Dota 6.63b AI - DotA-Allstars 6.63b AI 0.212 Map - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.63b AI - DotA-Allstars 6.63b AI 0.212 Map

DotA-Allstars 6.63b AI 0.212Dota 6.63b AI - Dota-Allstars v6.63b AI 0.212 Map Download. BuffMePlz has just update the ai map into Dota 6.63b AI map. Some crash bugs fixed and this map is the first AI map for Dota 6.63b / Dota 6.63. Before downloading, please note that you must use Warcraft 1.24b Patch :)

Here is what he said about the DotA-Allstars 6.63b AI 0.212 Map:


Dota 6.63b AI (v0.212)
-First update to 6.63b
-Fixed an issue that was causing AI bots to learn their abilities out of order
-Fixed another issue that was still causing the game to crash when a player leaves the game early
-Added some additional AI ability functionality (Crystal Nova, Storm Bolt, Mana Burn)

Before download, please note that this map is only work with Warcraft 1.24b Patch. If you use Patch 1.23 below, this map won't work!

DotA-Allstars 6.63b AI 0.212 Download Links
Dota 6.63b AI 0.212 via Warcraft Maps
Dota 6.63b AI 0.212 via MegaUpload
Dota 6.63b AI 0.212 via MediaFire
Dota 6.63b AI 0.212 via RapidShare

Note: The AI map is still improving. Subscribe this blog by email or reader so we can send you the updates ;)

Great! Now we can have less bugs on Dota 6.63b AI ;)

Credits: Anonymous,Anhar08 and some others, thanks for the info :)

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  1. an awesome thing is that BMP fastly adapts to new maps :)... good job BMP

  2. i hate 6.63 item change. im not gonna play this version. wait till 6.64

  3. hrm......still have some hero don't know how to use their skills....
    good job BMP.....improve more then will be more perfect ~=)

  4. thank you very much for all the works in the line.


    the first link was a Korea.w3x ???

    i download the from the 2nd link and the name matched.

  5. "squall0 said...

    i hate 6.63 item change. im not gonna play this version. wait till 6.64"

    I dont know m8..
    I believe the items r more balanced now they r just different.
    now power treads r an awesome item for mages and phaseboot attack speed with dmg makes more sense.
    btw heart kinda suck ass.

    I dont believe the items will change on 6.64 if they change at all.

    Even if they change that will be on 6.66-67.

  6. ==...a lot of changes...i thought the power treads got increase atk speed...i think i should check the changelog before playing the game...

  7. 10 sec timer for heart is crappy. nerf tanker/ganker too much. myb a teleport scroll is better for a 2% regen.

    i suggest make it 1% regen like old heart, but if attked by hero unit, only receive half of the regen (0.5%) and change timer to 3 sec to go back to 1% regen, not 10 sec as now.

    as for boot(s), i still think the old 1 is better, but current one seems more balance.

  8. please fix the raijin....!!!!

  9. why mine said the map file is too big please choose another map?

  10. i Think The hEart rily sucks but there are alot of good changes in this map. like the Mjollnir, now has hyperstone instead of eagle horn.. but plz return pTreads the way it used to be.. kinda suck cause atack speed was removed in pTreads... good job on rigwirl though...

  11. Anonymous said...

    why mine said the map file is too big please choose another map?

    you might need to update your game.

  12. i've upgraded my WC3 into 1.24b, i've downloaded the map, but the map couldn't be founded...

  13. @ above....did u put the map in the download folder or another one?

  14. wtf i cant play 6.63b i updated my wc3 and download map into the right folder but cant play i see the map but cant play pls any1 help me

  15. wtf i cant play 6.63b i updated my wc3 and download map into the right folder but cant play i see the map but cant play pls any1 help me

  16. then sth wrong with your wc3 then......

  17. Matur suwuuuuuuuun......

  18. @anon

    just shorten the name of the map.. it shoul work this way.. ^^

  19. Phase boots = Old Power Treads + damage + phase

    Power Treads
    Need spam spell, click, need speed, click, need tank, click

  20. BMP update his blog, he said that in the next AI map, the formless mode will be back again, horray!!

    Formless 2.0
    After spending some time today refactoring the AI script, I decided to take a break and rethink the Formless hero that I implemented a while back. Long story short, several hours later I've finished a (mostly) working and improved version of Formless.

    I ended up reorganising the code by a significant amount, and the resulting code is more efficient and easier to use. The biggest change is the ability to now choose which individual skill to reset, if so desired. You can right-click on the reset button to change the reset button to only reset a single skill (cycling through the four base abilities, then back to the option to reset all).

    On top of that, the error messages are much more informative now; if you try to copy an ability that currently isn't supported, the message will notify you of which ability you tried to copy. If you try to copy an ability with an order already used (while -override is off) it will let you know which ability is conflicting.

    And I decided to throw all semblence of balance out the window for this because, let's face it, the ability to combine skills of multiple heroes on the fly will never be balanced, ever. So, in order to maximise fun and flexibility, I removed the cooldown on all Reset functions (individual or all).

    Haven't quite finished getting it up to compatibility levels of previous versions (so some abilities aren't working yet like Impetus and Last Word) but I expect I'll finish most of these by the time I release the next version. =)

  21. Please add AI for 6vs6 map also... it would be wonderful.. Thanxx...

  22. Hello there.

    Is there any new AI maps for ver. 1.21? Because from what I search here and there, the latest AI maps are for only latest ver.

  23. 6.63b dota AI mirror:

  24. lol......this is cool...

  25. Good Ai map. Less bug now.

  26. What about a new hero in 6.24. .
    like a human body and a dog face. . in simple words an egyptian god. .
    also see Hindu Mythology for New Heroes And Items. .
    Thank You

  27. i've downloaded warcraft version switcher but why this map is still not working?

  28. I can't play the map
    it says: Just Another Warcraft 3 Map

    already 1.24b, tested in another PC and redownloaded 3 times, no can do.

    wtf is wrong with this map

  29. anyone play axe?
    take a look at his name while playing.
    BMP add "Touch This" on his name :)

    so, he is: Mogul Kahnt Touch This :)

  30. monster kill....
    mega kill....

  31. ng..nagdodota ...masasabi ko lng eh...weak kauh

  32. mga weak.weak....weak...weak

  33. ...short...c0c0...

    plZ..wag ng mag dota ung bobo huh pLz...

    by:juan carlo the master in dota...

    thank you...

  34. hi i cannot play the latest map it says "the map is to big". and if i need to update the game. how can i update the game?

    thanks a lot...

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  37. ...short...c0c0...

    plZ..wag ng mag dota ung bobo huh pLz...

    by:juan carlo the master in dota...

    thank you...

  38. ng..nagdodota ...masasabi ko lng eh...weak kauh

  39. Good Ai map. Less bug now.

  40. Hello there.

    Is there any new AI maps for ver. 1.21? Because from what I search here and there, the latest AI maps are for only latest ver.

  41. hi i cannot play the latest map it says "the map is to big". and if i need to update the game. how can i update the game?

    thanks a lot...
