Dota 6.67c Roshan Bug and Dota Tricks 6 - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.67c Roshan Bug and Dota Tricks 6

Kuarinofu has just made another series of Dota Tricks, the Dota Tricks 6! This video contains lots of tricks which maybe you never know :) And also don't forget to check the Dota 6.67c bug with Roshan. With this bug, you can attack Roshan with Morphling and he won't attack you at all. Nice find!

Thanks to Joon Kiat for notice me the vids :)

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  1. nice tricks
    killing spree

  2. dominating!! dk..
    waaa..must try the tricks xD

  3. is he sure that the 6.68 preview video will come out in a week?

  4. Godlike!! some one needs to kill him!!! i will try to do this trick

  5. i think you also can do this using hero with pseudo blink base skills

  6. how do you perform the manta/illusion escape trick?

  7. theres a trick with rosh @ lvl 1 you can kill him with a 5 man party.. the party includes beastmaster. witch doctor.. furion.. forgot the other 2.. you can finish the game in less than 3 minutes

  8. nice tricks
    killing spree
