Dota 6.66b OMG v1.04f Map | Dota-Allstars 6.66b OMG - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.66b OMG v1.04f Map | Dota-Allstars 6.66b OMG

Dota 6.66b OMG v1.04fDota 6.66b OMG v1.04f , the first OMG map after Murloc and Ancient Apparition introduced, at last is released. Now you can create your own custom hero with the Dota 6.66b map. Here is the complete changelogs:

Dota 6.66b OMG v1.04f Changelogs:

- OMG mode is now based on DotA Allstars 6.66b. All features saved.
- New mode — Disable useless Skills (-ds). [details below]
- Removed restriction on passives stacking. Now every passive ability can be picked with any other passive ability, except orb effects.
- Recoded some multi-icons abilities to prevent some stacking bugs.
- Reworked available and useless abilities lists. Full info will be soon.
- Removed Quelling Blade restriction for Admiral.
- Reworked -skills command: added ability hotkey or hotkeys and removed code numbers.
- Added new command -skillsallies (-sa) to see allies abilities.
- Added new command -showskills for Deathmatch + Random Abilities mode to see abilities that your allies gains for new heroes.
- Fixed double Magic Missile bug.
- Fixed some typos.

Disable useless Skills (-ds) mode:
Removes from abilities pool following abilities: Wave Of Terror, Adaptive Strike, Enchant Totem, Backstab, Eyes in the Forest, Echo Stomp, March of the Machines, Suicide Squad, Attack, Holy Persuasion, Soul Steal, Mana Drain, Summon Wolves, Blur, Spiked Carapace, Enfeeble, Urna Swarm, Astral Imprisonment, Fatal Bonds, Upheaval, Earthbind, Wall of Replica. Nobody will get those skills with -ds mode.

P.S.: sorry, but Devour is disabled. It has very long unstacking list, and need to recode my system. It will appear in near future.

Dota 6.66b OMG v1.04f Download Link:
Dota 6.66b OMG via GameWebZ
Dota 6.66b OMG via MegaUpload
Dota 6.66b OMG via PlayDota

To activate the OMG mode, you can add one of below commands on the game mode:

Random Draft
type -ra with other game modes. Examples: -ardmra (random heroes, random skills and death match)

Abilities Draft
Type -ad with other game modes.

Enjoy the new Dota 6.66b OMG map! ;)

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  1. why dota utilities always copying contents from this site?

  2. what about bug that give you multiple gold in early game?

    still work?

  3. and some bug with raigor stunning skill
    it has no delay until the hero die once

  4. don't u have a AI of the map??

  5. is the vagina licker available? MULTIPLE KILL...

  6. what kind of comment is that?

  7. This map has a fatal bug, when u play with -ad mode never type -sa during picking ability or u'll get disconnected, not only u but a whole team! Bob must fix it!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. what I type to shuffle the skills of heroes???
