Dota Phoenix Guide, Build & Strategy | Icarus The Phoenix - DotA-Blog

Dota Phoenix Guide, Build & Strategy | Icarus The Phoenix

DotA Phoenix: Icarus The Phoenix Guide, Strategy & Build. Icarus is another addition to the Sentinel Strength hero along with Tuskarr in DotA 6.70. This post will provide you with the Phoenix Skill Description, the Phoenix Guide, the Icarus Strategy, the Icarus Item Build and Icarus the Phoenix Skill Build.

Ancient scriptures spoke of seven sacred emanations of light, and of their convergence in great conflict. The collision of these rays upon the mortal realm created a pyre of the highest purity, giving birth to the mythical Phoenix. As a manifestation of divine flames, Icarus can discharge either flames of death and destruction, or of life and healing. The concentrated beam of energy that he can emit can incinerate whole armies from across the battlefield. Unafraid to utilize his own life-force in order to vanquish his enemies, Icarus can also harness the direct power of the sun to create a stellar explosion.

Alliance: Sentinel

Strength: 22 + 2.9 (Primary)
Agility: 12 + 1.3
Intelligence: 18 + 1.8

Base Damage: 56-64
Starting Armor: 0
Movement Speed: 290
Attack Range: 500

Icarus The Phoenix Skill Descriptions

Icarus Dive

Phoenix dives forward in an arc with a fixed distance in the targeted direction, dealing damage and disarming any units he comes into contact with, and then orbiting back to his original position. If during the 2 second duration of this spell Phoenix casts another spell, the dive ends. Phoenix gains magic immunity for this brief dive period as well. Costs 10% of current HP to cast.

Damage: 100/150/200/250
Disarm Duration: 2/2.5/3/3.5

Travel Range: 1400
Travel Width: 500
Total Travel Time: 2 seconds

Cooldown: 40
Manacost: 100
HP Cost: 10% of current HP

Note: You can also press the same hotkey or another skill or stop hotkey anytime to end the dive

A cool move which allow you to damage and yet gaining magic immunity for 2 seconds. It can also be used as escape mechanism, just immediately press the same hotkey to stop on desired location. Also an effective measure to ruin enemy gank by prevent them to attack for several seconds. Cost you some HP though.

Fire Spirits

Born out of his own life force, Icarus creates 4 fire spirits to fly alongside him. Each spirit slowly grows in power and can be used to damage his enemies or heal his allies. Costs 10% of your current HP to cast.

Maximum Growth Time: 10 seconds

Spirit Minimum Damage/Heal:10/15/20/25
Spirit Maximum Damage/Heal: 40/60/80/100
Spirit AOE: 400

Subability Cast Range: 1200
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 35
HP Cost: 10% of current HP

Note: The target subability fires off each spirit one at a time. It has no cooldown. If you let them expire without ordering them, they sacrifice themselves where they are.

Another unique skill from Phoenix. You can attack or healing with the spirits. You must direct each summon to your target. For maximum benefits, cast this and wait several seconds before engaging the enemy. Don't forget that the spirits AoE is pretty decent, so you can gather and heal several heroes at one time.

Sun Ray

Drawing from his own inner fire, Icarus expels a huge beam of light at the cost of his own life energy. The beam slows and damages enemies for a percentage of their life. Costs 25% of current HP to activate.

Upon casting, you lose the ability to attack or move directly. Ray extends out to the first hero it finds and burns it and a very small area around it.

Can be toggled on and off.

Slow: 14/20/26/32%
Slow duration: 2 seconds
Damage per second: 10/20/30/40 + 4% of Target's Max Life

Activation Health Cost: 25% Current HP
Activation Mana Cost: 10
Overtime Mana Cost: 4% of Max

You have another sub ability that you can toggle to allow you to drift towards the direction of the ray.

PS: You control the direction of the ray using right click and the beam will move towards that angle. Automatically shuts off if you are silenced or stunned

This move is remind me of Cyclops from the X-Men. The damage is quite huge, however you won't be able to move freely when you cast this make the Sun Ray as the hardest Phoenix's skill to use.

Icarus the Phoenix Ultimate


The Phoenix willingly ends his current life for the chance to be reborn. Transforms into a burning sun that scorches enemies within 1000 range. The sun can be attacked by enemy heroes; if it is destroyed, the Phoenix dies as well. However, if the sun survives for 6 seconds all enemies in range will be stunned and the Phoenix will return to life fully regenerated.

Hero Attacks Required (to kill sun): 5/7/9
Duration: 6

Burn AOE: 1000
Damage: 60/80/100 dps
Stun: 1.5/2/2.5

Cooldown: 110
Manacost: 200

We already saw this skill on DotA 6.69 Phoenix Quest. A situational skill which can either killed you or change the tide of battle. You can use it with another massive disable like Black Hole for maximum benefit. You can also use it on the fog to prevent the enemy hit you easily. Another combo is by using Icarus Dive before Supernova which prevent the enemies to hit you for several seconds.

Icarus The Phoenix Skill Build

1. Icarus Dive
2. Fire Spirits
3. Fire Spirits
4. Icarus Dive or Sun Ray
5. Fire Spirits
6. Supernova
7. Fire Spirits
8. Icarus Dive
9. Icarus Dive
10. Sun Ray or Icarus Dive
11. Supernova
12. Sun Ray
13. Sun Ray
14. Sun Ray
15. Stats
16. Supernova
17-25. Stats

Icarus Dive can be an escape mechanism on early game. Maximize Fire Spirits for a quick and massive heal. You can use it for early ganking too. Then choose to maximize Icarus Dive or pick a lvl 1 Sun Ray depend on your playstyle. Always take Supernova whenever it can be taken. The last part is maximizing Sun Ray and stats.

Icarus The Phoenix Item Build

1. 3x ironwood branch, Magic Stick, 4x Clarity Potion
2. Boots of Speed
3. Finish Magic Wand
4. Finish Arcane Boots
5. Medallion of Courage

Icarus' core item should be like this:

Magic Wand - Obviously used for instant regen (HP and Mana). Best when enemy has spell users.

Power Treads - Give some str (which mean HP and damage), MS, and AS. Good for increasing your dps but will reduce your spell usage cause your limited mana. Its not a problem cause you can change it onto int Treads everytime you want.

Medallion of Courage - Provide you with armor and mana regeneration which are you lack on early game. It also have an active ability for reducing an enemy's armor by 6. Very useful for ganking.

Boots of Travel - Using your Fire Spirits you can do easy farming in early game. Teleport to bunches of enemys creeps and ka-ching, your sacrificed Fire Spirits would turn into gold.

Arcane Boots - An alternative to Treads. You will need when you want to be a supporter. Use this to replenish your mana.

Bracer - an optional item. You can purchase this item for additional stats. Can be upgraded to Janggo of Endurance later which is good for positive aura.

Hood of Deviance - a situational item. Very useful when enemy's team has good nukers. Plus HP regen. Can be upgraded to Khadgar's of Insight.

Luxury late game items:

Shiva's Guard - Unlimited mana, Nice armor, Aoe nuke and slow. An absolute item for Icarus.

Assault Cuirass - Gives you armor and it's IAS is AOE. Plus armor reducer which make your enemies suffer. Perfect item for late game.

Heart of Tarrasque - good item for survivability during battle because it gives huge amount of HP. Also +40 damage boost for a strength hero like Icarus.

Buriza do Kyanon/ MKB - DPS items. No need further informations. Just choose one of these ancient Weapons and you can be a DPS machine.

Satanic - Another EHP boost item. Gives you lifesteal, HP, armor, and damage. Plus 3.5 seconds of 175% lifesteal is always welcomed.

Icarus The Phoenix Strategy

You can pick this hero when your team needs supporter, nuker, late carry, or supporting chaser.

You need to be supported by:
- Mass Disablers :
Just to make sure your Fire Spirits or ulti land into the right target without scratch on your body. It will be enemy's nightmare when Supernova lands together with Overgrowth or Blackhole. You can also combo your skills with Chronosphere.

Beware of his counter:
- Attack speed boosters:
such as Jah'rakal, Ursa, and Syllabear. They will ruin your ulti in no time.
- Silencers and Manabreakers:
can't do anything except do normal attacks. Including Lucifer the Doom Bringer, a hero with an awesome spell which is troublesome for a spell depended hero like Icarus. No escape or ulti means death.
- Dps heroes with silence skill:
such as Traxex or Rikimaru.
- Heroes with illusions ability (including manta carrier):
Their mirror's hit counted on your ulti. So be very-very careful if you fought this kind of heroes.

On early minutes, lane with your teammate. Or if theres no one want the mid just take it. Consider you are slow cause confused to pick a hero (-ap,-se,-rd mode) or items (-ar mode). lol. Focus on farming and denying. It will be best if you can harass and dominate the lane. Remember that Icarus dive is your only escape mechanism this phase of the game and its drain your mana a lot with little nuke damage, so dont use it too much. Instead use Fire Spirits to harass while healing you and your teammate. Try to not push the lane unnecessarily. If you go mid lane and get to above lvl 6, you can try to gank a lower level heroes. The combo is simple. Use your Fire Spirits in approximate 1200 range from your target. Wait for about 6 secs or above. Just before the spirits get big, then Icarus Diving and stop as close as you can from your target (max 400 range). If youre not close enough just walk into them. For maximum damage, dive then stop behind them and keep attack them while the clock ticking. For several seconds, your Fire Spirits will sacrifice themselves. Makes your enemies in range feel the damage and perhaps die. Of course It will be more effective with help of your teammates.

In the middle of the game, You can stop farming. Do gank almost every chance of this phase of time. You can go with your partner or solo if you see some low-HP heroes in the side lanes. Use your ulti effectively so you dont die when your Supernova is pop-up in the middle of battle. But in this phase you'll be dominator of the game if you can use the maxed Fire Spirits well. Still, farming is needed to gain gold and push the lanes. Use your Fire Spirits Aoe damage for fast killing creeps. When the other team feels their defense is in the pinch, they'll try to help. And this is your chance to send em back to their fountain (you always call this death :P).

Late game is the time for Icarus to change his strategy. He is not as strong as when he is in the mid-game. So stay safe and help your teammates when team clashes occurs. This phase of the game let you use your Sun Ray a lot. Cause when maxed, this skill is very powerful to make that enemy tank or carry burned to death. Or at least slowed him down so your carry teammate can easy kill him (exept for blinkers and windwalkers and escape mechanism carrier).

Based on: Playdota Guide

This post contain Icarus Guide & Build - The Phoenix Strategy. If you have different build or strategy, you can give your comments or make your own guide on the Phoenix Forum. 

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  1. First Blood!!
    double kill.....

    expecting the best hero!!!

  2. ASTIG!!!!!!!!!! :D

  3. PH ar better than anyone yea right...... ^^

  4. Best int dmg hero ultimate skill : from the normal game warcraft3

  5. icarus is a str int hero,hes skills are flame skin, flame wave,passive is fire wings, and ultimate is reincarnation.

  6. will icarus be sentinnel or scourge

  7. maybe it'll be sentinel's and strenght hero i guess....

  8. its agi heroe on sentinel tavern...

  9. no its going to be on the scourge..:D

  10. oi. parang ayan ung comment q kay ice frog.!! shit.. ayan ung pangarap qng hero thx icefrog..!!

  11. I'm sure there will be an egg on his skill

  12. I m sure this hero would be very powerful on early game

  13. New Dota Hero
    Harpie Queen
    AGI type


    Harpie snatch soul on the unit it killed(both enemy and allies) and add it to its Agiliy. Half of soul will be released on Harpie's Death
    Level 1- Adds 2Agility, 10 Limit
    Level 2- Adds 4Agility, 20 Limit
    Level 3- Adds 6Agility, 30 Limit
    Level 4- Adds 8Agility, 40 Limit
    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0

    Vengeance Hurricane(V)
    Any Enemy that attack Harpy with direct magic will have a chance to be sent low mid air, damaging it, and unable to act for 2.5 seconds
    Level 1- 10% deals 40 damage
    Level 2- 20% deals 80 damage
    Level 3- 30% deals 120 damage
    Level 4- 40% deals 160 damage
    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0

    Lightning Plasma(G)
    The gift from her father that randomly causes Sparks and 10% chance to ministun enemies around Harpie
    Level 1- 30Sparks of 20dmg each(600 total)
    Level 2- 30Sparks of 30dmg each(900 total)
    Level 1- 30Sparks of 40dmg each(1200 total)
    Level 1- 30Sparks of 50dmg each(1500 total)
    Mana Cost: 95/120/135/155
    Cooldown: 30/28/26/24

    Twisted Feather(E)
    Send Blade-like Feather that deals damage to enemies.
    Level 1 - Deals(125 + 50% of her Agility)damage
    Level 2 - Deals(175 + 75% of her Agility)damage.
    Level 3 - Deals(225 +100% of her Agility)damage.
    Mana Cost: 150/225/325
    Cooldown: 150

  14. Maybe phoenix fire ability ingame would be added. .

  15. gotta ♡ icarus


  17. the new hero must be female that have sword str!
    1st skill must be thunder strike-like ran online
    2nd skill must be infernal hit-like ran online
    3rd skill must be lightning sword-that purge enemy sometimes- passive skill
    last skill(SS)swarm blade-like weaver's first skill but sword is coming out not bugs

    and an int female archer!you have dark archer you have wind archer and now must be fire archer!
    1st skill must be burning arrow-like husker 2nd skill
    2nd skill must be split shot-like gorgon
    3rd skill must be passive-like trolls 3rd skill
    last skill(SS)must be passive-but adds int attribute in the hero like drow ranger and centaur

  18. the new hero must be female that have sword str!
    1st skill must be thunder strike-like ran online
    2nd skill must be infernal hit-like ran online
    3rd skill must be lightning sword-that purge enemy sometimes- passive skill
    last skill(SS)swarm blade-like weaver's first skill but sword is coming out not bugs

    and an int female archer!you have dark archer you have wind archer and now must be fire archer!
    1st skill must be burning arrow-like husker 2nd skill
    2nd skill must be split shot-like gorgon
    3rd skill must be passive-like trolls 3rd skill
    last skill(SS)must be passive-but adds int attribute in the hero like drow ranger and centaur

  19. the new hero must be female that have sword str!
    1st skill must be thunder strike-like ran online
    2nd skill must be infernal hit-like ran online
    3rd skill must be lightning sword-that purge enemy sometimes- passive skill
    last skill(SS)swarm blade-like weaver's first skill but sword is coming out not bugs

    and an int female archer!you have dark archer you have wind archer and now must be fire archer!
    1st skill must be burning arrow-like husker 2nd skill
    2nd skill must be split shot-like gorgon
    3rd skill must be passive-like trolls 3rd skill
    last skill(SS)must be passive-but adds int attribute in the hero like drow ranger and centaur

  20. the new hero must be female that have sword str!
    1st skill must be thunder strike-like ran online
    2nd skill must be infernal hit-like ran online
    3rd skill must be lightning sword-that purge enemy sometimes- passive skill
    last skill(SS)swarm blade-like weaver's first skill but sword is coming out not bugs

    and an int female archer!you have dark archer you have wind archer and now must be fire archer!
    1st skill must be burning arrow-like husker 2nd skill
    2nd skill must be split shot-like gorgon
    3rd skill must be passive-like trolls 3rd skill
    last skill(SS)must be passive-but adds int attribute in the hero like drow ranger and centaur

  21. the new hero must be female that have sword str!
    1st skill must be thunder strike-like ran online
    2nd skill must be infernal hit-like ran online
    3rd skill must be lightning sword-that purge enemy sometimes- passive skill
    last skill(SS)swarm blade-like weaver's first skill but sword is coming out not bugs

    and an int female archer!you have dark archer you have wind archer and now must be fire archer!
    1st skill must be burning arrow-like husker 2nd skill
    2nd skill must be split shot-like gorgon
    3rd skill must be passive-like trolls 3rd skill
    last skill(SS)must be passive-but adds int attribute in the hero like drow ranger and centaur

  22. tada! all wrong!
    here come my guessss :
    the phoenix is kinda ultimate form (ulti)
    normal form should be an old man with stupidstick!
    his 3rd must be passive @@ and that passive benefit his ulti (sound like krobelus)
    his 1st skill has 2 cast animation 1= with his original form with no bonus damage and stun duration,second its cast animation change during ultimate form and dmg and stun duration also change.

    second skill should soundlike this = elderly Curse.which mean who ever atack that phoenix will lose 2 armor every 4 hit (?????) have chance to burn atacking hero too!
    that if it was a passive now for active skill

    second should be like this= dash forward ignore terrain and and...cancel this one how about summon an EGG (i mean egg) after the egg hatch,that phoenix son will fly str8 to phoenix and kabomb ,for enemies around impact will stun and loss maybe no damage.(there got 1 button = call hatchling:immideatly egg will dadadadadada)


  23. ..icarus huh maybe it's gonna be an int type hero .. maybe it's skills would be :

    flame throw(T)
    Icarus had it's rotating skill like clinkz, traxex, huskar etc. throwing flame on enemy units
    Level 1- adds 10 damage
    Level 2- adds 20 damage
    Level 3- adds 30 damage
    Level 4- adds 40 damage
    Mana Cost: 20
    Cooldown: 5,3,1,0

    ethereal breath(E)
    Stuns an enemy unit for seconds
    Level 1- Stuns for 0.5 second deals 20 damage
    Level 2- Stuns for 1 second deals 30 damage
    Level 1- Stuns for 1.5 seconds deals 40 damage
    Level 1- Stuns for 2 seconds deals 50 damage
    Mana Cost: 95
    Cooldown: 30/28/26/24

    feather illusion(f)
    Any enemy who attacks Icarus will be damaged back because of it's flaming skin and adds him more intelligence
    Level 1- 5% return damage 10% intelligence
    Level 2- 10% return damage 20% intelligence
    Level 3- 15% return damage 30% intelligence
    Level 4- 20% return damage 40% intelligence
    Mana Cost: passive
    Cooldown: 0

    creates a volcano nearby that stuns enemy units for 4 seconds
    Level 1 - Deals(125 + 50% of her Intelligence)damage
    Level 2 - Deals(175 + 75% of her Intelligence)damage.
    Level 3 - Deals(225 +100% of her Intelligence)damage.
    Mana Cost: 150/225/325
    Cooldown: 150

    Scepter upgradable :
    improves cooldown and adds more damage and seconds for stun

  24. if i make an SUGGESTION about the skill of icarus

    That maybe the ulti of icarus would be ah like a reancarnation BUT if it reancarnate It makea FIRE egg that reancarnate icarus in 10sec and icarus is invulnerable while reviving on his own Egg

    The 1st skill i want on icarus
    Its like the 1st skill of viper that Slow enemy and got any extra damage
    But the 1st skill of icarus is fire while an extra damage LVL 1(5) lvl 2 (10) lvl 3(20) lvl 4 (40) and slow enemy by Lvl1(3%)lvl2(6%)lvl3(10%)andlvl 4(13%)

    The 3rd skill is an barrier like on MEDUSA
    Its an immolition that damage Enemy melee the get near on icarus lvl1(10damage persec.)lvl2(20persec.)lvl3(30persec.)lvl4(40persec.)

    WHile the 3rd skill is

    That SUmmon ah 2firebird last60sec
    Lvl 1(firebird damage 40)lvl 2 (firebird damage 60)lvl 3 firebird damage 80) lvl 4 firebird damage 100) every attack on the hero

    The ulti of icarus is an scepter upgradable its REDUCE COOL down of the ulti by 50sec.

    you guys will name the skills if u want that i suggest or reduce the damage of the skills that i suggest:D

    this icarus i suggest is an int time

    Best item
    GUinso=int and make the enemy turn into chicken:D
    shiva=int and armor
    bloodstone=mana and hitpoints
    dagon=int and extra damage


    +Living in the Philippines+

  25. Seriously, I dont like posting your crappy ideas guyzz wtf reincarnation? I am so dead,.,.

  26. ULTI>reincarnates from the ashes!

  27. i think Icarus the Phoenix is intel n agility....and its sentinel i think....his ulti should be like fire storm or summon a another pheonix that every time die it will be revive every 20 scd..or 15 or 10....logicly its a bird so his ulti should be like laying an egg.......

  28. h0w l0ng will the players wait 4 dis her0 ? ..
    we r vri xcited =]

  29. icarus for sure is int hero.... reincarnation? wtf? fucking ulti.. hope is not..... better it ulti like damage as lina or lion and the name is scorching fire or blast flame or whateva.... int hero no nid ulti like reincarnation.... is sucks...

  30. wow, cool, sangaar, great, awesome...
    but still wait a looong time...

  31. icarus i wish it has a skill like dashin like storm spirit's ball lighting

  32. Ica Ica Ica rus i wnt it to be the greatest heroo!!

  33. Sorry for this, but there's no new hero in version 6.68

  34. what do you mean "one of the new heroes" so it
    means that there is another one (new hero) ??

  35. @anonymous - Well, that's what IceFrog said ;)

  36. ohhhhhhh some of you suggest a very boring skill for icarus reincarnation??? bah!!!!

  37. do you like that new hero anonymous

  38. I think would be a great hero

  39. there's gonna be 3 new heroes on 6.68 don't listen to that guy who's saying ther's no new hero coming on the new map, he's just fooling you guys so you won't get excited. that's all one is that icarus and the 2 others are an str and agi hero, you made a good guess about icarus is going to be an int type hero

    that's for now folks

  40. Intelligence-Icarus (the phoenix)
    Agility-thrall (far seer)
    Strength-krakko (the fire panda)

  41. it's a phoenix though, maybe it would have an unlimited life. Just cant die! .> <.

  42. DUDE,u all wrong
    icarus = must related with sun/burn/flame (wiki wat icarus ARE IDIOT) and must be counter for balanar(balanar love night so icarus monster in da monin).finish with this.

    phoenix = wiki it 1st,it myth bird that urm (wiki it yourself).so it should be range hero and split(hark ptuih!) fire liquid as projectile.and covered with fire which mean must have passive that related with fire(like viper,it is toxin those who hit will slow and deal poison damage and you get my point).

    ultimate: reincarnate???damn odd.see juggernaut,bladefury on melee game or campaign its is ultimate but on dota its 1st skill-then reincarnate is piece of shit skill with no dmg?and no worth for int caster.ultimate must related with sun(beam?ray?or i read a suggestion on playdota which have potential to be in DOTA,it is like elune but damage deal = distance beam traveled).or it related upon it death or summoning . . .

  43. oh ! my CodeName icarus haha.

  44. Will it be like Leoric, where his ult is the reincarnation, and Phoenix will be the Phoenix Egg as his ult so he can never die (with the appropriate mana)?

    I always thought that the Phoenix in the game should be a hero in the new Dota. It's too pretty to not be! =D


  46. they should change lina's first spell cuz of would be stupid that she cast a spell that looks like hero

  47. I guess Iracus will be a agi or an int type in the neutral tavern or sin the sentinel tavern

  48. why all suggestions are NOOBS?????

  49. i dont think lina first skill animation got any problem with icarus coz tidehunter first skill also sent a morpling animation out, and there are no one complaining about it also

  50. in the day, icarus can't die with apropriate mana. he will become an invulnerable egg for 10 second. what do you think?

  51. second blood!!!!

  52. waahhaah boring your suggestions are BORING!!!!!

  53. I bet the other new hero is str since int and agi were the last ones, there has to be another str.

  54. i think icarus will have a skill like, immolation (demonhunter in warcraft), then reincarnation or invulnerability, fireball skills, an eye of skadi-like but with fire element or something suicide skill. it will be an int hero

  55. it summons the blood mage. lol =)

  56. i think icatus will be int in sentinel... noway will gonna be in neutral because it's already full since kald'r come.... i like the normal game of warcraft, so ithink icarus will enter sentinel tavern.....

  57. There's gotta be reincarnation of some sort, that Phoenix Egg is too good to be left out...if not Reincarnation then somehow the Egg's gotta be used in some sort of skill...mines? lol

  58. not reincarnation please.... just make it different spell with another.... and dont make it imba ok.... :P
    nice balance with balanar (love night)
    icarus (love sun)... will be great duel!!!!!

  59. this u like him to reincarnate ?? well yeah with appropriate mana and should be daytime .. if it dies at night it wont resurrect from it's egg .. and when its day time he'll be moving fast like balanar and some attacks will miss

  60. ,,skill with an ability to catch and grab the enemy hero up in the sky, and drop it down from the above atmosphere, and stunning afterward 4 about max. of 5 secs. and with 950 max. damage...!!! yehh.... i think it will cool...!!!hehe 1st blood!!!!!!!

  61. "they should change lina's first spell cuz of would be stupid that she cast a spell that looks like hero"

    how about tinker's spell and clockwerk? !!

  62. Why ppl only think in imba skills


  64. int type ba or agility type or strength type????

  65. 6.68, change the train pliss..

  66. the skills of icarus stinkz men.....

    you should make it more reality like bird

  67. wkwkkw like levi trowing morpling
    if this the new hero
    lina will cast it to indeed

  68. how bout heat wave as first skill?? juz like morhpling..passive armor fire skin that can do immolation when being attack plus clink ability like fire arrow n reincarnation as ulti..juz a suggesstion..

  69. 1st skill will be slow
    2nd skill will be pasive(when you are near you will be burn damage rate base on lvl)
    3rd skill will be stun(all near opponent will be stun and pheonix will be gone in 1 sec just like the skill of puck)
    and the ultimate will be just like a shivas guard but instead of ice it will be fire(the damge will be more hurts when the team mates of the oppent stick together)

  70. Wow...i like the new hero, Icarus. I think it is a agi hero..I wish its 1st skill cn b stun...2nd skil b like dual fire lyk twin head dragon's 1st skill bt oni fire...3rd skill is hp n mp regeneration..its ulti i hope is add its agi point..

  71. i think that is int hero or agi hero

  72. ah bad hero.
    it will like slark and kaldr.
    be a poor HERO

  73. i wish that my skill like this

    1st skill(passive) immolation: it passive but you can see

    lvl 1: 25 dmg per secs
    lvl 2: 50 dmg per secs
    lvl 3: 75 dmg per secs
    lvl 4: 100 dmg per secs

    2nd skill flame blast: it is splash damage but stun to target

    lvl 1: stuns 1.5 and 120 dmg
    lvl 2: stuns 2 and 200 dmg
    lvl 3: stuns 2.5 and 275 dmg
    lvl 4: stuns 3 and 350 dmg

    3rd skill fire breath: its like a davion breaths the target

    lvl 1: 100 damage
    lvl 2: 200 damage
    lvl 3: 275 damage
    lvl 4: 325 damage

    4th skill (ulti) reincarnation: if it dead it become a egg but after become egg it is still alive but it attack the egg in 5 sec

    lvl 1: 150 secs Cooldown and 50 secs become alive and 5 secs to chance an attack
    lvl 2: 125 secs Cooldown and 25 secs become alive and 2.5 secs to chance an attack
    lvl 3: 75 secs Cooldown and 12.5 secs become alive and its invulnerable no chance to attack

  74. LOL at their grammar

  75. i dislike any copy paste skill,
    and to basic with no fuction related(using avialable skill on warcraft 3 sound like a shit)

    cum on(inside).
    reincarnate sound stupid ,foolish and to old(damn boring,no damage,juz infinate reincarnate,then during clash u will be the one who die last[not in killing priority])
    all hero juz have a stupid wave(haish boring),if wave more like morph waveform + stun at end of wave like Ghost Ship,then there got sum goodies(out of avialable ability inside world editor)

    r u playing melee map????????????????this is dota-defense of the ancient-skill like that throw in garbage bin.

  76. there SHOULD be reincarnation..Icefrog mostly sticks with a hero's theme, and in this case, the Phoenix is known in mythology to be REBORN FROM ITS reincarnation, however boring it may seem, is a high probability...maybe Icefrog would just add some other stuff to the maybe it can choose when to resurrect from its egg, or burn those around it while resurrecting, or something..

  77. when you say pheonix, there must be fire skills, summoning small birds, resu and eggs involved... i think this hero will be a hit... :D

  78. okay,if the ulti was reincarnate(it should/must not same as melee map skill[coz it is trash])

    then egg will be invisible(on max level),
    and it ulti only trigger on da monin(only),so dying at night is this stupid hero weakness,upon revival,he will shouting (sound like bird having good time warrrk[whole map will can hear it]),all enemy around that stupid hero(450 aoe) will deal 45 dmg/s(+ 25 damage each level[8 sec]) and slowed 23% of thier current ms(23% of 522 ?WOW).special button-immediate respawn.(he die and bcome egg,can come to life faz but it will make it unmature phoenix-revive less life and less mana)but if wait till it should time to revive then he will revive full life.(this no imba,waiting he revive all ppl run oredy,but can spawn faz but risky(fair and balance got damage and effect summore[from empty revive and stupid worthless ulti i think this will what icefrog think]).and no mana required(bcoz it need mornin for da trigga)

    why ulti must be stupid reborn with no damage?if he are str hero,nobody care.but if it was int[caster].that kind of ulti should be rejected.

  79. Icarus the phoenix ,recommended if the skill use lots of mana ,better build it in int heroes , if the skill on the fast cooldown better build in agi heroes.. range . armor need to be increased for Icarus like visage . passive skill like immolation is good supported with high armor. so the phoenix will be the easy heroes for creeping . ulti better could stun and slow the area than reincarnate coz, we waste time if reincarnate too long . how about the name of the ulti like meteor crush . calls the meteor from the sky damage within 600 AOE lvl 4 and stun for 2 sec slow 20% DPS 100 for 3.5 sec.. casting range 300 . how is it? anybody like this?

  80. make Icarus an AGI hero!

  81. slark and ancient apparation so gay already pissing ppl off still wan 1 more new hero... cb sia

  82. Must be a neutral hero

    Str:20+2 (MAIN) Movement Speed:310
    Agi:20+1.5 Attack Range:500

    1st Skill: Fire Blaze
    (just like dragonknight's fire breath)

    Dmg: 75,150,200,300

    2nd Skill: Wing Smash
    (stun with AOE 350/non target)

    Dmg: 75,100,150,225

    3rd Skill: Burning Feathers(passive)
    (just like immolation)

    DPS per lvl: 10,25,30,45

    Ultimate: Pheonix Rise(passive)
    (just like skeleton king's ultimate)


  84. hey v can take ideas frm harry potter wot u think?
    one skill can heal called pheonix tears heals allies, not itself.
    one can be it can carry allied units or enemy units anywhere on the map but it has a long cooldown...and der can be reincarnation as well as soon as the day starts and it comes back to life with full hp and mana no matter where it is...
    well whadaya think?


  86. bwahaha,
    such poor skill

    wave(a normal wave-any other effect from split a stupid wave?)
    immolation(boooooring-better play melee map from playing dota if that kind of stupid skill is put inside)
    war stomp(only copy paste from melee/campaign map skils????-BOOOORIINNNGG)
    revive(bwhahahahargh,damn boring!!!unless that hero is str,so tank should always be a warrior and always[which mean suit for reincarnation])

    PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY USELESS SUGGESTION,u may post here,but u have any greater IDEA and coolskill(from how its work and originality).post it on on suggestion thread[make sure brilliant and original{not a copy paste and booring} one!]. . .

  87. anything about gameplay(from inventory ,ui,player slots,action panel and etc)

    hey you!
    what the fuck u think warcraft 3 are?
    starcraft 2??(the only possible only to add inventory slot is only on sc2!and MANY IMPOSSIBLE THING THAT CANNOT BE DONE ON WARCRAFT 3 is ONLY AVIALABLE ON STARCRAFT 2!!!!!)

    ok for the top one(i write-)the one who can change WARCRAFT 3 gameplay is only blizzard.will blizzar improve warcraft3 ????or will they release new warcraft??????

    answer FUCK NO!:maybe 2 year after or 5 year after starcraft 2.
    why?:starcraft 2 has unlimited mod,but if they release new warcraft-they need tooo bring much mooore neew features!!!

    dun be idiot:
    extra slot maybe can be done,but the slot is outside of ui(which mean its like a rpg map which use Scripted ETC,even it can be more then 6 ,up to 25 slot!)

    who wan waste time handling much thing during face pace (crow or any,)


  88. boring suggestions juz wait till it releases

  89. Its an int hero or agi not str... -_-

  90. well just see later guys

  91. y the skill suggested are so IMBA lol

  92. i lold at those ppl just delet this hero....making ppl

  93. i want it to be a nuker...with ulti of holding the enemies like a magma i think...then series of skills like firestorm. or maybe escaping skills that ignore terrain, should have a passive like of jakiro's...the fire breath thingy

  94. i want that hero.....i sense godlike thing on him... im sure he is a agility type hero with anti-smashing abilities just like nevermore...

  95. Meet Nerddy, a freshly graduated hero from a nearby school. Instead of practising fighting, he read alot of books. Among them are:-

    Economics of the Ancients
    Accounting Basics:Counting with Gold
    Towards Global Peace:A Blood-free Theory
    Ancient Psychological Manipulation Methods

    Below are his skills, hope you all like it:

    Nerddy the Bookworm (Dune Worm look-a-like dragging a thick book)

    Gold Throw(G)
    Nerddy throws gold and experience on nearby friendly units, increasing liquidity and efficiency. Everyone will spend more. Shops have to increase item supplies, reducing unemployment, ceteris paribus. Right click to auto-cast. (Only within 500 A.O.E)
    Level 1- adds 200 gold
    Level 2- adds 400 gold
    Level 3- adds 500 gold + 1/2 exp. lvl-up point
    Level 4- adds 600 gold + 1 exp. lvl-up point
    Mana Cost: 100
    Cooldown: 60

    Enemies would face difficulty purchasing items. Helps push up infant industries like itself to be more competitive in the industry. All item prices are increased permanently.
    Level 1- Items cost 5% more expensive
    Level 2- Items cost 10% more expensive
    Level 1- Items cost 15% more expensive
    Level 1- Items cost 20% more expensive
    Mana Cost: 250
    Cooldown: 3/2/2/1

    Nerd Aura(E)
    Any enemy who attacks Nerddy will be influenced to study because of it's thick book and knowledge. Enemies become more intelligent each time they hit Nerddy. Stackable and each hit last 10.2031 seconds
    Level 1- 10 damage reduction, +1 Int. point
    Level 2- 20 damage reduction, +2 Int. point
    Level 3- 30 damage reduction, +3 Int. point
    Level 4- 40 damage reduction, +4 Int. point
    Mana Cost: passive
    Cooldown: 0

    Nerddy's vast knowledge can also be used to destroy, if it is needed. By manipulating the economy, Nerddy can cut off item supplies to shops. All shops are affected and items become out of stock at random. Last 600 seconds.
    Level 1 - Reduce shops items by 50%
    Level 2 - Reduce shops items by 75%
    Level 3 - Reduce shops items by 100%
    Mana Cost: 300/400/500
    Cooldown: 120

    Scepter upgradable :
    Improves cooldown and increases duration

  96. Meet Nerddy, a freshly graduated hero from a nearby school. Instead of practising fighting, he read alot of books. Among them are:-

    Economics of the Ancients
    Accounting Basics:Counting with Gold
    Towards Global Peace:A Blood-free Theory
    Ancient Psychological Manipulation Methods

    Below are his skills, hope you all like it:

    Nerddy the Bookworm (Dune Worm look-a-like dragging a thick book)

    Gold Throw(G)
    Nerddy throws gold and experience on nearby friendly units, increasing liquidity and efficiency. Everyone will spend more. Shops have to increase item supplies, reducing unemployment, ceteris paribus. Right click to auto-cast. (Only within 500 A.O.E)
    Level 1- adds 200 gold
    Level 2- adds 400 gold
    Level 3- adds 500 gold + 1/2 exp. lvl-up point
    Level 4- adds 600 gold + 1 exp. lvl-up point
    Mana Cost: 100
    Cooldown: 60

    Enemies would face difficulty purchasing items. Helps push up infant industries like itself to be more competitive in the industry. All item prices are increased permanently.
    Level 1- Items cost 5% more expensive
    Level 2- Items cost 10% more expensive
    Level 1- Items cost 15% more expensive
    Level 1- Items cost 20% more expensive
    Mana Cost: 250
    Cooldown: 3/2/2/1

    Nerd Aura(E)
    Any enemy who attacks Nerddy will be influenced to study because of it's thick book and knowledge. Enemies become more intelligent each time they hit Nerddy. Stackable and each hit last 10.2031 seconds
    Level 1- 10 damage reduction, +1 Int. point
    Level 2- 20 damage reduction, +2 Int. point
    Level 3- 30 damage reduction, +3 Int. point
    Level 4- 40 damage reduction, +4 Int. point
    Mana Cost: passive
    Cooldown: 0

    Nerddy's vast knowledge can also be used to destroy, if it is needed. By manipulating the economy, Nerddy can cut off item supplies to shops. All shops are affected and items become out of stock at random. Last 600 seconds.
    Level 1 - Reduce shops items by 50%
    Level 2 - Reduce shops items by 75%
    Level 3 - Reduce shops items by 100%
    Mana Cost: 300/400/500
    Cooldown: 120

    Scepter upgradable :
    Improves cooldown and increases duration

  97. very good, very good

  98. good ideas i really likes it
    this hero str, agi, int? i think it nicer int! :)
    plz tell more!! tq

  99. Finally after years of playing DOTA i'm about to use the Phoenix I always seen on World Editor...

  100. Re.

    Meet Nerddy, a freshly graduated hero from a nearby school. Instead of practising fighting, he read alot of books. Among them are:-

    Economics of the Ancients
    Accounting Basics:Counting with Gold
    Towards Global Peace:A Blood-free Theory
    Ancient Psychological Manipulation Methods

    Below are his skills, hope you all like it:

    Nerddy the Bookworm (Dune Worm look-a-like dragging a thick book)

    Gold Throw(G)
    Nerddy throws gold and experience on nearby friendly units, increasing liquidity and efficiency. Everyone will spend more. Shops have to increase item supplies, reducing unemployment, ceteris paribus. Right click to auto-cast. (Only within 500 A.O.E)
    Level 1- adds 200 gold
    Level 2- adds 400 gold
    Level 3- adds 500 gold + 1/2 exp. lvl-up point
    Level 4- adds 600 gold + 1 exp. lvl-up point
    Mana Cost: 100
    Cooldown: 60

    Enemies would face difficulty purchasing items. Helps push up infant industries like itself to be more competitive in the industry. All item prices are increased permanently.
    Level 1- Items cost 5% more expensive
    Level 2- Items cost 10% more expensive
    Level 1- Items cost 15% more expensive
    Level 1- Items cost 20% more expensive
    Mana Cost: 250
    Cooldown: 3/2/2/1

    Nerd Aura(E)
    Any enemy who attacks Nerddy will be influenced to study because of it's thick book and knowledge. Enemies become more intelligent each time they hit Nerddy. Stackable and each hit last 10.2031 seconds
    Level 1- 10 damage reduction, +1 Int. point
    Level 2- 20 damage reduction, +2 Int. point
    Level 3- 30 damage reduction, +3 Int. point
    Level 4- 40 damage reduction, +4 Int. point
    Mana Cost: passive
    Cooldown: 0

    Nerddy's vast knowledge can also be used to destroy, if it is needed. By manipulating the economy, Nerddy can cut off item supplies to shops. All shops are affected and items become out of stock at random. Last 600 seconds.
    Level 1 - Reduce shops items by 50%
    Level 2 - Reduce shops items by 75%
    Level 3 - Reduce shops items by 100%
    Mana Cost: 300/400/500
    Cooldown: 120

    Scepter upgradable :
    Improves cooldown and increases duration
    May 18, 2010 12:09 AM

    Idea very nice

  101. Here is the Official Info for Icarus, The Phoenix.
    Icarus - The Phoenix
    Range: 550 | Move Speed: 320
    Primary: INT
    Str: 17 + 1.85 | Agi: 17 + 1.75 | Int: 21 + 3.65
    Damage: 41 - 49 | HP: 475 | Mana: 322
    HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.9
    Attack Speed: 0.81 | Armor: 3

    Flame Entity
    Icarus waves his wings calling the entity of the flame element to surge in a line and ends with an eruption.
    Level 1-Deal 120 damage, 50 damage 1.5 sec stun
    Level 2-Deal 180 damage, 100 damage 2.0 sec stun
    Level 3-Deal 240 damage, 150 damage 2.5 sec stun
    Level 1-Deal 320 damage, 200 damage 3.0 sec stun

    Mana Cost: 150/170/180/220
    Cooldown: 22

    Flame Burden
    Icarus bring forth the magma inside its body to burn down enemy while disabling it.
    Last 8 seconds
    Level 1-15 damage/sec, stuns 1 sec/4 second, Silences enemy.
    Level 2-25 damage/sec, stuns 1.5 sec/4 second, Silences enemy.
    Level 3-35 damage/sec, stuns 1.8 sec/4 second, Silences enemy.
    Level 4-45 damage/sec, stuns 2 sec/4 second, Silences enemy.

    Mana Cost: 100/120/140/160
    Cooldown: 22

    Faerie Blessing
    The presence of Icarus brings blessings to its allies and Icarus itself.
    Level 1-Increases 50% mana regen 100% HP regen
    Level 2-Increases 100% mana regen 200% HP regen
    Level 3-Increases 150% mana regen 300% HP regen
    Level 4-Increases 300% mana regen 500% HP regen

    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0

    Icarus Wing
    Icarus burst to speed, charging all enemy with distortion and flame repulsion. Dragging all enemy with it, damaging it, and blasting it to pieces in the end.
    Icarus Teleports back after charging.
    Unable to pass impassable terrain.
    Level 1-1200 range, 50 damage/100 distance travelled, 200 damage, stuns 3 sec.
    Level 1-1500 range, 60 damage/100 distance travelled, 300 damage, stuns 3 sec.
    Level 1-1800 range, 70 damage/100 distance travelled, 400 damage, stuns 3 sec.

    Scepter Upgradable: Increase range, stun duration and improves cooldown.

    Mana Cost: 300/350/400/
    Cooldown: 60

  102. Nerddy better choices

  103. Re-post. This sounds more of a down-to-Earth, practical and realistic hero compared to the skills of that Icarus. 3 stuns?! Too imbalanced. Try this

    Meet Nerddy, a freshly graduated hero from a nearby school. Instead of practising fighting, he read alot of books. Among them are:-

    Economics of the Ancients
    Accounting Basics:Counting with Gold
    Towards Global Peace:A Blood-free Theory
    Ancient Psychological Manipulation Methods

    Below are his skills, hope you all like it:

    Nerddy the Bookworm (Dune Worm look-a-like dragging a thick book)

    Gold Throw(G)
    Nerddy throws gold and experience on nearby friendly units, increasing liquidity and efficiency. Everyone will spend more. Shops have to increase item supplies, reducing unemployment, ceteris paribus. Right click to auto-cast. (Only within 500 A.O.E)
    Level 1- adds 200 gold
    Level 2- adds 400 gold
    Level 3- adds 500 gold + 1/2 exp. lvl-up point
    Level 4- adds 600 gold + 1 exp. lvl-up point
    Mana Cost: 100
    Cooldown: 60

    Enemies would face difficulty purchasing items. Helps push up infant industries like itself to be more competitive in the industry. All item prices are increased permanently.
    Level 1- Items cost 5% more expensive
    Level 2- Items cost 10% more expensive
    Level 1- Items cost 15% more expensive
    Level 1- Items cost 20% more expensive
    Mana Cost: 250
    Cooldown: 3/2/2/1

    Nerd Aura(E)
    Any enemy who attacks Nerddy will be influenced to study because of it's thick book and knowledge. Enemies become more intelligent each time they hit Nerddy. Stackable and each hit last 10.2031 seconds
    Level 1- 10 damage reduction, +1 Int. point
    Level 2- 20 damage reduction, +2 Int. point
    Level 3- 30 damage reduction, +3 Int. point
    Level 4- 40 damage reduction, +4 Int. point
    Mana Cost: passive
    Cooldown: 0

    Nerddy's vast knowledge can also be used to destroy, if it is needed. By manipulating the economy, Nerddy can cut off item supplies to shops. All shops are affected and items become out of stock at random. Last 600 seconds.
    Level 1 - Reduce shops items by 50%
    Level 2 - Reduce shops items by 75%
    Level 3 - Reduce shops items by 100%
    Mana Cost: 300/400/500
    Cooldown: 120

    Scepter upgradable :
    Improves cooldown and increases duration
    May 18, 2010 12:09 AM

  104. nerddy rocks i cn pwn ppl use him
    whn he coming out?

  105. well if u use nerddy and do the gold u can share it with ur friends

  106. Gold Throw(G)
    Nerddy throws gold and experience on nearby friendly units, increasing liquidity and efficiency. Everyone will spend more. Shops have to increase item supplies, reducing unemployment, ceteris paribus. Right click to auto-cast. (Only within 500 A.O.E)
    Level 1- adds 200 gold
    Level 2- adds 400 gold
    Level 3- adds 500 gold + 1/2 exp. lvl-up point
    Level 4- adds 600 gold + 1 exp. lvl-up point
    Mana Cost: 100
    Cooldown: 60

    Enemies would face difficulty purchasing items. Helps push up infant industries like itself to be more competitive in the industry. All item prices are increased permanently.
    Level 1- Items cost 5% more expensive
    Level 2- Items cost 10% more expensive
    Level 1- Items cost 15% more expensive
    Level 1- Items cost 20% more expensive
    Mana Cost: 250
    Cooldown: 3/2/2/1

    Nerd Aura(E)
    Any enemy who attacks Nerddy will be influenced to study because of it's thick book and knowledge. Enemies become more intelligent each time they hit Nerddy. Stackable and each hit last 10.2031 seconds
    Level 1- 10 damage reduction, +1 Int. point
    Level 2- 20 damage reduction, +2 Int. point
    Level 3- 30 damage reduction, +3 Int. point
    Level 4- 40 damage reduction, +4 Int. point
    Mana Cost: passive
    Cooldown: 0

    Nerddy's vast knowledge can also be used to destroy, if it is needed. By manipulating the economy, Nerddy can cut off item supplies to shops. All shops are affected and items become out of stock at random. Last 600 seconds.
    Level 1 - Reduce shops items by 50%
    Level 2 - Reduce shops items by 75%
    Level 3 - Reduce shops items by 100%
    Mana Cost: 300/400/500
    Cooldown: 120

    Scepter upgradable :
    Improves cooldown and increases duration
    May 18, 2010 12:09 AM
    May 19, 2010 3:23 AM
    Anonymous said...

    May 19, 2010 5:59 AM
    Anonymous said...

    nerddy rocks i cn pwn ppl use him
    whn he coming out?
    May 19, 2010 11:38 AM
    Anonymous said...

    well if u use nerddy and do the gold u can share it with ur friends
    May 19, 2010 12:49 PM

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  107. can u pls show hes skill pls

  108. what ver. is this hero??

  109. parang malakas sya parang si drow ranger..

  110. My idea of the phoenix would have this skills.

    First skill:

    Immolation or something that Hp of the enemy who is near him but continuously drains the mana of the phoenix. Or can be an aura like radiance but the damage recieved by the enemy is lower than of radiance.

    Second Skill:

    I think it's something like a combo for his first skill in which the enemy will be slowed or stunned. plus damage hit.

    THird Skill:

    By the looks of the phoenix, I think it would be considered as int type. So I think an aura for mana regen and Hp regen is nice here, or a skill that acts klike a poision, but the difference is, for every hit, the enemy will recieve burn damagae, plus if you activate the 1st skill, all damage will add up causing more damage, addition to it is the 2nd skill which can slow or stun the enemy plus damage hit. Meaning all the skills of the phoenix will act as one to produce a higher damage.

    Final Skill (SS):

    I think this is where the egg will come. Lol. Haha, sinbce the original phoenix that is in the Campaign, has this skill, which is basically being reborned. when it dies, it will became an egg, and be alive again. I think that would be his final skill. but there should be limitations in it like Leoric's last skill

  111. Icarus should be paterned after ZEPHYR from HEROES OF NEWERTH

    1st Skill ( Flaming Winds )

    Icarus blows the enemy with winds augmented by fire to his desired direction. The enemy caught in the flaming winds will take damage and a brief stun.

    Level 1 ( 100 damage, 1 second stun ) 75 mana cost
    Level 2 ( 150 damage, 1.5 seconds stuns ) 100 mana cost
    Level 3 ( 175 damage, 2 seconds stun ) 125 mana cost
    Level 4 ( 200 damage, 2.5 seconds stun ) 150 mana cost

    2nd Skill ( Heat Exhaust ) ( Passive )

    Icaurs' mastery over fire grants him a flaming cyclone everytime he kills a unit. The flaming cyclone deals damage per second to enemies that it hits. After 55 seconds, the cyclone expires and heals icarus for 15 health. It can be consumed within the duration to heal Icarus 30 health.

    Level 1 ( Maximum of 2 cyclones deals 10 magic damage per second )
    Level 2 ( Maximum of 4 cyclones deals 20 magic damage per second )
    Level 3 ( Maximum of 6 cyclones deals 25 magic damage per second )
    Level 4 ( Maximum of 8 cyclones deals 30 magic damage per second )

    3rd Skill ( Flaming Barrier ) ( passive )

    In every attack dealt to him, Icarus has a slight chance to evade it and deflect it if it is ranged. Activates everytime Icarus is attacked.

    Level 1 ( 5% chance to evade damage 3% chance to deflect )
    Level 2 ( 7% chance to evade damage 6% chance to deflect )
    Level 3 ( 10% chance to evade damage 9% chance to deflect )
    Level 4 ( 15% chance to evade damage 12% chance to deflect )

    4th Skill ( Infernal Tornado )

    Icarus summons a mighty tornado for 8 seconds that deals heavy damage per second to a large area. The closer the enemy is at the center, the higher the damage. Any enemy caught in the tornado is maimed and regains movement speed as it moves away from the center.

    Level 1 ( Maximum of 60 damage per second )
    Level 2 ( Maximum of 80 damage per second )
    Level 3 ( Maximum of 100 damage per second )

    This is my desired skill list for this awesome zephyr-like hero.. I wish they can consider this... CHEERS!


  112. I agree with this guy.. I mean Heros of Newerth did copy some from them. Maybe its time to do the same... Kudos to the Zephyr blogger.

  113. heres my suggestion 1st skill
    flame revolution
    is an ilusory orb like skill but instead of an orb is moving icarus is the one thrusting forward to the enemies changes his skin color from orange to red to blue the more enemy is hit the greater the damage and distance
    2nd skill
    fire circle
    has burn effect
    3rd skill
    wings of wax
    when 2nd skill is activated it gives a slow effect on enemy + increase 2nd skill damage dealt
    flight to the sun
    depending on hp lost
    aoe skill
    slows you down but gives you +armor

  114. i liked the zephy guy better i think with radiance its gonna be an imba hero

  115. her ulti damage seems no high

  116. give full fire high damage ability please

  117. I've read most of your hero ideas. THEY ALL SUCK. No creativity WHATSOEVER.

  118. "I've read most of your hero ideas."
    Didn't even bother to. Most people have weird ideas of what should be in DotA.

  119. I think the Ulti is a GLOBAL BLINK ^^:P

  120. in mythology icarus is not really a phoenix

  121. Create 6.67 ai first

  122. 1st skill dick slap 2nd skill cumshot 3rd skill ear fuck 4th skill tounge tornado

  123. 1st skill pheno-dick penetration. 2nd flaming cumshot 3rd. sucking hardwood 4th.release of orgasmic pressure

  124. i think icarus ss is better when u call it blazing stike!and it is the same damage as lina's ss...and this new hero is so powerful if u can upgrade his ss so the damage will be 1000Kabove ^_^

  125. asteg ang galing

  126. hahaha.... ol of u people are not that quite excited HUH?!! hahaha.....all of u are guessing what type of skills does the new hero will have, hahaha...lets just wait for the new map to be released....i keep on laughing while reading your posts...and about the harpy queen, its quite i guess thats not the final skills for the harpy queen...and about the balanced thats going to be made...going to focus on it...

  127. lol icarus so yeng!! but!!! i think it will be like viper.. just like viper ... with slows.. passive skill maybe ulti diff only

  128. yeAhaaww!!!..RAMPAGE!!!

  129. Sentinel yan kasi senti si Kael ee... sa warcraft na game siya ung nag sasummon pero kakampi niya si illidan nun e..

  130. New Dota Hero
    Harpie Queen
    AGI type


    Harpie snatch soul on the unit it killed(both enemy and allies) and add it to its Agiliy. Half of soul will be released on Harpie's Death
    Level 1- Adds 2Agility, 10 Limit
    Level 2- Adds 4Agility, 20 Limit
    Level 3- Adds 6Agility, 30 Limit
    Level 4- Adds 8Agility, 40 Limit
    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0

    Vengeance Hurricane(V)
    Any Enemy that attack Harpy with direct magic will have a chance to be sent low mid air, damaging it, and unable to act for 2.5 seconds
    Level 1- 10% deals 40 damage
    Level 2- 20% deals 80 damage
    Level 3- 30% deals 120 damage
    Level 4- 40% deals 160 damage
    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: 0

    Lightning Plasma(G)
    The gift from her father that randomly causes Sparks and 10% chance to ministun enemies around Harpie
    Level 1- 30Sparks of 20dmg each(600 total)
    Level 2- 30Sparks of 30dmg each(900 total)
    Level 1- 30Sparks of 40dmg each(1200 total)
    Level 1- 30Sparks of 50dmg each(1500 total)
    Mana Cost: 95/120/135/155
    Cooldown: 30/28/26/24

    Twisted Feather(E)
    Send Blade-like Feather that deals damage to enemies.
    Level 1 - Deals(125 + 50% of her Agility)damage
    Level 2 - Deals(175 + 75% of her Agility)damage.
    Level 3 - Deals(225 +100% of her Agility)damage.
    Mana Cost: 150/225/325
    Cooldown: 150
    May 2, 2010 1:44 AM

  131. leve1 skill flying palakol
    level2 skill kaling blea¥id

  132. maybe egg shift...O^O






    -kiko supot

  134. 1st skill
    ass fuck wid cumshot
    2nd skill
    ear fuck with ear waxshot
    3rd skill
    armpit licking wid perspirationshot

  135. I prefer this. I mean i do love Pheonix :

    1st skill: Heat aura
    Lowers armour(2,3,4,5) of all enemies of 500 AoE
    (just like Nevermore presence if the dark lord)

    2nd skill: Pheonix rage
    Does damage(75,150,225,300) to enemies who hit the move. (200units,275units,350units,430units) at the end of the target the pheonix will be appear there.
    (just like morphling wave form)

    3rd skill: nova fire
    the pheonix sent out flames which is very hot from his body dealing damage(150,200,250,300) and AoE of 500.

    Ulti: hell's fire
    the pheonix becomes outraged, making the ground crack and letting hell's fire loose. Deals damage(500,1000,1500) and an AoE of 600. Does damage to all enemies.

    please click this refferal link.
    help me.

  137. OMG! My AoE is big... LOL... if IceFrog uses my move can change the AoE kinda big -_-'' (thanks)

    By the way: I live in Singapore and I love DotA :D

  138. HON BEATS

    DOTA :P

  139. The [FrOsT] [iMuNe]May 28, 2010 at 3:27 AM

    Icarus the phoenix , the int hero , must have some good spells to bring the game out of grave . A good set of spells that I thought of is :
    1. Fire blast : deals 150 , 220 , 290 , 350 dmg in a row with 600 range with a CD of 9 sec .
    2. Deep Burn : stuns an enemy unit for 1 , 1.5 , 2 , 2.5 sec and has a bright slowing dmg for 80 hp .
    3. Living Fire : adds 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 bounce armor and 15 , 25 , 35 , 45 fire dmg to the enemies who attack him ( passive and works for ranged attacks )
    Ult . Land of Fire : sends down fire balls from the sky to dmg all heroes in the man for 200 , 350 , 500 dmg .

  140. lol i dont belive it untill i see !! after all its dota

  141. Sigh, I'll think of something better...

  142. Icarus Moves:

    1st skill: Flame Feathers
    -Manacost 0
    -cooldown 0
    Icarus has fire on his feathers. If aimed at, it will deal damage(50dmg,75dmg,100dmg,125dmg) to an enemy.

    2nd skill: Fire blast
    -Manacost 100,120,130,140
    -cooldown 25,20,15,10
    Icarus release out fire from his body, dealing damage(150dmg,200dmg,250dmg,300dmg)an AoE of 600

    3rd skill: Nova fire
    -Manacost 125,150,175,200
    -cooldown 30,25,20,15
    Icarus breathes out sun's fire to his target dealing damage(75dmg,150dmg,225dmg,300dmg) and maximum 500 units away

    Ultimate: Fire rage
    -Manacost 75,150,225
    -cooldown 60,50,40
    Icarus sends out flames from the ground dealing damage(500dmg,800dmg,1100dmg) and stunnes(1.5s,2.5s,3.5s) the enemies of an AoE of 600

    -Done by:NightWarrior

  143. it will be agi on sentinel/neutral tavern mby :P

  144. killer said...

    dapat mga skill ay gane2
    1st skill fire arrows like frost arrow
    lvl. 1 damage 40 accuracy 40
    lvl. 2 damage 80 accuracy 80
    lvl. 3 damage 120 accuracy 120
    lvl. 4 damage 160 accuracy 160
    cooldown 0

    2nd skill fire nova AOE
    lvl.1 damage 120 stun 1.25 sec.
    lvl.2 damage 140 stun 1.75 sec.
    lvl.3 damage 160 stun 2.00 sec.
    lvl.4 damage 200 stun 4.03 sec.

    3rd skill fire breath parang 1st skill ni vemonmancer
    lvl.1 damage 100 second to stop 3.00
    lvl.2 damage 200 second to stop 4.00
    lvl.3 damage 300 second to stop 5.00
    lvl.4 damage 400 second to stop 6.00

    last skill blazing fire lvl.6 AOE
    lvl.1 damage 300
    lvl.2 damage 600
    lvl.3 damage 900

    yan ang mga skills



  146. release that map =)


  148. icarus is will be dex type hero and it will be in the new tavern in south east region, its skills are flaming assult,icarus breath,flaming wing and rebirth, , . .

  149. can you tell me whether blizzard will come up with WC4, as because the story is not yet over? Will the new hero n items is going to be properly balanced?

  150. wc4?
    hell no,they juz realeas sc2.
    maybe .but it will be online@@
    WoW .world of warcat.
    i think there will be fan project (warcraft 4(costum campaign) on starcraft 2-check it out)

  151. Zoltec from Garena

    I think these are the possible skills of Icarus:

    1st Skill: Bursting Speed
    level 1: +1.1% movement speed, additional speed up of 25ms for 2 sec
    level 2: +2.2% movement speed, additional speed up of 25ms for 3 sec
    level 3: +3.3% movement speed, additional speed up of 25ms for 4 sec
    level 4: +4.4% movement speed, additional speed up of 25ms for 5 sec

    2nd Skill: Burning Flames (Passive Skills) Anti-Melee
    level 1: 24 dmg per sec, 75 AoE
    level 2: 48 dmg per sec, 75 AoE
    level 3: 70 dmg per sec, 75 AoE
    level 4: 110 dmg per sec, 75 AoE

    3rd Skill: Demi Immunity
    (Only 1 specialty will be granted if level 1 is chosen dont upgrade the skill to level 2 as level immunity will become obsolete.)

    level 1: makes body immune to poison skill, +fire immunity
    level 2: makes body immune to earth skill, +fire immunity
    level 3: makes body immune to ice skill, +fire immunity
    level 4: makes body immune to ultimates, +fire immunity

    Ultimate Skill: Feiry Slumber, (if you choose not to put skill for 2nd skill, regeneration of mana and life will be max to 6%, with 4 sec Slumber and 75 hitpoints.

    level 1: Transforms Phoenix to an Immovable Egg, Releasing Deadly Fireballs Equivalent to the level of (Burning Flames Level 1 - 2)
    + 50 dmg, reveals the map for + 100 sight range, Fireballs cast at 200 AoE
    mana and life regeneration 1%, 12 sec Slumber with 300 hitpoints

    level 2: Transforms Phoenix to an Immovable Egg, Releasing Deadly Fireballs Equivalent to the level of (Burning Flames Level 1 - 3)
    +75 dmg, reveals the map for + 150 sight range, Fireballs cast at 200 AoE
    mana and life regeneration 1.5%, 10 sec Slumber with 400 hitpoints

    level 3: Transforms Phoenix to an Immovable Egg, Releasing Deadly Fireballs Equivalent to the level of (Burning Flames Level 1 - 4)
    +100dmg, reveals the map for + 200 sight range, Fireballs cast at 200 AoE
    mana and life regeneration 3%, 8 sec Slumber with 500 hitpoints


  152. you're all wrong! here's my guess:
    FAT type

    Phoenix will have a chance to get a life on each attack.
    Level 1- 40% chance
    Level 2- 30% chance
    Level 3- 20% chance
    Level 4- 10% chance
    Mana Cost: 0
    Cooldown: never, you missed your chance

    Vendetta Words (VW)
    Any Enemy that kills or causes phoenix to die will be called N00B by phoenix, with a chance to hurt its feelings and unable to act for an amount of time.
    Level 1- 10% chance, 5 sec freeze.
    Level 2- 20% chance, 10 sec lag.
    Level 3- 30% chance, enemy leaves the game.
    Level 4- 40% chance, enemy unplugs his computer.
    Mana Cost: no life
    Cooldown: 0

    Super Duper Cheat (Z)
    Phoenix uses his unholy magic to cheat! But the results cannot be always in phoenix's favor!
    Level 1- 10% chance to gain "whosyourdaddy" cheat for 3 sec and 20% chance that you willl get disconnected.
    Level 2- 30% chance to use "greedisgood 2000".
    Level 3- 20% chance to gain "whosyourdaddy" cheat for 10 sec and use 60% chance that you will get banned.
    Level 4- 1% chance to gain "whosyourdaddy","thereisnospoon" for 20 sec and a 99% chance that the nearest enemy will get them.
    Mana Cost: 69/89/0/12 Monkeys
    Cooldown: 60/50/40/30

    Phoenix will lol at his enemy dealing confusion damage. Damage cannot be reduced.
    Level 1 - Deals 100 confusion damage.
    Level 2 - Deals 200 confusion damage.
    Level 3 - Deals 300 confusion damage.
    Mana Cost: 150/225/300
    Cooldown: 100/75/50
    Scepter upgradable :
    adds this cool glow! plus you get to brag that you have scepter!

  153. icarus is a joke... wanted to fly to the sun? dreamer... i think it will be like batrider, and when it uses the firefly-like skill he will tumble to the ground just by using it and deal 10,000 dammage to himself only.

  154. when is the release of the 6.68 map?

  155. just shut up everybody and stop wasting time just wait till the game comes
    and if you want to know what are the spells

    1 _ it will f*ck the enemy till he bleed to death

    2_if the enemy is female it will get his beek into her

    3_aura off that if an enemy is near it will make want to pee making him unable to fight

    4_ ultimate

    it will fart fire thet deals immense pain

  156. I guess is a new hero on 6.68
    Krakko the Fire Panda(Agi)i think
    I guess this will be his skill

    1st skill: Fire Immolation(Passive)
    Burns all the nearby enemy unit.
    level 1: 10 dps
    level 2: 25 dps
    level 3: 40 dps
    level 4: 60 dps

    2nd skill: Fire Ball
    Throws a stunning fire ball to an enemy.
    level 1: 75 damage 1.0 sec stun
    level 2: 150 damage 1.5 sec stun
    level 3: 225 damage 2.0 sec stun
    level 4: 300 damage 2.5 sec stun

    3rd skill: Evasion(Passive)
    Krakko had a chance to evade an attack.
    level 1: 5% chance to evade an attack
    level 2: 10% chance to evade an attack
    level 3: 15% chance to evade an attack
    level 4: 20% chance to evade an attack

    Ultimate: Slashing Flame(Passive)
    Krakko the fire panda will unleash his rage
    level 1: +15 agility
    level 2: +30 agility
    level 3: +45 agility

  157. I wish that will be the skill of the new hero Krakko the fire panda

  158. Icarus the Phoenix
    here are the skill(for me)

    1st skill: Flaming Ball
    Icarus will throw a fire ball,when a enemy unit has been hit it will get an impact damage.Lasts for 5 seconds.
    level 1: 80 damage (300 AOE)5 damage per second
    level 2: 150 damage(600 AOE)10 damage per second
    level 3: 210 damage(900 AOE)15 damage per second
    level 4: 290 damage(1200AOE)20 damage per second
    Manacost: 75/125/160/185
    Cooldown: 15 seconds

    2nd skill: Fire Tornado
    Summons a flaming tornado that can damage an enemy unit in a line (700 AOE).Last 5 seconds burning.
    level 1: 75 damage 5 damage per second
    level 2: 150 damage 10 damage per second
    level 3: 225 damage 15 damage per second
    level 4: 300 damage 20 damage per second
    Manacost: 100/125/150/175
    Cooldown: 25

    3rd skill: Flaming ball
    Icarus will throw a fire ball.
    level 1: 80 damage 0.5 second stun
    level 2: 160 damage 1.0 second stun
    level 3: 240 damage 1.5 second stun
    level 4: 320 damage 2.0 second stun
    Manacost: 120/140/160/180
    Cooldown: 16

    Ultimate: Phoenix Down
    Icarus buffs an allies unit that will revive him. Last 5 minutes.
    level 1: 33% of health when revived
    level 2: 66% of health when revived
    level 3: 100% of health when revive
    Manacost: 200/300/400
    Cooldown: 300/200/100

  159. I thing Icarus will be great

  160. Meet Freddy the professional boxer
    made it on my own
    here are the skills

    1st skill: Seismic Shrudder(like thunder clap)
    Damage and slow all the nearby enemy units
    level 1: 75 damage 20%slow
    level 2: 150 damage 30% slow
    level 3: 225 damage 40% slow
    level 4: 300 damage 50% slow
    Manacost: 80/100/120/140
    Cooldown: 8

    2nd skill: Knock out punch(Passive)
    Stun an enemy unit. last 1 second,75 bonus damage
    level 1: 5% chance
    level 2: 10% chance
    level 3: 15% chance
    level 4: 20% chance

    3rd skill: Flash movement(Passive)
    Increase attack and movement speed
    level 1: +10 movement speed +20 attack speed
    level 2: +20 movement speed +30 attack speed
    level 3: +30 movement speed +40 attack speed
    level 4: +40 movement speed +50 attack speed

    Ultimate: Technichal knock out punch
    Punch an enemy with full force.
    level 1: 410 damage 3.0 sec stun.
    level 2: 530 damage 3.5 sec stun.
    level 3: 650 damage 4.0 sec stun
    Manacost: 125/200/315
    Cooldown: 120/100/80

  161. i think the hero better must be good to use

  162. And for those who are making their own heroes here....dream on.

    I kindda hoped for a new sentinel STR hero to show up. This spoils it.

  163. Base on its physical appearance.. it should have fire type skills like the slayer..... also it should reincarnate because its a phoenix.... phoenix reincarnates like the skeleton king....

  164. tangna mo KIKO SUPOT puro ka yabang mukha ka nmang tanga, san ka nkakita ng 5 mins godlike na? gago eto sau tangna mo ,,|,, mag garena ka s2s room 3 aljho09 name ko tangina ka one on one tau sama mo pa ka clan mo 1v5 ulol

  165. i think icarus is a int hero and shud be having at least 1 passive skill 3 active skills... 1st skill shud be like flame strike except u can change the name of the skill, 2nd shud be like alchemist stun and 3rd skill shud be like immolate ppl nearby... ulti shud be macropyre except change it to blow up around you in a small AoE... attack projectile shud be like the phoenix fire projectile.. that is at least wad i think

  166. You need to change bat rider's first it sucks.
    When you use jugganaut's first ability you made it that silth ice net could trap him but everyone else abilities do not affect him WTF
    eg. cm,tiny,morpling and bat rider.
    Need to change jugganaut's first

  167. hopefully its an agi hero... Would love to see this having a mini-resu ability.

  168. icarus is an agility hero

  169. Is ICARUS THE PHOENIX strength????
    because traxex is agility
    and alleria is intelligence

  170. she is an agility hero because based on her skills when it kills an enemy or an ally it adds on its AGILITY

  171. make his firstskill like the first skill of obsidian destroyer.. its a phoenix. shud have special ability.. :)

    dmg = depend it by percentage.. int hero.. :D

  172. Skill for Icarus The Phoenix:

    1st Skill:
    Fire Burst
    level 1: 100 damage 1.50 secs stun
    level 2: 150 damage 2.0 secs stun
    level 3: 250 damage 2.50 secs stun
    level 4: 300 damage 3.0 secs stun

    2nd Skil:
    Lava Spawn
    level 1: Summons 2 Lave Spawn 40-45 damage lasts
    for 30 seconds
    level 2: Summons 3 Lava Spawn 50-55 damage lasts
    for 30 seconds
    level 3: Summons 4 Lava Spawn 60-65 damage lasts
    for 30 seconds
    level 4: Summons 4 Lava Spawn 70-75 damage lasts
    for 40 seconds

    3rd Skill
    Flame Barrier Passive Skill
    level 1: 20% damage and magic def
    level 2: 30% damage and magic def
    level 3: 40% damage and magic def
    level 4: 50% damage and magic def

    Ultimate Skill
    Fire Bird
    level 1: 450 damage 2.50 secs stun
    level 2: 600 damage 3.50 secs stun
    level 3: 800 damage 5.0 secs stun

  173. Meet Ragnaros the Fire Lord
    Made by Me Myself

    1st skill
    Chains Of Flames
    level 1: 100 damage Jumps 2 times
    level 2: 150 damage Jumps 4 times
    level 3: 250 damage Jumps 5 times
    level 4: 350 damage Jumps 6 times


    2nd Skill
    Flame Aura(Passive)
    level 1:Increase 15% atk speed 5% MS
    level 2:Increase 20% atk speed 10% MS
    level 3:Increase 30% atk speed 15% MS
    level 4:Increase 40% atk speed 20% MS

    3rd skill
    Reigh Of Chaos
    Summons a Huge Ball of Fire
    level 1: 100 damage 1.0 sec stun 450 AoE
    level 2: 200 damage 1.5 secs stun 500 AoE
    level 3: 300 damage 2.0 secs stun 550 AoE
    level 4: 350 damage 3.0 secs stun 600 AoE

    Ultimate Skill
    Rage of the Fire Lord
    level 1:Increase 30% attack speed 30% damage
    level 2:Increase 60% attack speed 40% damage
    level 3:Increase 90% attack speed 50% damage
    Lasts for:10/20/30 seconds

  174. i think its an int type heroe
    base on its picture

  175. Ultimate Skill

    Flaming Strike

    level 1:200damage 1.5secs stun 550Aoe
    level 2:250damage 2.0secs stun Flaming damage 10damage For 10sec 550Aoe
    level 3:300damage 2.5secs stun Flaming damage 20damage For 20sec 600Aoe



  176. And that Suitable For ultimate Skill

  177. Meet Shadowsong the Elementalist
    I just made it today...........
    HP: 450/450
    MP: 400/400
    Int Hero

    1st Skill
    Summons a wave of ice falling from the sky
    level 1: 50 damage per wave 3 waves of ice
    level 2: 70 damage per wave 4 waves of ice
    level 3: 90 damage per wave 5 waves of ice
    level 4: 100 damage per wave 6 waves of ice

    2nd Skill
    Entangling Roots
    Holds the enemy by using the power of nature
    level 1: 20 damage per secs lasts for 2.0 secs
    level 2: 30 damage per secs lasts for 2.5 secs
    level 3: 40 damage per secs lasts for 3.0 secs
    level 4: 50 damage per secs lasts for 3.5 secs

    3rd Skill
    Fire Bird
    Summons Birds that causes Fire Damage to the Enemy
    Level 1:Summons 2 Birds 40 damage per secs lasts
    for 4 seconds
    Level 2:Summons 4 Birds 60 damage per secs lasts
    for 5 seconds
    Level 3:Summons 5 Birds 80 damage per secs lasts
    for 6 seconds
    Level 4:Summons 10 Birds 100 damage per secs
    Lasts for 5 seconds 20%chance to stun the target for 3 secs

    Ultimate Skill
    Elemental Rain
    Uses the 5 elements to destroy the enemies
    level 1: Summons a Moonsoon,Rain of Fire and Frost Rain 100 damage each element lasts for 2 seconds
    level 2: Summons a Moonsoon,Rain of Fire,Frost Rain and Earthquake 200 damage each element lasts for 3 seconds
    level 3: Summons a Moonsoon,Rain of Fire,Frost Rain,Earthquake and Wind Blast 300 each element
    lasts for 5 seconds

  178. hye.... im shenz... hope icarus not noob heroes la... hope his skill is better than twin head dragon... hihihihi....

  179. haha i dont know what dota is?

  180. i hope the new hero owns! :D

  181. Agi or Int HERO..

    Ultimate .

    can steal 1 enemy/allies's skills when their cast a spell near icarus. can be passive if wan auto steal. can be stop a passive when getting nice skill. Each Level decrease cooldown.

    Level 1: 15 sec
    Level 2: 10 sec
    Level 3: 5 sec

    (aghanim : remove cooldown)

  182. ''-shenz- said...
    hye.... im shenz... hope icarus not noob heroes la... hope his skill is better than twin head dragon... hihihihi... ''

    Twin head dragon is noob hero? OMG... y say like dat? Myb coz u noob, u oso said Jakiro is noob hero...

  183. just for his uLti..

    looks like rylai's ult,
    but instead of ice falling from above,
    i suggest that change it to a mass of craters in an AOE of bla bla bla range.
    *also CNN,FOX NEWS,ABC,HBO,etc.

    bow. fak yu! ΓΌ

  184. probably an INT hero?
    can't wait for 6.68's release.

  185. since you included phoenix as a new hero and its a fire type hero im expeccting a counterpart somewhat WATER DRAGON,, which should be an skill type hero
    1st skill would be water blast,, somewhat it slows enemy and also deals amount of damage.

    2nd skill would be evasion,, since its body is made of water it his 2nd skill be making him hard to hit.

    3rd skill must be water flash its like razors first skill although water was the one coming out of its body,, and it slows down enemy units..

    Ultimate Skill will be GREAT FLOOD which water flows everywhere giving Water Dragon the capability to move at maximum speed and attack at its maximum attack speed..

  186. i think this hero is an
    AGI type hero

    wish to be an Int hero

    xD ....

  187. Philippine DOTA Players Are The Best Among The Rest wahaha..!!
