Dota 6.67b AI v2c (06/20/2010) Map Released! - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.67b AI v2c (06/20/2010) Map Released!

DotA 6.67b AI v2cDota 6.67b AI v2c (06/20/2010) - Dota-Allstars v6.67b AI v2c Map Download. PleaseBugMeNot and Phaselock has just made a lot of bug fixes which previously still occurs on the Dota 6.67b AI Rev2b. Without much saying, check out the complete changelogs and the download link of the DotA-Allstars 6.67b AI v2c Map:


6.67b v2c (06/20/2010) fixed by PleaseBugMeNot & Phaselock
================================================== =========

1. Fixed the actual skill when Puck`s trying to use Dream Coil with scepter (last fix just added Dream coil to the scepter`s spells dream team).
2. Track`s buff was not visible when in range of tracked enemy
3. Track`s visual on enemy head was not disappearing after Track`s 30 sec end
4. Fixed Soul Steal channeling text in the tooltip
5. Added passive icon for Strygwyr's Thirst
6. Added passive icon for Plague
7. Fixed a rare Mac issue with shared Soul Ring
8. Fixed casting distance exploits with Skewer
9. Changed Soul Ring icon / added the new icon to the map
10. Nerubian Weaver: Added Hardened passive skill icon of the swarm bugs (BTNHardenedSkin.blp)
11. Nerubian Assasin: Added Missile Speed of Carrion Scarabs (undeadunitfunc)
12. Nerubian Assasin: Impale damage reduced from 80/160/230/300 to 80/140/200/260(6.67)
13. Game-wide sound gets muted when Global Silence is used (173422)
14. Fixed memory leak (6.67c) in Silence trigger. (tnx PhaseLock)
15. Curse of the Silent now displays a buff indicator
16. Bristleback - Warpath maximum stacks increased from 4 to 5
17. Fixed error in Broodmother`s item build - she was staying with Wraith and RoR at late end game. Now buys HoT and Linken`s Sphere
18. Fixed the prices of some recipes/items for the AI:
- Manta Style Recipe increased from 500 to 600
- Dagon Recipe decreased from 1350 to 1300
- Sange Recipe decreased from 800 to 750
- Yasha Recipe decreased from 800 to 750
19. Added some new items in Pugna`s item build (now he buys scepter... what a smart guy)
20. Fixed Mekansm not healing Visage's Familiars

Note: i used WinMPQ to compress the map and i hope it didn`t screw up something. If any problem arise from that i`ll upload it uncompressed.

DotA-Allstars 6.67b AI v2c Download Links
Recommended (Direct Download)
Dota 6.67b AI v2c via GameWebZ

Other Link:
Dota 6.67b AI v2c via MegaUpload
Dota 6.67b AI v2c via 4Shared
Dota 6.67b AI v2c via MediaFire

Note: The AI map is still improving. Subscribe this blog by email or reader so we can send you the updates ;)

Wow, it seems the Dota 6.67b AI map development progress is quite good. Thanks a lot PleaseBugMeNot, Phaselock & Harekke! :)

Credits: Thanks Nikola for the email! :)

PS: If you still found a bug, report it on this link.

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  1. that was fast lol tnx harreke


  3. omg harreke so hard working, must start paying him for a job well done

  4. magnus's empowered and roftelen's living armor cannot be used together.

  5. still no fun tavren

  6. Harreke's statement: This is really a good news.

    So if 6.68 comes out, and then I still not get any technical support from BuffMePlz, or just say BuffMePlz still not reply me, I will drop his AI system and focus on my own AI project.

    Oh, don't worry, I'm going to release a playable version of my own AI map in this month.

    This will be just a preview version. ANN programming will not be applied until I finish data entry project.

    Don't worry, as long as I finish data entry project, my AI system could reach BMP's level. By the time the ANN programming be applied to script, my AI system could fully go beyond BMP's.

  7. Thanks a lot for our AI makers. I salute you for your dedication to the game.

    Mind Freak

  8. Keep up the good work, Harekke and thanks a lot!

    Mind Freak

  9. I sure that Harreke can make AI maps more good than BMP xD Good job Harekke!! :))

  10. Did the new hero will use skill or Did the hero skill that has been changed,the Ai com will use some new skill?

  11. did the ai now use it new skill?

  12. fast... very fast.. :)

  13. Cool..
    Good Job Harrekke..

  14. erm..i tried using necrolyte a few times and it seem that his heartstopper aura is not it juz me or anybody else get this problem too?

  15. I'm looking around for -rd or -ra modes in AI....please make one...please please

  16. Nice job harreke and co....kip it like that..we really appreciate ur hardwork...thank a lots...

  17. I wish Theres an ice frog in 6.67

  18. Very good news!

    Thanks from BRAZIL :)

  19. thanks for the update. btw, tauren chieftain still not use his skill. but he does buy items. does this thing still the same with the nightcrawler and the ancient apparition? do they buy items now?

    oh and the item build for some heroes did not optimize their skill. for example: harbinger item build will make 4 aghanim. i think he will be much more dangerous when the item build is to optimize his manapool, such as bloodstone, soulbooster, guinsoo, etc. as long as he have huge mana, his arcane orb will deal huge damage to the enemy. CMIIW

  20. pls make AI more pro..
    hahah!! XD

  21. Im sorry.. but the "OUI" mode doesnt function.. please fix it.. tq..

  22. fix all the problems at 6.67c AI :))

  23. is 6.67c i hav bug...
    just buy bottle,boots of speed and quarter staff...
    then kill atleast 3 nuetrals...then go to fountain then drop the items (bottle,boots of speed,quarter staff)then buy the recipe of MKB(Monkey King Bar)
    enjoy...killing !!

  24. like to try Icarus the Phoenix :))

  25. -cui change lanes don't work here

  26. pls fix with changing lanes of ai

  27. could you make a randomdraft to work with ai
    still great job harreke,PleaseBugMeNot,Phaselock

  28. what version of warcraft do i need to play 6.67ai?

  29. there's no -sc in this map.

  30. i would recommend you to get the newest version of wc3 tft to play with ai(1.24e)

  31. hey barathum did a good job..,
    when your hero are being charged, your hero will kill itself, then your hero will be revived with invulnerability armor :D

  32. i was playin it...den suddenly al the AI had invunerebal armor...and the creeps cant attck them...

  33. The AI commands doesn't work properly in this version. Changing lanes not working anymore on AIs . Hope this bug will be fixed soon :)

  34. everytime when i random and my enemy has one or more of the new heros...
    i was like...haiz another free kill and the alt+Q+R

  35. ai commands wont work
    Fix it pls

  36. so thanksfull for AI map creator ..
    we love dota so much n need smarter AI ..

  37. holy s***
    this is too fast
    thanks a lot Harreke

  38. thanks to the creators of this ai map....keep it work guyz on the next map...

  39. Finally, DotA AI Map released
    really thanks :)

  40. why murlock can't still buld items??

  41. dota is one of a dangerous drugsssss due to severe addicton...awh awh awh awh

  42. some of the student, there reason of late and absent,,is the game of dota,,,,the other one,,even college student,,,,doing there overnt, just for playing dota........Destruction Of TeenAger!!!!wetwew:):):):):)

  43. duh !!

    its up to you how you baLance

    don't bLame the game its yours

  44. i am counting on you harreke

  45. wierd, said when active bkb, we will be avoid from all spells for 5 sec but atropos can do its ulti when im active the bkb..try it ^^

    this is bugs or what??

    and pls make AI more smarts ^^ thnks..

  46. what does AI mean??

  47. canu explain the bug in 6.67c more with the bottle and the boots and quarterstuff

  48. for some... dota seems like a source of enjoyment.... so please..

  49. thankyou for the AI's!!!!

  50. seems like bug 16 is still there...

  51. Sorry i mean bug 13

  52. The rev2d will be release few moments from now, and harreke and the we the team are on our way to 6.68. Got already some 6.68 files from harreke and we just waiting his instruction to do so!
    To all of you asking 6.68 ai, pls. be patient!

  53. AI spirit breaker damn noob, cannot cast ulti

  54. i guess rev2d will take some time to release instead of few moments from now =.="
    6.68 still got alot of bug. why don't finish rev2d first instead.

  55. can u add some new item build ups for apparition and murlock in the next AI maps... Thank you very much..

  56. i dont know what happen but please fix these heroes item:
    murloc and ancient didnt use item
    razor and tinker's item is dropped on the floor

  57. new problem found...
    ai problem...
    went we ask him to go to left, mid or right he won't go....
    ai problem....
    plz the next version fix it.... 0.0"

  58. @alief - please make a post for Dota 6.68c AI map, and any news received from Harreke or any AI map developers?

  59. @Muhammad Noor - Already made it, but not yet put it on the side bar. Just put it there :) No news yet.. Seems harekke start to make his own AI..

  60. hmm is hereke just fixing the bug of 6.67b AI map or is he going straight to 6.68?? seems a bit long for rev2d don't you think?

    Any update or news regarding the development?

  61. I don't know coz I still play 6,66
    Does invoker still not using the skills?

  62. After one bigger attack by the sentinel, the scourge doesn't attack anymore, only sits in its base. Whats the deal with it?

  63. i waited so long for 6.68ai. please, make it fast i want to train new heroe in dota 6.68ai.

  64. where can i download the map

  65. the best question so far :D

  66. i found a bug and i can't believe it that puck,his armor turn invulnerable after he died,
    i was using banehallow i almost build DR but still
    i can't kill him

  67. Omg 3 months already and no update =(

  68. thanks for the fixes!
    from Dhaka

  69. emmm...i cant wait to play map 6.69....yipeee

  70. Heroes become invulnerable when they suicide in response to some skills like spirit strike of spiritbreaker, im not sure of other heroes that cause suicidal attacks!

  71. how do i download the map?!.crap!

  72. I had downloaded and pasted it on my map folder but it's not working '_' why? Same with other maps...

  73. how to download dota in mozilla

  74. im not sure of other heroes that cause suicidal attacks!

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