Sniper Guide - Kardel the Dwarven Sniper Build & Strategy

Kardel Sharpeye the Dwarven Sniper Guide, Build & Strategy. Sniper can be a great carry who has the longest range on Dota. Even though he doesn't have a reliable escape mechanism, he can be deadly if got his items. This post contains Kardel Sharpeye the Dwarven Sniper guide, item build, skill build and strategy.

Kardel Sharpeye is a testament to his name and race. Using only his finely honed skills of marksmanship and his trusty rifle, he systematically destroys his opponents from afar. Taking great care to aim for the most vulnerable of areas, he is capable of severely injuring an opponent, and with a little extra time, has been known to simply dispose of an enemy in a single shot. His rifle is equipped with a secondary barrel, capable of launching a short burst of shrapnel at close range, causing massive damage.

Strength - 16 + 1.7
Agility - 21 + 2.9 (Primary)
Intelligence- 15 + 2.6
Base damage 36-42
Attack range of 550
Base Armor 2
Movement speed of 290
Dwarven Sniper Skill Descriptions
Shrapnel (C)

Fires a ball full of shrapnel into the air. which promptly explodes, showering the target area in explosive pellets. Enemy units that walk in this area get damaged and slowed. Deals 30% damage to buildings. Lasts for 8 seconds.
Level 1 - 15% Slow / 10 DPS
Level 2 - 20% Slow / 20 DPS
Level 3 - 25% Slow / 30 DPS
Level 4 - 30% Slow / 40 DPS
• Damage type: Magical
• Casting range: 1200
• Area of Effect: 450
Mana Cost: 120
Cooldown: 15
This skill has good capabilities for fleeing, chasing and defending a tower. Has decent dps and the area slow effect can be very useful.
Headshot (O)

A shot to the head deals bonus damage and stuns for a short duration.
Level 1 - 25% chance to deal 30 damage and ministun.
Level 2 - 30% chance to deal 30 damage and ministun.
Level 3 - 35% chance to deal 40 damage and ministun.
Level 4 - 40% chance to deal 50 damage and ministun.
• Works on allied creeps.
• Stun is blocked by magic immunity.
• Duration: 0.01/0.1/0.2/0.2
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
A very good skill, especially for canceling channeling skills like Epicenter, Black Hole or even Town Portal. Notice that when you last hitting the creeps, often times, your attack will trigger Headshot.
Take Aim (E)

Kardel uses his dwarf engineering skills to make modifications to his rifle, enhancing the range of his rifle.
Level 1 - Attack Range +65.
Level 2 - Attack Range +130.
Level 3 - Attack Range +195.
Level 4 - Attack Range +260.
• Level 3 and 4 of this skill allow Kardel to out-range towers.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
A skill unique to Kardel, gives you better lane control, harass and creeping capabilities. If you are good enough, you can harass the enemies and when you know they're gonna come at you, you can back away easily due the long range. Especially useful against short ranged and melee heroes.
Assassinate (T)

Take time to draw a bead, and then deal a large amount of damage to the target at a huge range.
Level 1 - Deals 355 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 505 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 655 damage.
Mana Cost: 175/275/375
Cooldown: 20/15/10
• Damage type: magical
• Crosshair on target is visible to allies only.
• Invisibility doesn't affect the effect of this skill.
• Interrupts channeling spells.
• Interrupt works on magic immune units.
• Takes 1.7/1.65/1.5 seconds to cast.
• Casting range: 1500/2000/2500
Assassinate has a very long range and decent damage. Usually used as the finishing move when the enemies are fleeing. With only 10 secs cooldown at lvl 3, it can be also used as a nuke.
Dwarven Sniper Skill Build
Lvl 1 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 2 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 3 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 4 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 5 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 6 - Assassinate
Lvl 7 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 8 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 9 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 10 - Shrapnel
Lvl 11 - Assassinate
Lvl 12 - Shrapnel
Lvl 13 - Shrapnel
Lvl 14 - Shrapnel
Lvl 15 - Stats
Lvl 16 - Assassinate
Lvl 17-25 - Stats
Maxing out Headshot or Take Aim first really depends on the player. Headshot is taken because of the additional damage for harass and creeping (as I have explained earlier Headshot has this effect of kicking in when youre about to last hit creeps ) while Take Aim is taken for range, preferably for harassing without getting harassed or for lane survivability.
Maxing any of these two really depends on you. His SS is taken when available, because obviously it’s the only nuke you’ve got. Use it to kill fleeing heroes at low life, if you have mana to spare, don’t be afraid to spam it, it has a very low cooldown for an SS. After this Shrapnel is taken, at about the time you get to this level it would be mid game and shrapnel would be useful for ganks and defending towers.
Dwarven Sniper Item Build
Dwarven Sniper's core item should be like this:
Power Threads is taken for attack speed, kardel doesn’t need to chase nor teleport, so phase boots and BoT wouldn’t be much useful. Lothars is taken early to avoid ganks, trust me this is where it all starts, get this as early as possible. Frankly, with no escape mechanisms, enemy heroes will be surely targeting you above all the others since you will be the easiest to kill. Lothars will help you escape these circumstances and avoid feeding the enemy team. The next item will be depending on you again.
Lifesteal will make you more versatile and will make you able to initiate. Maelstorm will give you good damage and speed and chain lightning, since you’re a fragile heroes, with this item you will have to come in last at ganks and kill of the nukers in the opposing team. Kardel is a good dps hero but has a very small health pool. Manta is built next even whether you are domi or maelstrom build.
Dwarven Sniper Luxury Items

Manta is a good item for kardel since it confuses the enemy of who to attack and gives hp and movespeed. MKB is a good luxury item because it is a massive dps dealer and goes with your headshot. It increases the mini stun probability of the hero and because it has a higher chance than bash, it can have almost the same effect. Basher is another luxury item because with headshot and MKB you will even seem more of a permabasher than troll who has a very small chance of bashing.
HoT or Linken is taken only in the maelstrom build, as you will need some kind of regen and life, take linken if there are a lot of disablers, especially if there’s a POTM and youre not a good dodger. For the Domi build, Satanic will cover your hp needs and lifesteal for regen. Butterfly is taken for attack speed, damage and evasion, which this hero critically needs.
Dwarven Sniper Strategy
At start game, buy boots and tangoes or healing salve. Getting boots early allows you to avoid early deaths. The early game is where kardel hides in his shell, you can either take bottom or top lane but avoid middle lane because you will probably not be able to take the heroes in this lane at the start. Make creeping your priority.
Kardel is a favorite hero of any good last hitter. If you can notice some heroes have a delay animation before attacking, for example, when drow attacks, she first pulls her arrow, and when she releases it, it again takes time for the arrow to reach the target. With no items, drow probably has an attack delay of about 1 sec., which makes it hard for her to last hit without any damage. When kardel attacks, the hit is almost instant. He last hits best among all other range heroes. Your job in early game is to dominate last hits and focus on the gold. Harass only if enemy heroes try to come close but after that go back to last hitting.
First item to focus buying is quatterstaff. Then buy claymore in your base then the recipe. If you’re a decent last hitter, you would be able to farm lothars before mid game starts. Now you can go solo in a lane without getting gangbanged. When in a lane, always stick to the side away from the jungle. When enemies gangbang you, you would be able to see them coming this way, use lothars then switch to another lane. Join ganks whenever possible, but be careful only to come out from invi after they initiate. Try to get last hits on fleeing heroes with assassinate. Slowly build up whichever luxury item you want. I suggest getting manta first for survivability.
When in a clash, just use lothars and go in after your allies initiate, use manta and finish of the nukers. This will help your team a lot since in gangbangs they mostly focus on the tank or the initiator, they leave alone the nukers to spend out all their nukes in a clash, which of course is a bad thing, much more so with disablers. Also, don’t forget to use shrapnel during ganks or clashes, the slow effect can really help a lot.
Well that’s about the only thing with kardel. He doesn’t require much strategy or skill combos but rather just some decent farming, avoiding getting killed and effectively participating in ganks.
Hope this guide helped. That’s all folks!... XD
This guide is written by glennlevi.
This post contain Sniper Guide & Build - Kardel Sharpeye the Dwarven Sniper Strategy. If you have different build or strategy, you can give your comments or make your own guide on the Dwarven Sniper Forum.

Kardel Sharpeye is a testament to his name and race. Using only his finely honed skills of marksmanship and his trusty rifle, he systematically destroys his opponents from afar. Taking great care to aim for the most vulnerable of areas, he is capable of severely injuring an opponent, and with a little extra time, has been known to simply dispose of an enemy in a single shot. His rifle is equipped with a secondary barrel, capable of launching a short burst of shrapnel at close range, causing massive damage.

Strength - 16 + 1.7
Agility - 21 + 2.9 (Primary)
Intelligence- 15 + 2.6
Base damage 36-42
Attack range of 550
Base Armor 2
Movement speed of 290
Dwarven Sniper Skill Descriptions
Shrapnel (C)

Fires a ball full of shrapnel into the air. which promptly explodes, showering the target area in explosive pellets. Enemy units that walk in this area get damaged and slowed. Deals 30% damage to buildings. Lasts for 8 seconds.
Level 1 - 15% Slow / 10 DPS
Level 2 - 20% Slow / 20 DPS
Level 3 - 25% Slow / 30 DPS
Level 4 - 30% Slow / 40 DPS
• Damage type: Magical
• Casting range: 1200
• Area of Effect: 450
Mana Cost: 120
Cooldown: 15
This skill has good capabilities for fleeing, chasing and defending a tower. Has decent dps and the area slow effect can be very useful.
Headshot (O)

A shot to the head deals bonus damage and stuns for a short duration.
Level 1 - 25% chance to deal 30 damage and ministun.
Level 2 - 30% chance to deal 30 damage and ministun.
Level 3 - 35% chance to deal 40 damage and ministun.
Level 4 - 40% chance to deal 50 damage and ministun.
• Works on allied creeps.
• Stun is blocked by magic immunity.
• Duration: 0.01/0.1/0.2/0.2
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
A very good skill, especially for canceling channeling skills like Epicenter, Black Hole or even Town Portal. Notice that when you last hitting the creeps, often times, your attack will trigger Headshot.
Take Aim (E)

Kardel uses his dwarf engineering skills to make modifications to his rifle, enhancing the range of his rifle.
Level 1 - Attack Range +65.
Level 2 - Attack Range +130.
Level 3 - Attack Range +195.
Level 4 - Attack Range +260.
• Level 3 and 4 of this skill allow Kardel to out-range towers.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
A skill unique to Kardel, gives you better lane control, harass and creeping capabilities. If you are good enough, you can harass the enemies and when you know they're gonna come at you, you can back away easily due the long range. Especially useful against short ranged and melee heroes.
Assassinate (T)

Take time to draw a bead, and then deal a large amount of damage to the target at a huge range.
Level 1 - Deals 355 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 505 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 655 damage.
Mana Cost: 175/275/375
Cooldown: 20/15/10
• Damage type: magical
• Crosshair on target is visible to allies only.
• Invisibility doesn't affect the effect of this skill.
• Interrupts channeling spells.
• Interrupt works on magic immune units.
• Takes 1.7/1.65/1.5 seconds to cast.
• Casting range: 1500/2000/2500
Assassinate has a very long range and decent damage. Usually used as the finishing move when the enemies are fleeing. With only 10 secs cooldown at lvl 3, it can be also used as a nuke.
Dwarven Sniper Skill Build
Lvl 1 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 2 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 3 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 4 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 5 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 6 - Assassinate
Lvl 7 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 8 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 9 - Headshot/Take Aim
Lvl 10 - Shrapnel
Lvl 11 - Assassinate
Lvl 12 - Shrapnel
Lvl 13 - Shrapnel
Lvl 14 - Shrapnel
Lvl 15 - Stats
Lvl 16 - Assassinate
Lvl 17-25 - Stats
Maxing out Headshot or Take Aim first really depends on the player. Headshot is taken because of the additional damage for harass and creeping (as I have explained earlier Headshot has this effect of kicking in when youre about to last hit creeps ) while Take Aim is taken for range, preferably for harassing without getting harassed or for lane survivability.
Maxing any of these two really depends on you. His SS is taken when available, because obviously it’s the only nuke you’ve got. Use it to kill fleeing heroes at low life, if you have mana to spare, don’t be afraid to spam it, it has a very low cooldown for an SS. After this Shrapnel is taken, at about the time you get to this level it would be mid game and shrapnel would be useful for ganks and defending towers.
Dwarven Sniper Item Build
Dwarven Sniper's core item should be like this:

Power Threads is taken for attack speed, kardel doesn’t need to chase nor teleport, so phase boots and BoT wouldn’t be much useful. Lothars is taken early to avoid ganks, trust me this is where it all starts, get this as early as possible. Frankly, with no escape mechanisms, enemy heroes will be surely targeting you above all the others since you will be the easiest to kill. Lothars will help you escape these circumstances and avoid feeding the enemy team. The next item will be depending on you again.
Lifesteal will make you more versatile and will make you able to initiate. Maelstorm will give you good damage and speed and chain lightning, since you’re a fragile heroes, with this item you will have to come in last at ganks and kill of the nukers in the opposing team. Kardel is a good dps hero but has a very small health pool. Manta is built next even whether you are domi or maelstrom build.
Dwarven Sniper Luxury Items

Manta is a good item for kardel since it confuses the enemy of who to attack and gives hp and movespeed. MKB is a good luxury item because it is a massive dps dealer and goes with your headshot. It increases the mini stun probability of the hero and because it has a higher chance than bash, it can have almost the same effect. Basher is another luxury item because with headshot and MKB you will even seem more of a permabasher than troll who has a very small chance of bashing.
HoT or Linken is taken only in the maelstrom build, as you will need some kind of regen and life, take linken if there are a lot of disablers, especially if there’s a POTM and youre not a good dodger. For the Domi build, Satanic will cover your hp needs and lifesteal for regen. Butterfly is taken for attack speed, damage and evasion, which this hero critically needs.
Dwarven Sniper Strategy
At start game, buy boots and tangoes or healing salve. Getting boots early allows you to avoid early deaths. The early game is where kardel hides in his shell, you can either take bottom or top lane but avoid middle lane because you will probably not be able to take the heroes in this lane at the start. Make creeping your priority.
Kardel is a favorite hero of any good last hitter. If you can notice some heroes have a delay animation before attacking, for example, when drow attacks, she first pulls her arrow, and when she releases it, it again takes time for the arrow to reach the target. With no items, drow probably has an attack delay of about 1 sec., which makes it hard for her to last hit without any damage. When kardel attacks, the hit is almost instant. He last hits best among all other range heroes. Your job in early game is to dominate last hits and focus on the gold. Harass only if enemy heroes try to come close but after that go back to last hitting.
First item to focus buying is quatterstaff. Then buy claymore in your base then the recipe. If you’re a decent last hitter, you would be able to farm lothars before mid game starts. Now you can go solo in a lane without getting gangbanged. When in a lane, always stick to the side away from the jungle. When enemies gangbang you, you would be able to see them coming this way, use lothars then switch to another lane. Join ganks whenever possible, but be careful only to come out from invi after they initiate. Try to get last hits on fleeing heroes with assassinate. Slowly build up whichever luxury item you want. I suggest getting manta first for survivability.
When in a clash, just use lothars and go in after your allies initiate, use manta and finish of the nukers. This will help your team a lot since in gangbangs they mostly focus on the tank or the initiator, they leave alone the nukers to spend out all their nukes in a clash, which of course is a bad thing, much more so with disablers. Also, don’t forget to use shrapnel during ganks or clashes, the slow effect can really help a lot.
Well that’s about the only thing with kardel. He doesn’t require much strategy or skill combos but rather just some decent farming, avoiding getting killed and effectively participating in ganks.
Hope this guide helped. That’s all folks!... XD
This guide is written by glennlevi.
This post contain Sniper Guide & Build - Kardel Sharpeye the Dwarven Sniper Strategy. If you have different build or strategy, you can give your comments or make your own guide on the Dwarven Sniper Forum.
mask of madness n divine rapier
ReplyDeletevai dar bunda moda facker
Deletehaha, sorry man, but that build just screams "HEY IM AS SOFT AS TISSUE PAPER! ANYONE WHO WANTS A FREE DIVINE JUST KILL ME NOW!
ReplyDeleteKardel is already a very fragile hero and MoM will just make him much more so.
you are not a veteran player if you don't know how to use mom plus divine.
DeleteMY build would be
thats not basher cuzz he is range and he have his 3rd skll,,,duuh
DeleteMy build would be
Necronomicon for finishing haha!
but my build will be
Seriously, dagger
Deletenot helping..
Deletemy build is PT loth skadi buttr buriza n etheral blade(luv dat agi l8 game u cn switch loth wid domini or sata u r attks will fill u r health pretty cool huh?
ReplyDeletemy build is...
2 or 1 butterfly
(if 1 butter i will add lothar)
dont think that skadi and satanic wouldn't stack, it will makes your enemy got the effect of skadi but you also got the life steal effect. you better try it dude!
domi, butterfly and ethereal blade. use ethereal on the enemy then assasinate. bam!!
ReplyDeletefilho da puta
ethernal blade
mine is
butterfly x3
dagon lvl 5
done =)
haha i gonna ate u from behind
DeleteSincerely yours
my build would be
my byuild is
butterfly !!
thats the build u son of a bitch..
mahi2na kau!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteako threads lang pamatay na!! mga engot!!!
e2 e-mail add q!!! d2 kau mag reply!! GG tau!!!!
my build is:
2x DR
Ganking mode!!!hahhah..join clash and stay in the jungle while hitting nukers..hahaha
wanna know what...
Butterfly x3
Thats how you'll get rampage!!!
my build:
it makes cardel unstoppable trust me!!!!!
ReplyDeletethis will work
i prefer to use lothars and dominator
ReplyDeleteguide for huskar pls...
ReplyDeletelothars, dominator, threads, manta, butterfly and mkb!!!!
ReplyDeletehand of midas
assault cuirras
buriza is best item if you can keep your range
ReplyDeleteThe most and best build for Kardel is:
ReplyDelete1. Power Threads
2. Satanic
3. Eye of Skadi
4. Manta Style
5. Butterfly
6. Divine/Vanguard/Kelen's Dagger
It's up to you if you try this build...
i recommend these for sniper this is truly awesome
ReplyDeletethis is the item build:
1.Power Treads
3.Manta Style
4.Eye of Skadi
5.The Butterfly
6.Heart of Tarrasque
use this and you will see the power of kardel
Power Treads
ReplyDeleteHelm of the Dominator
Assault Cuirass
and good strategy...
That's all.
my build is :
power treads
assault quirass
thread,vanguard, deso manta,lothars
ReplyDeletemy build is domi, treads,sathanic,manta,butterfly
ReplyDeletehow about using PT, skadi, lothar, and bkb.
ReplyDeletemy build is
but f you already a killer like you got already GODLIKE you better sale lothars and change it to
sus!!! eh akin
that's it ask hole.. bitches!!!
you know...
ReplyDelete1. Butterfly
2. Desolator
3. Divine
4. Tarasque
6. Divine or Buriza
Super Imba.. most in range to range.. =) tnx!!!
1. Recipe
ReplyDelete2. Recipe
3. Recipe
4. Recipe
5. Recipe
6. Recipe
Mine is.....
haaha threads pumapatay na haha xD build q
combinating gloves of haste+warhammer+hyperstone
...........phase boots
...........manta style
MAHAPDI to! promise
butterfly, butterfly, boriza, mkb, cuirras
ReplyDeletethe best is 1 tarasque and 6 divine rapier..hahah
ReplyDeleteThe Best
ReplyDelete- Power Treads
- Mjonlir
- Eye of Skadi
- Manta
- Helm of Dominator
- Heart of Tarrasque
ReplyDeletemy strategy
ReplyDeletepower treads
helm of dominator
butterfly and the game ends here
build ko...
lothar's edge
divine raiper :)))
First Item(for me):
Wraith Band x3(sell)
(Wraith Band)Blade Mail
Lothars Edge
Eye of Skadi
Sure Win Po Kayo Dito
2.Scatter Shot
3.Take Aim
4:Scatter Shot
7:Take Aim
9:Take Aim
10:Scatter Shot
12:Take Aim
Bahala Na Po Kayo :D sa skill
Lothar! Mga bading kayo
ReplyDeletebilat mung tanan yawa pisti
ReplyDeletemine are:
ReplyDeleteboots of travel,
assault cuiras,
lothars edge
vangaurd and
the butterfly
anim na hyperstone.....
ReplyDeletedafa yan
ReplyDeletemga weak man pala kayu
ReplyDeletetango 6 dapat para malakas ... hahhahha
ReplyDeleteIs good to be sniper
ReplyDeleteSniper can be a good aimer
ReplyDeleteMy Best build:
ReplyDeleteTreads (AGI)
Monkey King Bar
Lothars Edge
Have a happy killing :)))
Skill build:
stats...............until lvl 25
anong warhammer??
ReplyDeletebaguhan plang ako kya build ko:
lang lang kinakaya ehh
here are my item list for him :)))
ReplyDelete1.power thread
2.stygian desolator
3.linken sphere
5.assault cuircass
6.bloodstone/another butterfly
with this item build, i'm sure you'll scare no one!!! i mean not just heroes, tower too!!! easy money when you get DESOLATOR first.
lvl 1-5=headshot/take aim
lvl 6=assasinate
max out this three skillset first then max out your stats..
i don't really prefer shrapnel first because..........IT'S TOTALLY CRAP!!!
anu yung scatter shot?
ReplyDeletecharles serafin
ReplyDeletesa akin power wraithbond ...
ReplyDeletewag mo na lagyan ng divine pang bata lang yan
ReplyDeleteAko build ko Kay Kardel Boots of travel Eye of skadi the butterfly Mkb. Bkb. Buriza do kyanon
ReplyDeleteBest use,
ReplyDelete1.sty deso,
6.kelens dager/lother/assaulter,,
beyond godlike build, hard to reach in pub, but if u can so u r a champ!!
BUILD Nyo Bottles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletemy build item is satanic. butterfly. buriza . divine . hearth . and treads .. boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletemGa BuilD ang babahO
eye of skadi- nag sstack dun sa satanic yan may slow parin para masaya!! hahaha XD XD
power treads
ReplyDeletesange and yasha
heart of tarrasque Game ends here !
blade mail
Ultimate item-build:
ReplyDelete---> Boots of Travel
---> Eye of Skadi
---> MKB <> Abyssal Blade
---> Manta Style
---> Linken's Sphere
---> Satanic
my build will be
This is a really good tip particularly to those new to the blogosphere.
ReplyDeleteBrief but very accurate information… Thanks for sharing this one.
A must read post!
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my build will be
ReplyDeletepower thread
helm of dominator
lothars edge
mantha style
my build to kardel:
ReplyDeletephase boots
lothars edge
my build to kardel:
ReplyDeletephase boots
lothars edge
divine raper
ReplyDeletedivine raper
divine raper
divine raper
divine raper
divine raper