Dota 6.64 OMG v1.04d Map | Dota-Allstars 6.64 OMG Mode - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.64 OMG v1.04d Map | Dota-Allstars 6.64 OMG Mode

Dota 6.64 OMGDota 6.64 OMG v1.04d map has just released today by ~Bob~. Fiuh! At last we got another OMG map. It's been several weeks since his latest map, Dota 6.62 OMG. As we already know, Dota OMG map allow you to choose or randomed your skills on any hero. So you can literally have Puck with Pudge's Hook ^^ Anyway, here is the download link: 

Dota 6.64 OMG Download Link:
Dota 6.64 OMG via Warcraft Maps
Dota 6.64 OMG via MegaUpload
Dota 6.64 OMG via PlayDota

To activate the OMG mode, you can add one of below commands on the game mode:

Random Draft
type -ra with other game modes. Examples: -ardmra (random heroes, random skills and death match)

Abilities Draft
Type -ad with other game modes.

Enjoy the map! ;)

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  1. 1st blood!
    finally latest omg map.

  2. Unstoppable?
    Very nice!

  3. how to play?
    y everytime i create game wif this map,it just doesnt been cr8...

    how to even cr8 tis game?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. First thing to do is: "But the game!"
    Afterwards you got to download the newest patch via

  6. not that...i mean,y everytime i try to cr8 game using this map,it just doesnt created...
    it just go to menu..

    i did patched it to 1.24b..

  7. @saer~~ - Can you play Dota 6.64 (official) map? If you can, then try to re-download the OMG map. Maybe your map is corrupted

  8. is there an AI version of this map? will u make it?

  9. add nyo ako sa gg mga walang silbing mga putang ina kayo. weak kayong lahat! pakyu mga gago!

    - dudOng27

  10. Alief, Bob had released the 6.64 1.04e! Check it out!

  11. @anhar08 - Thanks. Btw, do you ~Bob~ website? I only check from PD, but i'm curious if he has his own site/blog.

  12. Check this:
    It isn't his blog, but the Dota OMG Map forum. Actually I look the map first at PD too. :-P
