Dota 6.68 Beta Leak Image. Is it Real? - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.68 Beta Leak Image. Is it Real?

Is the above image from the Dota 6.68 beta? I just found out that image from the Dota forums. Currently, there's still no confirmation about this, but the image seems real. We can see Icarus the Phoenix there along with the new face, a hero called Ragnar the Kodo Rider.

The question is, is this image real? I leave the answer to you.. What do you think?

Update: OK, on the PlayDota thread, a forum staff already confirmed that it is fake. Too bad, Ragnar seems awesome.. :( And yeah, i hope IceFrog gonna show us the preview video soon.. @_@

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  1. looks like he has a +damage aura

  2. nope.. thats not an damage aura... thats an move speed + attack speed ^^.
    I think so.

  3. just look at the kodo's stats : he's got +5 damage which are not coming from his items.

  4. I agree... in the normal game the unit (called Kodo Beast)had three skills, devour (similar to doombringers), war drums (a +damage aura) and the third i think was some poison attack (not sure) In the above image, the tooltips of devour are as the ulti, war drums are as it is and the first skill's tooltip is actually the same used for Beastmasters ultimate (called stampede)... wonder what icefrog has done with them this time...

  5. May be this is his concept

  6. the third skill is snare :P

  7. well if it is a demage aura than its pretty weak it gives 5+dmg on lvl 2or3 dunno wich is maxed his first skill or his aura

  8. hahah!! i saw something funny :D
    he said Ragnar the Kobo Rider!!
    its not Kobo but Kodo :D hahah :))

  9. from the picture we can see RAGNAR has dead 1 time, LOL :D

  10. LOL no one's minding the bottom lane.

  11. may be 4 new heroes upper 2 and middle 2

  12. i feel ta new heros sux to ta core

  13. awwwsome!! the fire clan is become merrier lol..

  14. 1. Kodo Rider has an aura that gives hims aura. Look his items and his spells. No stats, no +dmg item, so the aura (3rd spell, gives him dmg). But it sucks. He is 6lvl with only 1st, 3rd and Ultimate.
    So it means.
    1st spell: 3 lvl
    3rd spell: 2 lvl
    Ultimate: 1lvl

    2lvl aura and only 5dmg?

    2. This is fake, because look at the time. It's 7min and 40 sec and it's night in the map! WTF! 7 min should be a day!!!

    This is fake. Unless he used -test command and then -time XXX to turn into a night.

    That's all! I am realy excited if there is a kodo rider hero!

  15. This hero appears to suck, he's at level 6 and his damage is REALLY low. 37-59 is below some lvl 1 STR heroes.

  16. If you look at the exp bar you will see the "level" is written in chinese or japanese instead of level 6 Kobo Rider

  17. It's fake that the Korean made.

  18. Sorry to say this but Dota is getting less and less popular with HoN and LoL on the market. The developers take forever to come out with a new heroes and fix bugs.

  19. youre a faggot, HoN and LoL are for all the retards that cant see DotA is 100% better, im glad they came out as they draw all the retards away from dota lol

  20. ... if u have so much time to say tat dota is getting less and less popular, then why do u bother looking at this thread and post about it. and please respect the developers... oh and another thing, dota started the main idea of HoN and LoL so without dota, i doubt those 2 games would even exist

  21. Comment for

    HoN : unbalance , imba heroes and even to play it hav pay money for releases our tress..

  22. when do u think its gonna be released?

  23. no es cierto, si ves hay un heroe más como aliado ese podría ser balanar usando ulti asi que si es posible que sea de noche a los 7 min

  24. lol i dont see a dmg aura and it has +5 dmg

  25. Random suggestion for the site:

    Since this place gets so much traffic, could the blogger maybe consider having a native English speaker proofread the posts once before they go up? I have frequented this site for about a year and a half, and half the time it takes some effort to figure out what he means to say.

  26. @anonymous above - Thanks for the feedback. Actually, i'm really glad if i can find someone who can role that position on this blog. English is not my native language, so maybe what i wrote is still contains some grammar errors. If you're interested, you can email me at the contact page, i will gladly welcome you.. :)


  28. o0o..... all ppl that think hon and LoL is better then dota were all sohai!!!!!haizzzzz

  29. Not exactly. I play HoN too, and the patches aren't that regular. I also think that both games are great, but DotA will always be the number one for me!

  30. @Alief: and I can see that English is not your native language, cuz I'm pretty good at it. But I really don't have time to help you, really sorry, but it's ok, this blog is great anyway, some grammar mistakes are nothing. Keep up the good work!

  31. I think it's fake
    look closely at Icarus
    it doesn't look like a phoenix
    he is much closely related to Nerubian Assassin edited and coated in fire

    another thing is that the Kodo Rider in this pic came from the campaign missions of Warcraft
    it seems that he is just pasted in that pic using Adobe Photoshop

    but then again, that's just my opinion....

  32. A forum staff already confirmed that it is fake

  33. imba is not the correct word for HoN and LoL.. its more like incomplete.. and it will stay that way until the game die out.. dota onthe other hand is like perfected in any way possible. the key word here is logic! you gotta hand it to the developer.. the cool down time, the skill damage even the risk assment! the focus of this game is not about graphic or effects, its all about the heroes and how pretty damned detail the heroes were made!

  34. HoN is garbage. Flashy, shiney, glossy retarded asian graphics dont make a good game. Asian/Korean MMOs prove that perfectly. HoN is nothing but a 99% complete and utter clone of DotA with retarded grahpics.

  35. GOOD NEWS!!! RELEASE DATE CONFIRMED!!! Late this month or very early next month!!!

  36. haha, icefrog DID say there mite b mor than 2 heros (or hinted la) so how sure are we dat dat red thing is actually icarus and not another new hero? :O since it doesn't rly look like a pheonix >.> more like a flaming bug thingy ~ XD

  37. @above: hell, thats a goddamned phoenix and not a gaoddamned flaming bug thing..anyway that pic is a confirmed yeah watever..but that model IS the phoenix model in wc3...look closely morons..those legs you probably see are flames from the phoenix's wings..its real wings are folded down..

  38. Does anyone know the font used in that screenshot? I like it

  39. icefrog updated his blog

  40. there cannot be 4 heroes, look at the minimap, ragnar and icarus are to close, so trere is another hero above there might be 5 of'em....but all these are just thoughts....

  41. Lots of heroes including the kodo beast modeled one that devoured heroes over time as their ultimate.

    It never really worked out well. Was either way to overpowered or ridiculously weak.

  42. i saw that the hero was a suggestion from another guy so not sure if it fake or icefrog decided to make this hero

  43. wtf hard play new hero

  44. I thinked that version is a beta
    I played Icarus They replaced the beta to a new version because there is a mess up bug in icarus
