GoD-Tony Decision is Made, But is it Final?

After the BuffMePlz announced that he is retired from the Dota AI map development, people are waiting for GoD-Tony decision to continue the map. Yesterday, GoD-Tony a.k.a KillerBee posted on his blog about his decision.
If you're confused reading all those words, let me tell you straight, he is declined to continue the Dota AI Map Project. He feels that it's already too late for that and by the time he finish the map, Dota is already dead beaten by HoN or Starcraft 2. However, he's also saying that if there's another person who can teamed up with him on developing the map, he will reconsider to continue the map.
Well, i can't make Dota map, so let's just support GoD-Tony and maybe he could change his mind. But regardless, i respect his decision and hope we can find another solution for this. Dota AI map is already become an important aspect of Dota. It helps people learn the game and encourage newbie to play Dota. And without it, Dota will never be the same..
Taking this blog in a slightly different direction, I'll write a bit about my thoughts on DotA AI and the retirement of BuffMePlz.
I recently received an email from BMP informing me of his decision, as well as his offer of general guidance to lead my own AI project. My first reaction was "Why didn't I get an email like this sooner?"
I believe that if an AI project had been worked together by a team of people, then it wouldn't have come down to this. It's really too much to take on by one person.
The idea of posting my Pre-Alpha builds of RGB's AI for the newest version at the time was to spark some interest in development in an otherwise dead scene. I knew BMP wasn't interested in wasting his time with people that thought they "could help" but couldn't do anything other than offer another opinion. This was a way of proving that there were certainly people interested in helping, myself and Cipd included
That was almost a year ago when my interest for developing AI was at it's peak, and when I received no response regarding those maps, I moved on to the next idea. This was to create an Open AI for DotA that could be ported to the latest version almost instantly, and Open in the sense that it would be very easy for others to contribute (especially open source).
Even though I completed the code-base for this project, it still needed some real AI to go along with it. This was back in January, and once again with no response or input from the ones I contacted, and the continuation of BMPs' ports of RGBs' maps, I decided that it was a wasted effort.
What I'm getting at here is that it's basically too little too late. I believe DotA for Warcraft 3 is near it's death. With Heroes of Newerth released just days ago, Starcraft 2 coming out this year, and the possibility of IceFrog moving on to Valve, by the time I created a decent AI, DotA would be on a different platform.
I don't see myself working on an AI for DotA now or in the future, and the only way I could see this changing is if some very ambitious developers came forward and teamed up as it should be done.
If you have a comment or question you can leave it in this post and I will reply there as well.
A little side note: I always thought it would be a fun game mode to combine 6v6 DotA with DotA AI. You could even play 12v12 in this scenario! (just for fun of course)
If you're confused reading all those words, let me tell you straight, he is declined to continue the Dota AI Map Project. He feels that it's already too late for that and by the time he finish the map, Dota is already dead beaten by HoN or Starcraft 2. However, he's also saying that if there's another person who can teamed up with him on developing the map, he will reconsider to continue the map.
Well, i can't make Dota map, so let's just support GoD-Tony and maybe he could change his mind. But regardless, i respect his decision and hope we can find another solution for this. Dota AI map is already become an important aspect of Dota. It helps people learn the game and encourage newbie to play Dota. And without it, Dota will never be the same..
aw thats sad...but i still respect his decision..its not easy making ai maps you know..
ReplyDeleteIs DotA coming to an end?! Hope not.
ReplyDeleteIs DotA coming to an end?! Hope not :-c
ReplyDeleteI think people love to play with AI to while away some time. But if you really want to play competitive DotA you play with human players may it be on LAN or online but I guarantee you most players play on LAN because it's more fun and you don't have to deal with sometimes sloppy internet connections. And this is the big edge of DotA on other tower defense games out there like HoN it's being LAN based gives opportunity to those without or with limited internet connection to enjoy the game. And real players don't mind if WC3 engine is old or if the graphics is not as cool as that of HoN as long as they enjoy playing with their friends all is good. KEEP THE LOVE ALIVE FOR DotA.
ReplyDeleteAFAIK icefrog ambitious project w/ valve left DotA+WC3 hanging..thats is why GoD-Tony is saying..
ReplyDelete"What I'm getting at here is that it's basically too little too late. I believe DotA for Warcraft 3 is near it's death."
but i dont believe that HoN is beating the crap out of DotA. DotA is way up there by a hundred miles than HoN.
what i am really disappointed is that i smell sour-graping from GoD-Tony coz, his effort and works for DotA from last year to January this year ddint drew enough attention from BMP (maybe)..
my conclusion is....DotA for first timers (AI maps) will b on the verge of EXTINCTION!!!
dun worry about HoN or SC2...
ReplyDeleteDotA is fantastic and original..
i will love it forever XD
Dota is never been dead beaten by HoN and starcraft 2.
ReplyDeleteDota for life dude! it never dead.
DotA never dies :)
ReplyDeleteTrust me.If his decision is final.Then we all have to say good bye to DotA.I know its hard to say.But what else we can do?
ReplyDeleteAw.. Don't let this happen..
ReplyDeleteJust Strengthen ur FAITH!
One Day, GoD will surely give us this guy who'll make this problem solved!
Pray Hard, It Works!
"I Love DotA"
AI Is A Necessity... Please Don't Quit If Possible T-T
ReplyDeleteWell i truly have to admit, that HoN has the better capabilities, as DotA ist still depending on the wc3 engine, its models, its way or programming and so on. Sure, Icefrog moved to Valve with a better team up his back, but why shlud Valve be interestes in a game Blizzard made. DotA ist still classic and i think still superior to those other games, but on the long run, it wont stand a chance against those other games
ReplyDeletenever mind if dota on warcraft 3 is dies,bcoz to many limitation for modder to modding.
ReplyDeleteokay then blizzard has new platform for dota player,now problem for bugzy and many things that leak on wc3 will be much better on sc2.
so if icefrog retire from DotA,never worried about it too,there still got ppl will make a dota map for sc2 instead of wc3.so nothing to worry,hon?i don like any copy paster game!copy from warcraft 3 map into a specialised platform sound sux.
HoN.- Just Better Graphics...i can bet its not even so balanced as DotA is =P...
ReplyDeleteSc2.- C'mon thats oldschool...DotA is unic!! & even u try to make a "Defense of the ancients" in that game...it wont be any similar to the WC3 version!...
AND...in conclution, every gamer can play DotA, cuz WC3 runs almost in every kind of PC (even in windows 98) xD...but try to run HoN or SC2, pls! it will break up my fckn RAM! xD!
DotA will die?? nah..
ReplyDeleteIF and if nobody will follow in BMP's work.. DOTA AI will somehow cease to exist..but DotA as a game will continue, no doubt..(I hope).
and about HoN vs DotA..sure HoN has better graphics..but graphics do not make a game.. the simplicity of the grpahics engine used by DotA/WC3 is what makes it unique. HoN is BEAUTIFUL, but DotA, well, for me, is BETTER. nothing beats the original. \m/
We understand that Starcraft 2 is coming out and some other games, but u can't compare that 2 dota cuz dota is about hero vs hero and d good thing is you have over 90 heroes to use. What I'm saying is Starcraft and Warcraft are on 2 different levels, and yes we will enjoy starcraft 2 when it reaches but that will never replace the fun of dota heroes. Look I really hope that this new dota maker gets some1 to help him with these dota maps cuz it would be nice if Dota could continue. Hope dota don't end like this.....
ReplyDeleteBut most importantly why dota should continue is also because new heroes were supposed to come out in dota 6.67 ai map, and we were already getting a glimse of one of the new heroes Icarus the Phoenix and a few others supposed to comeo out aswell, and also there were changes going to be made with some heroes... Please don't stop because we d dota players really wanna see this new map and these new players.
ReplyDeleteI started to love DotA from the start when my friends introduced & taught me about it.
ReplyDeleteSince then, up until now I'm still addicted to it & enjoyed also the AI maps.
HON & SC2 are just the new beginning of a new era of DotA imo.
(One good advantage of W3 is that it's playable those who couldn't afford better PCs)
We might as well see that the 6.66b AI might the last one we're gonna have & the maps might not even reach 6.70 or below.
But why should we complain & start feeling sad when we can be proud of ourselves coming a million miles up to this road & appreciate the creators (W3, DoTa, AI & the others involving)?
If 6.68's gonna be the final one, why should we worry when we can still download 'em & play 'em?
I can tell that DotA will continue to spread as long as we continue.
I guess this is why they don't even charge a single dime & acts as a way of appreciating their hard work.
All good things must somehow come to an end?
DotA videos & guides for each & every single hero continue to be made & DotA itself continues to be played by the community & it never stops increasing.
So how can you help you say?
Just do the best at what you can as a player & also start hopin' for a miracle.
About HON. .
ReplyDeleteNo player play it before already have experience on DotA
About SC2. .
C'mon it has different gameplay, unless a player makes DotA in SC2
About icy to valve. .
(juz joking)
Well, there is a lot pro wc3 editor out there like icy,bmp & god-tony, maybe if he want to be famous, he will take this job
So sad, if i could make dota ai map, i'll do it..
ReplyDeleteIf only I knew how to create AI maps I would do it myself
ReplyDeleteDota is the best !!!
ReplyDeleteGuys. I know that DotA is still funy to play and simple, when it comes to graphics which is great for overall playing, 'cause you dont get flashed with graphic effects. But its still domed as it runs on a 10 year old gameengine with a gameplay which was NOT the same as DotA And its not about hte topic: OMFG DOTA WILL LIVE FOREVER! on Starcraft 2 it will still be a different game, not to forget how long it'll take to port the idea to the new engine. About HoN: I also was sceptical at first but it is a game on its own with 70% stolen ideas, we all knew that from the start, but also with new and innovative Heroes, maps items and so on. AND there are gonna be frequentupdates to it.
ReplyDeleteDo you guys realize how few posts there are on DotA blogs these days? Just lkk at Alief's here. 1 Update a month. And its not a dedication to DotA, its the simple lack of new things. Eve nthough Icecock has a team updates are few and there isnt THAT much change after all from version to version
Thats . . really bad . . . damn i wish i know how to make a map . . .
good news folks.... Check this out: https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=1421046922107377097&postID=5818992856028796363
ReplyDeletethe bottom comment by Harreke:
Blogger harreke said...
I'm Harreke.
I sent you a message through pladota.com, but I don't know if you've read it.
If there really is nobody any more, could you allow me to take over your work to continue updating your AI maps?
I've researched your AI system for a long time, and I still have lots of time to continue researching it.
I'm sure I can do it well.
Please contact me.
good news folks.... Check this out: https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=1421046922107377097&postID=5818992856028796363
ReplyDeletethe bottom comment by Harreke:
Blogger harreke said...
I'm Harreke.
I sent you a message through pladota.com, but I don't know if you've read it.
If there really is nobody any more, could you allow me to take over your work to continue updating your AI maps?
I've researched your AI system for a long time, and I still have lots of time to continue researching it.
I'm sure I can do it well.
Please contact me.
Oh i know hareke,cant believe he still active.
ReplyDeleteI hope he will take-over ai making.
I agree with you all who comment good at DotA's future.. DotA last FOREVER !!!
ReplyDeleteWEW i want 2 cr8 ai maps but iI dont have any requirement to cr8 an ai map....
ReplyDeleteI refer to GoD-Tony a.k.a Killerbee to read all the comments here.. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO DOTA.. because DotA always continues to be played by the community & it never stops increasing also DotA itself always updates every gameplay and mechanic of it, the conclusion is.. DotA NEVER stop to growing and developing until there is no somebody in the world..
ReplyDeleteScrew HON and Starcraft!
ReplyDeleteFor one thing HON is basically a rip-off of dota. Sure the graphics are awesome in 3d, but ask yourselves.. is the gameplay any better? I've seen a lot of games with awesome graphics, but their gameplay didnt count for shit.
As for starcraft, i see it as a game easily forgotten, and somehow quickly boring.
With map updates, new heroes and new items, dota just keeps me coming back. Sure i'd be bored for a couple of months but as soon as a newer version comes out, I'm back in the game again!
HoN has better graphicz dan DOTA cuz its online...
fuck HOn its only crap imitation bullshit of dota,,,DOTA For4 HON?? SUCK IT TO YOUR ROTTEN ASSS...FUCK HON FUCK U MTHER FKER HON
ReplyDeletedota has been a great game for all these years. HON and LOL was not created until the DOTA came, all aspects and sequel of the game HON and LOL has is based on DOTA, DOTA, and DOTA and i hope some people can help us to continue the AI work that buffmeplz recently retire
ReplyDeletehey...BMP lost his temper...jeez...
ReplyDeleteBuffMeplz said...
Dear God-Tony,I am sry i didn't use my blogger acc, because you waste my time. YOU KNOW U SUCK? If u can't develop the map, ICANN find someone else , U can just reply with a no u FAG. I am really dissapointed with your attidute, fuckin around with alot of excuses, u cocker
@Anonymous above
ReplyDeletehe was not real BMP ==" lol.. BMP not like that..
all this long 2 years BMP never use bad words..
ReplyDeletewhat a guy he is..
Yeah, some stupid attempt of provokation.
ReplyDeleteA coward that got no guts to use his own id acc, because he needs to waste others time, frustated 'cos he can't develop the map himself, can't find anyone else who can.
Just some pathetic that really dissapointed with GT reply, and can't deal with it
Yo, good news for all. Icefrog posted a post on the forums saying that BMP found a successor to his work!
ReplyDeleteMay DotA Live!
Yup, just make i new post about it :)
ReplyDeletewhat if god tony cooperates with harrekkee i nmaking ai maps
ReplyDeleteharrekkee new successor to bmp.and he agreed!
ReplyDeleteDotA Forever!!!!
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