Dota 6.66 Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.66 & Changelogs

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lol.... FIRSY BLOOD!!!!
ReplyDeleteDouble KILL ahaha Make balanar the 666 OMG hero now dats kool~
ReplyDeletebullshit mega killing spree
ReplyDeleteNight Stalker's gotta be remembered, and Kunkka's Ghost Ship could get some upgrades as well xD
Lycanthrope and Night Stalker. :D
ReplyDeleteSo maybe, during Christmas, then the loading screen should also be special.
That would be actually be very nice.
make a item that loooks holloween
ReplyDeletemake a hero that name DRACULA thats it.. but make sure it looks like a devil
ReplyDeleteand the loading screen plss make it balanar,lucifer,banehollow and other scourge character
ReplyDeleteand make a new hero that looks like a devil
ReplyDeleteand lucifer balanar and lycantrophe should upgrade their skills
ReplyDeleteand the scourge base should be more fearful
ReplyDeleteyes a new item indeed. thats would very nice jar of darkness restore mp when night time +10/sec
ReplyDeleteand a remake for banehollow and other
ReplyDeleteand for the new hero it would be nice if a vampire
ReplyDeleteLike Alucard [Draculas Son} Scourge
ReplyDeleteand for sentinel add a hero like a name Richart Belmont[Vampire killer}-SEntinel pllsss Icefrog
ReplyDeletei hope i can see the hero alucard and richart belmont
ReplyDeletethx ICEFROG i hope 6.66 will come soon with the 2 new hero alucard and richart belmont
ReplyDeleteI hope v6.66
ReplyDeleteRemake Vanguard
Poorman shield + Ring of health + vitalty booster
escribo en espaƱol porque se me hace mas facil. pero si lo que se necesita es hacer al doombringer mas IMBA, seria modificar su HABILIDAD DOOM. que en vez de afectar a una solo unidad sea en 600aoe y que todas las unidades enemigas que esten en esa area sean afectadas.
ReplyDeleteI say we skip 6.66. we don't want religous nutcases going after icefrog xD
ReplyDeletedamn,i really want this version 6.66 offered a devil heroes such as Adramelech,or Matheus, or maybe a wicked and cunning one the Behemoth.. Sure one of this will make a great for this 6.66 map..
ReplyDelete6.66 map heh?? Think this one need a new type of roshan.. An equippable Roshan witch have a random item in his bulk,. hahaha
ReplyDelete6.66 => some scourge heroes should be given more increasing heroes stats, spell damage etc...too imba
ReplyDeletenightcrawler most fastest hero for me its like balanar night stalker when its night thats what you said nightcrawler its crawling every night one quick frog hero amazing!!!
ReplyDeletei want 2 have 6.65 ai so i can battle someones because i dont have gg damn! god it!!!
ReplyDeletevisage necroli'c changes of 2nd skill its more powerful than the past hmmm. . . . . very nice!
ReplyDeletethe 2 new heroes in 6.65 slark murloc night crawler and kaldyr is a strong new heroes i kind of like it but i do not like kaldyr its not 2 much strong for me its weak! slark murloc night crawler rocks very fast and strong for me murloc nightcrawler slarks perfect build is boots of travel sange and yasha satanic boriza mongkey king bar and butterfly great one!
ReplyDeletewew antichrist na talaga mga tao oh anu ba naman yan ...
ReplyDeletelapit na magunaw ang mundo ...
lapit na !!
more new hero skills to even up with murloc cauz he is soo imba ....
ReplyDeletemake a char named edward collin as a enemy vampire of balanar and jacob as a vampire hunter lol hahaha
ReplyDeletei gotta say crawler passive regen make him imba..i played in pub n i've seen doom's ulti did not manage to make him die!!OMG FTW!!i hope for a new hero though in this new version..behemoth,dracula,flying dutchman,or maybe some devilish hero maybe??well it is up for ice to decide that
ReplyDeletein 6.66, why not make "IMBA" sound after Beyond GodLike? :)) more sound pls...:)
ReplyDeletei think balanar ult must upgrade to vampire form..
ReplyDeletemake day become night..
than evry hit balanar steals health by 30/40/50% of its dmg, add HP by 500/700/1000
ExpertKill make Loadingscreen be a cool.make like GOD...Why Visage change de?=D
ReplyDeleteMake cool IMBA Sound when kill at 6 kill other map din same de...when killing got Human...bla..bla...
ReplyDeleteCool will be if in 6.66 is going to be undying as super imba ;D
ReplyDeletemas astig kung lhat ng hero may sungay haha....
ReplyDeletepati c roshan may sungay din at may red aura all heroes ..
ReplyDeleteidagdag sa heroes c hades haha para naman may impyerno haha scourge dapat sya haha..
ReplyDeletemake 2 new hero of angel and devil like heroes.
ReplyDeletehopefully a hero tat looks like a ent.
ReplyDeletemaybe Manastealer.
Steals mana instead of HP like Lifestealer.
Good idea or too imba?
new hero late please..
ReplyDeletelike dark terror and troll
waw, six-six-six?
ReplyDeletemake a very devillish hero.
or make dirge more IMBA!
make a new hero named JACK THE RIPPER!
change the 3rd skill of nevermore.... because i have seen that most players don't use the skill because it will interrupt the strategy they use in nevermore.... i hope that at v6.66 this skill will be changed...
ReplyDeleteremake appearance for lucifer i hope
ReplyDeletewhy prince of darkness got ugly butt face?
Most of the ideas are TOO IMBA for me....
ReplyDeleteI think froggy should add something like "fun" mode in 6.59 ai with imba heroes and imba item.
The heroes name should be like VAMPIRE name.
Oh and change all statues in the map become zombie and cross. lol
just change appearance of some hero, and maybe courier crow become a gargoyle 0_o, and roshan get devil horn and more powerful ^^
ReplyDeleteroshan should have 1 for sentinel and 1 for scourge. left and right river.. seti cant attack the roshan for scourge and vice versa..
ReplyDeletethe BG music pls change. more fearfuL
ReplyDeletehaha i want a mini roshan courier xDD haha wouldnt it be nice ? and a new hero for the scourge named 'beelzebub'(i dunno if the spelling is correct though)haha which is another name of lucifer or satan xDD nyahaha ..well maybe icefrog can make a new hero if you can send him the hero's models?haha xD
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeletewew antichrist na talaga mga tao oh anu ba naman yan ...
lapit na magunaw ang mundo ...
lapit na !!
uo nga e pre bkt gnun sila ? buti pa tau mbbaet haha xD mlapit na mg 'rupture' tama ba ?
MAKE PIT LORD THE STRONGEST hahaha I cant see player using him e
ReplyDeleteMake the aganim`s scepter for all hero`s ultimates. Some said its unfair cause others cannot use it and change MIRANA`s ultimate cause as I play, no one uses that skill... Just once every week. Make it like Dance of Death in Ran online... for clash...... i think uhmmm hundred second cooldown.....350 damage.....and.....450 AoE....... Does it sounds cooL?? TnX! Email me at Add me on faceBooK!..... IceFroG ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! HoN just copied some things in Warcraft! Dont get LOSE!!!!! I LOVE PLAYING dOTA!!!! HaTe hoN......
ReplyDeleteWow...few people actually speak English here...I mean the real a language. Too many kids on computers these days, too.
ReplyDeletemaybe you can make a new cloth for balanar
ReplyDeleteand make naix;s face more scary
i hope you'll make a hero like lich king. he's the GOD!
ReplyDeleteyeah... lucifer is the beast...
ReplyDeletemake the scourge creeps zombie
ReplyDeletecreate roshan the reaper
ReplyDeleteinstead of ghost ship make the animation a coffin
ReplyDeletegive scourge hero gold gain 2/sec instead of 1gold/sec. :)
ReplyDeletemake lucifer the sTRUONGest
ReplyDeletei wanna see a NEW BALANAR remake or buff ULTI, instead of just DARKNESS, there should b an increase regen or a LIFE LEECH on every attack..of corz u see BALANAR is a vampire, a vampire is so powerful at night not w/ jaz crazy MS...
ReplyDeleteHow About Putting a Bonus Skill on each hero at lvl 25, they could use the skill icon because it disappears at max level
ReplyDeleteicefr0g please change the loading screen of dota . make it more spookier and like a doomsday . :) uhm . make 2 more powerups so the players would enjoy it . and . lastly . make krobe more imba . :))
ReplyDeletemake slark more tougher and stronger by adding more str and hp . and make DIVINE UNDROPPABLE ! :))
ReplyDeletethe ancien aparations SS is hard to control...but its nice..too imba!.,weew!
ReplyDeletein 6.66 lucifer will become so IMBA... lol
ReplyDeleteI maybe a n00b in DoTa but if the 666 number is the DEVIL number... make two hew heroes... DARK and LIGHT .....
ReplyDelete1.Dark Demon ( Demon of the UnderWorld ) for Scourge.
STR:28 ( this hero will be STR based hero )
Move Speed:305
1.1: Dark Wave
Description: Gives a powerfull Wave that blow up the enemy
LEVEL 1: Make Dark wave that deals 60 damage in small Radius (100) ; Cooldown 30 seconds ; Mana Cost: 80
LEVEL 2: Make Dark wave that deals 80 damage in Radius (150) ; Cooldown 25 seconds ; Mana Cost: 100
LEVEL 3: Make Dark wave that deals 140 damage in big Radius (200) ; Cooldown 20 seconds ; Mana Cost: 120
LEVEL 4: Make Dark wave that deals 220 damage in Hudge Radius (250) ; Cooldown 15 seconds ; Mana Cost: 140
1.2: Day'n'Night PoWeR
Descriptin: Dark Demon Restores X hp/X mp every second
LEVEL 1: Restores 1hp/s and 2mp/s during the day; 2hp/s and 4mp/s during the night Cooldown ; 0 seconds ; Mana Cost: 0
LEVEL 2: Restores 2hp/s and 4mp/s during the day; 4hp/s and 8mp/s during the night Cooldown ; 0 seconds ; Mana Cost: 0
LEVEL 3: Restores 3hp/s and 8mp/s during the day; 6hp/s and 16mp/s during the night Cooldown ; 0 seconds ; Mana Cost: 0
LEVEL 3: Restores Restores 4hp/s and 8mp/s during the day; 8hp/s and 32mp/s during the night Cooldown ; 0 seconds ; Mana Cost: 0
1.3: Masive Damage
Description: During the night dark demon makes X bonus damage from Dark Wave Spell based on the X%STR X%AGY X%INT
LEVEL 1: 15%STR 10%AGY 5%INT ; Cooldown 20 secunds ; Mana Cost: 100
LEVEL 2: 20%STR 15%AGY 10%INT ; Cooldown 15 seconds ; Mana Cost: 140
LEVEL 3: 25%STR 20%AGY 15%INT ; Cooldown 10 seconds ; Mana Cost: 170
LEVEL 4: 30%STR 25%AGY 20%INT ; Cooldown 10 seconds ; Mana Cost: 200
Desctription: Reduces cooldown of the Dark Demon spells
LEVEL 1: ; Cooldown 120 seconds ; Mana Cost: 180
LEVEL 2: ; Cooldown 100 seconds ; Mana Cost: 320
LEVEL 3: ; Cooldown 80 seconds ; Mana Cost: 480
SCIPTER UPDATE: Reduces Cooldown with 40 seconds ; Reduces Mana Cost with 80
2.Element Hunter ( Element Master ) for Sentinel.
INT:25 ( this hero will be INT based hero )
Move Speed:295
2.1: Call the Earth
Description: Light Hunter shakes earth that deals X damage to the enemy
LEVEL 1: 75 Damage ; Cooldown 20 seconds ; Mana Cost: 80
LEVEL 2: 150 Damage ; Cooldown 20 seconds ; Mana Cost: 100
LEVEL 3: 225 Damage ; Cooldown 20 seconds ; Mana Cost: 120
LEVEL 4: 300 Damage ; Cooldown 20 seconds ; Mana Cost: 140
2.2: Light Shield
Description: Buffs allied hero with a powerfull shield.30% chance to make static charge for X hits.Lasts for 40 seconds.
LEVEL 1: 80 lightning damage, gives 2 armor, 2 hits ; Cooldown 60 seconds ; Mana Cost: 100
LEVEL 2: 140 lightning damage, gives 3 armor, 2 hits ; Cooldown 60 seconds ; Mana Cost: 120
LEVEL 3: 180 lightning damage, gives 4 armor, 3 hits ; Cooldown 60 seconds ; Mana Cost: 140
LEVEL 4: 220 lightning damage, gives 5 armor, 4 hits ; Cooldown 60 seconds ; Mana Cost: 180
2.3: Wind PoWeR
Description: Bashes the enemy for X radius and makes X damage
LEVEL 1: 250 Radius/120 damage ; Cooldown 30 seconds ; Mana Cost: 90
LEVEL 2: 300 Radius/150 damage ; Cooldown 30 seconds ; Mana Cost: 120
LEVEL 3: 350 Radius/180 damage ; Cooldown 30 seconds ; Mana Cost: 150
LEVEL 4: 400 Radius/210 damage ; Cooldown 30 seconds ; Mana Cost: 180
Calls all the elements power to make a hudge explosion that deals damage based on Intellect of the hero.
LEVEL 1: 4x Damage based on Intellect ; Cooldown 100 seconds ; Mana Cost: 200
LEVEL 2: 6x Damage based on Intellect ; Cooldown 100 seconds ; Mana Cost: 300
LEVEL 3: 8x Damage based on Intellect ; Cooldown 100 seconds ; Mana Cost: 400
SCIPTER UPDATE: Cooldown 20 seconds ; Mana Cost: 100 ; 9x Damage
Thanks: ThUnDeR GoD
EDIT: Dark Demon: ULTIMATE: Reducer
ReplyDeleteDescription: Reduces the damage during the night
LEVEL 1: 30% damage reduced
LEVEL 2: 50% damage reduced
LEVEL 3: 70% damage reduced
LEVEL 1 ULT: 35% damage reduced
LEVEL 2 ULT: 60% damage reduced
LEVEL 3 ULT: 80% damage reduced
ReplyDeleteMasive Damage:
Description:During the night dark demon makes X bonus damage from Dark Wave Spell X%STR or S%AGY or X%INT
LEVEL 1: 10%STR and 5%AGY and 10%INT
LEVEL 2: 10%AGY and 5%INT and 10%STR
LEVEL 3: 15%INT and 5%STR and 10%AGY
LEVEL 4: 20%STR and 5%INT and 10%AGY
I think make Slardar more as a DPS hero.. Rename Sprint to Tackle... not just MS but also IAS.. like level 1: Increase Speed 10% and Attack by 2%... and on level 4: Increase Speed 40% and Attack by 8%...
Holy Shit
ReplyDeletemake hero name ju-on.. its cool bro....
ReplyDeletesure all enemy dun wan near from him.. lol
change Roshan to a super strong demon would be awesome to try and kill, the demon could have spells and when hes about to be defeated he goes into a portal and you must follow him inside to hell to kill him.
ReplyDelete6.66 must have a vampire-like hero. lol
ReplyDeletehow about a upgrade avatar for roshan?
ReplyDeletewho is anonymous?
ReplyDeletemto bom, from is BRASIL!
Please make Rylai Crestfall the crystal maiden to be stronger. Example: change the 3th and 4th skill. And make a new better skill...please please please
ReplyDeletemake rylai stronger
ReplyDeletemake rylai stronger. example give a skill that can make her have a ability to chance to deal frost nova (passive)
ReplyDeleteWell i think about make more imba and players like Balanar or Pit Lord at this version will must make more imba cause they are <>...that's just an idea!!what are you saying?
ReplyDelete.. make roshan have some skills..
ReplyDelete.. slow, stun , splash , deals damage..
.. upgrade roshan
.. have a neutral creeps like a vampire
Plz faster
ReplyDeleteBuzz!!! make faster
ReplyDeleteJust create a Vampire with the typical type of vampire-wear. Flying, or you can say, flowing around when he moves.
ReplyDeletemelee, strenght based hero.
STR-20- increase 3.0 per lv
AGI-20- increase 2.3 per lv
INT-20- increase 1.8 per lv
A vampire should has high attack strenght, high moving speed attack speed, and being intellegent (because they dress smart in movies LOL). Thus, i suggest that the stats start at 20 for all.
However, The movement speed is not the highest because of the skills he has.
1st skill: Portal of Fear
Creates a dark portal right infront of him(unable to choose the target spot of casting). Bats are summoned and fly out of the hole in 360 degree. This wave-type of spell will chaos the enemies. Chaos effect: slow, silent, blind(70% attack miss rate), and reduce vision for a small duration.
lv1: 80 dmg, 200 aoe, 0.5s of chaos.
lv2: 130 dmg, 300 aoe, 0.75s of chaos.
lv3: 200 dmg, 400 aoe, 1.0s of chaos.
lv4: 250 dmg, 500 aoe, 1.5s of chaos.
2nd skill: Sense of danger.
Passively increase Vampire's abilities when he sense an enemy hero or heroes around him. More heroes around him, his abilities will increase even more.
lv1: IAS 1%/IMS 1%/Atk +3 per hero.
lv2: IAS 2%/IMS 2%/Atk +5 per hero.
lv3: IAS 3%/IMS 3%/Atk +8 per hero.
lv4: IAS 4%/IMS 4%/Atk +10 per hero.
3rd skill: Overflows
Due to his high movement speed, and the overwhelming power that he has, he is forced to release it once in a while to release him from the unlimited power of darkness which try to control his mind. Thus, he will teleport to a certain spot every few seconds.
lv1: automatically blink 100 range ahead, every 12s.
lv2: 150 range, 9s
lv3: 200 range, 6s
lv4: 250 range, 3s
*automatically attacks the nearest target after he blinks.
Release a 360aoe spell damage, stunning himself for 1 second when this spell is casted. Any Units, including allies, will be slowed for a certain percentage over a certain period. In fact, he is too fast in action until the other units around him seems to move too slow. He could not cast any active spell in this duration.
lv1: 200dmg, 50% ms/as slowed, 4s(including the stun to himself), 700aoe.
lv2: 300dmg, 70% ms/as slowed, 5s, 850aoe.
lv3: 400dmg, 90% ms/as slowed, 6s, 1000aoe.
*animation of ulti: when he cast this skill, Release a loud and strong voice(or sharp) of roar of a vampire. Hands,legs and the head are stretched to outside of the body, over stretching until its behind of the body when u look from the side, and he will be in the mid-air at the moment he did this. (and this is the 1 second stun. or infact, can change it into 1second casting time instead of 1 second stun.)
(sorry for bad english but i guess this action of casting the ulti is famous in devil/vampire/dark magic kind of movies.
*just a suggestion, hope you guys like it, and hope to see it.
ice forg!!! pls hurry! release the official 6.66 map!! change more hero power like & if can pls add another hero!! hehehe.. TQ
ReplyDeletepls make new hero like ANGEL... MICHEAL!!! HEehehe..
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ReplyDeletePlease don't make Lucifre IMBA. Thanks! =)
ReplyDeleteWhy not put many neutral monsters that are aggressive? Its halloween themed so monsters are creeping everywhere. x_x And another thing, making the creeps look like skeletons or something. ^_^
ReplyDeleteplease make vampire to against lycan....
ReplyDeletelike in movie underworld....TQ
yea...vampire in sentinel...
ReplyDeleteadd a new type of gem which is timed
ReplyDeletedelete slark xD !
ReplyDeletelol....... Roshan atk towers and towers can walk?... hahahaha
ReplyDeleteInstead of dropping cheese from roshan make it drop pumpkins ^^
ReplyDeletecreate an exact opponent of balanar,, name it the day walker.. yeah that's cool
ReplyDeletemake doraemon hero dude~~
you want Doom Bringer to be IMBA?
ReplyDeletethen you should make Doom's Duration into 1 hour w/ a cooldown of 5 secs..
now that's imbalance.. ^^
wew.. doom with 1hr duration?
ReplyDeletevery IMBALANCE. haha
Hi!For my opinion to make dota 6.66 more special you should rise the number of towers and you should rise the money in start and to make with 5 ways not 3.this is my opinion.i hope u will read this and realize my wish.
ReplyDeleteDotA 6.65 AI + BETA 3
make a pumkin hero....
ReplyDeletethat would be holloween theme...
i agreed....
ReplyDeleteme 2
ReplyDeletemake new pic at startup...
ReplyDeleteput anything that related to devil...
Alief, 6.66 is out!!!
ReplyDelete@anhar08 - Thanks ;)
ReplyDeletewow...all noos here..hahahah ...???
Looking forward to 7.77 .... :D
ReplyDeleteare you weak mga weker
ReplyDeletemake a new item for intelli hero's that gives armor intand str not so expensive but effective
ReplyDeletemake the killing sounds like double,triple,killing spree more dangerous.
ReplyDeletedoom new 1st skill is too IMBA!!
ReplyDeleteHe should do something about to TerrorBalde too!xD
ReplyDeleteSuper Spree
rework the map, make it like a hell map without using theme switcher.
ReplyDeletenew doom bringer awesomeness
ReplyDeleteDeben Mejorar la primera del sapo de nuevo ese naga no me gusta su primera
ReplyDeleteEl nuevo x ejemplo uno para atacar mas rapido o algo o sino k cree una especie de mina de huevo noc algo
I AM no name user of dota allstars map V6.66
ReplyDeletein these map 2 hero skills are change 1st lucifer A.K.A doom bringer and 2nd is Visage A.K.A necro'lic. doom 1st skill so imba we (our team) always win our game because of doom. can some one help me what visage 2nd skill mean???
Plssss.... Cr8 this heroes........ Soma Cruz (Dracula) and Julius Belmont (Vampire Hunter).....
ReplyDeleteThen Remake balanar's last skill and his fear of the night skill make his last skill balanar transform into a Vamper+Demon Lord and his fear of the night be the Darkness....... Hmmmmmm Its good hah :D...... plssss do it because its 666 already..... make balanar be a "PURE EVIL" and the 2 heroes i said.......... This map will be Gr8!!! :D
visage 2nd skill is Gr8 but nit very IMBA!!! when you hit enemy or you'v been hit by an enemy visage 2nd skill will ba charge up to the VERY RED bar... For every bar has a damage... if the hit bar rich the Very Red color the damage of visage 2nd skill will be Gr8.... Thats all... I hope you understand what i'v say..... thank you......
ReplyDeletePlssss..... Put back again the Storm Earth And Fire Sound track when you have rich the "MONSTER KILL" like the old dota version...... Sounds COOL ah.... :D....... IceFrog is the "BEST" of the "BEST" :D
ReplyDeleteWHAT!!!!!! Back baratrum's skill???? NO!!!! Baratrum's old skill is very very very very very IMBA!!!! because he has a stun for 6sec and cd of 6sec to........ your hero cant move....... so thats the GAY......... 6sec stun for 6sec CD..... WTF!!!!!
ReplyDeletewhat so evey baratrum
whoa! doom is great!
ReplyDeleteDoom is really imba with new devour
ReplyDeletealucard- 1 metamorphosis 2- bat form 3-soul steal(passive) 4- mist form(decreases life)3 life per second!
ReplyDeletei suggest to have a new hero like the characters in the castlevania !!
ReplyDeletewtf ???
ReplyDeletedoom is very powerful in this version! and visage!
ReplyDeletekaliant smua ap sudah dewa?
ReplyDeleteI hope Tinker's Ulti Can Use To His Allies!!!
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ReplyDeletekaliant smua ap sudah dewa?
ReplyDeletewtf ???
ReplyDeletePlz faster
ReplyDeletemto bom, from is BRASIL!
rework the map, make it like a hell map without using theme switcher.
ReplyDeleteI think make Slardar more as a DPS hero.. Rename Sprint to Tackle... not just MS but also IAS.. like level 1: Increase Speed 10% and Attack by 2%... and on level 4: Increase Speed 40% and Attack by 8%...
ReplyDeleteMasive Damage:
Description:During the night dark demon makes X bonus damage from Dark Wave Spell X%STR or S%AGY or X%INT
LEVEL 1: 10%STR and 5%AGY and 10%INT
LEVEL 2: 10%AGY and 5%INT and 10%STR
LEVEL 3: 15%INT and 5%STR and 10%AGY
LEVEL 4: 20%STR and 5%INT and 10%AGY
in 6.66 lucifer will become so IMBA... lol
ReplyDeleteicefr0g please change the loading screen of dota . make it more spookier and like a doomsday . :) uhm . make 2 more powerups so the players would enjoy it . and . lastly . make krobe more imba . :))
ReplyDeleteinstead of ghost ship make the animation a coffin
ReplyDeleteWow...few people actually speak English here...I mean the real a language. Too many kids on computers these days, too.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeletewew antichrist na talaga mga tao oh anu ba naman yan ...
lapit na magunaw ang mundo ...
lapit na !!
uo nga e pre bkt gnun sila ? buti pa tau mbbaet haha xD mlapit na mg 'rupture' tama ba ?
Cool will be if in 6.66 is going to be undying as super imba ;D
ReplyDeletewew antichrist na talaga mga tao oh anu ba naman yan ...
ReplyDeletelapit na magunaw ang mundo ...
lapit na !!
visage necroli'c changes of 2nd skill its more powerful than the past hmmm. . . . . very nice!
ReplyDeleteescribo en espaƱol porque se me hace mas facil. pero si lo que se necesita es hacer al doombringer mas IMBA, seria modificar su HABILIDAD DOOM. que en vez de afectar a una solo unidad sea en 600aoe y que todas las unidades enemigas que esten en esa area sean afectadas.
ReplyDeleteand for sentinel add a hero like a name Richart Belmont[Vampire killer}-SEntinel pllsss Icefrog
ReplyDeleteand the scourge base should be more fearful
ReplyDeleteand the loading screen plss make it balanar,lucifer,banehollow and other scourge character
ReplyDeleteDouble KILL ahaha Make balanar the 666 OMG hero now dats kool~