Dota 6.67 has New Game Mode and Zoom Features! - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.67 has New Game Mode and Zoom Features!

DotA 6.67 UpdateIceFrog has just made a post about the new features for Dota 6.67. The first one is the zoom ability for the observers. As you know, it's pretty difficult to keep touch with all part of the Dota game with the current Warcraft 3 default view. This update hopefully will help the observer maintain a larger area and can spot the interesting event faster. Another one is a new game mode, Capture Point! How long since we got a new game mode guys? I can't remember it. Capture Point is kinda fun mode with bonus aura for your team if you manage to capture it. Curious? Check out the complete quote from IceFrog blog:
Hey guys, I just want to share some small information about the upcoming patch. It is too early for me to give a complete list of features or changes to expect, so I'll just be sharing a couple of small features as a sneak peak.

First, I've implemented a zoom mode for observers to allow spectators and shout casters to see a larger part of the battlefield rather than the current view.

The second is a Capture Point action style game mode. It is designed to be a short fun mode with lots of movement and action, as a break from the usual stuff. There will be many capture points (6+) spread around the map that, when captured, will provide various auras (Damage, Armor, Gold, Regen, Movement Speed, etc) for your team depending on which one is captured. The Capture Points all spawn after the first 10 minutes of the game. You gain control of a CP by standing on it for a certain amount of time (the more allies the faster). Capture Points can always be reclaimed by the enemy team after it is taken or it can also be interrupt during the capturing process itself. Keep in mind that all the mechanics and numbers are not final yet.

These are just two misc things in 6.67 that I wanted to share with you guys. There will of course be more work done on improving the current content with balancing and misc features. If there is something specific you want to see, don't hesitate to let me know.

Ok, this update is make me kinda excited. It's been a while since we got a new fun game mode. Too many serious game can make us stressed a lot and WTF mode sometime is too rigged. Hope this new mode can be an alternative to find a new joy ;)

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  1. triple kill !!!!
    i luv u , ice frog ~


    still the best modes are : ap, ar , sd :D

  3. wow this is cool. just that will they be fixed...and will they give vision...that needs to be worked on. but still nice!!

  4. Capture point kinda sounds like FPS games - Capture the flag (if it isn't the same) like Battlefield etc...
    I think Dota is going imba, and needs immediate fixes on hero abilities. Some heroes have grown stronger and stronger, and some remained the same from v.5.84c. Greetz

  5. No, the best mode is RD

  6. Zoom, Capture Point and Capture Flag sounds interesting ! And BTW if ya can reduce the map size that would be great, just like what you did in the previous map. If only the next 6.67 version can support 1.23 patch and below ! My request kinda too much isn't it ? Somebody tell me...

  7. is doom still imba like in 6.66??

  8. That is just like the game "DemiGod", lol.

  9. Dawn of War -soulstormFebruary 11, 2010 at 10:26 AM

    Isn't capture point concept applied in Dawn of War Soulstorm?

    You capture a point, you need time to stand there before the point is completely yours (more allies more faster too). It can be reclaimed and claiming process can be interrupted...

    Isn;t it same with Dawn of war battle concept?

  10. @Dawn of War -soulstorm

    indeed. And it's a great game compare to the new Dawn of War 2 which sucks so very bad cause they completely changed the gameplay of DoW soulstorm.

  11. new chalange for me

  12. Icefrog should rework BB and Jakiro...The use of these heroes has fallen in team games...Vissage was a very good remake..So i am expecting something like that for BB and Jakiro..

    Also add some terrain command if possible..Changing terrain would be fun:)

    Love your idea of Capture point..But hope it keeps the game balanced...

  13. -add zeus ulti a ministun
    -void's backtrack: give it a cd, to prevent finger of death+laguna blade dodge
    -spectre has been nerfed
    -increase chen's heal, the damage of the wave of satyr, vacuum's damage
    -add effect of aghanim to clockwerk
    -an upgrade to bottle
    -a scroll of speed boost the movement speed of friendly heroes

    +add scepter 4:
    str: Pit Lord and BristleB to give more mana
    agi: mirana, medusa, mercurial
    int: enchant, puck, storm, seer, destroyer, engima, warlock

    +remake (partial/total)some skills:
    str: BristleBack, Magnus, and Naix (Boring Hero)
    agi: Drow get + adrenaline instead to Autocast&silence only, Lanaya same as drow (is worst if gets gem or dust!) & Terrorblade!
    int: Furion (trees), techies make a playable hero, and Finally Warlock his 1st it's so nerf, upheavel (as HoN) and Infernal is so WEAKER SLOWER, LOW LIFE TIME, LONGEST CD

    NERFS TO: Troll Warlord, Rikimaru, Bloodseeker (as gondar was lil bit nerfed, Blood start with + str than Centaur lol).

  14. ^^ And thats why the game is balanced by people who dont suck.

  15. @ Chan Dynasty
    The map will not decrease in size, its higher cause hes added a lot more custom icons and a custom model for AA.

    It wont ever be backwards compatable with older versions either, it cant, hes not gonna code 2 versions of the game. Even people playing pirated versions can update ffs. Newer patches use different code and functions older patches dont have and cant use. Also prevents fags from using hacked versions along with normal ones.

  16. "-add zeus ulti a ministun
    -void's backtrack: give it a cd, to prevent finger of death+laguna blade dodge
    -spectre has been nerfed
    -increase chen's heal, the damage of the wave of satyr, vacuum's damage
    -add effect of aghanim to clockwerk
    -an upgrade to bottle
    -a scroll of speed boost the movement speed of friendly heroes

    +add scepter 4:
    str: Pit Lord and BristleB to give more mana
    agi: mirana, medusa, mercurial
    int: enchant, puck, storm, seer, destroyer, engima, warlock

    +remake (partial/total)some skills:
    str: BristleBack, Magnus, and Naix (Boring Hero)
    agi: Drow get + adrenaline instead to Autocast&silence only, Lanaya same as drow (is worst if gets gem or dust!) & Terrorblade!
    int: Furion (trees), techies make a playable hero, and Finally Warlock his 1st it's so nerf, upheavel (as HoN) and Infernal is so WEAKER SLOWER, LOW LIFE TIME, LONGEST CD

    NERFS TO: Troll Warlord, Rikimaru, Bloodseeker (as gondar was lil bit nerfed, Blood start with + str than Centaur lol)."

    Lol. Are you kidding? Almost all the hero you mentioned are balanced heroes. If you don't know how to play them. Go learn them. Don't ask for remake just because you don't know to play them.

  17. what about getting firefly Skill for TerrorBlade?
    Great Idea?

  18. wow !!! i cant wait to play 6.67 !

  19. AWts i cant wait to play 6.67! new hero ??

  20. Lina n Lion (Demon Witch) r damn cheap, use all their skills when their lv 6 can kill an agi/int hero at full life. NERF NERF NERF :D

  21. Wth..? Lol for the guy that said to remake the heroes..are you kidding???
    u just can't play it don't you? Never seen people play them before? Those heroes are all balanced(except the backtrack, i agree that it's imba).
    Warlock is a team hero, techies is a very good hero(it's easy to get rampage if your enemies don't have gem), furion is a team hero too(pusher), lanaya, drow, naix, etc that u said boring, so if u get godlike, it's boring?? What about rampage?? Wait on the enemy's fountain and try to kill them all, that's the adrenaline

    huff, no need to remake, enough for now. It's already too many remade for the heroes. Adding new features will be nice. Nice work icefrog

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. hei can i suggest a new hero for make dota 6.67 more cool?
    this is only my suggest.. and uall can change it if uall want..
    any abstruse please report to me at THANKS!

    new hero name kalabatu
    melee hero with sword
    Str Hero ~ the calture


    1st skill (Gleam Sword) fire like Goku kame-keme-ha [active skill]
    Lv1- 75 damage and lose 5% mana
    Lv2-150 damage and lose 10% mana
    Lv3-200 damage and lose 30% mana
    Lv4-300 damage and lose 50% mana

    2nd skill (Turbin) hex like Axe for one time and slow like Phantom Lancer [active skill]
    LvL1-deal 75 damage and 100AoE
    lvl2-deal 150 damage and 170AoE
    lvl3-deal 200 damage and of 260AoE
    lvl4-deal 300 damage and 300AoE

    3rd skill (Vital Force) add to team hero str/agi/int hang to hero type per creep or allied around him [passive skill]
    lv1 ~ 10% from there type
    lv2 ~ 20% from there type
    lv3 ~ 30% from there type
    lv4 ~ 40% from there type

    Ulti (Ponder) mark a small area anywere ni map for swords attack(almose like Kunka-CoCo 1st skill) [active skill]
    lv1 ~ 200 damage ~ 100AoE for small area
    lv2 ~ 300 damage ~ 200AoE for medium area
    lv3 ~ 400 damage ~ 300AoE for large area


  24. @for anonymous that think he too pro.... u think to get rampage easy as u talk? try use techies to get rampage... i wanna see u use how? so easy talk...

    @for ppl that gave suggestion... yes you are good to give suggestion but u need to think first to tell icefrog to make a remake... like magnus and naix... he not boring hero.... he too good for me... i usually use them die less then 3... but make sure u too good to control them.. think first before u tell ur idea is good or not..

  25. wow sounds interesting!@

  26. new hero...
    range named jeff..

    1st skill

    2nd skill

    3rd skill

    nosebleed..(like rupture)


  27. new hero..
    melee.. named tete

    STR type..

    1st skill

    2nd skill



  28. Capture Point = Dawn of War

  29. People who post stupid hero ideas here are all visayan nigger douchebags

  30. yeah you right
    coz the hero name so uncool
    it should be greatmegaultimatehypersuperduperkalabatu
    naah thats what i mean cool

  31. @anonymous: okay, for n'aix, bloodseeker, faceless void, earthshaker, etc ppl can get rampage not as difficult as using the other heroes.
    I'm not a pro. My friends are more pro and get rampage from the most game.
    Anyway, for techies, i said that it'll can get rampage IF your enemies don't have any sentry wards or gem or dust,
    IF all the enemies gathered together and IF the enemies aren't pro.(forgot to add it, sorry anyway)
    i just don't like the way you're talked that to make techies to be a playable hero.
    They are playable hero, just maybe u can tell what skill to be remade :)
    double/triple kill is easier, but maybe u're right, rampage is hard (with techies.. I said it's easy if your enemies are AI).
    I tried it and usually get double/triple kill, but rampage just once from many times.
    To be honest, at first i don't like techies, because i didn't now how to play it, BUT after many practices, techies is a fun hero, which in my mind, they don't need to be remade =P

  32. wew., nyc idea bout capture point., it will add more excitement and thrill while playing..heheXDD


  34. This mode sounds like something very entertaining!
    But why should it be a farce? I would play it seriously, like in CoD:MW2, lol.

  35. hello...just for suggestion...IceFrog, can u enable backdooring in game but ensure towers are powerful and high hp? it's kinda fun to see like in League of Legends fights to end their game by trying to backdoor the then,it could be fun also in DoTA

  36. backdoor??you can backdoor if only the rules in the game u are playing allows it isn't it??then why must icefrog put special feature again??

  37. all who posted above me are too

  38. backdooring is also part of the game....

  39. lol, what good entertainment. after reading all of these comments, i feel satisfied, after laughing at some of the ridiculous comments out there and sorry for the people who posted them. in fact, people who think dota is in anyway imbalanced should be brought to the gallows and hanged multiple times. alternatively, for a less painful method, turn to OMG dota.

  40. I think it will be much better if Leoric's stun should have Sven!!! Agree?!

  41. we have a farmer/food/noob in our team!!! IMBA

  42. i think,leoric hell blast is better aoe (but not like sven) i hate recycle,i wan new and fresh.

    1st level 1 person 1.5 sec ??? dmg
    2nd level 1 person 2.5 sec ??? dmg
    3rd level 2person(bounce to nearest hero) 2.5 sec ??? dmg
    4tg level ? person(like above) 1st person stun 2.5 2nd person stun over 3 sec and ??? damage

    (hell blast?must got damage over time then it match with skill name 30 persecond.let see why.once after leoric stun that eat alot of animation cast time .target(enemy sure run far away).during walk closing to enemy..they deal over time damage ..haha!and why bounce to nearby hero(then good with battlefury hehehehehe)

    then hell blast is trully doom nearby enemy hero

  43. I wish new hero :X

  44. we need aghnam on kunka,tidehunter,

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  46. -new hero-

    name : Osama-Bin-Laden :P

    1st spell : Laguna Blade
    2nd Spell : Finger of death
    3rd Spell : Lunar Eclipse
    4th Spell : Global Chronosphere


  47. How about a new character new MELEE INT char
    jus an idea.

    Mirage the Unholy Poltergeist
    (Looks like Razor, but black like Venge)

    Drags opponent to self, like Storm. Can keep attacking. Silence 4 secs max.
    700AoE c.d. 20

    Creates Illusion. Illusions have 10% hp of Mirage. Illusions ONLY take magical damage and deal 5, 10, 15, 20% damage.
    c.d. 20

    Invisibility max 30secs. backstab 300. Only backstab heroes and only break invisibility for heroes (can kill creeps invisibly).
    c.d. 60

    Lvl1: Becomes permanently PHASED.
    Lvl2: Illusions also become PHASED.
    Lvl3: Mirage become PHASED while invisible.
    (unlike before)

    Like NW Shukuchi, Mirage can pass through heroes to damage them for 2,3,5%maxHP cooldown 4 seconds. Illusions cannot damage like this.
    (Scepter: Phase Damage steals life)

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  49. Me also..good strategy game which I love as I love porni or something
