Sven Guide & Build - The Rogue Knight Strategy

Sven Guide & Build, Sven the Rogue Knight Strategy. Sven is not the best STR tanker, but he is a good ganker and can be a good carry since his skills allow him to deal a lot of area of effect damage to several targets at once. This post contains Sven the Rogue Knight guide, item build, skill build and strategy.

A follower of the great God of Order, Paladine, Sven has sworn to uphold the rights of all. Born of a Knight and a Night Elf and ostracized since birth, Sven has lead a solitary existence of meditation and training. He has come out of his wanderings determined to guard the innocent against evil. Armed with his blessed cleaving blade Justice, and harnessing the power to strike down his enemies with the might of God's Strength, Sven's wrath toward the unjust is a sight to behold.

Strength - 23 + 2.7 (Primary)
Agility - 21 + 2
Intelligence- 14 + 1.3
Base damage 54-56
Attack range of 125 (melee)
Base Armor 1.94
Movement speed of 295
Sven Skill Descriptions
Storm Bolt (T)

Targets an area around an enemy unit and releases a magical hammer dealing damage and stunning enemy units. 250 AoE. Stun lasts 2 seconds.
Level 1 - 100 damage.
Level 2 - 175 damage.
Level 3 - 250 damage.
Level 4 - 325 damage.
Mana Cost: 140
Cooldown: 15
This skill remains the same mana cost, cooldown and duration, but the damage increases. This is a nice skill to work on. This skill can be used to:
- set up a gank,
- stall time for allies to arrive,
- finish off a Lothar's Sniper,
- cancel enemy's channeling spell
Great Cleave (C)

Sven strikes with such force that all nearby enemies take damage.
Level 1 - 20% damage is splashed.
Level 2 - 30% damage is splashed.
Level 3 - 40% damage is splashed.
Level 4 - 50% damage is splashed.
This skill is like to free battlefury. It is used for clearing the faster and will be more effective when Sven has big damage.
Warcry (W)

With the righteous anger of one wielding Justice, Sven lets loose a mighty Warcry, heartening his allies for battle. Sven and nearby allies gain 12% movespeed and increased armor for 6 seconds. 450 AoE.
Level 1 - 12% Movement Speed. + 3 Armor.
Level 2 - 12% Movement Speed. + 6 Armor.
Level 3 - 12% Movement Speed. + 9 Armor.
Level 4 - 12% Movement Speed. + 12 Armor.
Cooldown: 36/30/24/18
Mana Cost: 25
This skill can be used before or after team battles for the armor or for the extra ms to chase down fleeing heroes. Be sure to cancel the animation!.
God's Strength (R)

Sven gets pumped up! Adds bonus damage for 25 seconds.
Level 1 - Adds 100% damage
Level 2 - Adds 125% damage
Level 3 - Adds 150% damage
Cooldown: 80
Mana Cost: 100/150/200
This skill makes Sven superman giving him lots of extra damage. Be sure to cancel the animation!
Sven Skill Build
Level 1: Storm Bolt
Level 2: Stats
Level 3: Storm Bolt
Level 4: Warcry
Level 5: Storm Bolt
Level 6: God's Strength
Level 7: Storm Bolt
Level 8: Stats
Level 9: Stats
Level 10: Warcry
Level 11: Warcry
Level 12: Warcry
Level 13: Great Cleave
Level 14: Great Cleave
Level 15: Great Cleave
Level 16: Great Cleave
Level 17: God's Strength
Level 18: God's Strength
Levels 19-25: Stats
Storm Bolt is his main skill in early minutes. It has high damage, 2 seconds stun and 15 s cooldown. If you don't want him lack of mana to cast his skills, give him enough stats. Warcry is needed in early minutes for chasing enemy once in a while. But in mid game, he needs it more often, short cooldown of Warcry will help him. One level of God's Strength is enough in early and mid game because increasing level of god's strength will cause him store more mana and is not comparable with 25% increased damage. When he has enough big damage with BKB, Satanic or Armlet, then Great Cleave will help him farming or clearing the way more effective.
Sven Item Build
1. 2 Set of Tangos, 3 x Ironwood Branch, Clarity Potion, Animal courier.
2. Finish Magic Wand
3. Flying Courier, Boots of Speed
4. Urn of Shadows & Soul Ring,
5. Mask of Death, Finish Power Thread
6. Kelen's Dagger
7. Scroll of Town Portal
Sven's core item should be like this:

Magic Wand is the most imba item in the game. The burst regeneration is useful in so many circumstances such as escaping a gank, turning the tide of a battle, or gaining back just enough mana to to kill somebody. Urn of Shadows is great item for dusting up after a gank, very important for him. Soul Ring Used in conjunction with Urn of Shadows can replace and work better than Bottle.
He needs courier a lot for shopping many cheap items, and that measly little walking slave won't be enough. Ask an ally to give it wings, or do yourself. Everyone needs boots, and He is no exception. Low MS and melee attack range force Sven to grab boots early, even with Warcry. Power treads gives the versatility of switching between stats when necessary and more damage, even with God's Strength.
Who doesn't want to steal life? It can be upgraded into either MoM or Satanic, either of which are very good for him. Blink is invaluable, seriously consider getting this item if his team needs an initiation.
Sven Late Game Items

Mask of Madness is great item because it gives Sven a steroids skill. Since he is carry, MoM should be equipped because of the huge IAS it gives. But if he is tanking, Satanic should be preferred.
BKB's stats are great and the avatar ability is insane. Without BKB he run the risk of being chain disabled, nuked to death, or simply having his buffs purged off with a diffusual blade. Get BKB right after core.
Although the damage and critical from Buriza is great, God's Strength doesn't benefit from raw +dmg. The cost is also very high, but this item can advantageous him since he has Great Cleave. Great Cleave + Critical is amazing.
With Assault Cuirass, he can kill his enemy faster since it lowers enemy armor and gives IAS. He will also become harder to die caused by high armor.
Armlet is awesome item, good on almost all STR heroes, it's just a little too risky to use on Sven. Unholy strength increases Sven's damage a shit load, seriously consider this item in conjunction with MoM if his team has enough disables to keep him alive.
Sven Strategy
You should pick this hero when your team has enough support hero. These are the supports for Sven: Crystal Maiden, Lion, Witch Doctor, Ogre Magi, Magnataur, Vengeful, Darkseer.
Beware of his counters:
- Diffusual Blade carried by Phantom Lancer or Naga Siren,
- Rhasta or Athropos with their binding spell
- Krobelus with her ultimate, every melee hero should avoid her as enemy.
In early minutes, just farm as best as you can, maybe even try for firstblood if you have an ally with a disable help you. Try not to die and just last hit/deny those creeps. Don't push the lane unnecessarily. When you reach level 7, you should have most of your core by now and maybe a kill or two. You can leave your lane and start hardcore ganking, or if your the carry for your team you can try to get in a little more farm. This is the point in the game when you make the decision on whether to make dagger or BKB first.
In mid game, go around ganking, participate in all the team fights, and farm whenever you have time, this is the stage of the game where TP scrolls really shine so make sure you always have 2 on you. Try to get together a few kills and farm your core as quickly as possible.
In late game, push with your team, and make sure your there for every single one of the team fights, pick off farming heroes with your allies and kill Roshan. Most important phase of the game, you should be done with your core and working on one or two of your late game items.
In ultra late game, try backdooring or pushing multiple lanes to gain victory.
Based on: PlayDota Guide
This post contain Sven Guide & Build - The Rogue Knight Strategy. If you have different build or suggestion, you can leave your comments or make your own guide on Sven Forum.

A follower of the great God of Order, Paladine, Sven has sworn to uphold the rights of all. Born of a Knight and a Night Elf and ostracized since birth, Sven has lead a solitary existence of meditation and training. He has come out of his wanderings determined to guard the innocent against evil. Armed with his blessed cleaving blade Justice, and harnessing the power to strike down his enemies with the might of God's Strength, Sven's wrath toward the unjust is a sight to behold.

Strength - 23 + 2.7 (Primary)
Agility - 21 + 2
Intelligence- 14 + 1.3
Base damage 54-56
Attack range of 125 (melee)
Base Armor 1.94
Movement speed of 295
Sven Skill Descriptions
Storm Bolt (T)

Targets an area around an enemy unit and releases a magical hammer dealing damage and stunning enemy units. 250 AoE. Stun lasts 2 seconds.
Level 1 - 100 damage.
Level 2 - 175 damage.
Level 3 - 250 damage.
Level 4 - 325 damage.
Mana Cost: 140
Cooldown: 15
This skill remains the same mana cost, cooldown and duration, but the damage increases. This is a nice skill to work on. This skill can be used to:
- set up a gank,
- stall time for allies to arrive,
- finish off a Lothar's Sniper,
- cancel enemy's channeling spell
Great Cleave (C)

Sven strikes with such force that all nearby enemies take damage.
Level 1 - 20% damage is splashed.
Level 2 - 30% damage is splashed.
Level 3 - 40% damage is splashed.
Level 4 - 50% damage is splashed.
This skill is like to free battlefury. It is used for clearing the faster and will be more effective when Sven has big damage.
Warcry (W)

With the righteous anger of one wielding Justice, Sven lets loose a mighty Warcry, heartening his allies for battle. Sven and nearby allies gain 12% movespeed and increased armor for 6 seconds. 450 AoE.
Level 1 - 12% Movement Speed. + 3 Armor.
Level 2 - 12% Movement Speed. + 6 Armor.
Level 3 - 12% Movement Speed. + 9 Armor.
Level 4 - 12% Movement Speed. + 12 Armor.
Cooldown: 36/30/24/18
Mana Cost: 25
This skill can be used before or after team battles for the armor or for the extra ms to chase down fleeing heroes. Be sure to cancel the animation!.
God's Strength (R)

Sven gets pumped up! Adds bonus damage for 25 seconds.
Level 1 - Adds 100% damage
Level 2 - Adds 125% damage
Level 3 - Adds 150% damage
Cooldown: 80
Mana Cost: 100/150/200
This skill makes Sven superman giving him lots of extra damage. Be sure to cancel the animation!
Sven Skill Build
Level 1: Storm Bolt
Level 2: Stats
Level 3: Storm Bolt
Level 4: Warcry
Level 5: Storm Bolt
Level 6: God's Strength
Level 7: Storm Bolt
Level 8: Stats
Level 9: Stats
Level 10: Warcry
Level 11: Warcry
Level 12: Warcry
Level 13: Great Cleave
Level 14: Great Cleave
Level 15: Great Cleave
Level 16: Great Cleave
Level 17: God's Strength
Level 18: God's Strength
Levels 19-25: Stats
Storm Bolt is his main skill in early minutes. It has high damage, 2 seconds stun and 15 s cooldown. If you don't want him lack of mana to cast his skills, give him enough stats. Warcry is needed in early minutes for chasing enemy once in a while. But in mid game, he needs it more often, short cooldown of Warcry will help him. One level of God's Strength is enough in early and mid game because increasing level of god's strength will cause him store more mana and is not comparable with 25% increased damage. When he has enough big damage with BKB, Satanic or Armlet, then Great Cleave will help him farming or clearing the way more effective.
Sven Item Build
1. 2 Set of Tangos, 3 x Ironwood Branch, Clarity Potion, Animal courier.
2. Finish Magic Wand
3. Flying Courier, Boots of Speed
4. Urn of Shadows & Soul Ring,
5. Mask of Death, Finish Power Thread
6. Kelen's Dagger
7. Scroll of Town Portal
Sven's core item should be like this:

Magic Wand is the most imba item in the game. The burst regeneration is useful in so many circumstances such as escaping a gank, turning the tide of a battle, or gaining back just enough mana to to kill somebody. Urn of Shadows is great item for dusting up after a gank, very important for him. Soul Ring Used in conjunction with Urn of Shadows can replace and work better than Bottle.
He needs courier a lot for shopping many cheap items, and that measly little walking slave won't be enough. Ask an ally to give it wings, or do yourself. Everyone needs boots, and He is no exception. Low MS and melee attack range force Sven to grab boots early, even with Warcry. Power treads gives the versatility of switching between stats when necessary and more damage, even with God's Strength.
Who doesn't want to steal life? It can be upgraded into either MoM or Satanic, either of which are very good for him. Blink is invaluable, seriously consider getting this item if his team needs an initiation.
Sven Late Game Items

Mask of Madness is great item because it gives Sven a steroids skill. Since he is carry, MoM should be equipped because of the huge IAS it gives. But if he is tanking, Satanic should be preferred.
BKB's stats are great and the avatar ability is insane. Without BKB he run the risk of being chain disabled, nuked to death, or simply having his buffs purged off with a diffusual blade. Get BKB right after core.
Although the damage and critical from Buriza is great, God's Strength doesn't benefit from raw +dmg. The cost is also very high, but this item can advantageous him since he has Great Cleave. Great Cleave + Critical is amazing.
With Assault Cuirass, he can kill his enemy faster since it lowers enemy armor and gives IAS. He will also become harder to die caused by high armor.
Armlet is awesome item, good on almost all STR heroes, it's just a little too risky to use on Sven. Unholy strength increases Sven's damage a shit load, seriously consider this item in conjunction with MoM if his team has enough disables to keep him alive.
Sven Strategy
You should pick this hero when your team has enough support hero. These are the supports for Sven: Crystal Maiden, Lion, Witch Doctor, Ogre Magi, Magnataur, Vengeful, Darkseer.
Beware of his counters:
- Diffusual Blade carried by Phantom Lancer or Naga Siren,
- Rhasta or Athropos with their binding spell
- Krobelus with her ultimate, every melee hero should avoid her as enemy.
In early minutes, just farm as best as you can, maybe even try for firstblood if you have an ally with a disable help you. Try not to die and just last hit/deny those creeps. Don't push the lane unnecessarily. When you reach level 7, you should have most of your core by now and maybe a kill or two. You can leave your lane and start hardcore ganking, or if your the carry for your team you can try to get in a little more farm. This is the point in the game when you make the decision on whether to make dagger or BKB first.
In mid game, go around ganking, participate in all the team fights, and farm whenever you have time, this is the stage of the game where TP scrolls really shine so make sure you always have 2 on you. Try to get together a few kills and farm your core as quickly as possible.
In late game, push with your team, and make sure your there for every single one of the team fights, pick off farming heroes with your allies and kill Roshan. Most important phase of the game, you should be done with your core and working on one or two of your late game items.
In ultra late game, try backdooring or pushing multiple lanes to gain victory.
Based on: PlayDota Guide
This post contain Sven Guide & Build - The Rogue Knight Strategy. If you have different build or suggestion, you can leave your comments or make your own guide on Sven Forum.
use madness will be awesome
ReplyDeleteSatanic And Madness? two Orb Effects.. Bad Build
ReplyDeleteVery Trash :X
U nut? It written satanic OR madness.
DeleteU nut? It written satanic OR madness.
Deletebetter use bottle
DeleteKrobelus's ult is dangerous? Blink and kill her in 2-3 hits and bye bye green sprites.
ReplyDeletelol...10 strike from her ulty can couse u die lo...
Deletehe should have fast boots of madness
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is boots of madness?
Deletewhat is the point of fast boots of madness when you can petrify your victims with speeded mask of rawness -__-
ReplyDeleteang tanga nman
ReplyDeletelate item build
best pick ni golden crow sa grupong crow c esven
ReplyDeletehaha,,late item buriza is the best la.
ReplyDeletebad build.. lousy..
ReplyDeleteBuild should be
ReplyDeletedouble vanguard
battle fury x2
first build shoult be:
2x bracer
Potion Salve
Build items for sven
ReplyDeletePhase Boots
Mask of Madness
Kelens Dagger
Black king bar
Buriza= GG
early game build
bottle and crow
Bobo Ba Kayu Early Game Item,Empty Bottle,Pwer Thread
ReplyDeleteLate Game Item
Madness,Battle Fury,Buriza,cuirass,Vanguard,Mantha
i think its better to give him divine rapier to have more damage and heart of tarasque to give more health and health regen
ReplyDelete3 divine rapier... treads lothars.. and madness
Deletepag GS... tapos naka loth chaka madness at warcry... very fast ang attack speed.
Deletelate game build
divine rapier
heart of tarasque
2x battle fury
and power treads
it will make him unstopable or godlike
its better satanic because in tate game iths hard to tank 5 heroes with only madness..
ReplyDeleteheres a full set for sven:
Heart of Tarrasque
Battle fury
Kelens dagger
Buriza De kyanon
ReplyDeleteyan ang dabest
patrol ka na lang sa base yan ang da best
ReplyDeleteang tanga namn na nagcocoment d2...
ReplyDeletee2 ang aking best build nya...,,
Deletemga item nya to..
ReplyDelete6 na ironwood...pra GG kau..haha
tama! other option level 1 item buy chicken as much as you can
Deleteamf!dati binibild q kay sven dager tinatwanan lng aq... pero ngayon prng dmi n nag ddager ah...
ReplyDeleteMine is always:
ReplyDeleteMask of madness, Black king bar, Power treads, Divine Rapier, Heart of tarrasque, Kelen's dagger escape.
Or have Armlet of Mordiggian
5 on 5? play with us, wel see if you can get that build done , tingin nyu makaka item yang sven nyu nang ganyan? YOU WISH!
ReplyDelete^ you noobs
ReplyDeletelet's try it then, this is not the place to show off u know
tama xD
ReplyDeleteBkB.......... Must
ReplyDeleteengot nyo nmn guide lng 2.. xD tama ln build nya ung ma item n nandyan sa late game e mga pgpipilian lng yan its your decision qng alin dyan at depende sa phase ng laban onting icp.. mgnda ung early game build nya.. icpin nyo n lng bkit wew.. peace sa lahat opinion lng
ReplyDeleteI LOVE SVEN
Well...Sven...his stun very pain to intelligent hero or agility hero...if you think you can win the 2 divine reaper 1 heart 1 assault cuiress...can killhero and ulti...hit 2 times on enemy hero...maybe he will die or immediately run away...but if you want to play a safety 1 radiance 1 monkey king bar 1 heart and 1 assault curiess...if you really cannot fat...try become a supporter buy hex ...the "blue boot" is the best item for sven...keep stun and regain 125 mana...offering also a nice item for sven
DeleteSven is on Goatlike
ReplyDeletei win with:
ReplyDeleteSange & Yasha,
Boots of speed,
:D lol
6 na bote build nyan para gg na
ReplyDeletesus,.bobo.cge nga laro tayo,same hero Sven,.tapos anim lang na bote ang item mo kung manalo ka..
Deleteweak yun dapat 6 na vanguard solid
ReplyDeleteBobo m anim na vanguard hanggang 2 lang pakamaty ka na
Deleteputa vanguard? shit bisaya tanga mo
Deleteimba items
ReplyDeletedouble vanguard
double mkb
ya! better use bottle!
ReplyDeleteIMBA... man too good..!!
ReplyDeleteHow about..
ReplyDeleteBattle Fury.
He then just becomes unbeatable
e2 ang try niyo:
Honestly, worst hero in dota by far
ReplyDeletethis is my build to SVEN
ReplyDeletein order:
TREADS- STR-if you want 2 gank/clash... AGI-for escape
MoM- for attack speed..
Dagger- for ganking/clash and for escape
BkB- for ganking/clash
Buriza- critical and for his 2nd skill
heart- for HP
haha. power treads na agi. pang escape daw gago. hndi nman MS ang binibigay ng agi kundi AS.
DeleteMoM, BKB, TREADS, HoT, Assault Quirass, ,Dagger
ReplyDeletechuy ako...
ReplyDeletephase boots
battle fury
my best build
I think each one of us got our own Sven item build but this helps us in making our own.
ReplyDeletemine is (Late Game)
Power Treads
Mask Of Madness
Battle Fury
Black King Bar
if battling with melee (Ursa, Balanar, etc.) I recommend using Blade Mail For return damage. if with ranged i choose Divine (I know you will say that divine is for noob only, I picked this for more damage when Sven's Ultimate is casted. =) I hope I helped.
my Pubgame build
3 perseverance
then upgrade the 3 perse to 3 battlefury
u never need to go back to base anymore unless you die ^^
Hmm...Failed item build.. For me... early game : ill go with:
Late Game..
Vladimirs offering
kelens dagger
Devine Rapier..!.
...There.. no one can withstand with those kind of build.
All sohai
ReplyDeleteno need battle fury
he already had great cleave and damage ulti.
just need speed.
sven build early game for me is: threads (int), MOM, bracer.
ReplyDeletelate game: cuirass, buriza, then just throw any mana enhancing items.
bobo kaung lahaat mga putanh ina nu wag na kaung maglaro tangina ng nanay nu buid kay sven WALA tangina nu wag na kaung maglaro ng dota BOBO!!!
ReplyDeletemga ulol kayung lahat
ReplyDeletemarunong ka pa ah
ReplyDeletepati ikaw
ReplyDeletetrashtalk naman nun sama naman
ReplyDeletemga weak 1b1 nalang gg
ReplyDeletewif ur ulti...its better to get satanic n armlet...u got high lifesteal n freaking high dmg...battle fury is totally unnecessary...its better to replace battlefury wif SnY instead...u got extra atk speed
ReplyDeleteMALI !!!! DPAT B.O.T!!
ReplyDeleteISA KA NA DUN!! 7 DAGON(LVL.5)
ReplyDeleteLIKE NYU AKO !! supot kc ako!!!
ReplyDeletedapat may treads bobo
ReplyDeletekayo ang bobo kahit isa lang ako kayung lahat sa gg
ReplyDeletekayu talaga ang bobo di kayu marurunong kahit ako mag isa kayung lahat di kayu mananalo kasi weak kayu
ReplyDeleteang build ko anim na divine
ReplyDeletevovo nga,,, isa ka pah...
ReplyDeletemga pinoy di umaasenso kasi cge TT
ReplyDeletetanga ina mo tanga ka naman eh
ReplyDeletemga tanga
ReplyDeleteimba ahh
ReplyDeletehahahah stig magaya nga
ReplyDeletekau bay mga bingase
ReplyDeleteang build ko anim na iron wood branch kupo!! sobrang lks!!!>....
ReplyDeleteganun ikw gago hndi ka ksi marunung maglaro shit ka putang ina mo gago ka
ReplyDeletedagger battle fury mom tread cuirass buriza
ReplyDeleteunsa ang combo anah
ReplyDeletedont say bad words ok..
ReplyDeleteayos, plus 1500 na damage yun, one hit lang hahaha nice
ReplyDeletesince all of you are all amateurs,, i prefer you to build the ff:
by the way im YaphetS_UT
why would you build bfury hence he has already a cleaving attack???
ReplyDeleteyou are an idiot!!!!!!!!11
ReplyDelete...really works for me,.my enemy were meated,.LOL
ReplyDeleteFuckyou you want me to Kill you and Track you were matter you Go i can pay 1 MILLION dollars to Kill you son of the Bitches Dont you Know hu I'M IIII Dont say that Pinoy Is Bad Try Make easy and not to do you want me to call your American Such a DOG
ReplyDeletefuck you
ReplyDeleteyou always need a bottle and divine dagger you wont be killed
ReplyDelete6 flying couriers on early game is the best!
ReplyDeleteSHUT UP AND MAKE ME A sandwich
ReplyDeletemarkcalza you loser pinoy's are a great people they survive in the invasion of americas and espanol's some pinoy sacrifice their lifes. for freedom they respect other country and your the one who disrespect pinoy's get a life
ReplyDeleteaztig akn build ko kay rouge(MOM,BURIZA.DAGGER,CUIRASS,BKB,TARASQUE)sorry kung mali mali spelling
ReplyDeletekunka lhat
ReplyDeletebad words
ReplyDeletetae ka
ReplyDeletebuo ko dto 6 na bracer
ReplyDeletebattlefury amf wahahah ang weak nyo..
ReplyDeletemadness,lothars, sny, linken, treads ,cuirass=)
ReplyDeletemas bobo kang putang ina kah..TANGA!!
ReplyDeletebobo ang guide mo..di ka marunong. dota nga tau?? lampa ka!!
ReplyDeletefilipino dota blog click here proud to be filipino..
ReplyDeleteang bobo mo amp hahahaha
ReplyDeleteTry and track me. You only can boast on the internet. So shut the fuck up. Everybody here sees you as a dumb ass retarded clown. Shame on your self and disgrace of your own country.
ReplyDeleteEto lan ok na!!
tango lang da best na!!
ReplyDeleteu should be ashamed!!
ReplyDeleteyou Sick!!
png Grade 1 pa english mo pre
ReplyDeleteyou cant stop them. Some Pinoys were just raised to be that way.
ReplyDeletecorrect..ka Idol na kita!!..
i luv you kc ang galing mo..!!
ReplyDeletetae mabuti pa tumigil mag dota
ReplyDeletemga bobo
ReplyDeleteIf you are aiming for a Hunter Type Blade Knight You must focused your stat on agility you can check the best built in Trends Lister
ReplyDeletemy item build is:
mask of madness (optional) satanic
assualt curias
sange and yasha
then he is unbeatable
storm bolt
great cleave
storm bolt
great cleave
gods strenght
storm bolt
great cleave
storm bolt
great cleave
gods strenght
gods strenght t
then stats
IF you follow this sven would be unbeatable
dont believe me the try it:)
try this build it owns every hero at late haha ~_^
phase boots
mkb or try mjolnir for xtra dmg and AS
Item build:
phase boots
Myself build for sven is:
Battle fury
BOT(boots of travel)
i forgot the one......!!!!XD
No Need Battlefury... Satanic , BKB ,Assault Cuirass, Heart ,Buriza , Boots of travel DONE!