Dota 6.63 AI Plus - Dota-Allstars 6.63 AI Plus Map - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.63 AI Plus - Dota-Allstars 6.63 AI Plus Map

Dota 6.63 AIDota 6.63 AI Plus Map - Dota-Allstars 6.63 AI Download post. Dota 6.63 AI currently being made as Dota 6.63 already released. Dota 6.63 AI will be the third map that made for Warcraft 1.24b Patch.  Let's hope that BuffMePlz doing his best for Dota 6.63 AI :)

Whatever happens, the latest Dota 6.63 AI information is here! ;)

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Update: Dota 6.63b AI v0.212 released!

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  1. oyEh! ai for 1.24 patch... more practice for me

  2. can't wait no more...
    really wanna try new ai map..huhuuu~~~

  3. 1.24??

    whats the diffent with the others??

    can someone explain to me.?

    sorry im new to dota.

  4. This is map don't working why? I dowland from this sait but don't working map wight 3.75mb

  5. YES ! cos 0.21 ai isnt functioning well and some bugs are sitll on ! so ihope 6.63 ai comes out ! :D
    also the 6.63 map (:

  6. dun put ai version 0.21 1 like that...i wll confuse wit 0.21....jz put 0.21abc....xD

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