DarkSeer Vacuum Power!

DarkSeer Vacuum combined with a great teamwork could provide a great deal of damage to the enemies. Check the above video if you don't believe it! ;)
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1st? anyway dark seer is my fav.hero xD
ReplyDeleteThat was imba sick.
And lol @ the music XD
ReplyDeletevery nice.
ReplyDeletewow! Never see anything like this before!
ReplyDeletesomeone know what is the music ?
ReplyDeletenellie the elephant - toy doll
ReplyDeletehow about voljin? :D
ReplyDeletedark seer + sven + lina + voljin (maledict)
ReplyDeletedark seer ownage
go youtube search for "rise of the seer"! kunkka gay combo with dark seer
ReplyDeleteluv darkseer, got turbo
ReplyDeletedota allstars
alief.. u miss out posting on dota tricks vol2 :) .. ive posted it on my blog b4 u.. xD.. haha.. its so hard to be advance cuz ur damn fast at posting dota stuffs.. lol
ReplyDeletesux sia.. the ds merely ksed.. noob shit
ReplyDeletewhether he ksed or not...it is better for all of the enemy to die rather than let them escape...to me....in 5 v 5 battle..there is no ks...
ReplyDeleteyup i agree...it is better to out all spell rather than let some escape then ppl start saying..."oi...no out this skill or that skill?..if u out skill they die noob"..