BuffMePlz the Dota AI Maker is Retired! GoD-Tony, Your Call?

Sad news has came from BuffMePlz blog today. After some consideration, he decided to retire from making the Dota AI map. This news is quite shocking me, but after reading his post, i can understand his frustration. He's no longer enjoy making the AI map and the community pressure has became a burden.
Here are the good by letter from BuffMePlz:
Before making that decision, he asking people voice on this post:
Well, the decision has been made. Now, let's just hope GoD-Tony a.k.a KillerBee can answer the call. But still, i will respect whatever GoD-Tony decision, because people have their own life. And to BuffMePlz, please accept my greatest respect for all what you've done until know. God Bless You!
Here are the good by letter from BuffMePlz:
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
After much thought and consideration, I have decided to no longer continue my work on DotA AI maps. Between my increased work responsibilities, advancing on to the next stage of life, my waning interest in DotA, and the frustration from both dealing with the community's demands and the community having to deal with my absences, I believe it is best for me to let this project go and move on.
It was a fun two years, with updates on almost every version since 6.49 (we're up to 6.66b now, crazy!), but as lazyfiend/RGB said when he left, I find that working on this map is no longer enjoyable to me, and is in fact quite a burden.
I've contacted GoD-Tony (killerbee) about taking over, and if he decides to, I'll try to help him get up to speed as much as possible. If not, I hope whomever takes my place will have as much fun as I did these past two years learning the ins and outs of JASS and the WC3 engine.
My passion has always been with the Fun Taverns, and though I will not continue AI development I may occasionally release some maps on my blog with old heroes and/or original creations, so feel free to visit and leave comments for me here.
Thanks for the fun times guys!
Before making that decision, he asking people voice on this post:
Decision time
From the playdota.com forums:
"I hear you guys, and I understand your frustration, but you have to understand the limitations of how things work.
Basically, it comes down to this:
1) Regular releases: To put it frankly, you've all been spoiled. Do any of you even remember how frequently the AI maps were released in the past? They would come out months after a stable release, and only on that stable release. The model I've been pursuing is one where the AI map is a vehicle for others to tinker with new heroes, abilities, and items. I've thought about pursuing a model in which I only release once every time a new stable map comes out (3-4 months after a map is declared stable), but it seems that popular consesus is otherwise.
2) Source code: Yes, IceFrog sends me the script changes from version to version, but it still comes down to the fact that I never received any source code from lazyfiend (RGB), who I understand did receive source code from cloud_str, who received source code from whomever was in charge of DotA at the time (and was thus the "official" version of the AI map). All I have to work with is obfuscated code, but people don't seem to understand that. No, I don't have source code. No, I don't have an unprotected map. I have exactly what you guys have when you open a map through an MPQ editor. Do it now, pull out war3map.j from DotA 6.48b AI+, and you'll look at EXACTLY what I had to look at.
I've rewritten parts of the code to make things more usable for me, but in the end it always comes down to 1). If you really want, I'll sit on this, release a nice AI for 6.66b (stable version) in about, say, October.
Alternately, it really seems like people want me to go. I'm willing to step down, but I have nothing to offer any who would want to take up the mantle, as all I have is obfuscated source.
Your call."
Weigh in your opinions.
Well, the decision has been made. Now, let's just hope GoD-Tony a.k.a KillerBee can answer the call. But still, i will respect whatever GoD-Tony decision, because people have their own life. And to BuffMePlz, please accept my greatest respect for all what you've done until know. God Bless You!
ReplyDeletewtf who will be the next ai map creator ??????????
ReplyDeletethx BMP for his stunning performance all along.. eventho its kinda sad that he wun be working wit icefrog anymore.. bt anyway, wish u a gud luck in ur life ^^ and take care~!
ReplyDeleteI wish the new AI map creator must make AI much better or much pro than the older AI that is noob AI ^^
ReplyDeleteYou guys still don't understand huh? Makin AI maps is hard shit - and if u wanna play dota - play it online -.-
ReplyDeleteHe did a great job, I understand his decision and wish him the best, thx for all the maps - they WERE GREAT
I wouldnt wanna do shit for demanding whiney scrubs either. He doesnt even have the actual map source its the shitty obfuscated shit anyone can get.
ReplyDeletehe still awesome men,
ReplyDeletewith limited free time ,he able to release a ai map,
like above above above(how many time?)said,ai script is not simple as words and its difficulity also hard to imaged by words to. . .
Panji said,
ReplyDeletewe're from Indonesia, feels a BIG BIG BIG LOST..
coz we're so enjoying all of dota ai maps for all this time..whoever the creator,
we'll miss you man, ^^
"I wish the new AI map creator must make AI much better or much pro than the older AI that is noob AI ^^"
ReplyDeleteIf u think AI is tat easy to make, and complains it being noob, why dun i see u try doing it then? @to the AI maker: thx a lot all these while, those AI were a good start for beginners in dota and those in moderate XD I believe it has and is useful to all those dota players out there myself included. so thx XD
This should be a lesson to all of us, we shouldn't be so demanding on the people who help the dota community like BMP. We have to remember they do this for free and for the love of the game so we shouldn't pressure them to update their work. THANKS A MILLION BuffMePlz! GOD BLESS YOU!
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot BuffMePlz... We appreciate your hard work and we understand your burden... You have done a great work to most DotA players....
ReplyDeletei cant believe BuffMePlz` is gone, please stay we need you badly. dota will never be the same again.
ReplyDeleteit's his decision we should respect...don't post some bad things about BuffMePlz his a good dota ai map creator...and its not easy making it...i wish u goodluck 2 ur new life now...and to the nxt dota map creator...if there will be...do ur best man...^_^
ReplyDeleteIt's in human nature for us to be impatient & demanding.
ReplyDeleteBuffMePlz was just a victim of it.
"GoD-Tony, Next Victim?"
i agree with (Sumisetsu) that dota will never be the same again... but thanks alot BuffMePlz we really appreciate your very hard work for making ai maps.
ReplyDeletei hope that GoD-Tony a.k.a KillerBee is a good creator ai map like you BMP.. ^^
God Bless U BMP... rest in peace....
ReplyDeleteI wish the new AI map creator must make AI much better or much pro than the older AI that is noob AI ^^
ReplyDeletewtf..what a bulls*** comment !if you are good at playing DOTA, you must play battle net, play with human if you want to be pro.
Sorry if my english is bad.
BMP, I was a great fan. I rarely play online(due to internet restrictions), and I play with AI even on LAN parties (small dota community...), so I am extremely reliable on your AI maps. Really sad about you retiring... i knew it was hard work. Good luck with your future man. You did a great thing for worldwide fans.
ReplyDeleteohhh maaan don't retire yet :( will miss you so much and much BMP :( but great AI MAP ! Because of that i can play dota eventhough there's no player :D GOOD JOB BMP ! WE'LL MISS YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ! HAVE A GOOD LIFE AND TAKE CARE !
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
May 19, 2010 10:14 AM
I'm sad
Gud Luck wid everything BMP... :]]...
ReplyDeleteyour AI maps we're great... it becomes a great past time for everybody hu wants to enjoi dota without human players around... y0u did a great job men... we thank y0u for all the great job for the past 2 years until the present... just take care always... :]]
To anyone who's got nothing good to say about BuffMePlz, SHUT THE F**K UP INGRATES!
ReplyDeleteKillerbee AI maps sucks !
ReplyDeleteOh men!
ReplyDeleteKillerbee AI maps sucks !
ReplyDeleteNo way ! We nid u BMP !!!
ReplyDeleteI know ur burden man,,
ReplyDeletemakin' AI is so frustating but u still can make good AI even only with that JASS..
I respect ur work for this 2 years.. Ur AI is a good place for me to try new hero n new skill without being afraid to be called a "noob" (it's happen if u try it in BNet :D)
btw,,thx for all of time that u used to make Dota community better n better.. Great Job BMP
well, a message to all whiners:
ReplyDeletemap making spends almost 10-20 times the time needed for you to finish a full 5v5 game. So we should give him a break. He's done so much for the DotA community.
this actually tells us to be patient. IF BMP got fed up of the pressure coming from the community, imagine if this would happen to IceFrog?.
by the way, great job BMP, and good luck.
ReplyDeletetake care bmp!thx for the ai maps.....
i really appreciated ur work .its very awesome because making ai is VERY4X hard!!
thx again....
from indonesia .
thx for all of your hard work BMP u are amazing dota ai map creator,, i can play dota because of that ai,,,
ReplyDeletewe will miss u a lot BMP,,
from indonesia
I have been waiting silently for months.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is that most of those IDIOTs are making map makers suffer, keep begging them to make maps asap.
BuffMePlz, well done, I understand what kind of pressure you are facing, consider the fact that WE ARE GETTING MORE and MORE TERRIBLE people on Earth who are EXTREMELY SELFISH and INCONSIDERATE.
Look at the kids now! Those are the sources of trouble! Those are the noob players/leavers etc. There are less reasonable players in dota. Some players just started with GG then left after his first death.
Honestly, I have stopped playing DoTA for a while already. Seeing more and more UNFRIENDLY and AGGRESIVE players, this game is being torn apart (I still remember the good old days when players would suggest ways to improve instead of blaming one another for being stupid, EVERYONE WAS ONCE A NOOB, no one was born to be the pro of all pro)
If IceFrog is going to stop making DoTA, let it be, there is no point in answering ALL THOSE INCONSIDERATE PEOPLE. IceFrog gets nothing for making the map and why he should get the blame if he can make the map on time? (He DOESN'T get PAID!!!!!!)
Try making your own map whiners (I've tried it out and I CAN GURANTEE THAT IT'S NO EASY JOB)! Beggers should go begging on streets not on Internet.
(I would have been using TONs of not-so-nice language if I were BuffMePlz) (Why should he be so nice to apologize? HE DID NOTHING WRONG)
Any retards would still complain BuffMePlz for resigning, we all should boo that person off stage.
BuffMePlz did a marvelous job. There was a time span of whole year without internet play of DotA, where he became a savior. He wrote good, saying if people doesn't like his make, go ahead and better his work. Those unsatisfied with his hard work are ungrateful, and most likely one of those rude swearing gaming kids, an awful lot.
ReplyDeleteGoodbye BuffMePlz, you go on my wall of fame.
you did a great job.. thx a lot man..
ReplyDeleteI will post my response to all of this tomorrow on my blog.
ReplyDeleteNice GoD-Tony is going to make response. Hope it is good news.
ReplyDeleteoh this is terrible. I know all of DotA heroes' skill by playing that heroes with BMP AI Map. Thx a lot BMP
ReplyDelete@LL: Enough said.
ReplyDeleteBuffMePlz RULES!!
Let's say goodbye to DOTA AI map's developments..yeah coding is hard..BMP is retiring now...and killerbee..i guess he would got a hard time with this..or maybe the same decision as BMP..as people so hard to receive his pre alpha's map..
ReplyDeleteТебя будет нехватать!
ReplyDeleteА то что IceFrog не давал исходники мне стало ясно только теперь, как же ты создавал отличные АИ карты без самой то карты? Ты великий человек, запомни!
if no more ai maps then there will more noobs playing like chwa yi jie in pub which is feeding like a fucking noob
ReplyDeletewhere i can find god tony's blog?
Anyway, I hope that DotA 6v6 will get an AI version, and the Fun Taverns will disappear forever with future DotA AI maps..
ReplyDeleteWell, I for one don't think that you should retire from creating the dota ai maps because for the past 2 years you were doing real great with the ai maps, and I compliment you on such fine work. I and some others would really appreciate it if u Mr. Buffme please would stay and continue your fine work because we all appreciate how hard u work on these dota maps. Please don't give up and forget any idiots who would like u to go, cuz some of us r begging you to stay and that includes me. I hope this message reaches u somehow and that it'll change your mind and make u wanna stay. Try to enjoy your day and don't let nothing or no one stress you out. This is from your number 1 dota ai fan... lol. Bye
ReplyDeletethis news is very shocking...i feel like my life has end today after hearing this news..congrat n well done BuffMePlz!!i would be noob without u T_T a real legend in-making
ReplyDeleteThe retirement of BMP would soon lead to the death of Dota!!
ReplyDelete"People never appreciate what they have until it's gone" I hope with those words that all people who wished BMP to step out regret ever saying those words. I wish u all the Luck BMP it might have been hard news for us but may u find success in whatever u choose to do. Good Luck... :(
ReplyDeleteBMP thank you for everything!!!!
ReplyDelete(And for those who are calling others noob,think about the time when you first started playing dota)
Thank you BMP and all the best for you! :)
ReplyDeletewe will miss u BMP :(
ReplyDeleteHey alief a word from god tony,chect it out.
ReplyDelete1) Regular releases: To put it frankly, you've all been spoiled. Do any of you even remember how frequently the AI maps were released in the past? They would come out months after a stable release, and only on that stable release. The model I've been pursuing is one where the AI map is a vehicle for others to tinker with new heroes, abilities, and items. I've thought about pursuing a model in which I only release once every time a new stable map comes out (3-4 months after a map is declared stable), but it seems that popular consesus is otherwise.
ReplyDeletehate to admit it but its true..whiner,fag,immature gamers dont really care bout how much time/effort BMP is consuming on making AI maps...
i thank you BMP!! sad to see u go..T_T
yea.. bmp is now retired...... happy news.. lol.....
ReplyDeleteill do the next map~
ReplyDeleteah syang nman retired n sya
ReplyDelete"think about the time when you first started playing dota"
ReplyDeleteno one is born great..
stop acting like you've never done any imperfections.
WEW i want 2 cr8 ai maps but iI dont have any requirement to cr8 an ai map....
ReplyDeleteThnx BMP the 2 years you've spent making dota ai players happy. Goodluck and cheers
ReplyDeleteThank you very much BMP! ^_^
ReplyDeletesad news
ReplyDeleteHey.. Uhm, how do i get a map editor? I've gotten my wc3 only from usb transfer, but i dont have the disc. Where can i get the editor? As much as I want to try it, it really cant be helped. Just want to find out what its like for bmp and the other guys... If you have the file please send it to me at glennlevicuadernal@rocketmail.com
ReplyDeleteThanks yall'
omg..this is really happening!!noooo~~~
ReplyDeleteit is a bad news but thanks for all that you have ceated BMP..
ReplyDeletei think you've did a GREATE JOB..
thanks for all BuffMePlz
ReplyDeletewe miss you
Thank you, BMP, you've been very helpful all that time. You will be remembered.
ReplyDeleteA Man Among Men. A Nerd Among Nerds.
ReplyDelete-Thnx BMP :'-)
Thank you, BuffMePlz for making ai map until now.
ReplyDeleteAlthought u have retired, i won't forget you.
sad news :(((((( ive been playing with my friends vs AI. thx for all
ReplyDeletei guess i will stick to 6.66b Ai, the last one
tae kaung lahat..
ReplyDeletei'm DotA hatEr !!!