Dota 6.59d OMG v1.03 Map - Random Skills Ownage! - DotA-Blog

Dota 6.59d OMG v1.03 Map - Random Skills Ownage!

Dota 6.59d OMG v1.03Dota 6.59d OMG v1.03 Download. This map is just like the original Dota 6.59d, the only different is it has OMG mode. OMG mode is a mode where your heroes will get completely random skills. Imagine Silencer with Hook and Epicenter? Here's your chance to test it. The skillset you will got is completely random, so you cannot choose your own skill. It's like playing ar mode but instead of random heroes, it is random skills.

After give it some try, this map is surprisingly fun. It's like playing a poker game where you cannot choose your own cards, uh, i mean skills ^^ On some games you will got great skills combined, but on other game -if you are having a bad luck- your skills will compeletely sucks! ;p But that's what make this mode not boring isn't it? If you got bored refreshing GetDota and IceFrog's blog waiting for Dota 6.60 (well, maybe that's including me ^^), this map can help you to spend the time ;) 

If you are interested, get the download link below:
Dota 6.59d OMG v1.03 Download via Warcraft Map
Dota 6.59d OMG v1.03 Download via MediaFire
Dota 6.59d OMG v1.03 Download viaUpload.To

Dota 6.59d OMG v1.03 map creator is ~Bob~, you can see his original post on (Russian language)

To activate the OMG mode, add ra in your game mode. Example: -raapnp.

Soul and Adam, thanks for the link ;)

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  1. lol... that's hillarious. i already played it n got sven with reaper's scythe

  2. LOL,,I got nortrom with hook and epicenter,,very funny lol,,
    Plz release AI for this maapp T_T

  3. You don't shout "ZOMG this is fun pls i want AI". It is not something easy, just hope that when 6.60 comes, Bob will still make an OMG map on 6.60.

    Anyone wanted to try this map with me on garena? just add imPRO|

    i repeat... imPRO|

  4. LOL....very fun map, I hope the AI map will release ^^

  5. Alief said...
    If you got bored refreshing GetDota and IceFrog's blog waiting for Dota 6.60 (well, maybe that's including me ^^), this map can help you to spend the time ;)

    I said...
    me too, TNX!

  6. Fun, but nobody waits to download maps anymore. I can't get more than a 2v2. Lame.

  7. OoppSs...w8 a minute!
    Something come to my mind!

    What f u hav krobelus's witchcraft but u dont hav carrion swarm, silence, and exorcism? It's totally USELESS, but u cn hv the bonus ms!

    And syllabear too! (his passive 3rd skill)
    And balanar's ulti too!
    wtf! U hv eclipse but no luna beam!
    and many more useless!

  8. @essequel - that's why i wrote:
    " -if you are having a bad luck- your skills will compeletely sucks!"

    It's like playing card game, sometimes you draw great card, but sometimes all your card sucks ;p

    But i haven't get that kind of combination yet ^^

  9. Haha,
    If u get a hero with Aftershock + Remnant + Blink + Ball lighting it will be total ownage!Muahaaha.Permastun!

    Bdw,is it possible to get Bash and Greater Bash together??
    If it possible it is

  10. will all my skills be passived skills?

  11. =>Instant kill
    magic missile + avalanche + impale + tide hunter's ULTi

    sunder + firebolt + laser + missile

    =>permanent disable
    chaos bolt + voodoo + dragon tail + chronosphere

    =>AOE death
    carrion + shockwave + scatter shot + akasha's ulti

    =>OMG damage
    lanaya 1st skill + magnus 2nd skill + howl + god strength

    blink + windwalk + surge + guardian angel

    purist 1st skill + necromancer 1st skill + soul steal + resurrection

    mirror image + azwraith's clones + terrorblade's clone + divided we stand

    =>supah man
    dragon blood + living armor + anubarak 3rd skill + great fortitude

    =>speed of light
    unholy aura + strafe + windrunner + rampage

    <=wish u Luck=>

  12. waaahhahaha!!
    u're ryt esequel!!
    completely imba when u get toooo lucky!!! hehe....

  13. Ok! Alief!

    =>BAD LUCK
    witchcraft + synergy + raigor's 3rd skill + darkness

  14. LoL

    use divided we stand at lvl.3
    u hav 4 heroes right?
    Use mirror image to each
    and ur 3 clones will attack with phantom lancers 3rd skill and also u!
    N addition, use terrorblade's 2nd skill to each!

    Now the question is:
    how many units do u have?

    That's what u call

  15. is any1 willing to creat dota omg now on bnet or somewhere i have router and need port forwarding to host and i cant seem to get it how to do id X(

  16. please create the AI map for this..
    it's so damn cool!!

  17. Guys i wanna say that you have to give credit to me and my friend that created this. I was the one that spend hours trying to get people play this map. My friend made this map he has his own site Its in russian.
    Here is a link to prove that he created this map(written in russian)

    My nick in Garena GKskills

    I hope you all enjoying this map and its finally famous.

  18. I've played it with my clan (on Northrend) quite a few times already. We usually do dmarra, which means that if you get a crappy skillset, you can always get a new one because of deathmatch.

    After like 200 heroes, no one has gotten abilities like Witchcraft, Eclipse, Darkness, Psi Blades or stuff like that - only useful in a certain combo. It seems the mapmaker removed some skills from the random pool because they would be utterly useless in virtually any case.

    Also, to ~Bob~ and his friend: nice job. Needs a bit of work (perhaps implement a way to avoid duplicate hotkeys), but in general it's a nice alternative to more normal modes.

  19. =>immortality
    purification + untouchable + spell shield + resurrection


  20. @Adi

    No AI can be created for this (at least playable). I'm from AI+ dev team (see changelog at the end) and I know how do they learn, cast, and use their spells. It already written, so if we inject the AI, they will just get their items, and won't use any ability they have, so feel free to forget about that idea in a while.

  21. miror image+vampiric aura+crit.strike+coupdegrace...
    very critical combination..
    i try create this maps yestrday,but no one joint..

  22. Total Kill...

    Impale + Burrow strike + Torrent + Tide Ulti = 5 KILL!!!!

    Mega Speed

    Rabid + Ultimate + Fervor Aura + Rampage = huh!

  23. u can go faster than 522 anyways, so noob combo = Rabid + Ultimate + Fervor Aura + Rampage

  24. u CANT go faster than 522 anyways, so noob combo = Rabid + Ultimate + Fervor Aura + Rampage

  25. no AI??? how bored 2 play alone when there's no one around...

  26. Anonymous said...

    u CANT go faster than 522 anyways, so noob combo = Rabid + Ultimate + Fervor Aura + Rampage

    Anonymous said...

    no AI??? how bored 2 play alone when there's no one around...


    proven that u much nOob coz u dont is attack speed!!!
    of coz i know that max movement speed is 522 n cannot go further...
    by the way, skill in this map u get is random n luck...

    Do you think easy to port AI skills to the map.... i am learning how to make an AI map, it is difficult to make an AI map, especially writing skills and levels....thats why BMP take time to write AI skills in the map...
    Changes skills of AI, may coz AI not functional...
    Why play with AI, play at Garena or!

  27. WTF??!! my magnataur got Ghost Ship(Admiral Ulti), but must target a unit?????

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    WTF??!! my magnataur got Ghost Ship(Admiral Ulti), but must target a unit?????

    June 8, 2009 1:45 PM


    my storm bolt also...

  29. but the problem of this map is short-cut key stack....
    i got a Troll with

    impale - e
    burrow strike - e
    gush -g
    eclipse - e

    when i press e, suddenly gush came out not impale or burrow strike or eclipse....

  30. I choose axe
    my skills are...
    burrow strike, double edge, Kunkka's 3rd skill, doom

    i win of course
    the point is.... u cn see axe weapon with water hahaha
    dunno what happens to others!

  31. @mdn0or
    Impale + burrow strike + gush =GG
    eclipse= USELESS without luna beam
    but i think u cnt get skills with same hotkey?

    Yeah! Making Ai is so0o0o hard!
    My map has Ai but made ai 1 month by myself!
    Ai is full of triggers! They are patterned by the maker!
    And yes, 10x harder to make ai in OMG map since skills are random! But f d maker wants to do it, maybe it will be laggy coz d codes are too long!

    I think there will be new update on tomorrow!

  32. Nice map
    Some skill combinations cab be nice

    Thank you Alief for putting me in credits :D

  33. Lets try pugna 1st skill + zeus 2nd skill + tinker 3rd skill and lina ulti + dagon ?? hmm i've been wonder.

  34. ~Negative Amour~

    Acid Spray , Viscous Nasal Goo(bristlback greeny skill) , Presence of the dark lord , sg uti + desol + ac xDD

    Caculate -
    Acid Spray -6amour , ViscousNasalGoo -2amour/hit , Presence of darklord -4 , Sg uti -15amour , desol -6amour , ac - 4amour
    Total = -37amour (1 ViscoulNasalGoo counted in)

  35. It's bloody funny when a Priestess of the moon has Take Aim and March of the Machines

  36. i had techies with take aim, blink, unholy aura and impetus.
    so funny....

    cant wait for 6.61 OMG, will be sp fun with some of the imba spells out there now


  38. alief i got 6.61b OMG mod by ~BOB~.... maybe u can make a new post... here the download link...

  39. Does any1 have a version for the new bnet patch? would be awesome to use.

  40. dota omg 6.62 is out!! saw it on bnet but coulndt join and i cant open the only link on google:
    i dont know if it works but i cant open it -.-

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