Dota Beta Testers Vacancy! - DotA-Blog

Dota Beta Testers Vacancy!

If you wannabe a Dota beta tester, now is your chance! IceFrog has just open up Dota beta tester vacancy on PlayDota. You just have to bring two replays of your game and create a thread in this link. Here's what IceFrog said:

We have opened a new beta signup section at You can signup by creating a thread here. Please read the instructions in that forum first.

This is a new secondary beta group that is being created. It will be primarily used in the days before a map is ready to be released, as an additional line of testing and feedback. Members from there will also have the possibility of being promoted to the primary beta testing team.

This group will be limited to a manageable size (at least initially), so you may not be accepted immediately. Applications are reviewed by the recruiting team in batches based on testing needs and member counts.

In addition to filling out the required information, please also attach two replays of games you've played recently.

It seems IceFrog need a lot of new beta tester for testing the upcoming Dota 6.68. Hope it will released soon.. :)

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  1. Nice! 1st bloooood

  2. first blood! nice :)

  3. i dun understand..
    did they want invite player to test the new map??

  4. i just wanna dota allstars 6.68 beat maybe i'll test it please dota-blog i want 6.68 beta

  5. why always same comments, "first blood, double kill, etc"

  6. only LOSER said that...zzz

  7. "Nice! 1st bloooood"

    go eat shit pls...
