Terrorblade Guide & Build - The Soul Keeper Strategy

Terrorblade Guide & Build, Terrorblade the Soul Keeper Strategy. Terrorblade is one of carry that can turn out the tide of the game if he got his items. This post contains Terrorblade the Soul Keeper guide, item build, skill build and strategy.

Terrorblade is the twin brother of the Anti-Mage. Both of Night Elf descent, Terrorblade was drawn in by the powers of the Undead, plunging deeper into the abyss of no return, growing large, gargoyle-like wings to symbolize his breaking from the Night Elf world. Having mastered the art of image-creation and soul manipulation, he has the ability to transform into a fearsome and terrifying demonic form, obtaining the powers to hurl energy at his opponents. Large moonblades slashing, he is one to fear on the battlefield.

Strength - 15 + 1.9
Agility - 22 + 3.2 (Primary)
Intelligence- 19 + 1.75
Base damage 48-54
Attack range of 128 (melee)
Base Armor 5.1
Movement speed of 310
Skill Descriptions
Reflection (C)

Note: The Reflections cant be targeted, invulnerable, and only attack their source

Increases your attack speed and HP regeneration.
Level 1 - +20 IAS, +2 HP regen
Level 2 - +30 IAS, +3 HP regen
Level 3 - +40 IAS, +4 HP regen
Level 4 - +50 IAS, +5 HP regen
Note: Its additional attack speed also effects your illusions

Terrorblade is the twin brother of the Anti-Mage. Both of Night Elf descent, Terrorblade was drawn in by the powers of the Undead, plunging deeper into the abyss of no return, growing large, gargoyle-like wings to symbolize his breaking from the Night Elf world. Having mastered the art of image-creation and soul manipulation, he has the ability to transform into a fearsome and terrifying demonic form, obtaining the powers to hurl energy at his opponents. Large moonblades slashing, he is one to fear on the battlefield.

Strength - 15 + 1.9
Agility - 22 + 3.2 (Primary)
Intelligence- 19 + 1.75
Base damage 48-54
Attack range of 128 (melee)
Base Armor 5.1
Movement speed of 310
Skill Descriptions
Reflection (C)

Terrorblade brings forth a dark reflection of all enemy units in a small area. Affected units are slowed and attacked by their reflections for 5 seconds.
Level 1 - 20% AS and MS slow
Level 2 - 25% AS and MS slow
Level 3 - 30% AS and MS slow
Level 4 - 35% AS and MS slow
Level 1 - 20% AS and MS slow
Level 2 - 25% AS and MS slow
Level 3 - 30% AS and MS slow
Level 4 - 35% AS and MS slow
Reflections damage: 35%/45%/55%/65% from their source
Duration: 5 seconds
Mana Cost: 75
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Cast range: 600
AOE: 350
Note: The Reflections cant be targeted, invulnerable, and only attack their source
The reflections also have their source passive ability such as critical. It's fun to see red numbers pop up their head when they hit their target.

Increases your attack speed and HP regeneration.
Level 1 - +20 IAS, +2 HP regen
Level 2 - +30 IAS, +3 HP regen
Level 3 - +40 IAS, +4 HP regen
Level 4 - +50 IAS, +5 HP regen
Type: Passive skill
Note: Its additional attack speed also effects your illusions
Its HP regen is good for survivability in early game while the extra IAS increases his dps.
Metamorphosis (T)

Transforms Terrorblade into a powerful Demon with a ranged attack and illusions.
Level 1 - no illusion
Level 2 - 1 illusion, dealing 10% damage
Level 3 - 1 illusion, dealing 15% damage
Level 4 - 2 illusions, dealing 20% damage
Extra base damage: 20/25/30/35
Sunder (R)

Sunder severs the soul from both Terrorblade and a target hero, then exchanges them, carrying part of the units' life forces. The percentage hit points of each unit are switched with the souls. Some hit points must remain.
Level 1 - 33% hit point minimum
Level 2 - 28% hit point minimum
Level 3 - 23% hit point minimum

Transforms Terrorblade into a powerful Demon with a ranged attack and illusions.
Level 1 - no illusion
Level 2 - 1 illusion, dealing 10% damage
Level 3 - 1 illusion, dealing 15% damage
Level 4 - 2 illusions, dealing 20% damage
Extra base damage: 20/25/30/35
Duration: 30
Cooldown: 70
Mana Cost: 100
Mana Cost: 100
Illussions take 250% damage
Note: Methamorped Terrorblade has 300 movement speed, 1,6 base attack time, and 550 ranged attack
In the early game, if he facing enemy having thin hp and will run away, while he cannot chase with a melee mode, transform into metamorph mode is a good choice since it have 550 ranged attack.
This skill is useful in the big war. Keep the distance so he can survive from opening attack by his opponents then counter attack to kill his opponents.
Sunder (R)

Sunder severs the soul from both Terrorblade and a target hero, then exchanges them, carrying part of the units' life forces. The percentage hit points of each unit are switched with the souls. Some hit points must remain.
Level 1 - 33% hit point minimum
Level 2 - 28% hit point minimum
Level 3 - 23% hit point minimum
Cast Range: 250
Cooldown: 160/110/60
Mana Cost: 200/100/0
Terrorblade Skill Build
Level 1: Zeal
Level 2: Reflection
Level 3: Zeal
Level 4: Metamorphosis
Level 5: Zeal
Level 6: Sunder
Level 7: Zeal
Level 8: Metamorphosis
Level 9: Metamorphosis
Level 10: Metamorphosis
Level 11: Sunder
Level 12: Reflection
Level 13: Reflection
Level 14: Reflection
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Sunder
Levels 17-25: Stats
Being harassed in early game is the main problem for agility hero with melee range like TB. So maximize zeal first for survivability. One level for Reflection can prevent early FB attempt. Thanks to it's slow. Next, take Metamhorphosis to maximum. Then remaining 3 lvl for Reflection. Sunder is taken whenever possible. Stats come last.
Terrorblade Item Build

Quelling Blade is necessary for gathering gold in melee mode.
Power Thread make him gathering gold more effective by move back and forth either between enemy's creep and neutral creep or among neutral creeps. As an alternative, power thread can make him to clear the way faster so he can destroy the first tower as soon as possible or to get the first blood with help from his partner.
Sange and Yasha - Its lesser maim help you chase down your enemy. And of course its additional str provide you amount of HF for survivability.
Cooldown: 160/110/60
Mana Cost: 200/100/0
Note: It can interupts channeling spell on target heroes.
Note: While this skill is proceeding, the target hero and TB get the magic immunity, prevent their HP from changing.
Terrorblade Skill Build
Level 1: Zeal
Level 2: Reflection
Level 3: Zeal
Level 4: Metamorphosis
Level 5: Zeal
Level 6: Sunder
Level 7: Zeal
Level 8: Metamorphosis
Level 9: Metamorphosis
Level 10: Metamorphosis
Level 11: Sunder
Level 12: Reflection
Level 13: Reflection
Level 14: Reflection
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Sunder
Levels 17-25: Stats
Being harassed in early game is the main problem for agility hero with melee range like TB. So maximize zeal first for survivability. One level for Reflection can prevent early FB attempt. Thanks to it's slow. Next, take Metamhorphosis to maximum. Then remaining 3 lvl for Reflection. Sunder is taken whenever possible. Stats come last.
Terrorblade Item Build

1. Quelling Blade + Branches + Tangos + Magic Stick
2. Finish Magic Wand
3. Get Power Tread
4. Orb of Venom
2. Finish Magic Wand
3. Get Power Tread
4. Orb of Venom
5. Finish Yasha
Your core item should be like this:
Your core item should be like this:

Quelling Blade is necessary for gathering gold in melee mode.
Power Thread make him gathering gold more effective by move back and forth either between enemy's creep and neutral creep or among neutral creeps. As an alternative, power thread can make him to clear the way faster so he can destroy the first tower as soon as possible or to get the first blood with help from his partner.
Yasha is very useful for chasing his enemy. The movement speed bonus and extra IAS will keep enemy hard to run away. You can choose SnY or Manta later.
Orb of Venom - It will be more easy to chase your enemy while you are Yasha and PT equipped + passive Zeal + enemy slowed down .by Reflection and Venom. And its cheap. Can be upgraded later into Eye of Skadi
Magic Wand - It's instant regen (HP and Mana) is IMBA. Best when enemy has good spell spammers.
Poor man's shield - If your enemy has no spell spammer, get this item by buying slippers of agility instead of branches. Has early survivability.
Late Game Items
Here are Luxury late game items for him:
Here are Luxury late game items for him:

Sange and Yasha - Its lesser maim help you chase down your enemy. And of course its additional str provide you amount of HF for survivability.
Manta Style - You feel stronger with more illusions? Grab this item. With total of 5 heroes (including the real one) you are a dps machine. An alternative item of SnY.
The Butterfly - used to increase his attack speed and attack damage. Also to create evasion ability which is necessary for facing hero with high attack speed. Recommended luxury item before you buy other dps items because your illusions copy your stats not your extra damage.
Eye of Skadi - It has nice stats and can slow
or you can grab Satanic - Lifesteal provide you with good survivability
Armor :
Assault Cuirass - If you want to be a tanker this item is obviously good. With it, he can kill his enemy faster and become harder to die caused by high armor.

You should pick this hero when you got nice line up for your team. This hero needs protection from sudden attack/gank as he doesn't have reliable escape mechanism. You also need an initiator/stunner/slower to help you land attack to your enemies. You should not pick this hero when there are 2 or more carry heroes in your team. A team should be balanced between tanker, carry hero and support hero.
In early minutes, you should put him in the Scourge top lane or Sentinel bottom lane where you can pull natural creeps. Keep farming and farming until you grab your core items. Last hit and deny as much as you can. Do not take FB attempt if you feel even a little unconfidence. Always help your teammate to control the lane.
Hope this guide can help you master the Terrorblade. If you have different thought and strategy for Terrorblade, you can share it in the comment section or in the Terrorblade the Soul Keeper forum.
Dps Items:
Buriza-do Kyanon - It makes his attack more powerful with high damage and 25% chance 2.5 critical strike.
Armor :
Assault Cuirass - If you want to be a tanker this item is obviously good. With it, he can kill his enemy faster and become harder to die caused by high armor.
Conditional items :
Monkey King Bar is used to prevent his enemy from running away with Town Portal or Boots of Travel and also to make his attack never miss while facing hero with active or passive evasion ability.
In the very long game, mobility is more important than attack speed. So he need to drop his power tread and purchase Boots of Travel to achieve victory, especially if backdoor is wanted.
Terrorblade the Soul Keeper Strategy
Terrorblade the Soul Keeper Strategy
You can pick this hero if your team need late game carries and opposite team lacks of disablers and gankers.
You can be supported by:

- Disablers (Lion, Rhasta, Rylai)
Make sure your target to stay for recieving every damage you deal to them. Everyone of them has more than one disable skill.

- Babysitter (Omni, Warlock, Treant)
Laning with them is a safest way to get through early to mid game. Plus Omni and warlock also can slow while treant can stun. Perfect isn't it?

- Heroes with Slow capability (Viper, Bristleback)
Same role as disabler heroes but has a more painful effect

- Armor reducer (Slardar)
Terorblade is a dps hero, so this hero as your teammate is a max-damage combo. His capability to stun just make this pair more dangerous.
Beware of his counter:

- Disablers (Eartshaker, Bane)
They can support you as well as kill you. Hard lane partner. In early game better to avoid them.

- Instant kill Hero (Necrolyte, Axe)
You cant sunder him if you die first

- Doom Bringer
Obviously, you are a dead meat when you try to oppose this hero 1v1
You should pick this hero when you got nice line up for your team. This hero needs protection from sudden attack/gank as he doesn't have reliable escape mechanism. You also need an initiator/stunner/slower to help you land attack to your enemies. You should not pick this hero when there are 2 or more carry heroes in your team. A team should be balanced between tanker, carry hero and support hero.
In early minutes, you should put him in the Scourge top lane or Sentinel bottom lane where you can pull natural creeps. Keep farming and farming until you grab your core items. Last hit and deny as much as you can. Do not take FB attempt if you feel even a little unconfidence. Always help your teammate to control the lane.
When you have a hard time laning, you can choose jungling mode, but you should always look at mini map. Observer wards may be little help, buy them or have your partner buy them. In early game, just farm and not get killed.
When you're ready for a big war, always use Metamorphosis beforehand. Don't forget, your role is the carry. There are 3 kinds of strategy when entering a clash:
1. Stay away from your team so you are safe from opening attack done by your enemies. Then kill your enemies one by one.
2. If your team have succeed landed an opening attack before enemies do, follow up them by strike your enemies as soon as possible.
3. Let you take an opening attack done by your enemy, but don't let you die so easily. Cast sunder as soon as possible after you take it if your hp almost empty. Then counter attack your enemies together with your team. Do this only when you know they doesn't have too many stun and your friend already prepared to back you up. If they stun-lock you, you won't be able to do anything until you die.
When you're ready for a big war, always use Metamorphosis beforehand. Don't forget, your role is the carry. There are 3 kinds of strategy when entering a clash:
1. Stay away from your team so you are safe from opening attack done by your enemies. Then kill your enemies one by one.
2. If your team have succeed landed an opening attack before enemies do, follow up them by strike your enemies as soon as possible.
3. Let you take an opening attack done by your enemy, but don't let you die so easily. Cast sunder as soon as possible after you take it if your hp almost empty. Then counter attack your enemies together with your team. Do this only when you know they doesn't have too many stun and your friend already prepared to back you up. If they stun-lock you, you won't be able to do anything until you die.
Don't forget to use Reflection when your enemy gathered. Get heroes under reflection as much as you can.
If your team try to push the 3rd towers and your enemies have good defend, the deadlock will happen. In this situation, you can use your illusions to attack the towers.
If your team try to push the 3rd towers and your enemies have good defend, the deadlock will happen. In this situation, you can use your illusions to attack the towers.
In this mid game i suggest you to play safe so you can collect good items for late game.
Late game will be interesting for super carry like TB. When the time you have your luxury items on your slots you can kill as much as you want. Also this phase of the game let your Reflection get its maximum effect. Especially for enemy's carries.
If your team having difficulties to push the tower. Teleport using Boots of Travel into creep that is nearest the enemies tower and quickly do Metamorphosis. If your enemies reaction is not fast enough, you can get one or two tower using this method.
Based on: Playdota guide
Hope this guide can help you master the Terrorblade. If you have different thought and strategy for Terrorblade, you can share it in the comment section or in the Terrorblade the Soul Keeper forum.
ReplyDeleteGood, but one item is missing-- vladimirs offering. Agi heroes, though fragile at the start, deal very good damage at very fast rates in late game, so it would be absolutely a requirement for any agi hero to take up life steal( DOMI or MOM if you dont plan on getting items with orb effect.
ReplyDeleteskadi or sny that your choice,preferred skadi.
ReplyDeletelife steal?urm-using this hero i never build life steal bcoz. . .tb has already hav life stealing skill(waste slot).better do linken(whenever ur life red,enemies will never let you come cloze[for ulti] so u will be the wan who deal stun damage or any magic-and die 1st b4 sunder- so linken is option...buriza work well-high crit @@-
new life steal skill + radiance = tard(why radiance-there is NO nid for terrorblade to juking or hide from enemy [unless he had lothar or escape dagger] bcoz of burning footstep[trackable]so radiance good + 1st skill chasing and dealing extra damage.
linken-regen and secured ulti
skadi-20 stats and slow
sny-ms+as ,15 stat and maim
mkb-100 dmg free and no miss
buriza-faster kill
butter-agility +evasion
manta-if u build diffusal or skadi.
radiance - combo with 1st skill 120 damage free with hitting[chasing]
or old build - BoT , Dagoon , dagger .
how old build work:-
versus 1v1 [lose condition],enemy life greater then yours[tb].sunder dagoon
from nc with low life -> dagger ->sunder -> dagonn
not work if there is observer ward usage ...
u guyz make me sick.,., dis strategy guide is useless...
ReplyDeletenone of this will wont work in every game using TB or SK...
@anonymous - Care to elaborate?
ReplyDeleteYou should add Lothars Edge its good for surprising the enemies when you already have a very low health
ReplyDeleteI think etherial blade is good for tb,the guide is c0rect it is good to use soulring and quiling blade.You must have vladimirs if you will 1st get conjure.And farm good for survival
ReplyDeleteI think etherial blade is good for tb,the guide is c0rect it is good to use soulring and quiling blade.You must have vladimirs if you will 1st get conjure.And farm good for survival
ReplyDeleteI think etherial blade is good for tb,the guide is c0rect it is good to use soulring and quiling blade.You must have vladimirs if you will 1st get conjure.And farm good for survival
ReplyDeleteWth ... why are you pple even suggesting vladimir for him .... fail.
ReplyDeleteI am agree with Anonymous (May 2, 2010 4:26 PM). Half of his life is in range mode, Vladimir is half useless. Same as Dragon Knight using Battle Fury, i don't like it.
ReplyDeletei prefer you put lvl 1 conjure immage.. for neutral creeps stocking! :D
ReplyDeleteuse ur conjured image to cheat ur opponents of their ultimates :)
ReplyDeletenice GODLIKE !
ReplyDeletefor me, i prefer using lothars en daggon + ulti. for combo.. with low hp surprise ur enemy using lothars + ulti then daggon for the final blow.. hihi
we dont care about your opinion . anonymous. we didnt say to elaborate thinks that you know . hmmpt .
ReplyDeleteMy Starter Build:
ReplyDelete-Quelling Blade
-Soul Ring
-Poor Man's Shield
-Heart/Linken/Buriza/MKB/Ethereal Blade (depends on situations)
-If you say Skadi and SnY don't stack..they dont. But in range they do. Plus, you need the stats. If you are wondering what orb will work during melee, it depends on inventory slot location. Keep the Skadi on top of SnY, so Skadi orb will work while SnY orb is disabled, while in range, both works! If you're a dumbass: Yes the MS still works, the item won't be disabled, only the orb.
-Butterfly! 2 things: Stats for you and your illusion! Great dps for both of you
-Assault is for dps and high armor gain to both of you
-Heart for great boost in strength(and hp for the original), Linken for protection and stats, buriza for crit, MKB for evasion type assholes plus the ministun or Eathereal Blade for stats, agi and soulsteal damage increase(most of the time I get Ethereal)
-Treads for stats and attackspeed with MS or Travel for high MS with teleport for pushing, defending, etc.(Travel is better in most games)
My BuiLd :
Above post: TOTAL PUB NOOB
ReplyDelete@Random Guy: Yeah, I totaly agree with the build but i prefer buriza over cuirass just because TB has the highest agi in the game so you dont need the armor or as boost and buriza gives you more damage and crit(illusions don't get the damage but crit still procs)
ReplyDeletemy lock items is
-Treads (Agi)
@anonymous may 15, 2010 2;24 AM
ReplyDelete...true :). hmm..but i still like cuirass as it's the maximum attackspeed and armor benefit in a whole game, not just for the whole hero. So, anyway works i just like assault. besides, sny for me now is a crappy item since you got skadi. I mean, sny is nice but, other items are better. So yeah, i'd replace sny for buriza and still have my assault ;)
i like SKADI that SNY...SNY is just chance MAIMER...but Skadi slows permanently...and coming for the movement speed,when hero is slowed there is no need of self movement speed..HEHEHE...
ReplyDeleteso i prefer treads+Butterfly+Skadi+Assault+Buriza/Yasha+MKB/{how about hex}...hehehehe hex him and GG :D
ow yeah soul ring! i didn't think of that.. umm and is armlet of mordiggian also useful?
ReplyDeleteBasher should be nice. If you play normal attack-kill. Since TB's agi up/lvl is the highest, 3.2. Reaching 98 agi at lv 25. faster att speed make basher usefull? Basher + MKB
ReplyDeleteFirst basher and mkb DO NOT STACK!!!! And if you still want the movement speed when getting skadi, try building sange first then skadi then in late game upgrade to manta.I also think armlet is not that good for him, its best for str heroes to benefit the damage got from the strenght.
ReplyDeleteBasher sucks ass on this hero. Skadi and/or SnY + Stat and some illusion helping items are the key(like auras, but never vlad's). Keep that in mind. In some noob pubs and dumb 1v1 games it might work, but in higher play, you have no chance of survival. Do some research, you'll get beaten up in most cases, since games now at days are really strategic, so no one is stupid enough to really put themselves in 1v1 situations especially if it's a late game agi type..No offense, I really just talk harsh :P
ReplyDeleteGuinsoo might work. And is sure as hell better than basher :>
Hmm..Shiva? IDK hahaha unless it's against harbinger or something.
Armlet might work for TB. Clicking armlet then creating the illusion gives it the strength without the dps on itself. Also, it's enough to boost an agi hero to a high enough hp hero with accurately good damage. I say you use armlet when you want to experiment, be unique, and/or if you're a TB who can't earn 5k in the whole game(for short, if you are poor in the game). I sometimes put dagger on TB because of spell dodging and chasing. Dagger works for all except those who have the blinks in my opinion. But the biggest reason why I sometimes put dagger on TB is because it looks cool on him and dagger is really fun with the benefits :D
ReplyDeletei take Divine rapier everytime in first 23-24 mins...
ReplyDelete1)Divine Rapier
3)Manta style
5)Butterfly or Skadi
6)Mkb-Bkb-Buriza dephends on heroes...
Garena: iCe.KiLLeR.rO----.-----
ReplyDelete@garena ice.killer or whatever: you must be an incurable n00b. No doubt.
ReplyDeletesunder + ethereal blade + dagoon 5 is a good combo. that's over 1k+ damage. ^__^
ReplyDeletealso skadi and SnY will synergize if you drop skadi in metamorphosis form and pick it up again. it will register as a "ranged" skadi. hence no orb effect.
you can have both maim and slow. ^__^ but skadi won't effect when in your melee form if you do this.
I think it is:
ReplyDelete1. SNY
2. butterfly
3. vladimirs
4. divine
5. heart
6. bot
I think it is:
5.Boots Of Travel
this is good for 5 on 5
ReplyDeletefriend can you give giudes to Mirana?
ReplyDeleteplease i want to know her more!!!!!!
dont forget helm of domi and basher. for early game
ReplyDeleteSad builds..
ReplyDeleteStr PT,3 wraiths..SNY enough to gg...a good game wouldnt last longer..
its better to use vladimirs than no lifesteal
quelling blade is a wrong item
this is the correct item of that hero
2.power treads(agi)
5.sange and yasha
and the last item is
6.aghanims scepter
try this items
so that u will win
u want tips of the item of mirana
2.assult querass
3.power treads
4.lothars edge
wow i can't believe a lot of fools are suggesting vladimirs for TB, well i guess that why a lot of players suck at using TB,
ReplyDeleteany way, i just want to suggest having boots as an initial item, a higher chance of first blood can be achieved by chasing the enemy while soul stealin'
how bout tis item build?
ReplyDelete1. Power threads / Boot of travel
2. Sange and yasha
3. Assault cuirass
4. butterfly
5. buriza
6. ethereal blade
kinda expensive lol
Vladimirs sucks w/ TB
ReplyDeletemy build
ReplyDeleteThis is old .... now on latest version 6.72b you don't have soul steal and conjure image
ReplyDeleteupdate it so old....
ReplyDeletewew.........ur suggests fail..........its 6.72c wew
ReplyDeleteBest guide for 6.72 TB around. Look no further, this is a good
ReplyDeleteAGREE WITH ABOVE ^_^ USED THIS GUIDE, it OOOWWWNNSS!!! :D well, until my enemy void farmed up his core... -_-
ReplyDeleteOh yeah btw I disagree with the skill build, one lvl of meta is enough cause maxing zeal and reflection first allows TB to be effective mid game like lanaya, bane, etc. I agree with the itme build though ^_^
ReplyDeletePower Treads and Yasha are nice...BUT I say since zeal is basically a hyperstone built in you can afford to get Phase boots and Crystalys for damage and crits early. More attack speed is nice, but if all you really need to get to 100 attack speed is one hyper stone then I don't see why we need yasha and power treads honestly.
ReplyDeletemga tarantado kau mga bobo
ReplyDeleteang baduy moh harold
ReplyDeleteMy build up items are!
ReplyDeletePower Threads
Manta Style
Stygian Desolator
Black King Bar
Blade Mail
Divine Rapier(kung ma abotan)
Try nyo it's cool!
ReplyDeleteang hirap mga laro pag hindi ka maroong gumamit nito
Hmmm.... I think You need MS,Desolator, and basher for killing the heroes.....
ReplyDeletei hate terrorblade .. i think his twin is much better, though both of them has it's own weakness and strenght .. TB is an anti-tanker, but AM is anti nuke .. i still like Anti-mage !!! wohhohoho
ReplyDeletehahahahha??i love terro blade?
ReplyDeletei like terrorblade so much,it looks style when he wear he's blade with his evil face.haha.saddhdg:i think u wrong.terrorblade better than magina.
ReplyDeletedamn......i hate anti mage like i hate the cops
ReplyDeleteIts fucking annoying if he's ur enemy.....DARN
nice! idol terror blade
ReplyDeletestrong terrorblade
ReplyDeletelove terrorblade but its hard to play him ... hihihihih
ReplyDeletesoul keeper is a very terrorful hero.
ReplyDeletethx for this item build haha XD
ReplyDeletei thought the eye of skadi doesnt work when you have an aura item?
ReplyDeletepano pag binote ?
ReplyDeletefor me satanic is nocompatible cause soul keeper's ultimate will only be useless because he is gaining hp while attacking..... :-)
ReplyDeletei love terror blabe :))
ReplyDeleteWeak :D
ReplyDeletemy best pick..,
.,.,,TERRORBLADE Doesnt use vladirmir because that life steal work only on melle...,,,
ReplyDeletewhile u are in a metamorphosis mode u will became range so that life steal will not work..,
,.,,TERRORBLADE Doesnt use vladirmir because that life steal work only on melle...,,,
ReplyDeletewhile u are in a metamorphosis mode u will became range so that life steal will not work..,
,.,,TERRORBLADE Doesnt use vladirmir because that life steal work only on melle...,,,
ReplyDeletewhile u are in a metamorphosis mode u will became range so that life steal will not work..,
1v1 nlng terror blade na kayo ??
ReplyDeletedo not use SaY(Sange and Yasha) because for me,this is really the fall-back item for TB. Now it's not an orb effect anymore, you can get this with other orbs. But again, it's up to you and your playstyle
ReplyDeletewew love
ReplyDeletepower threads
bloodstones... to use methamorphosis 3rd skill
lingkin spere... for use 1x2 hero
terroblade realy brings terror in the battlefield!!!!
ReplyDeletePt, dagon, helm, dagger, manta style, butterfly
ReplyDeletemanta style 4 more illusion
ReplyDeletegusto ko talaga c terrorblade ang lupet!!!!
ReplyDeleteTerrorblade is weak!
ReplyDeletehaahahahahhaha??i love terro blade?
ReplyDelete1 v 1 nga tayo baka reflection lng makapatay sau at creeps
ReplyDeleteyou should add new skill for terror blade!!!!
ReplyDeletewow!super cool talaga pag terrorblade..
ReplyDeletef*ck this
ReplyDeletefuck you
Try Eye of Skadi as your first build after Treads :D start with Orb of Venom to add a slow buff to your attacks (even when using ur 3rd skill) then go with the 2 ulti orbs then the point booster :D
ReplyDeleteterrorblade item namn
ReplyDeletehow could i beat my friend his using huskar with helmet of domination when his lvl 7 i could not make any damage
ReplyDeletewew...... so weak idiots! This is the item that terrorblade's needs, but this is certainly based how to use terrorblade in the clash or in chasing enemies, first strategy (farm + kill)
ReplyDelete1st built
-ring of aquila: for additional stats and mana regen
-power treads: for movement speed and attack speed
-HD: for lifesteal and armor
(you do not need magic stick when using this hero, even if you are an idiot catching all the spell that your enemies release)
then starting to built the main items
- SnY
-Manta style
-butterfly, buriza, MKB
but still even you have the lock items, the victory is always based to the entire team strategy:)