Dota 6.67 Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.67 (Released!)

Update 1 (10 February 2010) from IceFrog Blog
Dota 6.67 will have new game mode and zoom ability for the observers. Check this post for more details.
Update 2 (25 March 2010) from GetDota
Dota 6.66b declared as stable map. Dota 6.67 is really near!
Final Update: The map is released! Check it out on the Dota-Allstars 6.67 post.
ReplyDeleteDoubLe kill!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTripple kill!
ReplyDeleteKilling spree
u mean ultra kill?? -_-
ReplyDeletepls +new hero!!XD
ReplyDeleteMonster KILL!!!!!!!!!
just a though u always do ultra or rampage but have you experienced 5 kills on dota game?
ReplyDeletei do have a record on it on garena...not a pro though
goodluck to you boys
I am not a member of this blog yet but i would like to suggest that could you make windrunner a bit stronger... like giving a small amount of damage in her shakleshot... T.Y just suggesting!!
ReplyDeleteya...that will be great.for now windrunner little bit NOOB
ReplyDeleteput some new item and new hero..
ReplyDeleteit will be great
improve/change the map floor...^^
ReplyDeletei want some new heroes !!
ReplyDeleteThere are 3 items I hope to see:
ReplyDelete1. New type of gem which is timed and undroppable upon death
2. Tango for healing mana
3. Items that provide manasteal instead of lifesteal
Another random rune spot, a hidden secret shop only gem or wards user can see in the mid lane seriously mid lane sucks top & btm got 2 access of shops, since theres such thing as hex on guinsoo why not make another item with stun?? & agreed improvement on alleria i used to master her now she really sucks, an item like tango that take tree but improve their attacks?!?! something like that lol just some ideas
ReplyDeletehow about some quest required to unlock roshan? :)
ReplyDeletei want female strength hero...
ReplyDeleteplzz remake phantom lancer ulti..... tis ulti for his illusion not him... n batrider also..... batrider ulti time so short plus damage so low... plzz remake it... now batrider label as feed hero lol...
ReplyDeletewant new heroes???
ReplyDeleteplz ice frog new heroes Str
another Roshan like in the Sentinels SIDE
slark and apparition has an imbalanced skill..the issue about the double creep spawn is still not hack and other cheaters can still infiltrate the game..hope you could make the game more invulnerable from hacks and cheats..
ReplyDeleterazor has a unfair skill..his special skill still continues when the lothars is activated while in the case of other heroes like krobelus and leshrac their skill stopshen the lothars is activated..
ReplyDeletei wonder if you could remake mirana nightshade's level 6 skill..
ReplyDeleteWant new heroes? Why don't u submit ur thoughts LOL. Its hard to make new heroes. To create ,scripts and remakes ~_~ and then there's the balancing and etc.
ReplyDeleteAnd remember NEWBIES, no hero is created a NOOB. The player is the NOOB! Even techies used by a PRO can achieve RAMPAGE on his own LOL.
create a harpy hero!! xD
ReplyDeletenew hero!!!
ReplyDeleteNew flying hero pls(agi)
ReplyDeleteI want a hero that looks like a Gnoll Warden on warcraft III world editor in 6.67
ReplyDeleteFew Ideas
ReplyDeleteDont powerup Batrider hes already good XD
Gnoll warden is a good idea , Str hero probably with Bash\Blunt since his weapon is the size of his body XD for Sentinel
A small ranged Centaur(The Purple ones in Rexxar Campaign) would be a good idea another STR ranged hero for Scourge
Slight change in Damage return item would be nice weakening it or incresing its recipe gold , starting to see one of them in every hero in both Pro and Garnea
Im also dissappointed u weakened Syllabear in few patches before , and making his bear Entangle weaker(Overall) , So maybe give him a Aghanim with more Bonus HP , Lv 4 Roar and Sprit link for lv 3 Ulitmate with Aghanim?
also after 6.65 ,NOW we can say "DOOM HAS COME TO THIS WORLD" XD
THX Anonymous
ReplyDeletebut... how about another one hero like Revenant of depths With ranged attack & Int Primary att
A hero like Ancient Hydra With ranged attack & Agi
For Scourge??
Besides Strength hero in sentinel are so few
so... its better to make another strength hero for sentinel
Hi.. i wOuLd likE tO suggest creating a new hero for scourge and if possible let it be the infamous "LICH KING" so all of us DOTA fans will have the chance to finally see the face of the true King of SCOURGE and nOt just sOme rejects like "LICH"...
ReplyDeletei hope life steal and other orb effect is not stuck again
new female hero without clothes sure be good
agree with batrider... please remake it... his ulti really sucks.. u really can pull it when at tower or plus wit ur third skill.... that no pain... plus u make dagon nothing difference.... lol.. ya labelled as feed hero.. so agree..
ReplyDeletemirana nightshade too... WTF it ulti is invisible for a short time? WTF... what do you think mirana hv ulti invi plus hp regen like good.. and other one... it is important... PLZ REMAKE HOLY KNIGHT!!! NAME AS HOLY KNIGHT??? BETTER U PUT HOLY FEEDER.... CB...
windrunner is noob hero??lol
ReplyDeletejz u dunno how to use it..noob
up, there are some hero label as supportive hero.. as a team..there are no feed hero..
plz remake all heroes!
ReplyDeleteits not dat i cant play or something but its got a bit boring lately..... i think after some versions...slowly u must put a bit new heroes and remove some heroes so dat da game gets a bit interesting ...btw half da noobs on garena can only play 1 hero so they always take dat hero and still sometimes they feed so u remove some heroes so they will chose other heroes and learn ....
i would love to see some snow in scourge least it would imrpove the scenery on scourge...
ReplyDeleteThere should be a balancing of Troll Warlord. If you know how to use his spells there is no strategy necessary, you just need a helmed of domination! You just do blind to make your enemy miss on almost 50% of his attacks and use Battle Trance and bash. There is no chance for an enemy. Void does not help stuns does not help and even Dagon and Vendetta from Nerubian Assassin does not help!
ReplyDeleteintro the shade...its a spirit....a spirit of the darkness...or a roshan hero....hmm?....come on maan....its very funny roshan hero...or spirit of kel'Thuzad
ReplyDeleteWasn't there commands to change the Terrain? Do they still even work? Fix please =D
ReplyDeletepls upgrade silencer ulti, its kinda short.
ReplyDeleteplease remake skill of mortred
ReplyDeleteFew Ideas..
ReplyDeletemake some sort of weather condition in diffrent place ,..
Can you make some terrain ..?
Heroes like: ..
1. Harpie Queen .. Agility type/ Int type ( Long range )
2. Forest troll .. Strg and agility (MELEE)
3. Mud Golem .. Strg type .. Melee
4. An Archagel .. Strg type .. (Long Range)
5. A strength female hero .. (melee)
6. A Knight or A human .. str type (melee)
7. A Air force goblin .. Int (long range)
1. gnoll warden .. agility type .. Long range
2. A Hero model of a tower (spirit tower).. counter part of treant .. just imagine .. (Melee)
3. A Cerberus .. Agility type (Melee)
4. A Hydra .. Intelligence (Long range)
plz make some hero remakes .. tnx..
Please Make New Hero...I Will Support You =)
me want essence shift (skill) changed or remove,
ReplyDeleteadd new hero using Paladin Model...
PLZ new strength hero in sentinel!!!
ReplyDeletepakyu keu lhat...NOOBS!!!!
ReplyDeleteu want play...pak u...i stronger than u...i not noob...
ReplyDeletewindrunner is not noob.i can pawn your freakin ass wit it.using only dominator as an item
ReplyDeleteto the guy above me : what if i was lion i'd rip the fkin shit out of u
ReplyDeleteadd a item that can let range hero shoot like battlefury...
Yeah A STR Female Hero. And Heart Tarasque remake it's useless in battle. and Ursa warrior enrage abilty remake (longer cooldown or mana use). Blade mail damage return make it 70%. And Troll warlord 3rd skill remake, the game becomes boring (for all). Silencer Curse of the silent skill is to short make it 20hp/mana per sec for 20 sec.Oh and that terrain change idea for scourge, not bad. It would be so cool!! ^__^
ReplyDeletei hope icefrog improves windrunner.
ReplyDeleteBalance Doom and new hero
ReplyDeleteso now everyone want a brand new sentinel heroes with strength primary attribute
Hey... add another ancient like roshan... like Ancient Hydra? or Queen Harpy? or others? like... Toxined Giant Centaur(painted color green)? ................. also add fun tavern hero, LICH KING-king of the scourge! and GOD-king of the sentinels!
ReplyDeletechange invoker with an elementialist hero like iris or like kaldr
ReplyDeleteor create new hero with agi type
please rebalance abaddon's last skill...
ReplyDeletechange it to = " when silenced, cannot use Borrowed time(ultimate)"
i think its great^^
ReplyDeletenew item yeah!!!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteeh everyone here is just as pathetic. this ppl cant play dota well and complain bout the imbalanced works of icefrog and suggesting a new hero is for every .6 version. so u have to wait for 6.72 if there is a need.My comment is just to have some terrain command cos i am bored at looking at the same one forever. About heroes just some balancing needed. no need remake
ReplyDeletecould u make heroes like:
ReplyDelete1. Pheonix - int/ranged
2. Mud golem - str/meelee
3. Goblin shredder - str/meelee (scourge/neutral)
4. modified King arthas w/sword - str/meelee (sent)
5. gryphon rider - agi/ranged (300 range) (sent)
6. Harpie queen - agi/int ranged
7. Red Hydra - str/ranged (scourge)
8. wisp - int/meelee (sent)
9. hero w/heartstopper aura for mana (antimage-ish)
(as ulti)
New items like:
1. mana steal
2. new eaglehorn/mystic/meshedrermit recipies
3. Stun staff
Heroe Improvements like:
1. Dragon knight ulti - aghahims upgrade
make lucifer's scorth earth aoe lesser,
ReplyDeleteit IS too big.
plz change silencer's skills a little, and visage's familar smaller with more hp.
that will be great.
what is meshedrermit??? plzz spell correctly....
ReplyDeletePut Thrall and The Paladin in Dota!!!!
ReplyDeleteMesserschmidt's reaver
ReplyDeleteYou mean??
I think wisp heroes kinda freaky
the best heores for now is
Gnoll warden with STR type...... melee for sentinel
Because sentinel strength heroes are so few
Ancient hydra....AGI......(Range:625)
1st skill: (Like Spreading some venom or something)
2nd skill: Poison sting (auto Active-auto Deactivated) cost 15 mana
3rd skill: "Scale skin" (Render spell immunity and increase 1 armor every 4% hp lost)
Ultimate: "Naga resurrection" if hydra dead split the Hydra into 3 Little hydra with 70 damage at lvl 1 120 damage at lvl 3 and 7 Heavy armored type spell immune and poison sting (but the real hydra still dead) :modified little hydra
Hydra status:
Strength :20 (1.7)
Agility :19 (2.3) Primary
Intelligent :16 (1.0)
Strength & Agility type
Movement speed :310
Gnoll warden Status:
Strength :24 (2.2) Primary
Agility :18 (1.8)
Intelligent :19 (1.9)
Strength & Int type (Caster)
Movement speed :290
bY: [Indonesian DotA FanatiX]
yeah. lately meepo has been ignored by many players.
ReplyDeleteYou can put a WoW DeathKnight with rune skills like Invoker!!! Probly strength!!! Should be cool!
ReplyDeleteAnd a Retri Pally with DAMAGE!!!
if you are going to make the Hydra than make it have an multi-target atack like medusa...i mean why all the heads if focused on only one meal XD
ReplyDeletethinking about paladin skill
ReplyDeletehe are str hero:
1st skill:
every XXX hit,he will be healed for XXX,and slowed 12% for 1 sec
hit counted decrease each level and amount of heal increase each level.
active skill
Holy Judgement:skill that judge targeted person ally or enemy (if target is enemy, buff could be between low the dmg or armor OR DAMAGE target life,if ally it will increase dmg OR Armor OR Heal)
the forbiden:
absorb negative aura surrounding him ,and convert it(dmg divide by XXX) to burn enemy mana mana..not instance.(it burn like huskar burning spear but in blue colour)if target mana is down till 0 (cause by this skill only),target will lose his life (how many mana target will lost is divide by XXX but life lost will be cover his mana back.)and stun for 1.5 sec
XXX is amount that change every lvl!!!!
ultimate :
Uther will!
passive and active.
whenever enemy hero fall near his sight (wooot????) ,he and nearby ally will obtain buff
(not so sure about this buff...still thinking about it)
if his ally fall on his sight.. he and nearby ally(not include died ally) will obtain an temp speed(movement) and dmg...stack..(if all allied hero died near him..the dmg and speed was stack)
and not to forget his active skill:
target to enemy ,give paladin a vision to targeted enemy till target succesfully killed.(required,fallen ally buff)
but-if he turn to other way during casting, spell will cancel,vision lost.that will happen too!if he died during cast vision and spell also lost.
it like barathrum charge....ahaha!!
if paladin succesfully kill(revenge),the died allied will get $$$ and paladin get extra $$$ and cover his mana and life for 5%
nice with :
cm,purist,or any disabler or slower and any low life hero(support his ulti!!sound pretty selfish)
bad with :
magina,na,any illusionist.
shiva/assault cuirrasssss,heart(eh get life back till 5%if succes in killing @_@),SnY-with his 1st skill..hehe,
and his 3rd could be absorb magic or dmg(negative buff sound ridiculous)
im proud as bad SPELLAR-many no time to fix..nvm..this only suggestion from me ..
remake troll and ursa, to imbalance for all games
ReplyDeleteplz increase str of enchantress, i don't see anyone play that hero anymore
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThere are 3 items I hope to see:
1. New type of gem which is timed and undroppable upon death
2. Tango for healing mana
3. Items that provide manasteal instead of lifesteal
.... Called Diffusal
Add scepter for magnus,warlock,storm.
ReplyDeleteTerrain changing ftw!
ReplyDeleteI hope there is no dessert terrain bug tho
The trees are a little smaller then the original so better watch out for that if you guys are planning on a command like that.
mga tukmol!
ReplyDeletei want to play...wahahaha...XD
ReplyDeleteplease make murloc a little bit weaker...napakadaya kasi nun...lalo na ung 3rd skill...imba...o baka weak lng ako...wahaha
ReplyDeleteWeak ka lang. Slark can be easily countered 1vs1. In 6.66, you can escape the trapping effect of pounce wth blink/leap/mirror image. And Slark's HP is absolutely terrible.
ReplyDelete[eh everyone here is just as pathetic. this ppl cant play dota well and complain bout the imbalanced works of icefrog and suggesting a new hero is for every .6 version. so u have to wait for 6.72 if there is a need.My comment is just to have some terrain command cos i am bored at looking at the same one forever. About heroes just some balancing needed. no need remake]
ReplyDeleteI kinda agree with that~~
Some of the heroes they comment about is good enuf already they still say it is noob....
Juz like Holy Knight.It was a good supportive hero but that ass hole say is noob hero and wan to name it "Holy Feeder"....Lolz duno use then dont use la no nid say it is noob hero wtf
above me... i agree.. holy knight is feed hero... wan 1vs1... i use ezalor kill u 99... haiz... damn noob than ezalor.... please remake it....
ReplyDeleteEver tried fighting a chen with good mico skills? I had one in a pub game. Believe me, 4 centaur warchiefs made sure his target got stunned for 6-8 seconds. This was only around lvl 6 so not enough time to farm for bkb >.> damn that was a har dgame. good thing our PA managed to buy Bfury and BKB near the end, that thing saved our ass in clashes. Chen's not a poor hero, you're probably just a poor player.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThere are 3 items I hope to see:
1. New type of gem which is timed and undroppable upon death
2. Tango for healing mana
3. Items that provide manasteal instead of lifesteal
.... Called Diffusal
.... Which DOESNT steal mana u noob.
ReplyDeleteRemake ZUES Become MELEE!!!!!!!
Ya poor player than dun talk so much la wan 1vs1 with me....And somemore, u duno read arh? I say good supportive hero la sucker... 1vs1 u wan me support creeps? and dota is meant to play in a whole team... not all hero can 1vs1 de la.... and so no hero is created noob somemore chen is kinda long in dota liao..if chen reli that noob y icefrog no change for so long?
ReplyDeleteahh cani suggest a remake of akasha's skill? i mean the blink, maybe add some aoe damage to the blink???, and the shadow strike..., maybe add some other buff instead of poison..., like..
ReplyDeletetarget will lose sight of nearby units(sight range decreased), slowed by 20%, and will miss 25% of its attack for 6 sec., and maybe change the scream of pain into something like..., banishing scream? (deals damage based on how close u are to the target, and amplify magic damage received to the target by 15%
^ suggest it to icefrog. he reads and takes in fan ideas.
ReplyDeleteHOLLY SHIT!!!
ReplyDeleteI am ur GOD!
f u kill 5 enemies it's RAMPAGE!!!!
ReplyDeletebetter -ah.
ReplyDelete6.66 -ah can easily bypass. Every game ppl play maphack.
A new orb or buff maybe interesting.
new runes
ReplyDelete(max lvl 30 mode)
change the sentinel tree
what else?
make it like Heroes Of Newerth Orb Effect just with the same item like life steal and life steal dont work but life steal and any other orb effect can be used
ReplyDeletei hope have a new rune like magic resistance... n physical resistance... n got money bout 250..... omg.. tis idea really nice...
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous.... diffusal not mana steal but mana burn la noob.... u didnt get mana but u burn his/her mana..... first time play dota??
ReplyDeletewhy so many ppl noob nowdays..
revert skill to 5.84c ^_^
ReplyDeletethose were the good old days
What a Bad Idea!!!
ReplyDeleteplease also make a sound for those who died in clash like for example....FEEDING SPREE, WEAK KASI, FOOD LIKE, HOLY FEED...PLEASE SOMEONE LET HIM KILL...hehe
ReplyDeleteahahaha all noobs for those who posted above me
ReplyDeleteremake bat rider.... plzzz...
ReplyDeletetoooooooooo WEAK
PLS SOMEONE LET HIM KILL...interesting..
ReplyDeletefor heroes who die more than 5 in streak..
make digre undaying more stronger
ReplyDeleteetc. incarase base dmg and atack speed and incarase damage of 2. speell
To anonymous....
ReplyDeleteu have nice idea than me? simply say ppl idea is bad......
OMG...that great idea.... PLS SOMEONE LET HIM KILL.... LOL
Increase witch doctor 3rd skills Aoe
ReplyDeletenew item that have true sight and dmg or immune to pysical dmg but will recive more dmg from spells etc
ReplyDeletemake nightcrawler a bit more stronger
ReplyDeletei still think wisp hero would be kickass with skills like heartstopper for mana and mana steal and implosion (not suicide, more like vacuum) as 3 main skills, and ulti as mana discharge (spammable !)
ReplyDeletei think hydra hero would be cool, and also i would really like dark arthas (no horse/with sword) like in Warcraft 3.1 and pheonix hero and gnoll and goblin shredder would kick ass!
i still would like to see more eaglehorn/mystic staff/messerschmits reaver item recipies like telekinetic staff (300+ range for ranged :D)and things like sange + messerschmitds + javelin = destroyer polearm!
i think it would be awesome to have 2 int recipies like robe of the magi + wizards staff = warbringer stave for 800 (like int version of sange or yasha :D) ------- + mystic staff + mask of death + oblivion staff = MANA STEAL ITEM!!!
also, golem hero would rule
posted by: Walkur1005 (aka IBurnTeddyBears)
ReplyDeleteput slow on his burning spear
make sange and yasha orb effect for melee only
ReplyDeletemake it 6 vs 6,,,will b more fun
ReplyDeletePlz make new hero!!!
ReplyDeletemake another two new heroes i suggest that u get the two new heroes from star craft just like venomancer. he's from star craft a zerg type, why not get 1 from terran and 1 from protoss that would be great :) or maybe just get another from zerg like the ultralisk :) or maybe the zergling
ReplyDeleteincohatus formless because I want that hero
ReplyDeleteand increase damage of assasinate of kardel
lvl 1=305
lvl 2=505
lvl 3=805
or make it pure damage
aw.... first blodd
ReplyDeleteI want 2 new strength sentinel hero
ReplyDeletei hope .....
ReplyDeleteclockwerh normal damage increase......
in this coming version...
i want a red viper!
ReplyDeleteI want Thrall to be one new hero...
ReplyDeleteMaybe a bigger map including more lines and more secret shops (neutral creeps, too).
Or to protect more bases.
greetz ^^
Mirana Remake??? Last Skill only pls??
ReplyDeleteRemake of skill of some hero pls
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of female hero without clothes.
ReplyDeletepls make a new hero and the skills are
ReplyDelete1st skill : HASTE
2nd skill : DOUBLE DAMAGE
3rd skill : ILLUSION
ulti skill : REGENERATION
make techies a bit stronger
make it 6 versus 6 players..due to demand.. xD
ReplyDeleteadd a stone/blood/fire golem as hero....
ReplyDeletei suggest icefrog add item that improve fire attack or add a flame attack to the hero. so far you can add frost attack. i really wish i can make a fire/flame/sun burst or sumthing on slayer or batrider...
that would make the game more interesting...
Please, buff Lucifer a bit, he's too weak.
ReplyDeleteAnd Murloc and Ancient too. Those 3, sux hard. Are too nerfed...
Please make a new hero with a big dick on his head.
ReplyDeleteHyppogryph rider hero...
ReplyDeleteDazzle buff pls...
ReplyDeleteShadow wave from 80/100/120/140 heal to 90/110/130/150 and cooldown from 12/10/8/6 to 11/9/7/5. to be a nice healer
shadow grave cooldown lvl 4 must return to 12 seconds instead of 15 seconds or make the hp wont go lower than 1% hp instead of 1 hp.
poison touch at level 4 must have 30 damage per second since the slow and stun is the same at level 3 and the poison damage doesn't deal that much damage and is armor reduceable.
agree with dazzle changes ^^v
ReplyDeletei would like to c a knight from the human campaign.. so do dragon riders.. easy model?
blade mail since you've lower down to 3.5 sec, why not make the cooldown faster.
a mana reg item would be nice.. something like the shadow urn? forgot the name +400hp reg or dps 200. to heal mana there's only like.. clarity potion, bottle and stick. whereas hp healings are loaded
please amke a new hero like type...:)
ReplyDeletewhat are the changes in this ver.?
ReplyDeleteyea changing mirana's ultimate would be better. :)
ReplyDeletei want a flying strenth hero ^_^
ReplyDeletebalanar int type and i want for his ulti is making daylight ^_^
ReplyDeletei want a horny hero ^_^
ReplyDeleteNew hero plz....and the mirana ulti reali muz chg it...Sux like hell~~~
ReplyDeletecan add new hero??? the new new new hero!!!!!!!!!!! pick the good skill for the new hero can?? pls dun noob!!!! XD....
ReplyDelete-Aghanim for ogre magi please for 6x Multicast!!!lol
ReplyDelete-Aghanim For Ezalor Please, His Ulti no longger to cast & add some new skill ( Become Passive )
-Aghanim For Tinny ulti please ( Make Bigger Than his ulti now !!! + add some dmge )
-Aghanim for slardar please -armor 20
Remake Tinker ulti please looks like it's no use.
Remake Ursa ulti please add mana or something that can make balance.
Remake Mirana ulti please, all unit and building of his team become invisible. lol !!!
Add new heroes please :
Whisp agi
Skill :
like naix ulti, but we can control the unit we possessed, add hp and mana According creep we possessed, & get creep skill we possessed.
Sucide like Techis when use in possessed body the creep body will explode and dmging all enemny around if not in possessed body it's die and destroy mana all heroes.
*Light body
make all unit attack this heroes, will be blind
*Heroes possessed
instanly possessed a enemny hero, that hero will be controlled for 3 sec can attack Only, if the hero die's it the whisp will die too, ( can;t use skill blizt when possessed hero )
make ursa warrior overpower will not interrupt his movement just like his ulti enrage just what u do in 6.65 bec in 6.66 you redo again his skill
ReplyDeletemake a new item better than MKB
ReplyDeleteursa warrior is imba... thats why overpower must interrupt his movement
ReplyDeleteI'd like to see some things like:
ReplyDelete1. a gem or ward that can see through illutions...
2. a new hero with a cooler look unlike murloc..
murloc is cool very cool...
ReplyDeletemake Azwraith last skill more stronger!!!
ReplyDeleteOi, Bat does imba damage in the 2-4 seconds but then it would be too imba if it gets even stronger...
ReplyDeletek ,now,dota need so much vote for some things
ask for more votes when selecting heroes
XXXX is chosing XXXXXX, type -u can pick or veto this by -fuck you i wan this bitch!!
and when buying item,
XXXX is buying XXXXXX, type -u can buy that or veto this by -fuck u that item was risky fucker
then when to skill enemy,:
XXXX going to skill XXXX,type -go ahead! to alow or -fuck you wan ks me? to prevent XXXX to skill XXXX.
1 more! last but not least!!
XXX is thinking to attack XXXX , to allow XXX type -WTF!! or veto this type -fuck u!there so dangerous!!!!!
the XXXX is want to leave,prevent type -wait first noobFUCK or allow him -u may get lost FEEDER!!!!
then...dota should change name to = Vote For Stars allStars!
eh,me so intrested for aghanim,for some reason(much)aghanim is not my choice hahaha,proudly if!
1. ogre with aghanim = chance to multicast is higher,multicast on item-dagoon,shiva,hex,or any-
2.ezalor - his ulti give massive skill changes..hist light bind bcome somethin like vacum(miss rate not change at all!)1 more skill like furion teleport and low cooldown for his allied call..
3.Tinker-he ulti no longer channeling but (like alchemist) can cancel if tinker skilled/attacked(damaged) during realm
4.balanar ulti CHANGED-it like an immolution(eat lot of mana and life) !during this skill he dealt 15% more dmg,silenced but gain degen aura(25% slow aura)
5.meepo- if got aghanim.his clone got 2 slot(1 for boot 1 more for ?????)pretty funny >_<
6.Mirana-The most lol among my idea haha!!!!every attack,he got chance(damn low) to realese (auto cast/sudden cast) random skill between his arrow and starfall (depend on skill starfall and elune level)
7.Bara-aghanim effect!!!!!maintain existing.but his knock back hit two time!(does not double the damage dealt by target)bcome shadow hit target from back -knockback- ,and bcome shadow again and hit target from front the cooldown does not need to be lowed like existed(maintain cooldown before aghanims)
8.visage-make his familiar gain higher damage at faster rate,and his familiar stun make stuned enemy push foward(no so fast like force staff,slow and smooth)
9.lycanthrope-with aghanim his crit is higer then b4 aghanim,does not reduce cooldown and not increase shift duration .werewolf skill,vision for nearest enemy at 4500 range (nice dog with sense of smell)ops! the cons!every 3200 range of his walk,i mean distance he travelled,he will stuned for 0.5 sec(curse upon werewolf)
10.balance this!Ancient-his shattered on las is 12%..juz mantain the value =10%.but damage could increase higher..
cons!-people may cant dodge his ice blast but can survive at least for 13% of life left
pros!-nice nukes combos with rocket flare and sunstrike!
11.(vengeful spirit)swap is unable to casted on imune magic unit ..whoopss!Love and really love this!
12.statis trap!!!!it no longer hit/stun unit upon explosion!!!but,become buff-unit under buff(enemy) will stuned if he dealt more then XXX damage
synergy-his suicide (if unit unsucces kill with suiced unless he being stun for ally killing),doctor witch Ward!!!and his ultimate.
cons-the buff not last long on target,
pros-hit hero(only),immediate explode upon stomp!
no more idea for this
life steal for range that is not orb effect what do you think XD
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, all heroes in dota are never feeder or noob, juz how the player plays the hero. Any balancing to heroes shall only be done when seems necessary, not by listening to the hero's haters. I think IceFrog Sama does not choose 1 side by making some hero imba and the other noob, all is balanced if u really know how to counter the hero's abilities and skillsets. Troll also can be countered by blade mail, while lion can be countered by khagdar pipe of insight and other anti-magic items. Just every hero has the role to be played either as tanker, supporter, DPSer etc. And i don't think that heroes needs to be removed. A little balancing is great and the addition of only a few new heroes is best,not by adding a tons of heroes and then u will know the hero is not interesting. I also a noob player, but i am trying my best to be the PRO, or at least good dota player.
ReplyDeletehah??Ice Frog already makes the map so balance,all the heroes also..if you wanna find skills that's imbalance..kwwk try dota OMG..the skill are mixed..sometimes u will get confused by it..hahaha..
ReplyDeleteplzz rmake bara charge... damn so slow.... plzz....!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteplz make a hero that can increase the death time of the enemies
ReplyDeleteor should i say the respawn time when killed
ReplyDeleteI want The Lich King To be One of The next set of new heros!!1
ReplyDeletemake new hero.!!!
ReplyDeleteI think you should get 2 new hero that have max move speed and max attack speed..also get hero that have huge huge hp..ex.. lvl 25 = 5000 (non-item wearing)
ReplyDeleteBUG REPoRT!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThere's a bug in 6.66b ai map the bug is when you activated the 1st skill of barathrum he will stock on his position for 3-5 sec until he begin the damage into his enemy. bug report!!!!
blade mail
ReplyDeleteerm.i think better improve the graphic of the game.make it better.but make sure that ppl that using 128mb 3D card can play.xD
ReplyDeletenecrolic skill balancing please
ReplyDeleteuntil now i dont know what exactly new necrolic rule in game
why gotta have skill that reduce damage? for int based hero? its even not a tanker
and that must charge skill for using
damage output too low
and the ulti too... it suck that stun's too short
and for late game his ulti more useless
agreed... remake bara charge.... omg.. so slow... why icefrog?
ReplyDeleteretard, 3rd skill witch doctor alreadi aoe la.... noob...!!
ReplyDeletefor you idiots out there.. when they're asking for suggestions im pretty sure they want ideas on new heros like telling them to make new heros with no ideas u ignorant people.. give them ideas on the new hero u want and ideas on the new items u want.. and yes some people did and some people who i hate reading saying new heros/items.. give ideas u noob
ReplyDeleteis "The Gambler" money stealer will be in 6.67??? c'mon dwag that will be cool ^^ -- Skeebo - Phil Dota High Level Room 1
ReplyDeleteall hroes are imba.. It depends on the person who are using it.. like the other person said alleria bit noob? maybe youre not used in using alleria tha's why
ReplyDeleteenbes de Estar Creando nuebos héroes Porque no hay héroes Mejoran alos mas telas como Kael techis silenser Windrunner
ReplyDeleteabove me... use english... u retard?
ReplyDelete--! d ultimate skill! of mirna is great..! u jst dont know how 2 use it..! batrider 2 it has a great skill...! 3rd 1st last 2nd skill! whew..! im sure..plying her in a team..! im sure you'll win..!
ReplyDeletefully support wat Anonymous says, create new hero!! A Hydra! And the skills that is wroten there...
ReplyDeleteno 1 can beat MH
ReplyDeleteAjar ca men dota bh
ReplyDeleteUrsa Warrior still imba.
ReplyDeleteAncient Apr8n is almost untouchable if dealt with 1on1 on mid lane unless for naix and some skills... would make it impossible to gain exp and farm...
a lot of retards here give suggestions in order to cover up the flaw in their favorite hero and make it overpowered rather than balanced.
One asked for a hero with max movespeed and max atkspeed - WHAT ABOUT windrunner???
Same person asked for 5k hp with no items - THATS TOO IMBALANCED, but what about pudge(flesh heap)
6X multicast - sensible only if the chance for this to happen is like 1-2%
here are some SENSIBLE suggestions:
-Nerf Necrolic - at least add slow/poison to his bats
-eliminate the delay of Leshrac's AOE stun
-Make roshan immune to ALL negative effects including fury swipes, stun, frost, -armor, etc.
New hero suggestion:
Kodu Beast rider hero (STR)
-earthstomp AOE 75/150/225/300 dmg (like breath)
-tank skill for (3/5/7/9) secs which decreases damage taken by (26/34/42/50)% but disables the user from attacking.
-roar which makes user invunerable to normal atks for 5-7 secs (cool combo with BKB and his ultimate)
-ULTIMATE - gore - 1 sec cast time, single target within (500,700,900) range, hero gains max movespeed and magic immunity and collision ignorance upon activation and heads towards the target, upon impact, deals damage equal to 1/2 of the distance traveled from activation up to impact and knocks back the opponent by 1/4 of the travelled distance. after the knock back, the target and enemies sorrounding it at around (100/130/160) AOE are stunned for (1.5/2.25/3) secs. CD - 150/130/110 mana cost - 175/275/375
it would seem like a combo of charge of darkness, rapture, toss and ghost ship.
sounds fair right?
remake ursa : make his skills not affect roshan. only do a normal damge to roshan cause if youll think of it he is the only hero that can kik roshans butt while still in lvl 6 and not much equips in early game w/o any help from the others and make his defence into a (-)negative or (0) zero cause hes too trong already and too tough to beat and gots lot of hp :)
ReplyDeletealso remake tinker ultimate skill the reload make boots of travel not to be reloaded when he uses reload . cause in early game all he does is keep on pooling using boots of travel to go in battle field use march of the machine on the creeps and reload go back to the base to pool (regen hp mana ect..)relaod again and use boots of travel again to go to battle field and keeps on doing this every time over and over again until he gets the desired equipment w/o any problem ...
ReplyDeletei like the remake on the ulti of tinker too..
ReplyDeletePlease create a hero based on medivh the profet for dota.That would be nice
ReplyDeleteHow bout Arthas, Lich style :p
ReplyDeletemake rosan stronger that can kill 3-5 hero only.. and gives money to all allies... that's great lol..
ReplyDeletedid above said bring old roshan back @@ .the only can solo him is hero with 2 divine.
ReplyDeletecrazy hit point.that not good if roshan juz drop eagis..
i think there have A new improvements for new heroes when new maps release bcoz when we play vs computer,new heroes dont know buy what like intelligence new heroes for the map 6.66b ai map!always when i play vs computer when i used mode arnestnnng they dont buy something to make they better however they have a lot money..i'm bored see this situation,but when i used mode arstnr only,computer will got advantage from the money and level..never kill creep from beginning too they will got 1 level advantage from us!
ReplyDeletei hope to see more heroes will release soon,make 6 vs 6,new version map that come new face of track look,new music battle,new jungle look,new shop look. PLEASE MAKE A NEW LOOK FOR NEW VERSION MAO WHEN RELEASE! i like to see 'heroes fo newerth' map look! how can we have 'heroes of newerth' game?i think i want to try that game!is that the games for online?
ReplyDeletewew ! i HOPE there is a BUG in 6.67 ! :))
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehei can i suggest a new hero for make dota 6.67 more cool?
ReplyDeletethis is only my suggest.. and uall can change it if uall want..
any abstruse please report to me at THANKS!
new hero name kalabatu
melee hero with sword
Str Hero ~ the calture
1st skill (Gleam) fire like goku [active skill]
Lv1- 75 damage and lose 5% mana
Lv2-150 damage and lose 10% mana
Lv3-200 damage and lose 30% mana
Lv4-300 damage and lose 50% mana
2nd skill (Turbin) hex like axe for one time and slow like ursa [active skill]
lv1- 75 damage
lv2-150 damage
lv3-200 damage
lv4-300 damage
3rd skill (Vital Force) add to team hero str/agi/int hang to hero type per creep or allied [passive skill]
lv1 ~ 10% from there type
lv2 ~ 20% from there type
lv3 ~ 30% from there type
lv4 ~ 40% from there type
Ulti (Ponder) mark a small area anywere ni map to attack(almose like Kunka-CoCo 1st skill) [active skill]
lv1 ~ 200 damage small area
lv2 ~ 300 damage medium area
lv3 ~ 400 damage large area
make dirge more stronger
ReplyDeletehow about changing kellens daggers of escape to "KELLENS DAGGERS OF SURPRISE", cause in most cases daggers is used for a suprise attack, even used for escape in some cases though... just a thought..