Dota 6.68 | Official Dota 6.68 Map & Changelogs

Final Update
It's released guys!! Check out the Dota 6.68 Download Links and the Dota 6.68 Changelogs.
Update 1 from IceFrog (25 April 2010):
IceFrog has just confirmed that there will be new heroes on Dota 6.68! Check the details in this post.
Update 2 from IceFrog (1 May 2010):
Woot! On the Q&A session, IceFrog reveal that one of the new heroes on Dota 6.68 is Icarus the Phoenix! Check the details in IceFrog Q&A #4.
Update 3 from IceFrog (23 May 2010):
IceFrog is making status update on his blog. Looks like there will be more than 2 heroes on the Dota 6.68. Check the details here.
Update 4 from IceFrog (13 July 2010):
IceFrog gives us the first preview for Dota 6.68. Seems that there will be a new gold system on the new map. Check it here.
Update 5 from IceFrog (23 July 2010):
The second preview from IceFrog. Gives us a sneak peek on the new Captains Mode, Tiny Aghanim, Orb of Venom and Kinetic Field. Here is the details.
Update 6 from IceFrog (26 July 2010):
IceFrog released the Dota 6.68 Trailer with 4 new heroes. Watch it here. It's near guys!
Final Update
It's released guys!! Check out the Dota 6.68 Download Links and the Dota 6.68 Changelogs.
PS: You can subscribe this blog and we'll send you email when Dota 6.68 map is already released :)
First blood!!!!
2nd blood!
ReplyDelete3rd blood
ReplyDeleteultra kill!!!
ReplyDeleteUltra kill!!!
ReplyDelete6.68 shall be the new generation of dota hacks and walkthroughs.Pls be prepared for the worst.
ReplyDeleteursa man fucken imba hero
ReplyDelete~ Can you please add an additional hero?? Like a Female Str hero.. Since almost of the STR hero is Male.. so can you add please??
ReplyDeletei think we should change the ultimate of tiny! in the map 6.67!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFurion must be change!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletelvl 1 should be 7+ armor!
well something that must change is the tinker ultimate able to work with the travels since it becomes so dificult to push a lane when you have to def the other 2 where tinker is pushing every time he see all te team or almost all in a lane
ReplyDeleteincrease the range of kunkas torrent
ReplyDeleteput new heroes for this map and release them soon!!
ReplyDeletethanks ...
ReplyDeleteAsk blizzard entertainment to have an update, making almost 20 players in a game, that can be 5v5v5v5. With a map like this:
ReplyDeleteA bigger map, like having 4 bases, the North, East, West and South bases, mostly composed of Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, and the undead with less than 10 lanes for the creeps path, and with towers more than 30, for 6.70, dividing the taverns (definitely with more heroes), more shop for items and probably more items, make the new generation of D.O.T.A. Challenging, and make it very exciting to play.
With this map, it should have a mode like, who ever has the most destroyed artifacts will win the game. Another is an alliance mode, in which a team leader (i.e. the leader of the Humans), will ask the other team leader (for example, the orcs), to be allies. Making it 10v5v5 instead of 5v5v5v5, or at any way like the leaders of the humans, orcs, and elves will go up with undead, but as the others team up, the remaining team that has no alliance will grow stronger, making a much more balance game. Making it more realistic, and a wonderful game to play.
Hope that you can ask Blizzard about this new update, with your new map.
That's All,
thank you,
From: Anonymous
Well, an item I have always found missing is a recipe item that includes the Gem of Truesight.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous dont you think once 2 parties (i.e humans with Elfs, and undeads with Orcs ally together) it would become the same thing?... I love DOTA as it is now.. I dont want any major changes to it as far as Icy ads some new heros.. Agree with the idea above a female str. hero, that would be great...
ReplyDeleteplease remake the 3rd skill of ursa..
ReplyDeletevery imba...roshan at level 6..
improved magina he kills mana not heroes
ReplyDeleteitem that stuns enemy for 10 sec
and DR the cost so high
Blizzard will NOT change an entire game just for one map. Even for your precious DotA. Get. Over. It.
ReplyDeletePut an effect to DK fire breath like overdamage or something like that and more cooldown to 3er of ursa w and mortred ulti to be active not passive IMBAAA!!
ReplyDeleteNeed a new load screen,a 2 new heroes,and rly need to make some changes on mirana's starting mana and mana regen.Bye and best wishes from Macedonia.
ReplyDeletemirana ulti??? still imba.... i mean useless.....
ReplyDeletefurion no nid to remake....
imba oledy
ancient apparition nid afghnim please...
take more damage and delay cast more fast ....
aww.. sure is too imba... ancient apparition ulti is too imba....
remake furion 3th skill!
ReplyDeletecan you make furion riding a horse or goat or something like the night elf campaign?
ReplyDeleteTerrorblade's 1st.
ReplyDeleteplease put a mana burn for slark skills^^
ReplyDelete"can you make furion riding a horse or goat or something like the night elf campaign?"
ReplyDeleteIt's a stag. And, no. His name should be Malfurion that way (Actually, his name should be Malfurion all the way).
"please put a mana burn for slark skills^^"
ReplyDeleteIsn't stealing Status crazy enough?
"i think we should change the ultimate of tiny! in the map 6.67!!!!!!!!!"
ReplyDeleteHis name itself is the reason for his Ultimate Skill.
"aww.. sure is too imba... ancient apparition ulti is too imba...."
You need precise aiming to do it. And it's not like it can One-Hit any Hero or anything.
i want new heroes !
ReplyDeleteUrsa is too strong. Please reduce the power or give longer cooldown and mana at enrage.
ReplyDeletei think better ull put strike damage for banehallow...
i really want to see a (str) women hero..
hahaha.... its maybe funny..ahakz~
maybe ull need WWE model type....hahaa...
suggest: make hero that prototype 'beth pheonix' from WWE.... haha...and dont change her name....
ReplyDeletesuggest make hero that flying balanar~~~!!!!
can ull put hero/skill/item name 'shenz'..
im so thankful for ull if ull do that...(@_-)
(",) shenz i really want a change in DotA...
1.make a new creep type
2.increase creep spawn(10 vs 10)
3.make advantage for creep...
i mean.....IF NIGHT... make
extra damage(arround5)/attackspeed(10%)/ armor(arround 2).....FOR SCOURGE CREEP...
4.if it TURNS DAY...same things to sentinel creep la...
5.i want a flying creep (wisp)..or others..
hope ull understand what i post...hehe
ReplyDeletei have a brilliant idea.......
ReplyDeletehow about ull make a duel in DotA...
it can make game more interisting....
maybe mm...duel every 10 minute...
-single duel
-double duel
-team duel
and up to host la he want to choose duel select...
can ull put hero/skill/item name 'shenz'..
im so thankful for ull if ull do that...(@_-)
i want a better graphic...
ReplyDeletebalanar armor plezz....
ReplyDeleteup a bit plezz~~~
Ice Frog...i hope u can make dota's grafic like HON...please...i saw my fren's played hon....its grafic so nice....dota is lost ==...
ReplyDeleteplz ergent
dota ursa so imba.....and pa skill should be active....if passive must be more less critical....can u tell me when pa will out critical ?
ReplyDeleteya's critical damn less.....plz remake to actice or more critical if passive....razor's skill plz remove the skill that reduce enemy's armor that 1....and remake to damage skill plz....
ReplyDeletei spell wrong @@....not graphic !!....sorry bro...plz make its more interesting....and graphic should be more nice ...please ergent
To :Blizzard entertainment or Ice Frog
I wish my hope can be succeed \(^o^)/
it will be nice if you put 1v1 duel
ReplyDeleteNEW HEROES PLZ!!! All other ones r crap!!!
ReplyDeletei guess IceFrog will only add new heroes on versions 6.?0 and 6.?5
ReplyDeletecomment will never come truth.........
ReplyDeleteice forg will still make his map dun care of u all ........
wow at the people saying change ursa and pa....
ReplyDeleteyou are all noobs who can't stop them because
You don't know when he is going to rosh
You don't know how to stop him
You don't know that he is weak if you DISABLE HIM
You don't know that if she isn't farmed she is weak
You don't know that if she has no damage items she is pointless
You don't know that you're meant to gank Mortred as much as possible so she doesn't pwn all you noobs in the end
That is all
Oh and the guy who said, 'NEW HEROES PLZ!!! All other ones r crap!!!' Is a total noob who can't use dota heroes.
Agree with aquaphobic, its obvious that some heroes are meant to be imbalanced but hey, if you are good with a hero, even if its considered the most useless hero in the game, you can still easily own with it.
ReplyDeleteGet it? So stop whining about how heroes are too imbal, its your skills that matters, its easy to kill a fat pa if you have 1/2 hexers in ur team.
And i think that the only things that should be changed is soul ring, and perhaps some graphic changes like spell animations.
ReplyDeleteseeing retards asking for the impossibles really makes me rofl XD
ReplyDeleteAgreed with dead-man. Also, WC3's Graphic is made like that because it's released in 2002 and the expansion on 2003. Don't even ask for a damn graphical improvements. Blizzard are only going to Bugfixes and Anti-Hack. Nothing More.
ReplyDeleteThere are only hard to use heroes not weak heroes
ReplyDeleteAll The Noobs,I Simply Random Can Own You All.
ReplyDeletemore str heros mf !!
ReplyDeleteOh by the way...
ReplyDeletePeople who say remake Bat are retarded.
If you see me with bat, i guarantee you'll rq in 10-15 minutes
For some PRO DotA players in B.Net, (Lorderon,) go to Clan Kopi or Clan DC
"All The Noobs,I Simply Random Can Own You All."
ReplyDeleteReally? Lets play Melee Game or a Hero Arena sometime at
"There are only hard to use heroes not weak heroes"
Ursa is still imba.
maybe the druid of talon as well? haha.
It would be good to make phantom assassin's critical like maybe nerubian weaver's germinate attack, as it is quite unreliable for an ulti. at lvl 6 i would not even bother to get it as it is only at x2 damage and only 15%. =.="
"Ice Frog...i hope u can make dota's grafic like HON...please...i saw my fren's played hon....its grafic so nice....dota is lost ==..."
ReplyDeleteIf you want a graphic change,why ask icefrog?
you should say that to blizzard,tell them to release something like warcraft 4 or something like that.....
Anyway,I agree with the duel,the girl strength hero and with -shenz- on the thought that so many changes to dota instead of just new heroes and items,make the game more interesting.
ReplyDeletewtf are you thinking?!?!
dota's heroes could never be animals
and besides,Dragon Knight has already the Frost Wyrm skin.
I GOT ROFLMFAO WHEN I SEE NOOBS SAY, "remake ursa" or "remake bat, way too weak," or "cm sucks," or "pa is too strong, change her,"
Girl Strength Hero: Nice Idea. But it would be hard to find a fitting model.
ReplyDeleteDuel: DotA is an AoS. Not a Hero Arena. The main concept is to push your enemies into oblivion. Not a goddamned Hero-Killing Game.
Aquaphobic_Fish, please refer to Warcraft 3's Release Date and when do the first time DotA with AI release Date for "GO PRACTISE WITH AI FOR 10 YEARS THEN PLAY ON THE INTERNET".
DotA Hero can never be Animal? Oh, please. Dragon Knight doesn't use Frost Wyrm's Model. It's Red, Greed, and Blue Dragon's.
Phantom Assassin's Ultimate is Overkill when you buy DPS Items, as you would likely to end up doing 3 or 4 Attacks per second.
Put many new heroes!! put Artix,J6,Beleen,Cysero,Safiria,Valencia... lol
ReplyDeleteMaybe the strongest hero the (ice frog) with ultimate attack (blizzard).
ReplyDelete..soul ring is can suicide..and very fast murlock its still's regenerating ability is imba..
my point is why does pa have to depend on item so heavily? i mean no item = low killing power? i know its overkill for late lvl pa with good items. but what if no items? then gg? pa can quit? my point in sayin that pa get the ulti change is so that it is more reliable in combat? u could decrease the crit amount abit maybe in exchange for that. its an ulti for christ sake. so unreliable.
ReplyDeleteDelete Davion
ReplyDelete6.68 should put new traven which include old heroes 4 example infernal.......
ReplyDeleteJUST LIKE=
To those who keep saying IMBA this IMBA that, will u ppl just get a life? Every heroes have pros and cons. Just stop asking for rmks and u might as well learn the heroes than pleading for rmks
ReplyDeletePhantom Assassin: She relies on Attack-Speed Items. It's not like you can't get them Early-Game. Wraith Bands FTW.
ReplyDeleteDelete Davion: A nice equivalent would be "Rape the one who "Suggest" this to death".
Remake Anub'arak's Ultimate: Are you dumb? His Ultimate gives him the Title. All of his other skills really doesn't give him an "Assassin" feeling. Actually, he's even a Strength Hero in Campaign.
"To those who keep saying IMBA this IMBA that, will u people just get a life? Every heroes have pros and cons. Just stop asking for remakes and you might as well learn the heroes than pleading for remakes"
Quoted for Truth. But, next time, use full English.
i agree with who dont wan any hero rmk... juz wan new heroes.. hopefully^_^
ReplyDeletesome1 can pls tell me how to play the HON game...
ReplyDeleteit look interesting but i bet dota more fun..
you all are so demanding.... why just you play what ice frog made 2 you.... BTW this blog is not a place to request new hero... go to playdota forum... give details...
ReplyDeleteto play hon u need a beta key... subscribe on Fbook or their blog...they send you later.. played it but dota still owned... dota still the original...
noob! dunno use bristleback...he is a hard-to-kill hero, because of his ulti n 3rd skill his defence so strong. u definitely cannot run away with his slowing and armor decreased... confirm diea lo...
ReplyDeletemake a bug or bubble hero in dota more better oh how about make a int hero in sentinel don make armour low or else die so fast ^.^
ReplyDeleteWhy not put just some more new heroes.
ReplyDeleteI can think of one but, may not work out well.
His name is disabler, which also suggests his skill lineup.
The purpose of this hero is to play him as a very strong support, or a COMPLETELY item dependent carry.
His main attribute should be AGI, but with INT having fairly the same amount of stat gain as his AGI, like Ogre Magi.
His attack power should also fairly increase as he gets to late game, like pugna with his super INT gain.
This makes him a stereo type, a common choice for people who can't farm well and people who can.
For people who can't, they can choose the support type, just lvling up fast while farming a little and ganking with your team.
For people who can farm fast, they can choose the carry type, farming fast and being fat, being useful in late game, letting the player catch up in terms of lvl.
But this hero has to be REALLY item dependent to be a carry.
Icefrog.... u dunno fixed venomancer ulti? plzz la... make tat skill can die like before this... until 1 n cant die?? is it WTF??? fixed it... if u wan make like that, why u didnt put lina or lion ulti cant die? until 1 oni.... fix it.... fix it...
ReplyDeleteIcefrog.... u dunno fixed venomancer ulti? plzz la... make tat skill can die like before this... until 1 n cant die?? is it WTF??? fixed it... if u wan make like that, why u didnt put lina or lion ulti cant die? until 1 oni.... fix it.... fix it...
ReplyDeleteslark change th 3rd skil or 4th skill its too unfair!!
ReplyDelete"Icefrog.... u dunno fixed venomancer ulti? plzz la... make tat skill can die like before this... until 1 n cant die?? is it WTF??? fixed it... if u wan make like that, why u didnt put lina or lion ulti cant die? until 1 oni.... fix it.... fix it..."
Thats Why veno has its 1st skill
passive posion and wards to KO the enemy's 1hp
pls Create a new hero female str !!!
ReplyDeletei want more heroes and tavern
i want a hero that have fire skill and to be agi there are hero of thunder like zeus ,razor and ice like ancient aparition and lich also are two of water morphling and admiral there is only one of fire batrider and is int is a good idea eh??
ReplyDeleteChange the skills of the Warlock, but the ult
ReplyDeletethe 1 skill is a crap, 2 shit, and 3 so so
i hope there's a new hero
ReplyDeleteplz make the lifesteal effect accesible to all heroes, it shouldn't be an attack modifier anymore
ReplyDelete"slark change th 3rd skil or 4th skill its too unfair!!"
ReplyDeleteHis Ultimate lasts only for 5.5 Seconds. The Stat-Steal is returned in 60 Seconds.
"Change the skills of the Warlock, but the ult
the 1 skill is a crap, 2 shit, and 3 so so"
Yes, Upheaval and Fatal Bonds do no Fatal Damage. But, just cast Fatal Bonds on a grouping hero, use Upheaval before they could run off, and use Rain of Chaos. Also, Shadow Word is no shit. It could save your life if you don't bring any Salve/Tango.
"i want a hero that have fire skill and to be agi there are hero of thunder like zeus ,razor and ice like ancient aparition and lich also are two of water morphling and admiral there is only one of fire batrider and is int is a good idea eh??"
Use Full English. Otherwise, IceFrog won't be able to understand.
"plz make the lifesteal effect accesible to all heroes, it shouldn't be an attack modifier anymore"
IceFrog is already generous by enabling Lifesteal for Ranged Hero. Why would you ask so much?
New Hero
ReplyDeleteName: Fuuku (Shadow Monk)<--- From Flame of Recca
First Skill: Fear of Shadows (First Skill)
Fears every1 in her way for 2 Seconds.
Second Skill: Fear of Shadows
Fears every1 in her way for 3 Seconds.
Third Skill: Fear of Shadows
Fears every1 in her way for 4 Seconds.
Fourth Skill: Fear of Shadows
Fears every1 in her way for 5 Seconds.
Second Skill: Curse of Shadow (Second Skill)
First Skill: Curse Enemy and with his nearby.
Lost Health 50 and 75 Mana. and Transfer to her.
Second Skill: Curse Enemy and with his nearby.
Lost Health 175 and 100 Mana. and Transfer to her.
Third Skill: Curse Enemy and with his nearby.
Lost Health 225 and 150 Mana. and Transfer to her.
Fourth Skill: Curse Enemy and with his nearby.
Lost Health 250 and 200 Mana. and Transfer to her.
Third Skill: Rather Hit Me
Can only be use if the enemy is alive and the Mind controler is dead.. It swaps the Mind Controler to enemy and make the enemy dead.
First Skill : 2% chance
Second SKill: 3% chance
Third Skill: 4% Chance
Fourth Skill: 5% percent + -10 armor for 10 seconds. and have a Dodge of 50% in 3 seconds
Ultimate skill: Mind Control (Ultimate)
Skill 1: Mind Controls Enemy to fight by your side. Which they ATTACK their allies with approximately 3 Seconds. Reduce Damage 75%
Skill 2: Mind Controls Enemy to fight by your side. Which they ATTACK their allies with approximately 5.5 Seconds. Reduce Damage 50%
Skill 3: Mind Controls Enemy to fight by your side. Which they ATTACK their allies with approximately 6 Seconds. Reduce Damage 45%
Skill 4: Mind Controls Enemy to fight by your side. Which they ATTACK their allies with approximately 8 Seconds. Reduce Damage 25% But damage Take 60% in the Mind Controler
By: cloudwind
remake the sticky napalm of bat rider. please back the radiance to spark when having sticky napalm
ReplyDeletecan you make the game 6 vs 6, so every lane has 2 hero which is their partner to protect their respective towers and base..( only an advice )^_^
ReplyDeletenew str heroes in range attack
ReplyDeletePlzz Add Some New Heroes From Forest Creep
ReplyDeleteLike Wildkin race or harpy
Great Regret From Indonesia!
"can you make the game 6 vs 6, so every lane has 2 hero which is their partner to protect their respective towers and base..( only an advice )^_^"
ReplyDeleteThere's an un-official 6 vs 6 version of DotA. Just Google it.
change qop shadow strike to something useful that people would get more often and more than one level of
ReplyDeleteI thought of a female hero (human), should be similar to omniknight (paladin-like).
ReplyDeleteshe could be like "the daughter of an angel", so she is a blessed warrior and full of righteousness.
the abilities i thought of (just the idea.. maybe they are too strong when executed like i posted them.):
(names of the abilities are random and just to visualize, that there is an ability)
1) "body to faith" - switches strength and intelligence of one target for a while.
2) "holy devotion" - all negative spells that have an allied hero as target in ???AoE around "angel's daughter" change their target to "angel's daughter". (activateable with cd .. passive is too strong for sure.)
3) "armor aura." - (like the real wc3 paladin has) [or a weak magic resistance aura.]
ultimate) "angelic arena" (should be really heroic):
"angel's daughter" becomes a holy statue and cannot move/fight/end it/cast spells. (and is immune to spells attacks. etc)
the area around her (ca. 300 AoE) is now an "arena".
all heroes in the arena cannot attack heroes outside, cast spells on heroes outside, cannot go outside (and same for heroes outside... they cannot cast in etc.)
and AoE spells from outside don't effect heroes inside and otherway around.
so the heroes inside can only fight each other.
and the heroes inside cannot attack "angel's daughter".
[the arena ends either with time penalty.. or as soon as all heroes of one team inside the arena are defeated.]
+ around the arena should be something, that marks the arena. (like a fence, or similar)
make ursa 2nd skill cant delay his movement speed.....
ReplyDeletehahahah just like in 6.65......
armor up rune pls...hehehe^^
ReplyDeletemake 2 roshans....1 for sentinel 1 for scourge....add new character,like the one in the humans..the priest..!! thats all tnx..
ReplyDeletewho the hell is -shenz-
ReplyDeleteimposter wtf...
i agree with
ReplyDelete1.make a new creep type
3.make advantage for creep...
i mean..... extra damage when an enemy hero is without creeps or nearby allies
prevents or make it kinda hard to solo a wave of creeps
please edit davion's dragon form ive seen a metamorphosis looking like a humanoid dragon... and banehollow's shapeshift looking like a real wherewolf like warwick of league of legends
ReplyDeleteursa is not a imba hero .. you can own it with huskar and slardar.
ReplyDeleteyou can beat mortred with str heros like bristleback ,warchieft , abbadon ,butcher(Early).
furion is imba and he is my best chose on dota.
icefrog can not make 10v10 or 5v5v5v5 its suck idea btw .. icefrog can not upgrade graphic
add new char and plss be fare
ReplyDeleteursa buy hex,
ReplyDeletethen he own everyone.
he got a good allies(silence)
ursa will control ur game until u farm NOTHING.
URSA IS REALLY IMBA.he hex u then within 2 sec enuf for him handle such toufu like weaver(ulti also useless)
and blizzard is owner for warcraft 3 maybe can change whole game play from 12 player max into 24/30/99 player max . . .huh...will they???
just waiting dota on starcraft 2.that nice and lovely with fps camera or 3rd person view haha.
will icefrog mod starcraft 2 for dota fan?
Allow boots to combine with dagger resulting in blinking boots.
ReplyDeleteAllow gem to have 2nd tier gem,like night stalker with sceptre effect but only a small radius.
Reimplement "Gambler" which was taken out like invoker.its fun playing him.
Replying>Graphic can be improved but you guys dont want to play a dota map with like 10mb-20mb just because of a map and poor pc would lag like no tomorrow.
plz make traxex have a lot of mana
ReplyDeletein dota 6.67 she is lvl 6 and she has only 200 mana
plz fix her mana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ursa suck srsly .. any slower own it ... if you just let him farm for dagger/lother you ARE NOOP
ReplyDeletewarcraft games developed by blizzard entertainment. as with warcraft 2 blizzard included a free "world editor" in the game that allows players to create custom scenarios or "maps" for the game, which can be played online with other players through just like icefrog.....
this is dota blog not blizzard blog !
Change tinker ulti for the cooldown of boots of travel... He run here and there and push 3 lanes. very imba make me cry =(
ReplyDeleteI cant stand these stupid comments about changes and remakes... They're all worthless and should not even be read. 10 second stun??? WTF? Some of you also said, Ursa's 3rd skill is imba. Ursa < Nukers and stunners. You people who posts these stupid suggestions should stick to AI maps because apparently you are all noobs.
ReplyDelete"Plzz Add Some New Heroes From Forest Creep
ReplyDeleteLike Wildkin race or harpy
Great Regret From Indonesia!"
^^^^^^ Regret? Orang indonesia ngejelek jelekin nama negara aja nih.
Please, change the fade time or mirana, i die so often cause mirana need so much time to do ulti, thatsuck
ReplyDeleteI think it is better for slark when he is just gaining stats, not stealing stats..
ReplyDeletebarathum must be change ulti.... to be more powerful like ursa
ReplyDelete"plz make traxex have a lot of mana
ReplyDeletein dota 6.67 she is lvl 6 and she has only 200 mana
plz fix her mana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Stop right-clicking like a noob dumbass. Start Orb-walking.
Its over 9000!
ReplyDeletewhat do u mean orb walking
ReplyDeleteGet new heroes!!
ReplyDelete1. Maybe some new rune types etc. lifesteal rune or manasteal...
ReplyDelete2.Some new neutrals
And URSA = BLADE MAIL you fu**ing noobs
i would like to see stronger intelligence heroes, they are really fun to play with but in the late game most of them are really weak
ReplyDeleteAsk blizzard entertainment to have an update, making almost 20 players in a game, that can be 5v5v5v5. With a map like this:
ReplyDeleteA bigger map, like having 4 bases, the North, East, West and South bases, mostly composed of Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, and the undead with less than 10 lanes for the creeps path, and with towers more than 30, for 6.70, dividing the taverns (definitely with more heroes), more shop for items and probably more items, make the new generation of D.O.T.A. Challenging, and make it very exciting to play.
With this map, it should have a mode like, who ever has the most destroyed artifacts will win the game. Another is an alliance mode, in which a team leader (i.e. the leader of the Humans), will ask the other team leader (for example, the orcs), to be allies. Making it 10v5v5 instead of 5v5v5v5, or at any way like the leaders of the humans, orcs, and elves will go up with undead, but as the others team up, the remaining team that has no alliance will grow stronger, making a much more balance game. Making it more realistic, and a wonderful game to play.
Hope that you can ask Blizzard about this new update, with your new map.
That's All,
thank you,
From: Anonymous
Ask blizzard entertainment to have an update, making almost 20 players in a game, that can be 5v5v5v5. With a map like this:
ReplyDeleteA bigger map, like having 4 bases, the North, East, West and South bases, mostly composed of Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, and the undead with less than 10 lanes for the creeps path, and with towers more than 30, for 6.70, dividing the taverns (definitely with more heroes), more shop for items and probably more items, make the new generation of D.O.T.A. Challenging, and make it very exciting to play.
With this map, it should have a mode like, who ever has the most destroyed artifacts will win the game. Another is an alliance mode, in which a team leader (i.e. the leader of the Humans), will ask the other team leader (for example, the orcs), to be allies. Making it 10v5v5 instead of 5v5v5v5, or at any way like the leaders of the humans, orcs, and elves will go up with undead, but as the others team up, the remaining team that has no alliance will grow stronger, making a much more balance game. Making it more realistic, and a wonderful game to play.
Hope that you can ask Blizzard about this new update, with your new map.
That's All,
thank you,
From: Anonymous
yaya...i agree someone above there
ReplyDeletehe said that ''PA ulti should not be passive and should be active'' almost like broodmother thats is ok..
Slark 3rd skill is still IMBA...
ReplyDeleteursa is too imba ,1 offering can simply go roshan TT
ReplyDeletegirl strength hero? pudge.. haha
ReplyDeletewho new da hero???
ReplyDelete"Ask blizzard entertainment to have an update, making almost 20 players in a game, that can be 5v5v5v5. With a map like this:
ReplyDeleteA bigger map, like having 4 bases, the North, East, West and South bases, mostly composed of Humans, Orcs, Night Elves, and the undead with less than 10 lanes for the creeps path, and with towers more than 30, for 6.70, dividing the taverns (definitely with more heroes), more shop for items and probably more items, make the new generation of D.O.T.A. Challenging, and make it very exciting to play.
With this map, it should have a mode like, who ever has the most destroyed artifacts will win the game. Another is an alliance mode, in which a team leader (i.e. the leader of the Humans), will ask the other team leader (for example, the orcs), to be allies. Making it 10v5v5 instead of 5v5v5v5, or at any way like the leaders of the humans, orcs, and elves will go up with undead, but as the others team up, the remaining team that has no alliance will grow stronger, making a much more balance game. Making it more realistic, and a wonderful game to play.
Hope that you can ask Blizzard about this new update, with your new map.
That's All,
thank you,
From: Anonymous"
Ask Blizzard yourself. And, probably, they won't do any big updates. So, just go to Hell with your demand.
ReplyDeleteMake more secret places, just like it had in older dotas.
ReplyDeletevs ursa with blademail????
ReplyDeletehe slow u and juz run run around you-that bullshit blademail last less then 4 sec. . .-
unless u playing axe-call him hit you-
URSA -no matter how u controll him(farming),
his ulti only 25 sec on cd,and no mana used,what on earth make him hard to farm?
me fren 15 min got hex with ursa-and own the game-
Mortred -he juz need LEVEL,unless u kill that bitch 999999 time until that bitch gain no money,when he got dominator-she will(never) hard to farm.
SLARK -versus him with evasion?how if mkb-
-versus using magic...canbe-most magic user low HP(let see who die 1st)
-versus with tank-tanker will lose hp,mana and armor(1000% not working)
-versus with heavy disabler combo-r u gonna gay whole game?how about your experience?-
-then there is no WAY to kill him 1v1.
(untouchable could work + poison touch + weave(ulti) + sladar ulti -for slark-)
(huskar + sladar + dazzle = ursa OUT)
(tiny + techies/any magic user = mortred out(mortred only gain best in agi-suck on str-low life even on 25))
1v1 = no idea,
change the attack speed of antimage
ReplyDelete@Anonymous: SLARK -versus him with evasion?how if mkb-
ReplyDelete-versus using magic...canbe-most magic user low HP(let see who die 1st)
-versus with tank-tanker will lose hp,mana and armor(1000% not working)
-versus with heavy disabler combo-r u gonna gay whole game?how about your experience?-
-then there is no WAY to kill him 1v1.
Sorry to burst your bubble but there is a hero named Troll warlord. And there is an item called the Gem of true sight. And that pwns Slark like shit. And all that about Slark with MKB and BKB, he can only farm that if you're a dumb fuck and let him farm all game. But if you are not a noob like all the guys that say that Slark is imba, then that dumbass Slark is a joke. Any decent player can deal with Slark.
dont fix the bugs hahahaha
ReplyDeletelast blood!!!
please make a very awesome hero... it must be hard to master and of course it must have a weakness. make 2 heroes... a carry, a support and a tank.... please.... new runes to... new items for str and agi and also balanced stat item.... make divine costs to increase.... thanks.... my post is not to imba i'm just being realistic... thanks dudes...
ReplyDeletefrom calvz
would u consider to add new skill for lina inverse?? more like, replace her 3rd skill with another aoe spell, or maybe a single target stun with longer duration and less damage like dk dragon tail?? I mean the fiery soul is not helping at all
ReplyDeleteMore Heroes.
Chnage the Map design
how bout putting secret shop at the base ????? can u do that???? for us not 2 travel so long just 2 buy!!!!!! >:-(
ReplyDeletedo not put a secret shop on the base bec. it will ruin the game and no more challenge :( =(
ReplyDelete6.68 no maphackers yehey!!!!
ReplyDeleteNew Hero
ReplyDeleteName: Fuuku (Shadow Monk)<--- From Flame of Recca
First Skill: Fear of Shadows (First Skill)
Fears every1 in her way for 2 Seconds.
Second Skill: Fear of Shadows
Fears every1 in her way for 3 Seconds.
Third Skill: Fear of Shadows
Fears every1 in her way for 4 Seconds.
Fourth Skill: Fear of Shadows
Fears every1 in her way for 5 Seconds.
Second Skill: Curse of Shadow (Second Skill)
First Skill: Curse Enemy and with his nearby.
Lost Health 50 and 75 Mana. and Transfer to her.
Second Skill: Curse Enemy and with his nearby.
Lost Health 175 and 100 Mana. and Transfer to her.
Third Skill: Curse Enemy and with his nearby.
Lost Health 225 and 150 Mana. and Transfer to her.
Fourth Skill: Curse Enemy and with his nearby.
Lost Health 250 and 200 Mana. and Transfer to her.
Third Skill: Rebirt Swapper
Can only be use if the enemy is alive and the Mind controler is dead.. It swaps the Mind Controler to enemy and make the enemy dead.
First Skill : 2% chance
Second SKill: 3% chance
Third Skill: 4% Chance
Fourth Skill: 5% percent + -10 armor for 10 seconds. and have a Dodge of 50% in 3 seconds
Ultimate skill: Mind Control (Ultimate)
Skill 1: Mind Controls Enemy to fight by your side. Which they ATTACK their allies with approximately 3 Seconds. Reduce Damage 75%
Skill 2: Mind Controls Enemy to fight by your side. Which they ATTACK their allies with approximately 5.5 Seconds. Reduce Damage 50%
Skill 3: Mind Controls Enemy to fight by your side. Which they ATTACK their allies with approximately 6 Seconds. Reduce Damage 45%
Skill 4: Mind Controls Enemy to fight by your side. Which they ATTACK their allies with approximately 8 Seconds. Reduce Damage 25% But damage Take 60% in the Mind Controler
By: cloudwind
please remake this ff: hero,pitlord his 2nd skill,the 1st skill of chen put a damage on it,and a female monkey str hero!!!!
ReplyDeleteadds many heroes in 6.68, because my friends are dislike the dota now because many are imbalance heroes,and the dota graphics is so old....
ReplyDeleteheh,dis(above) post-here come reply.
ReplyDeletewhy dun you try use World Editor,
try make a MAP,make sure have hero respawn system,bounty gain,costum tavern,
THEN U KNOW ,ITS NOT THAT SIMPLE,thing that i listed to you have it on your map is the most simplest thing,
for 1st timer like above anonymous:sure giveup during making it(1000%)...
dun juz complaint,unless u helping ICEFROG during making map,so burden lessen,
the one who know talk/complain and play/fuck ICEFROG MAP go DIE!!
icefrog please leave warcraft3 comunity(stop making any map for warcraft3) and please ready to join starcraft 2,i sure DOTA performance will 400% better then any RTS like HoN or LoL .Juz Let Warcraft 3 Flow backward.
1 more thing for those idiot who post SUCH STUPID POST:
ReplyDeleteif u wan suggest any hero,gameplay,item,or any shit that came into your mind...
go to and go to its forum where got suggestion panel so ,put all your IMBA sugestion,
for those who complain why warcraft 3 player limited(very limit). . .go suggest gameplay upgrade TO BLIZZARD!
and blizzard is the one who responsible to whack hacker on warcraft3. . .any leak go report to blizzard.. .
ursa not imba at all!
last time me use broodmother-his 3rd and life steal + butter work well against that fulborg.
slark NOT IMBA!
use gondar,track(if need),dun let close and spam ur toss(that slark life is low),whenever he(slark) come close ready to windwalking,harras that low life bullshit with this 2 skill(windwalk and toss).mana prob -target preseverance fast-
. . .
i wish the 6.68 map is bug free well.everyheroes got its use and unuseful point,play strategy and you can own any imba heroes that you think.ya dota is a game for brains and action not a game for rush and nicely(ADVICE FOR NOOBS)
ReplyDeleteplease make a sheep hero!!
ReplyDeletei had ideas for his name and skills!!
name: "FLUFFEH"
tittle: Ancient sheep warrior
main attribute: agility
1st skill: multiplication
level 1- 2 clones, clones have only 20% of the real one's power
level 2- 3 clones, clones have 40% of the real one's power, has rebirth skill (1 charge) passive
level 3- 4 clones, clones have 60% of the real one's power, has rebirth skill (2 charges) passive, has critical passive
level 4- 5 clones, clones have 80% of the real one's power, rebirth skill (2 charges), has critical passive and healing wards skill
(build a cranium basher to give all clones a passive bash skill)
mp cost: 75/105/120/140
2nd skill: sheep wall
level 1: creates a wall and 2 arrow towers, towers last only 2 secs. and wall lasts 3 secs.
level 2: creates a slightly stronger wall and 2 cannon towers, towers last only 3 secs. and wall lasts 4 secs.
level 3: creates 2 stronger walls and 3 improved cannon towers, towers and walls last 5 secs.
level 4: creates 3 of the strongest walls and 4 arcane towers, towers and walls last 7 secs.
(towers hit organic units and structures)
cooldown: 30/25/15/10
mp cost : 20/45/67/110
3rd skill: chain elemental
level 1: casts chain lightning, hits only 3 units
level 2: casts chain frost/ fire, hits 5 units, usually casts chain frost but has a 30% chance of casting chain fire
level 3: casts chain darkness/ light, hits 7 units, usually casts chain darkness but has a 40% chance of chainlight
level 4: casts all the previous elements at the same time, hits 10 units, has a 30% over-hit and slow chance (has a 50% chance to do less damage or fail completely)
scepter upgradeable, lowers cooldown and fail rate, increases the number of units hit and adds venom & cyclone element to the level 4 chain
Cooldown: 10/23/40/5
mp cost: 45/77/95/20
4th skill/ ulti: omega stampede
level 1: floods your current lane with exploding sheep from your spot until your enemy's base for 5 secs.
level 2: floods your current lane and the lane beside yours with electric exploding sheep for 7 secs. from your base until your enemy's, the sheep have a 65% chance to cast chain lightning when they explode
level 3: floods the whole entire map with elemental sheep for 9 secs., each sheep has a 70% chance to cast a random chain element
cooldown: 50/100/125/150
mp cost : 55/110/155/225
5th skill/ extra: flying sheep mode
level 1: converts from normal sheep to flying sheep, only reverts back when this hero dies or chooses to revert back to normal. ***NOTE: DURING FLYING SHEEP MODE THIS HERO CANNOT ATTACK, USE SKILLS, LEVEL UP, NOR BE ATTACKED
cooldown: 0
mp cost : 40
note: level 1 skill works like lone druid's sylla bear
the clones' rebirth skill is like the aegis of the immortal
note #2: starting hp of this character would be 250, and the mp would be 900
note #3: to make this character fair to use it has a very low attack and defense (even with vanguard, cuirass, etc) thus making it easy to kill but hard to catch due to its high agility...
note #4: the extra skill can only be unlocked when your 1st and 3rd skills have reached level 4 and have been scepter upgraded...
note #5: (****only on this character) when you have learned the extra skill already, the effects of the scepter become permanent, so you can then sell your scepter for good ol' cash
***the end***
plz just remake 3rd skill of
ReplyDeleteursa not to affect roshan...
its a imbalanced skill...
Ursa Warrior Too Imbalance... Please Remake his skill 2 or his ultimate...
ReplyDeleteShut Up About your Arguments .... All of DotA's Heroes is Fair .... it depends on your skills and how to stopped them ....
ReplyDeleteI only suggest aghanim for ancient apparition : more damage .
and aghanim for Rogue knight : add 650% pumps damage
change the ''fog''skill of rikimaru into a passive critical ,... that will be more fun !
At a new hero that have a passive mana stealing ....
From : Adrian and Dika ( IMBA PLAYER from INDONESIA )
lol lol lol
i want a new hero!!! (new sentinel str heroes) coz str scrouge tavern is full whereas sentinel has so much empty slots. Then new terrain coz this terrain lasted for duno how many vers...
ReplyDeletecan anyone tel me how to use axe to defeat ursa??? i am not a pro but i just cnt win!
i tried blademail with 2 vg + heart but it did'nt work coz ursa also has a lot of life and he bought satanic instead of offering ==
i agree with the new creep type
ReplyDeleteit will be more fun XD
I love icefrog!!!! dota brightened my life a lot
ReplyDeletecan you change the ulti Of SLARK?? its too strong... cuz the regen of the health is TOO MUCH fast plus invisibility!! please balance the skill of slark as POSSIBLE....
ReplyDeletei want a NEW hero to come out in 6.68!
ReplyDeleteit would like be..:
(its just like jakiro's ulti but not much damage)
lvl1:20 damage per second(lasts 3 secs.)
lvl2:25 damage per second(lasts 3.75 secs.)
lvl3:35 damage per second(lasts 4 secs.)
lvl4:50 damage per second(lasts 4.75 secs)
FIERY SOUL(passive)
lvl1:adds up 8 int.+ 1 to agi and str.
lvl2:adds up 12 int.+2 to agi. and str.
lvl3:adds up 18 int.+4 to agi and str.
lvl4:adds up 24 int.+6 to agi and str.
lvl1:12 dmg per sec(lasts 3 secs.)
lvl2:14 dmg per sec(lasts 3.75 secs)
lvl3:25 dmg per sec(lasts 4 secs)
lvl4:30 dmg per sec(lasts 4 secs)
(affects a large area)
lvl1: 185 dmg.
lvl2: 240 dmg.
lvl3: 375 dmg.
i hope icefrog will change the goblin techies on dota 6.68,change the suicide skill when he suicide kill the creeps or hero will get the exp..
ReplyDeletehope got new heroes and new tavern named legion.. put a new roshan and new command -as(atk speed)..
ReplyDeletegreedisgood 1000000
ReplyDeletechange rampage sound into a cooler sound.... shud shout almost like triple kill, just louder and more furious
ReplyDeleteA new hero?..
ReplyDeletei want a new range strenght type hero.....
ReplyDeleteI want to change the tileset i want new places like cityscape in FOC
ReplyDeleteI want a new item that gives a thousand of stats yeh
ReplyDeletecan you create a hero that gets stronger when time passes may be +0.1 dame per a sec
ReplyDelete6.68 should have a new hero, and a better anti-hack system in grated in it, and even better have a way wher a game can be best of 3, after one game is done, the next one loads (IMBAA)
Make a mode that restarts the game immediately
after the throne/tree is destroyed! and scores
sent 0/1 scou
The necronomic is so gay come on
ReplyDelete2700 for level 1
3400 for level 2
5200 for level 3
who buys that much for weak a book
pls. put up an anti maphack for those gays
ReplyDeleteMake axe's battle hunger like 50 dmg per sec.. but shorter time.. like lvl 1 20 dmg per sec which is like 5secs.. then yeh figure it out
ReplyDeletehello all....
ReplyDeleteemm.... how about ull make a new type of creep... im so bored for looking same creep..
ReplyDeletemake a flying creep la... haha..<----450 range
ReplyDeletefor -cp mode.... its maybe fun if ull put a guard to protect the circle... so we can't easily stand on it....hehe..
ReplyDeleteemmm... plez make a duel mode in this map...
ReplyDelete(-du) its make game more interesting lorh..
we can farm and kill hero!! hahaha..
plez make it.... im waiting for that..(",)
dammit, Ursa and P.A is not imba, try using blademail for god's sake. Or try to use Bane Elemental's 1st skill. but i really believe that Slark is imba, mid game to late game, he'll start pawning you. Please fix the stat steal of the guy, just wield Madness and Basher and you'll be dead. Please lessen his 3rd Skill, time limit, maybe to 30 seconds?
dammit, Ursa, PA are not imba, try using Blademail for god's sake. Also try using Bane Elemental's 1st Skill. In my personal opinion, Slark is alright save for his 3rd Skill, with Basher and MoM, you die. Please fix his 3rd skill, also please lessen the time of his stat steal, from 60 to 30 seconds maybe. Also, his regen are off the charts, please fix it.
ReplyDeletenew boss-creep, replace roshan, roshan be the new hero, boss-creep----> Hydra....
ReplyDeleteremake the cd of soulring beacause it is too imba,when you have a soulring you also like have a bloodstone..
ReplyDeleteuhmm...ancient and slark skills is imbalance it is fucking imbalance!
ReplyDeleteman....y u all whine so much n yet do so little?
ReplyDeleteall u ppl ever do is suggest n complain bout the game's hero n all. my feedback...
wan better game enhancement?
wan a better map?
go make one urself!! icefrog has done enough by makin tis map in the first place, n distributing it for FREE!!! (Thank god for tat n him)
wan a better hero?
go suggest it in the CORRECT FORUM!!!!
btw, i m just here looking for the latest ai map, n happen to stumble upon u losers who just whines n does absolutely nothing to help icefrog.
PS: to all u dota players who commented on the noobs, ty, u hav my gratitude
Ice frog said there will be ne heroes,,, Yayy
ReplyDeletetake a look at this pic i screened shot it
ReplyDeletecan u say umilation when u kill someone u know cause its boring u juts kill no sound
when u kill someone
plzz new hero in 6.68 a female hero like new heroes is only a male !! *o* TY..
ReplyDeleteI cant wait for "zeke"
ReplyDeleteThe new hero thats like ivoker in
a little way...when will icefrog release this map??
"Paper men!!PAPER!!!!!!!!
can icefrog change warlock skill,
ReplyDeleteupheaval become his ulti with no channeling
and its infernal become his 3rd skill
haha it will be better and become synergy
put %damage or heal to int hero so they can still useful at late game, maybe like
ReplyDelete300 + ...%xint for chen's ulti, and many more int hero's skill