Dota 6.64 Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.64 News

Dota 6.64 Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.64 Download News and Update. IceFrog has just release Dota 6.63 with many balances. Now, what do you expect for Dota 6.64? What kind of new hero you wanted for Dota-Allstars 6.64? Or maybe you wanna new items? Share all your thoughts about Dota 6.64 in this post! ;)
Final Update: It's released! Check the Dota-Allstars 6.64 post!
Update 2 from IceFrog's blog (06 October 2009):
IceFrog stated that Dota 6.64 will be ready soon with some balance changes. Check the details on this post.
Update 1 from IceFrog's blog (23 September 2009):
I started working on 6.64 a couple days ago. At first we began experimenting with some number tweaks to the boots, and even some ideas for secondary bonuses that seemed interesting.
However, we found out that there is a technical issue with Phase Boots. They seem to prevent procs like crits, bashes, etc while phased. It was never as apparent before because it was not coupled with attack speed. This makes the Phase Boots a bit anti-synergetic.
While there may be workarounds for that bug, most would probably come at the cost of some functionality. So while still keeping with the primary no armor concept, I am exploring a new buildup for Phase Boots and Power Treads. Keep in mind that numbers are still at an early stage and this change is by no means final, but I'd like to share one version of what we are experimenting with.
Phase Boots:
Boots of Speed (500)
2x Blades of Attack (1000)
Recipe (none)
+70 Movement Speed
+26 Damage
Phase (Active)
Power Treads:
Boots of Speed (500)
Boots of Elvenskin or Belt of Giant Strength or Robe of the Magi (450)
Gloves of Haste (500)
Recipe (none)
+60 MS
+10 Any Attribute
+30 IAS
Again, we usually go through many different concept revisions before a final change is decided (if one even happens) so don't take this as a decided change for 6.64 yet.
So, that's mean we'll going back to the usual boots but with the armor removed from the Phase Boots. I think that's a good news for those who hate the latest changes on boots :)
Update: It's released! Check the Dota-Allstars 6.64 post!
#1st! Zerak
ReplyDeletei will see a new hero ^^
ReplyDeleteomg i want a new hero !!!!
ReplyDeleteit will be soooo cool to see a new hero.
y with nice skill animations =)
ReplyDeletei want to fix power treads like its was!!! 30% acct speed and 10 agi/str/int the new power treads sucks!!!
ReplyDeletewe need to fix power threads first sec we need a hero (Agillity) cauze the newest hero's like clockwerk tauren windrunner and batrider it's int and strn no agi at the last maps...and we need a new item powerfull like radiance-divine..and a transfrom item ?? or not..
ReplyDeleteabove agree.... I want my old POWER THREAD....this kind of change make power thread look useless...10-20 agi/int/str in a shoes suck....i preffer buy other item for my 10-30stat..and buy phase boots or for int hero jz buy BoT...
ReplyDeleteI wan my old POWER THREAD
new power thread is more balance.....but useless...i preffer old 1....its seemz balanced too...we use it many years le..suddenly gv a change for it...==
ReplyDeleteI wana a hero like night stalker but it jz active in day but not should be fun if night stalker vs with it...hahaha
@ above,,
ReplyDeletewhat would you name that hero? the daytime hunter or morning stalker? but anyway that would be fun,.. that hero vs. balanar is cool but what if they are allies, much cooler. day or night someone is on the hunt.
another new hero that most people want is a female str type, if possible a melee one.. like an amazon..
another one is an int hero with the main element of wind as skills.. windrunner is somehow not qualified because the skills involving the wind is not that emphasize
I want a new hero,item(if you have idea for a good one) and power treads changed.The phase boots are well now but people buy only them so i think the treads should be improved.
ReplyDeleteMy suggestion:
int:int+mp recovery or mp
str:str+hp recovery or hp
agi:agi+as,ms or armor
ReplyDeletea new female hero would be very nice :)
maybe Harpyie :)
plz introduce Annus Mirabilis
ReplyDeleteT nkn
ReplyDeleteMake Lina Inverse not red and into her original colors. Make changes to Shadow Fiend so instead of making him full black, some graphic wiz can just color his actual face black so we can see his actual Firelord facial features (Maybe color Bloodseeker's skin red so his fur wont be red and his skin will be actually fel orc red instead of green-red). A new agility hero would be nice (Maybe Orc Grunt~XD...or something else). And I think we should nerf Ursa, not improve him like in the last updates.
ReplyDeleteice already posted that the old threads will b reverted back to the old one..
ReplyDeletejaz remake/buff balanar pls ICE im begging u!!!! T_T
I want to see new hero and map design.
ReplyDeleteFrom Myanmar
Thanks Icefrog
arghhhh ';..;' i still cannot agree with new PT and HoT..
ReplyDeleteI want female STR hero!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd the idea of @bove Daytime hunter/morning stalker are wll be FUN..
If not mind...add one lady-boy hero...^^"
ReplyDeleteIf the new power treads (60ms 10atr 30as) only cost 1450(50g cheaped than phaseboot)they r totally imbalanced cause its a powerfull item for damn low price
pls bring back the old HoT, or old bloodstone... i mean that 2 are my build for my favorite int type heroes like krobelus.. no more massive hp regen while on battle :c
ReplyDeletealso, a new hero would really be nice.. new runes.. and new neutrals.. plssss
dagon surely need improvements..
ReplyDeletewell not dagon by itself but its updates that are useless.
A:completely remove them
B:lower the price/buff them so they will be worth buying
ReplyDeleteicefrog allready buffed it by lowering the mp cost i hadn't noticed.
but still i wont update it because the mana cost is the only thing that changes.
lategame i allready have big manapool so it doen't make big difference..
I think the ultimate of old morphling (in FUN tavern) was cool, ice must create a new hero with this ultimate, imagine that u can re-rupture BS. LoL!
ReplyDeleteAnd a new item would be nice, mekans is useless in late, i suggest mekans+cheese+recipe= more AOE heal! LOL!
Why not just make a new pair of boots? lol
ReplyDelete@gree donni....mekans need to improve the healing point....
ReplyDeletetooooo less...I want my favourite visage wll be stronger hero after improve the mekans...
if ice frog really change the power threads like this...really Imbalance....a powerful item just cost 1450??? too cheap..
ReplyDeleteI think the new phase boots is really stupid!! It was better with as or armor. +24 damage is bullshit.
ReplyDeletestop spelling power treads as power threads. you guys are fucking RETARDED!
ReplyDeletehm.. make a new hero which have skill copying in agi something like spy
ReplyDeletewe need some orb effects theat would benefit int tapes, right now we just have ones that are most beneficial to tanks and dps, maybe try an item that copies WoW a bit like hunters aspect of viper,
ReplyDelete(recovers mana on a percentage of damage dealt doing normal attack. example: (9%) 100 damage dealt by enchantress and regains 9 mana)
and just a small stupid idea :) how about a drow/windrunner str version?
please give phase boots an AS or armor cause its really weak
ReplyDeleteI agree with him!
Plz give armor or AS for phase!
i have armor boot is better for the int hero o play becouse int hero is easy to kill when non have any armor....
ReplyDeletei want new style with old hero!!
ReplyDeletelooks like new hero will come!!
ReplyDeleteNaked Hero Model plz icefrog..
ReplyDeleteBtw, now phaseboots kinda like old Power treads but + damage + armor
I prefer the old power treads...
ReplyDeleteI have a stupid idea but it is fun...
why don't icefrog make the tiny's second skill into can throw goblin's landmine? will be very crazy game...
i like the new morning hero idea, pls icefrog think about it.
ReplyDeleteyou can put an upgrade to the recent power treads to make it like the old ones.(just an idea)
They downside Str heros too much
ReplyDeleteThey need grappler heroes.
ReplyDeletestr heroes got nerf real bad.
we need a second update =/
ReplyDeletepls make a new item from gem.. gem waste our slot and it's completly a waste.. maybe:
ReplyDeletegem+ 2 ultimate orb+ recipe = eye of horus:
some stats improvement
reveal invisible units
active: slow invisible units
and if the carrier died..
the item will be changed and cant reveal invisible units anymore and if they must buy a gem to reveal again.. thx
I like the last post....gem just wastes our slot.
ReplyDeletealso agreed with above.....can you make a new item that can reveal invi units but not to0oo0oo wasting gold and inventory slot??
ReplyDeletehopefully have a change on that
@anonymous - eye of horus like your idea,also waste gold...
ReplyDeletemy idea,item that also improve stats,but can activate to reveal invisible units for medium duration maybe but uses mana points...item should combined with gem maybe..
gemz really need to improve...i hate some hero can wind walk and run away from me even i gt gemz...
ReplyDeleteBut wouldn't improving gem affect the overall feel of the game?
ReplyDeleteHow about Riki? With what you are saying Riki would have to be remade too, right?
plz fix powertreads & phaseboots to their old condition new changes sucks
ReplyDeleteI Want A New Hero!..
ReplyDeleteIn The Sentinel!..
I Want The Name Is "Zero"!..
The "Diamond Shotgun"
I Hope You Will Give My Simple Wish!..
Thanx And More Power!..
any updates?
ReplyDeletewhat u've made,new things etc..
Ice..Pls improve poor man's shield,make it able to change status like power tread to change stats!Poor man's str,agi,or int!Also make poor man's as an item to make vanguard instead of stout shield with bonus stats depend on poor man's type.
ReplyDeleteicefrog should change something to rylai ...a lot of people has problem with graphic card..when rylai's ultimate activated...
ReplyDeletepls make this item :
ReplyDeleteSpy wards (500)
Recipe :
Observer wards (200)
Sentry wards (200)
Recipe (100)
Information :
Sight range : 1700
Can see invisble units
True sight : 800 range
150 HP
last 3,5 minutes
2 charge
hahaha.. a stupid kind of idea making true sight ward and gem item. maybe that's why they made the dust of appearance?? BTW i was shocked of how phase boots was so buffed. I use phase boots for heroes like balanar who have high ASPD but the hell increase the attack speed?? wow!! Iliked the idea of making a hero with a varying attribute. making him/she/it change from int-str-agi with ultimate. Release the god of wnd maybe or make an amazon/harpy hero to make the request age hero..
ReplyDeleteBuff techies bombs to damage the hero by percentage of life just like the midnight blast of enigma so he can actually do something at late game. hahaha!!
make dust of apperance to stack with itself like tango..
changing the regen/effects of HoT and Blodstone mean that int heroes will feel more pain in clash so i'm thinking of making an item that will give int+ HP regen..
Really kinda bored with no fun update with dota recently..
Make add casting range for clockwork's cog so it can be alittle more usefull as a shield.
hahaha.. a stupid kind of idea making true sight ward and gem item. maybe that's why they made the dust of appearance?? BTW i was shocked of how phase boots was so buffed. I use phase boots for heroes like balanar who have high ASPD but the hell increase the attack speed?? wow!! Iliked the idea of making a hero with a varying attribute. making him/she/it change from int-str-agi with ultimate. Release the god of wnd maybe or make an amazon/harpy hero to make the request age hero..
ReplyDeleteBuff techies bombs to damage the hero by percentage of life just like the midnight blast of enigma so he can actually do something at late game. hahaha!!
make dust of apperance to stack with itself like tango..
changing the regen/effects of HoT and Blodstone mean that int heroes will feel more pain in clash so i'm thinking of making an item that will give int+ HP regen..
Really kinda bored with no fun update with dota recently..
Make add casting range for clockwork's cog so it can be alittle more usefull as a shield.
make a new hero pls...somthin like agility know what i jakiro.....w/slow as ultimate...
ReplyDeletelike this....every 30 sec as cooldown..he/she can casta apell casting all negative buffs for 5 silence poison(20/30/50) slow(20%/30%/40%) .and takes more magical dmg by(20%/30%/40%)for 3/4/5 seconds..fair right?
reasons why its fair...
its agility.mana cost will be a its fair.and as fast as gondar...starting ms as 320 base dmg as 45-55..low int gain
I want Old treads back
ReplyDeleteI want Old HoT back
I want Old phase boots back(cause nobody willuse treads again, might as well throw it away)
6.64 is out
ReplyDeleteGood blog.. good idea. just make it look a bit more simpler to see the download easier. You can make big money from this.
ReplyDelete@ the new map you will release it would be nice a new agi healer hero like a shaman in wow! Or a druid like syllabear with catform or moonkin!!! However Icefrog owns you guys know what you have to do! -sosta
ReplyDeleteI think it would be cool to make a new heroe and the class is like a peasant hahaha it builds all kinds of tower and it repairs it
more power ICE !!!
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ReplyDeletehahaha.. a stupid kind of idea making true sight ward and gem item. maybe that's why they made the dust of appearance?? BTW i was shocked of how phase boots was so buffed. I use phase boots for heroes like balanar who have high ASPD but the hell increase the attack speed?? wow!! Iliked the idea of making a hero with a varying attribute. making him/she/it change from int-str-agi with ultimate. Release the god of wnd maybe or make an amazon/harpy hero to make the request age hero..
ReplyDeleteBuff techies bombs to damage the hero by percentage of life just like the midnight blast of enigma so he can actually do something at late game. hahaha!!
make dust of apperance to stack with itself like tango..
changing the regen/effects of HoT and Blodstone mean that int heroes will feel more pain in clash so i'm thinking of making an item that will give int+ HP regen..
Really kinda bored with no fun update with dota recently..
Make add casting range for clockwork's cog so it can be alittle more usefull as a shield.
plz fix powertreads & phaseboots to their old condition new changes sucks
ReplyDeleteIce..Pls improve poor man's shield,make it able to change status like power tread to change stats!Poor man's str,agi,or int!Also make poor man's as an item to make vanguard instead of stout shield with bonus stats depend on poor man's type.
ReplyDeleteBut wouldn't improving gem affect the overall feel of the game?
ReplyDeleteHow about Riki? With what you are saying Riki would have to be remade too, right?
@anonymous - eye of horus like your idea,also waste gold...
ReplyDeletemy idea,item that also improve stats,but can activate to reveal invisible units for medium duration maybe but uses mana points...item should combined with gem maybe..
also agreed with above.....can you make a new item that can reveal invi units but not to0oo0oo wasting gold and inventory slot??
ReplyDeletehopefully have a change on that
@gree donni....mekans need to improve the healing point....
ReplyDeletetooooo less...I want my favourite visage wll be stronger hero after improve the mekans...
down load po 6.71