Dota 6.62 6v6 Ver.1 Map - Dota-Allstars 6v6 - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.62 6v6 Ver.1 Map - Dota-Allstars 6v6

dota 6.62 6v6Dota-Allstars 6.62 6v6 Ver.1 map has just released today. This map is following the previous Dota 6.61b 6v6, which added 2 more players to the regular Dota 6.62 map. So each team will ended up having 6 players instead of 5. And more importantly, Dota 6.62 6v6 is already compatible with the new Warcraft 1.24b Patch. Here is what God-Tony said on his blog:

Feature wise, v6.62 is the same as v6.61b, the only difference being that v6.62 is compatible with the Warcraft 1.24b Patch.

Captains Draft (-cd) is 6v6 compatible in this version. If anything else isn't working the way it should, let me know in the comments section as usual.

Dota 6.62 6v6 Ver.1 Download Link
DotA_Allstars_v6.62_6v6_Ver.1.w3x via MegaUpload
DotA_Allstars_v6.62_6v6_Ver.1.w3x via Warcraft Maps
DotA_Allstars_v6.62_6v6_Ver.1.w3x via RapidShare

Well, if you are Dota 6v6 fans, enjoy this latest release ;) If you find a bug, you can report it directly in this post.

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  1. First Blood~~!!

    Good Job!

  2. 4th!!!!

    Ultra killed......!!!!
    this map rock!!

  3. BMP... please add AI for this 6vs6 map also... it would be wonderful.. dun u think so? Thanxx...

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