hart
4- dagon "1-5"
5- shiva / maybe AC for armor and AS bost "shiva better for mana bost"
6- gynsoo for "mana pool"
if u have them you are a "godlike" you can get HoD and bkb if there are alot spil casters aginst you :-)
I Build Eredar for Support and killing maybe
ReplyDeleteThe items :
- Arcane Boots (Early > UPGRADE to Travel in the Mid
- Mekans
- Guinsoo
- Dagon (level 5)
- Shiva Guard
- Look the Enemy (you can use Linken or HOT)
his 1st skill quite useless should chnge it
ReplyDelete@guy with the really short comment: F*ck you, that is for disabling/chasing/escaping/and stopping epicenter. noob x)
ReplyDeletearcane boots
heart of tarrask
when 1v1, disruption, hex, soul catcher, ulti, dagon. boom
This hero is good for harassing at lvl 1-6.
ReplyDeleteIt is very painful spamming the 3rd skill at lvl 1-6 harassing the enemy. You could even first blood them.
ReplyDeletei'm don't like this hero "zzz"
ReplyDeletethis hero is really great...
ReplyDeletewhere shall my blood be stealed?!
this hero natural enemy is silencer... :D
ReplyDeletefor me is
i'll take
wew mga weak putangina nyo
ReplyDeleteweak hero
ReplyDeletemy item built
arcane boots
this hero are for pussies...
ReplyDeleteUse first skill on yourself when you have damage dealer item, cast second skill to enemy, attack, ulti, win...
ReplyDeleteyeah i kill icarus and puck bye using shivas guard and then i want eredar 3rd skill so i kill icarus and 4 more hero rampage
ReplyDeletewhen we are playing and i was first blood my friends always joking me but as i was able to shadow demon discovered i always won because i really like the skill he had the ability that really afraid of your opponent..
ReplyDeleteWhen you are fighting you should know the true capabilities of shadow demon must first use his 3rd skill disposal of poison and cumulative lodging pat especially not knowing the adversary to specify what happens to him
then use his 1st skill you can also use his second skill to eventually end with him when you know he went to. use your last kill for lodging and beat your opponent.
@Krammer nice english bro, keep it up!
ReplyDeletetxn . . its me kramner
ReplyDelete-arcane boots
-veil of discord
-linkens sphere
-shivas guard
-guinsoo scythe
my 1st game built
ReplyDelete2 null of talisman
blades of attack
staff of wizardy
sana eefect
ReplyDeletetypical pinoy scrub
ReplyDeletelol garena, I bet there are a lot of "pros" there
ReplyDeletehow did you farm all of those in 10 minutes
my first build is 6 divine
ReplyDeletedagon , manta , bottle , hex ,orchid, shivas guard
ReplyDeleteBoots of speed
Blades of attact
Null talisman
Staff of wizardy
,and make a dagon, bloodstone, manta, skadi, cuiras. and level up your dagon...
all of you who said that eredar is weak hero - MEGA NOOB... with him i can kill pudge, slardar, bristle, leviat, and every tank (or not tank) hero for 10 seconds. you only must timely use ult. when enemy hero attaks you. then use shadow poison then disruption finally use dagon and enemy will die LIKE A SHIT!! -.-
ReplyDeleteI've never kill a hero using this ! hope this guide really helps thx btw
ReplyDeletedagger lng eh
ReplyDeleteempty bottle
dagon arcane boots mecca pipe vanguard maelstorm
ReplyDeleteManta? are u serious?.....he has disruption and manta sucks on this hero!!!!
ReplyDeletebitch please...
ReplyDeletemy skill build for eredar is 1st 2nd until lvl 5 ....purge in lvl6...maxing 1st and 2nd and stats... thats very effective support/killer
early game= basilus, tango
basilus,arcane/phase/treads(depending on your play/game),perse
then build a medallion of courage
build your perse to linkens
build force staff(for escaping purposes)
late game
your item must be
forced staff
orchid of manevolence
now it will be painful as hell... he can take down agi heroes easily... str with support and solo in int heroes like tinker etc.
@ for
ReplyDeleteFUCK THAT!...... Manta is luxury only ...right
my 1st build item is all tangos !
ReplyDeleteanother noob build.. XD
ReplyDeleteactually.. you really don't need the Shadow Posoin.. haha.. yeap.. YOU DON'T NEED IT!
This is how it should be..... you MUST MAX ur Disruption and Soul Catcher until lvl6 where you can get ur Purge.. then After you Max those skills... get some Attribute Boost.. DO NOT GET ANY LEVEL OF UR SHADOW POSOIN.. IT SUCKS!! USELESS SKILL!! TRUST ME!! well the item build? uhmmm.... Power Treads, Malevolence, Dagon, Guinsoo, Eye of Skadi, Assualt Cuirrass/ Chain Lightning (the last item is just for being a hitter/killer/carry)
Shadow Demon is an interesting Hero. It can destroy any Enemy Hero
i think poison is useful specially when the enemy has uses lothar's to flee!! fire poison to the direction your enemy's runnin and he'll be revealed cathing it's breathe.. >.<
ReplyDeletemy bad... "
ReplyDeletewhen the enemy has uses lothar's to flee " i haven't removed "has" >.<
there are 2 kind of eredar playstyle but i personally think this hero is anti-ranged heroes as disruption works better with ranged heroes,not to mention ranged heroes usually have smaller hp.
ReplyDeleteif u laning w/ ranged heroes u should max out disrup and poison 1st bcos if the enemies r pro ,they will stick to creep as it "can" save them from soulcatcher. in early game, poison is easier as they stick in the lane (usually). disruption should max out first as it will make the images have more damage and last longer (from lv 1 3s to 6s lv4)
and also because ilusion only have damage from stats and its increase (also item), not from raw damage (item).
for example: DROW ranger which ulti make her +agi and her aura
it will make her disruption get all damage and aura (but only 60% each), but if drow use MKB, the illusion will not have the damage from that item as it is considered raw damage item.
from that build u could kill ranged enemy when u gets to lv6 with just:
use poison(lv2) as it will provide vision as u go closer to him/her
use disruption (lv3), calculate the timing when he/she appear and
use shadow for second time
use ur ulti(lv1), whack and one more poison, usually ranged heroes will die
it all cost: 50+120+50+200+50=470 mana, even though sometimes if u harras them earlier only 2 poison are used, which means 370 mana
IF u laning with melee, which usually have thicker hp, soulcatcher is sometimes easier to use,depending how u juggle them in lane (hit run provoke), therefore u can use shadow poison and soulcatcher maxed out first,but still u need one distuption.
why not maxed distuption 1st? hit animation usually leave the illusion behind when the enemy are not engaging but running away, not so efficient like when used to ranged heroes.
even though it is still hard to kill melee heroes.
why shadow poison is useful?
creeeeeeping... 3 or 4 poison can kill creep early and mid game will give vision of the enemy catched with the poison
defending...creep that get the poison will "ignore" the tower and go straight to you when there arent any of our creep and enemy creep "in a motion to go straight" pushing our tower
now for the item build:
-janggo is extremely useful to illusion as they will get as and ms bonus early game
-if u re harrased back by the enmy use phase,if not use arcane.
why? if ur mana full at all time but cant hold bcoz of ur hp,its useless,better go back and forth to refilll both mana and hp
but if ur not harrased but u r the one who harras, arcane is good as it will give u mana to harras using poison and a chance to kill (mayb,who knows..)
-dps build,use deso (+soulcatcher it is deadly)
-burst damage build,use dagon (+soulcatcher,also deadly)
-linken,halberd,ghoststaff,eul,is conditional depending on the enemy
venge->bcos damage aura, and stun as ur ulti replacement for kill unit (but this unit also can be killed by sd,lol)
-any stunner,or whatever depending on the situation
-WindRunner -> goodluck catching them, max speed and 100% avoidance are a annoying (noob wr who use maxspeed imidiately after u use distruption is an eception though, darkpurge cancel it,lol!!)
-licanthrope ->yeah,no joking, wolves are painful and transformed wolf cannot be slowed
-neru weaver-> even use gem, cant catch it w/ ur initial skills
-bane element-> call backup, pure healt sap is damn annoying
-any invis enemy->get some dust,so troublesome
special case: laning with Anti Mage
am illusion right back at am will render him useless (cant blink,no mana), but if the timing is wrong,distruption is useless.
use it "only" rigth after am blink at u or away as it cooling down and he cant evade his own illusion,lol
eye is better dumb.
ReplyDeletewhat aghanims
ReplyDeleteare u sure
I agree with you. first and second skill is better than the shadow poison, and for the author of these stupid idea for the skill build, DEMONIC PURGE is special man! you get purge, damage and and removing positive buffs, it is very effective to easily kill your target. just saying :)
ReplyDeleteaganims for wat?
ReplyDeleteguide +1
ReplyDeletewow engrish -_-
ReplyDeleteSir can u give me shadow demons build for supporter type
ReplyDeleteShadow poison not so usefull skill,but u can use this for battle royale stacks anytime they hunt u,maybe 6x or more then purge, while attacking the others then disruption the target with effects of shadow poisonpress "F" if the HP goes to 15% less ,while the others hit them in just a 5sec.or more then u have 3ple kill or dominating!...
ReplyDeletemanta bobo naman
ReplyDeleteThis hero rock! I owned terrorblade.i dominating by killing tb alone.XD
ReplyDeletethis hero rocks =))
ReplyDeletewhy does the first skill of eredar is gone when you are lvl15?