Dota 6.61 AI & Dota-Allstars 6.61 Official Map Changelogs and News

Dota 6.61 AI & Dota-Allstars 6.61 Map Download, Changelog. Dota-Allstars 6.60 gives you a lot of new content, which means many things need to be balanced. IceFrog on his blog already noted that there will be a quick Dota 6.61 or Dota 6.60b to follow up Dota 6.60. And that's mean there will be Dota 6.61 AI too. This post will be the place for updating information regarding Dota-Allstars 6.61.
Final Update
Another update, Dota 6.61b already out!
It's here!! Get the download link on Dota-Allstars 6.61 post.
If you are looking for Dota 6.61 AI map, check out the Dota 6.61 AI post.
Update 2 (30 June 2009)
IceFrog said on his blog that he still work on actively on Dota 6.61:
Thanks for all the feedback from everyone, I appreciate it. I've gotten lots of constructive comments about what you liked and disliked. I'm actively working on 6.61 right now. Some of the balance changes on the table will happen in 6.61 and some others (that need more time to settle in before changing) will happen in a version or two afterward so we don't act too hastily. Not much else to say in this post, just wanted to keep you guys updated.
Update 1 (15 June 2009)
IceFrog on his blog said that he already develop Dota 6.61 and want you to share which point need changes/balances:
I've started working on this on last Saturday. It will be a fast patch aimed at balance improvements. Let me know what things you feel need changes.
Share your wish about Dota 6.61 and Dota 6.61 ai (Dota-Allstars 6.61 AI Plus). Which heroes need nerfs? Which items should be adjust? Here's your place to talk about it ;)
Don't forget to subscribe by email or reader so you can have Dota 6.61 and Dota 6.61 AI as soon as it is released :)Update: Dota 6.61 Beta is leaked!
Final Update
Another update, Dota 6.61b already out!
It's here!! Get the download link on Dota-Allstars 6.61 post.
For Dota 6.61 AI map, check the Dota 6.61 AI post.
Well,I say that razor will get a little stronger.Or a little more usefull to 5 vs 5 team match!
ReplyDeletei want a new hero.. a girl hero..pls.. T_T pls make her beautiful :) 1 for agi and 1 for int
ReplyDeleteLol i dont think there's another girl models in warcraft3 except the archer and the runner from night elven.
if u still want a girl, next version icefrog could use that village girl in dota heroes..hahaha wonder if that girl is a heroes.
i think we should increase damage/level for TC's echo stomp cuz charging 1.4secs for a 160 damage and temporary stun that will be broken in 1 attack is not really worth it. ^^ that is just my POV.
ReplyDeletewaaaah no good, stomp if leveled it'll b 5 sec KO plus the mere fact 0 magic resistance n minus base armor when u r near him , TC is good in team clashes..jaz pair TC w/ another stunner (SLARDAR or RAIGOR) n u'll OWN..and jaz observe his toughness, regardless of the armor, TC is jaz so tough!!
ReplyDeleteWell...can hear my sudjects??....i want to say u can create some item at least can 2 or 1 powerful like battle furry and butter fly ...and hero u can create a hole new hero 1 oni enuf...agi because u can see u now already create Tauren(STR) hero and a INT u can try create a AGI hero with some new item then we will verry happy....try my idea!!!!
ReplyDeletei wish that axe will have new skills
ReplyDeleteA STR female hero !!!
Bone Fletcher and Magina REMAKE... The worst heroes on dota, at this moment.
ReplyDelete"Bone Fletcher and Magina REMAKE... The worst heroes on dota, at this moment."
ReplyDeleteThen you failed. The two pawned almost all the games they are in, live with it :)
Anyway, a strength female hero is rather impossible, since female models are lacking in warcraft and a custom model would make DotA too close to 4mb.
"Well...can hear my sudjects??....i want to say u can create some item at least can 2 or 1 powerful like battle furry and butter fly ...and hero u can create a hole new hero 1 oni enuf...agi because u can see u now already create Tauren(STR) hero and a INT u can try create a AGI hero with some new item then we will verry happy....try my idea!!!!"
Did you know that there are less Strength heroes than any other heroes? Wait, I mean there are the same amounts of Strength and Agility heroes. So if one were to increase, both should increase, at least until the amount is on par with that of the intelligence heroes.
PS: Only female hero models left are: Hippogryph Rider, Sentry (its like Luna without mount) and Female Villager (this doesn't even have an attack animation...)
female villager?? isn't that the item seller? that would be made into a hero? lol
ReplyDeletea battlefury-like item for range heroes....
ReplyDeletethe leveler from old beat versions...
please briliance aura for crystal mayden remake like v6.59.... 3 briliance aura per second..
ReplyDeleteDear all,
ReplyDeleteHaving a new female hero would be an excellent idea. (but unlikely to be a STR-based hero though. Imagine how funny that would be- lol!)
TO: ICREFROG - I would highly recommend the "Female Villager" to be made into a new hero. Perhaps she can continue selling items on a part-time basis, her other time are used up killing and assasinating enemies for personal enjoyment. She stands ready to protect the Sentinel force but also harbours a hidden agenda of her own...
A formidable and unsuspecting killer capable of "mass stunting" enemies that come her way.
There you go, that's her background story.
Make her ultimate "Chain Stunt" - sort of like Lich's Chain Frost, but with significant damaged lowered ie: 100-200 dmg per bounce, however it "chain stunts" instead up to 6 targets for 2 secs with each bounce (make it upgradeable with a scepter too).
However, if you wish to retain the "Female Villager" as simply a poor peasant village lady-cheap goods seller, then may I recommend you to come up with a new excuse to use any existing female heroes for a new use, perhaps identifying a new female hero as the "evil sister" of an existing one would work eg: The Evil sister of Crystal Maiden ("Dark Krystal") has returned from hell and will rip apart any souls to avenge her past... etc She would have a pair of red evil eyes (like Drow Ranger) and can cast alot of nasty, evil and tricky spells.
Please let me know your thoughts.
I only want constructive comments and reviews, thank you.
-Sigmund Freud
nice thinking..
this shows how ****ed up dota players are nowadays, coming up with hero ideas made laughable by the public
ReplyDelete@ Above,
ReplyDeleteIf you can not tolerate abit of humour then you need to see a shrink.
Unfortunately, you are beyond my help though and I suspect with many other shrinks too.
good luck.
-Sigmund Freud
The new hero: Tauren Chieftain is really too strong... there is a need to balance.
ReplyDeleterestore the bonus movement speed from krobelus witchcraft skill =\
ReplyDeleteThe new tauren is fucking too strong.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have experienced it myself.
I used Yurnero with Boots of Travel, Sange Yhasa, Vladmir, Battle Fury, Butterfly, and Aghanim. My opponent Tauren with incomplete item yet : STR power tread, sange yasha, heart of tarasque, cuirass, and 2 bracer.
Guess what: Both of us used all our skill (1 on 1) on empty forest, and I got owned, got creamed. What the hell...
@eternal flame: So what? Since when does 1 vs Juggy count as the balance indicator? Besides the item build that you put on Juggy... and not even mentioning if you solo hit him with your ulti, or if you hit ten creeps as well.
ReplyDeleteIn a reply to that mybrute post. Not if you have a good master, that actually has leveled up through fighting others. For example:
You'll defeat the high level players in no time!
Many diifrent opinions some say razor is weak others say he's imba same for troll warlord,huskar and anti-mage i don't see eiter.
ReplyDeletei think icefrog should think bout PROPHET REMAKE..
ReplyDeleteActually there are a lot more female models Froggy can still use. Those being the Night Elf Archer, Hippogryph Rider, Some Night Elf Hero in the campaign that is an archer but looks totally different, Blood Elf Archer, Runner and Harpies.
ReplyDeleteI also think we all agree that every hero should have an Aghanims upgrade?
I always wanted a level 26 where you can slightly upgrade all skills or gain an extra skill. Like Centaur gaining a 5% chance to completely block an attack. Most likely these are too imba but still a good thought. Gudjob on 6.60 Froggy. (b' -')b
Must be nerfed :
ReplyDeleteOmni - too short coldoown skills
Razor - imba a little
Leoric - stun, lifesteal aura, crit, reincarnation. All in one hero (!)
Must be buffed :
Krobelus - restore the bonus movement speed
Bristle - he got buffed but needs more
Alchemic - rly weak hero, needs remake
Akasha - worst hero in dota, needs remake quickly as can
Sorry for my english ^^
Alchemist r only weak for bad players.
ReplyDeleteHis ult its imba... with a tarraske, SY, assault, butter/buriza and perhaps guinsoo's, well... kill hin now with his ulti acvated... rsrs
Great job on 6.60.
the hero that needs badly rmk is flechet cause in a SERIUS game he is worse than crap.
ReplyDeletehe has a shity orb lategame
he has bonus atsp
The above 2 make a cheap MOM
he has not AOE
he has a bad and unsenergizing ulty
he is one of the worst in team battles so he stays hidden and w8s invi to ks some1
The only thing he has is the invi(easely countered nowdays) with hes enormous movespeed buff.
This skillset was really great in the old farm fest with divine/aegis(shop)
Remake Weaver.....this hero is nothing but a creep (LOL) when it faces Doombringer , one Doom and a lvldeath , may be one hit if Weaver has 2 bracer. It's str is crap , and with Dust now it's shukuchi may be a suicide attack >"<
ReplyDeletei thjnk went we Deny a creep we can get 1 or some gold. it make the game more interesting...
ReplyDeleteBatrider should be nerfed.
ReplyDeleterazor should get stronger for 5on5 matches.
TC's Echo stomp damage should be increased from 160 to 180 and the casting time should be set to 1 second but mana cost increase.
Remake Nerubian Weaver.
Allow to hero denie if the hero has the buff of batlle hunger.
Change some thing on Furion:
Trees: reduces armor, allied units of furion can go through the trees.
Treants: 3 treants on all levels, but they are stronger each level.
Base-Damage increase.
6.61 will be a fast version focusing on balancing. So there won't be any new heroes, i suppose. Moreover, i hope ice can use better ideas than chain frost that stunt.
ReplyDeleteOk, Frozen_Throne, so tell me the potential of Bone Fletcher and Magina on competitive dota... They are totally useless... Magina's blink strike is so easy to counter\evade and he doesn't have any skills to slow or stun enemy... Since he makes any difference only with a lot of items and DotA is now focused on early\mid game, his potential is VERY low, even with his last ultimate buff (a pretty useless, IMO).
ReplyDeletesuggesting new item-
ReplyDelete1 - maybe a scroll with +10 stat.. with the price of 4000-7000??
and in condition the game time are 30min++ already.. people only waste money if they have full slots
2 - or maybe an item that can connect the chicken slot with our item slot? but the price must be really2 high. lol
3 - an item such as net with charges would be nice. lol. 3 for 500?
Medusa must be buffed her new ulti suck and the new mistyc snakes is... buajjjj pls buff him
ReplyDeleteHi.its my first time i m writing in your blog alief but i ve been watching your blog 1 year now... i think 6.60 is good...i d like icefrog to consider my opinion about nerfing Tauren Chieftain in his str gain and lower the time u ve got the 0 magic/physical armor... I think azwrath needs a little bit nerf cause its imba since always... lower the time that dust has vision 12 seconds is too much... Dota was a nice game and u were playing for 1 hour at least now its much faster than ever before... I liked it when u had the oportunity to reverse the game if u ve got broken rax... now its way too difficult but not imbossible... money is made too fast and an item like radiance in 12 lvl its not so imba than before... and i think u must remove some armors from the items its way too easy to build an int hero with 10+ armor and make it too hard to kill you...phase boots and vanguard killed dota but vanguard ok...
ReplyDeleteP.S.: My girlfriend wants a girl hero like tinkerbell and she has thought her skills... IceFrog if you want to know about this hero respond to me... if you see this blog...
lol its so funny to read this comments :D
ReplyDeleteAnti mage is a bad hero. LOL? well mb it's bad now after removing the +4 str buff but he was not that bad and he COULD carry a game...
For example with a warlock who supports him.
Or the idea of the +10 to all scroll.
An idea like this can only come from a public easymode bob who doesn't know in which he has to spent his mass money :D
I bet that you never played a clanwar only public dota...
I couldn't stop laughing reading this shit....
Icefrogs changes will be to make competitive dota much better and not some funny public dota games xD.
Balances like nerfing the tc and changes to the new razor think^^
Medusa's Stone Gaze BLOWS! Her ult is the only conditional maybe it will work and maybe it work ult.
ReplyDeleteIt will purge in an LIMITED AoE only if
1) there is no fog or trees or hills.
2) within visual range which is SMALL at night.
3)they have to be looking at her hero if they are looking sideways or turn suddenly in order to back up a bit then it fails.
A conditional ult that might do what Tide/Siren/Roof's ult definitely will do sucks. tide's is a bigger AoE and does damage. Siren's does no damage but the AoE is crazy and is not limited by sight or fog. Roof's also will do damage.
I love techies but please make it more viable.
Skill 1: [Mines] (good skill)
Skill 2: [Suicide Bomber]
-level 1: techies attaches an explosive onto an allied creep or self. When it dies it will Explode dealing X damage.
-level 2: allow on weak neutrals and enemy creeps. more damage
-level 3: can hide on any creep and more damage
-level 4: can hide a bomb on self or another hero. (after all it doesn't kill the hero. only blows after he dies)
Skill 3: Fireworks [new suicide]
- Goblin suicides and sets off all his explosives creating a fireworks show. think rain of fire that is multiple explosions and larger AoE.
@ Above regarding making technies more viable.
ReplyDeleteI love your suggestion on "Suicide Bomber" where techies attaches an explosive onto an allied, creep or self. Explodes when it dies dealing xxx damage. This is a very viable idea and IceFrog should take serious consideration into your suggestion. Really great idea.
My suggestion on Crystal Maiden's Ultimate:
With the Aghahnim Scepter Ultimate upgrade, instead of her Ultimate being a channelling spell, she could simply cast her Ultimate and *NOT* having to stand there and channel for 4 secs, so as to allow her to move and use other spells freely too. This way nobody can easily interrupt her ulti as is the case now and she becomes less vulnerable in that she could still defend her self. It's kinda of like Keeper of the Light's transformed mode, he uses illumination whilst still being able to attack/move etc.
Any thoughts?
To the Crystal Maiden idea that actually sounds cool and speaking of keeper of the light he might be seriously a good pusher but whenever I play him the most kills I get is 3 and that's just KSing. I dont know what but I hope they buff him a little...
ReplyDelete...Here's something to think about this sounds really stupid and I mean stupid but why not add a tower before the final tower? It's just that Dota games now are really short, it's more fun when you can just kill each other for a while. Or make the towers have more HP like 300, 600, 800 more. Just an idea.
Viper second skill is too imbal.......... it have to be nerf pls..........
ReplyDeletedota wasn't meant to be played for long duration. that's why icefrog incorporates other ways to make it fun, like ganking.
ReplyDeleteI guess.. but I still want him to change Keeper of the light and help him with killing on his own.
Hahaha this new tauren way too IMBA, im 100% sure that 6.61 he will get nerfed, i can said only his ulti are just balanced, another 3 ..... too imba if handled by good player.
ReplyDeletelol yea viper 2nd skill hahaha...u just need a boots then u killing, nice dmg for gangbang.
ReplyDeletei will prefer icefrog to make a "last defends for the Ancients", example after the lsy 2 tower is destroy the last guardian of the ancient will be summoned, for the frozen tower the guardian could be the giant skeleton or ice skull dragon dono make sure somting big.. and for the tree of life instead of treant protector can become a heroes another model of tree building could be the last guardian.. just my opinion if ice frog can do this it sure wll have some fun.
u must be a very n00000000000bish player..
Its called tp scroll,its cheap,and its the best anti backdoor mechanish..
what else can i say..?
I rarely see bds, i dont bd, and i am not against it.
Also when your 2/3 raxx are broken bd is the only way for winning.
Also the fact that frozen throne cant be razed when the raxes are up is a great antibackdoor mechanish, also the decreased the cd of tp on the shop and icefrog doesn't care much about bd..
..And next time..go to the market..and ask for a "town portal" it costs 135 gold and its right next to the entrance..
monkey king bar seems away away bug thing in dota 6.60
ReplyDelete- working on razor and viper (mm seems to be undead heros but i still trying figure them out)
Mortred will gonna surely hate this version.She can be easily coutered by the new items and remaked like MKB and talisman.Hopely, remake Mortred..
ReplyDeleteToo imba for the scepter. make it more expansive by adding required items. VIPER REALLY OWNS. Even the noobs will be haapy to use this hero.
I agree with the guy who said that there are a lot of noob suggestions in here. Anyway, kricz, are you seriously suggesting a TC buff? lol!
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts on heroes: Both the batrider and tc need nerfs; Razor is fine - balanced and very fun to play, Viper is fine
Is the AI map out soon?
ReplyDeleteAll heroes are in there own ways imba, but also can all be cancelled. But TC and Batrider must be nerfed.
ReplyDeleteCentaur warchief : change character design. Make it different from the neutral creep. NB : coz it looks like centaur khan.
ReplyDeleteOgre magi : Change the body color. Again, it looks like neutral creep.
King leoric : His 1st skill takes no damage. only 250 ? The new Sven has 300.
N'aix : Make his body bigger. Like old N'aix.
Change medusa's mystic snake, It sucks, Level 4 is only 180 damage which is the most lowest damage any level 4 skill can have. I think it is a bit IMBA on mortred because with MKB's true hit she will become useless to any hero.TC and batrider does not need to be nerfed because they are balanced, The only unbalance I can see on TC is the aura which is 100% deduction to magic resistance which means Decrify + That aura = Pure ownage by int heroes like Lion. It should be lowered down to like 70% only. Also I think the 20 Second cooldown of bara's ulti with bara is a bit imbalance. And I think Icefrog should make it not item balanced game because from what I've seen from 6.60 is that it is item based which sucks in some ways. The Aghanim's Effect should have effect on all heroes :).
ReplyDeletestone gaze is near useless, purge was better. Never seen stone glaze actually affect someone in the game. Purge was a better slow than stone glaze. People do not look at medusa enough for it to happen.
ReplyDeleteAlso, there's a need to balance razor, I think. All he needs is BoT or Phase Boots and he owns. Too much DPS.
Balance TC, his aura has gonna be too strong. The spirit will move when u do TP can kill the heroes at the spring. BUG. Make obsidian destroyer stronger, like increase its attack range or something.
ReplyDeletepudge IS a female strength hero.....
ReplyDeleteStone gaze is useless, I agree with that, but mystic snake is awesome, you just have to learn how to use it correctly, even the hero I was laning against said in allchat that it's imba and I said I know :D
ReplyDeleteRETURN MEDUSAS old skills.. the new ones suck balls
ReplyDeleteMake batrider and TC less IMBA.
MAKE Twin Head Dragon "Fly" also.
Change Svens 3rd Skill Warcry... reminds me of Axe kinda lame.
make razor more 5v5 helpful. hes great solo though.
Sceptor recipe is too easy now.. characters like lion can own.
A new female hero would be cool.
ReplyDeleteyou can import models cant you?
there should be a contest to create a new female character.
I want more human heroes..zz only orccs, undead, creatures???? what this ???? we are human!!! please make more human Heroes icefrog lol.
ReplyDeletei want that helicopter guy or the astronout guy hehehe pls pls make 1 :P
Has anyone actually considered that the creepy/mysterious looking items seller wearing that black cloak/cape in the forest (that sells all the expensive items eg; eaglehorn etc) could potentially be a lady?
ReplyDeleteShe could be a new female hero. lol
hell yea. Could you ask ice frog to make her a hero
ReplyDeleteYes, I like the idea suggested that Maiden's Ultimate (with the scepter upgrade) should be remade into a non-channeling spell ie: you cast it once without having to channel there for 4 secs but can move around and use her spells too. This way she becomes less vulenerable and her Utilmate won't be disrupted anymore considering that the cooldown is fairly long (90 secs and it's easily disruptable as it is now)
ReplyDeleteLOL@ secret shop seller being a female hero!!!
lol for real she would be hella cool
ReplyDeleteshe could be called dark magician
ReplyDeletelol the seller that mention above is not a woman !!! its a men. He is the priest for the undead.
ReplyDeletebut yea i can see he have big potential to become hero in dota.
There is no girl that is Strength type. I think no girl that was strong, isn't it??? Just kidding, I hope DotA team could make her one...
ReplyDeleteicefrog please make back tinker can refresh the BKB, i found that he sux without permamagic immunity. hard to kill a whole wave of creep if there is disable hero especialy lion, lina or please i want the high tech tinker T.T
ReplyDeleteclicnkz and magina are IMBA heros. Just like someone earlier who said it, All depends on a person's preference and how he play it. I play these 2 heros as nukers and they own the game early and late. Maybe do away with the orb on clickz?
ReplyDeletemagina and clinkz works as the nuker?? never heard that before..i dont think they need to be nerfed, only only thing to faces this 2 hero u need to be sacrifes something that could help your team, u could buy wards or make orchid this 2 item greatly help to counter their both, u could use some nukers early game to avoid them farming well example lina, windrunner, qop also naga this hero could make they cry to farm early game...just dont give they chances to farm,as they will go insanity if they complete their item thats all.
btw clinkz ulti can make $$$..hehe
To people suggesting that aghanim makes maiden's ulti non-channeling: Why do you think enigma or witch doctor buys BKB every game? -.-
ReplyDeleteAnd acolyte was a hero once, he was lighting based and his ulti was summon dragons, but he sucked hard and got deleted(dunno why not simply buff him)
I think that the hero that needs balancing is meepo... there were an other hero (pudge) who sucked in late game, but his ulti have been powered up, so i can't see any reason why meepos ulti cannot powerup.... mu suggestion is that after meepo has aghanim, his clones can carry 1 more item, witch is free to choose....
ReplyDeleteWell my experiences with 6.60:
ReplyDeleteViper's Nethertoxine is a bit overpowered. It is so devastating, and could be nerfed in dmg or conditions. Sven is a bit overpowered, cause his stun is so easy to aim and or has a way too big AOE. Taure... Well, its the same as Razor: in the hands of an experienced user totally owning, considering you can disavle 5 secs and pull out your pen... ULTI easily, putting an additional slow on your foes.
And argueing which hero is uselss or not... Bone and Magina are very useful lategamers but they depend on your teamup and your enmies'. Prophet is also fine
What i really miss is the old basher-stacking. I hate the cooldown. Now you need to be fast as hell to hit your enemies. Maybe Icy could lower the stacking-bash-chance to stun. I rarely see basher these days. And i totally LOVE the blademail improvements. Now even pure damage.
if bone or antimage is truly overpowered, do u think they would remain unchanged for quite some time? each hero has its pros n cons, n for them, they don hav massive hp or tank loads of damage. in return for their low hp, they get escape mechanism like windwalk and blink. n its not like u cant stop them totally, a simple silence or disable would be able to handle them in mid games with a gang due to their lack of hp.
ReplyDelete(MEDUSA) ,.uhm i like bring back the old skill of MEDUSA "Purge" skill..... because she looks weaker in this version.. she cant support properly,,,,, PLEASE!
ReplyDelete(A New Human Hero) i like a new hero that looks like kardel, but the greater one.... the one that have a machine gun in X-Hero Siege.... LOL!
(BONE CLINKZ) definitely the ulti of clinkz.... yeah its great for survival but what can it do if you dont have creeps to eat to??? duh?? you already have WIND WALK for survival though the enemies hav dust or gem' the mspeed is fast so he can survive..... And also he dont have an AOE skill..... T_T
(ANUB'SERAN) i think he's one of the suicidal hero... LOL! because of shukuchiki! please kindly remake him for good.....
(ANUB'ARAK) VENDETTA REMAKE!!!! because his ulti has an easy way to encounter..... and his not really good for farming..... T_T...
hmmm... Now The Name Not Goes To _Nerubian Assassin_ because he does not have VENDETTA! LOL!
(DAZZLE) i dont like its "weave" because the enemies can run away if you cast this to them...... T_T....
and last............... ICEFROG! Please Don't Leave DOTA!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!
Only a idiot make a lane to lose to Magina... MAGINA IS THE WORST!!!1 :D
ReplyDeleteI want to see mountainking in dota.
ReplyDeleteI know Zeus has mountainking skin already. But, What I really want to see is not wizard type hero but fight type str hero like TC,SG etc.
I think skin overlap is really not problem. Because There are many skin overlap aleady. For example, Storm spirit , Centaur , ogremagi..etc. Besides Zeus's skin is not normal mountainking skin but avatar status skin.
Hey guys I want to hear your opinion.
ReplyDelete(Bone Clinkz)
Change searing arrow to splash arrow...
Do an aoe dmg with bonus dmg
Death pact - eat nearby corpses when activated
3rd skill changed
Make enemy who cast skills to him will lost mana
Blink changed..
Like meepo poof but losing mana and target a point.. Not an unit
Mana void.. AOE target
Mana break not orb effect
New modes
-nd (no backdoor)
New commands
-remake (allow restart the game when the game was end, but need vote first)
About female str hero
You can use that harpy model...
And makes her melee attacker and str type...
Also makes her a wind spellcaster...
Nice suggestions!
ReplyDeletemore than 1 way to play dota....
ReplyDeleteearly game
late game
magina is very strong if u are a good player that can stay alive in the early game and keep farming.... if u cant, then dont use the hero... same to bone fletcher...
if they were change to stronger in early game, then late game they would be imba...therefore,weak in early game is reasonable..
MJM players can use weaver as 5v5, and play very well... so no excuses...
however, i agree on the female str hero... lol... making the game more interesting...
TC and batrider realy too strong in the early game to late game...a little change would be good!!
My team style we like to have 3~4 nukers/disablers and 1~2 late game hero thats all while the nukers pushing and hunting we let the late hero farm and killing when can.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the guy that says a new command shall be made, -nd, Because many players backdoors the towers >_>
ReplyDeletecan u make a hero like a grunt or a raider?
ReplyDeletehmm.. new hero..
ReplyDeletea GNOLL ASSASSIN MODEL will be fine... ehehe... just like other heroes, jungle creeps..^^ haha..
still the same.. has a slow skill just like the old venomancer/mortred.. and so on.. its up to you.. i just want to see a gnoll assassin walking by and pawning some heads..+
Hero that should be remake :
ReplyDeleteOgri magi = yes the chances to multiple cast is high but to have 4 multiple is dam rare!!! dam it pls rework it, and he should to be put that ogre lord avatar instead of usual thats look like creep in the jungle..
Centaur Warchief = well he is horse!!! he must move more faster lol and make it more bigger and wearing others weapon becouse he looking exactly same like centaur khan...
And Rikimaru = change his skin colour to black, blur or someting else he look same like creep on jungle that blue riki...
Iwant a new agility hero ...
ReplyDeletebecause all the new heroes of dota are all Strenght and Intelligence.
A new female strength range hero plz :D
ReplyDeletefor magina: magina is the most imba hero with this equippment:
ReplyDeletebasher manta style and stanart rest. he has more manaburn and higher bash. did u ever tried it out. noone can beat this.
Most IMBA... Hahaha, if you're playing on begginers' room, that could be truth.
ReplyDeletepliz, ,
ReplyDeletei wish to change SandKing (Crixalis) skill
1.burrow strike:
-more damage and further range
-low mana cost
-faster cooldown
2. SandStorm
-more damage and last longer
-not a channeling skill
i think sandstorm just need to change it became burrow skill(dota v5.84)
-more damage
-slow enemy 50 % for 5 sec
-just need 1 sec casting
-when casting, if stunned, it will not cooldown
thank you,
i will wait for this upgrade
give void stght again back coz his low hp....n everytime void ulti..kill 1 n die 99
ReplyDeletejuz giv back his stfght again to old 1
i think your suggestion about crixalis will make him super IMBA. He's okay now with all of his skills, but i want his armor buffed a bit to 3 or 4. He's too fragile...
ReplyDeletethat makes SK imba zzz...
ReplyDeletei want a new hero named "Lich King"
ReplyDeletecoz i always hear "for the lich king"
now who is that one?
an abbadon who have no horse??
Tauren - IMBA in all his skill... his skill to ignore spell resistance & armor is way too much... his ulti damage should also need to be balanced...
ReplyDeleteBatrider - his ulti too need nerf... should remove the dragging/pulling of hero
Medusa - her new ulti distance/range is too low...
Force Staff - too cheap! yet it works better than Kelen's Dagger!
Stout Shield/Poor's Man Shield/Vanguard - amount of damage blocked is way too low especially for range heroes!
i think rigwarl and silencer nids to be remaks... an new hero well i suggest i new AGI hero LOL its been to long since the last agi hero was made XD
ReplyDeletebat riders ulty is not as imba as it looks.
ReplyDeletefor instance take tiny.
he can throw an enemy way deaper into your territory with an NON ultimate skill
the same
but ice must nerf batriders rediculus stats
imba base hp for an int range hero
imba x2 base dmg for a ranged hero
anub seran doesnt nid a remake just increase str int and lower the cd of germinate
ReplyDeleteCreate a gnoll hero agi type. and razor is a bit to strong, don't you think? Everyone starts to own with razor....
ReplyDeletepls dun forget TC aura only reduce BASE magic resist
ReplyDeleteTauren needs to be nerfed. They could probably lower the duration of the stomp's stun by a second per level (1/2/3/4 instead of 2,3,4,5), and lengthen the cooldown of his ulti to 120 seconds instead of 60. Something like that.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of little weak heroes!
ReplyDeleteRAZOR little weak!
MEDUSA Last Skill!
ZEUS movespeed!
Bristle increase the buffs!
Furion skills and HP!
about: magina he is so strong ^^ it depend to the player!
speaking of imba strong heroes!
Troll 3rd skill +100% attackspeed wew!
TC imba skills and hard to kill!
Viper 2nd skill!
Luna Eclipes with avatar can bet 5 on 1 LOLZ! but he is dead too!
Morphling wave!
Kunkka 2nd skill make it 50 cleave damage!
Alchemic best in clash -armor and cuiras wew, fast farmer! 4 hit viper with 2 vanguard PT
thats my little opinion! sorry for the wrong grammar(:-
TC imba
ReplyDeletei forgot ENCHA empitus!! to imba make it 100 mana cost or nerf it!
Kati ng Kaso-kasuan e jacol na yan!
i know that there is an avatar of a HARPY in the frozen throne... I hope u make her a hero in DotA... I only use femme heroes... so i really hope that u implement the HARPY... Pretty Please ^^
ReplyDeleteMedusa's Stone Gaze is hard to use as well... it requires the opponent hero to be facing at you for them to turn to stone...!!!... so hard to use!... but i still love Medusa... though...
ReplyDeleteRylai's frost nova was also good... ^^ I hope her Freezing Field would just be like that!...
ReplyDelete^^ something unusual but might work! :)
wow the new Female hero thingy is geting famous topic here eh? LOL maybe a good model of femal hero is the night elf archer thing Magina is not a the worst hero it depends to the one who use the way how do we prounounce MAGINA? LOL
ReplyDeleteneeds to fix the ult upgrades Pugna's has a 0second cooldown on his when you get aghnimans now and that to me is really broken
ReplyDeleteplease reconsider pudge, spiritbreaker, vengeful and others ulti with agahnim
ReplyDeleteFemale Strength hero? A warrior princess? Should be like this:
ReplyDelete"Batrider - his ulti too need nerf... should remove the dragging/pulling of hero"
ReplyDeleteYeah, make it worse than rhasta's regular skill :D
6.60 troll ulti is too lame already..Only 5 second.
ReplyDeleteDotA is gets better and more balanced every new patch. The only changes i suggest for now are:
ReplyDeleteBATRIDER: lower base damage a little bit; fix the bug/exploit that makes radiance triggers sticky napalm
TAUREN: he is fine, maybe just lower base stats or armor a little
MEDUSA: increase the speed of mystic snake; make stone gaze keep affecting units even if they stop looking at her
SILENCER: remake glaives of wisdom. It is a nice skill, but just don't fit the hero's concept. All his others skills are meant to support and glaives fits better a dps style
Batrider = IMBA str and base dmg grow for range heroes and with those firefly... he must be nerf!!!
ReplyDeletehis firefly got somebugs i cannot drag him while using enigma ulti he just flew away zzz...same with the tidehunter ulti..bugs???????????wtff???
a agi hero huh..
ReplyDelete..but first remake some heroes coz its to imba..
Compare with venom's 2nd skill,viper's 2nd skill is a little weaker.A lv 4 venom's 2nd skill give 140 damage which is very strong to harass at any condition,but viper has only 120 damage and the viper's enemy must have less than 20% HP.But when the enemy's health is low viper DPS is better(120 damage + compare with 20 damage per sec last 7s of venom).
ReplyDeleteAnd the storm bolt of sven must be nerf.325 dame AOE and 2 second stun is so imba if compare with VS'stun and Ske's Stun.
May be nerf the cooldown of ultimate skill of TC,he's use 3 skill,kill one or three,regen and the ultimate is ready again and kill 1 or 3 again @__@
Yep,i like the harpy model and the gargloy model<-- sorry if spellcheck mistake(my bad english)
Used Vengeful Spirit... then used the new and improved Aghanim's Scepter... my goodness... that 10 second cooldown for his swap made chaos... my item build was just boots of travel, a bracer, vanguard, perseverance and aghanim's scepter... but that 10 seconds cool down to her ulti made the difference... it's not swap-stun... more like stun-swap these days for VS...
ReplyDelete6.60 is the begining, ice frog should wait a month or more to release 6.61. if there is bug on 6.60b, release 6.60c...
ReplyDelete6.61 should be balance and become a stable map...
i really want ice frog to bring in new agi hero....
a classmate of mine want to suggest to change mirana's ulti. Maybe a little better effects or longer duration or a complete remake.
ReplyDeleteViper SHOULD be rebalanced. Viper+Butterfly>>> Almost impossible to kill. (insane attack speed + dodge)
To those noobs out there saying that Alche, magina, and bone fetcher are weak hero. Guess what, i'm weak but CAN own with then.
For begginers, Alche's GG should not be maximized at start; maximize magina's mana break; Notice the deathpact's low mana and colldown...
I think that they made Crystal Maiden's ulti to be channelling because of some hacks/random bug that made it casting forever..
Wonder why lannik's slow became a channeling spell..??
I think they want medusa to use force staff/ blink dagger to use his ulti. ^^
TC's 3rd skill spells OUCH!!. hahaha!!
Increase aghanim's item cost. Very advantageous to juggernut and lion.
I think they made batrider to fly because of his skill. and making jachiro to fly would just be wasting his skill slot don't you think? (flying was winrunner's previous ulti BTW)
Make Storm spirit's LIghtning vortex to enable him to drag the enemy with his ulti. Please... or else just make this a channeling skill just like all other shackles... :P
ReplyDeleteLook man i know its easy to own a pub with alch,fletcher/magina cause there is not much team play ,some noobs just plander alone in the forest or rivers without a reason,the team almost always is not using wards or dusk,they give em free farm,they target the tank ect ect..
but especially fletcher..i have never seen him in a competitive game...ever..
Why?Can u explain it?
i would rather vote for magina, bone fletcher and bristleback remake
ReplyDeleteam, bone, and BB they alrdy good as well, probably ownage if used by a good player, there's no need to remake them. Teamwork and skills are needed to own the game thats all!
yeah magina,BB and bone dont need to remake bcoz its base on the player if the player are noob, ur hero noob too zzz..
ReplyDeleteNerf TC . Damn ulti has 60 secs ><
ReplyDeleteNerf Batrider . Damn Firefly trail is hell . kinda makes you to think twice before chasing him
Troll's fine . but i wanna make blind an area skill LOL
remake silencer . big time. every other hero with the same role just beats him to it ><
remake weaver . useless at 5v5 games, really. except for her watchers which could be countered by a nigh ward/gem.
and i find razor fun to play. he actually sucked before, but now he's just cooool with all those skills :p ^_^
i think a female strength character should be Svala Sorrowgrave, Vrykul Female, or Queen Angerboda.... these character from WoW:WoT Lich King...
ReplyDeletethey are so cool....
mkb's new effect kills windrunner. the skill "windrunner" is based on 100% miss, and mkb ignores it. that is too bad.
ReplyDeletehow often do you see a mkb and windrunner in one game?
ReplyDeletemany times. but only my wr, not mkb. i used her to against PA or brood. as u known, now they can make mkb to become as strong as 1v5. my suggestion is to change the model of the skill, windrunner, to Void's backtrack, 100% no damage under physical attack.
ReplyDeleteI think that MKBs True Strike should be an active, not a passive... It's too imba against Mortred,Gondar etc.
ReplyDeleteIt should last like 5-10 secs.
zzz. i dont like to read those fucking noob comments.. i dont see any imbalance hero.. if your a pro any hero u use can godlike.. wtf.. ppl here are noobs about real plying of dota.
ReplyDeletey but some of us may be intrested in some more serius games and find some heroes better and more stable than others.
ReplyDelete"zzz. i dont like to read those fucking noob comments.. i dont see any imbalance hero.. if your a pro any hero u use can godlike.. wtf.. ppl here are noobs about real plying of dota."
Which server are you playing?? Garena ? Bnet??, can you tell your ID, i love to you and your team in game.. please i want to see how godlike u can be..
ReplyDeletechange medusa stone gaze into purge again please...
if necessary remake it into the old one...
Her skill is become not effective, that's better old medusa.
@anoymous above 2x
ReplyDeleteLoL.. Godlike = Pro ? Please.
So are you saying that only nubs/newbies can see "imbalance" hero? We arent discussing about how pro we are.
It just that the new heroes that is now is not very fixed since it is just the beginning.
Talk about imbalanced, after the manta not having orb effect became more an efficent item for AM now. getting this 1 item, and having your team 2 ~ 3 disablers , i guess they are quite useless now.
And, even tot of the aoe purge, it isnt effective till you get a stealth/blink mechanism. If your opponent isnt turning to you, your ulti is going to waste. Of coz that you might be thinking that when a gank take place , this skill will be extra ordinary useful. But let me remind you that in a gank, those heroes will be casting massive and lots of spells, so it will reduce the efficiency of your stone gaze furthermore. It didnt help in gank and chasing, so are you saying that you will want this skill to be an escape skill at 70sec furthermore.. Simply ridiculious.
TC's 2nd skill himself have increased movement speed and his first skill is actually an AOE nightmare, but of coz that creeps/tower can still hit it without awakening it. Ulti a percentage spell. Removing base armor/ spell reduction is like amplifying damage, this may not be imbalanced but it is still a very awesome skill. A long range massive damage + Halt + maim is simply a little imbalanced. Furthermore is AOE. Bat Rider himself got pretty high base atk damage for a ranged hero and quite high hp gain as compared to many of the int heroes.
Razor's Unstable current can purge any enemy casting a direct spell on him, it might be a very good and dependable escape skill but it is a little too much.
I hate the Medusa's new skill...that ball is so slow...for me chain lightning is better or you can make the ball faster...please make changes for my favorite hero Medusa...thx...:D
ReplyDeleteits true medusa is no longer great hero... the previous medusa is the best...
my suggestion is 6.60ai map can releast faster~i cannot wait any longer...... hope bmp can work harder~thanks
ReplyDeleteRazor is Okie and Balanced except for his 3rd skill.....
ReplyDeleteI'm sure icefrog is working out on medusa as you can see that the leak map changelog actually improves the speed of the bounce. He might be think of buffing his ulti you know ^^. Cd reduced from 70 to 35 , a big change , you can see that icefrog also realise that medusa is really underpowered.
How about Enigmas ult not going through bkb anymore? that would be nice
ReplyDeleteTauren Chieftain must remake!!!!
ReplyDeletehate it...
Tauren chieftain MUST NOT REMAKE!!!
ReplyDeleteLOVE HIM..!
(ok nerf him a bit to be enjoyable for the other players but i love the skillset)
NO NO don't remake chief
ReplyDeletepls remake razor.
the hero is imbalance
and medusa too
it's hard to use now
better the last.
and for bat rider...
pls remake the skill, with 3rd skill of dark seer you can pull the hero afar away and with bara's aura, i can imagine how this bat can take your hero to the fountain....
ReplyDeleteChange his ultimate skills....
i hate roof when he cast his ulti.
lv 16 overgrowth 5 Seconds.if roof use the refresher orb it will be 10 seconds..... we cant attack or skill just stay wait until we died by their team... i think refresher must be expensive or the cooldown must 300 second. and increase his manacost. its imbalance if living armor can usefull for buildings. ah man please in 6.61 change rooftrelen or refresher...
and change the poorman shield recepie. strout shield and iron wood branch 4? becoz the poor man shield can be usefull if the hero is agility.....
i think this version is balance n ok but get a little bit must rmk..that all..
ReplyDeletecan faceless void 1st skill rmk..time walk+damage like vengeful spirit..coz i c 1skill juz make as+ms slow but no dmg..
atleast juz giv a bit dmge like vs..
juz my opiniomn..
i think troll is more imba with 3. skill
ReplyDeleteI want a new agility hero which based tactical skills(Like Kunkka,Storm,Razor).Please left bash passives all heroes This is İmba
there are no 'imba heroes'. only 'imba players'
ReplyDeleteI agree with that lol.
Of course some1 will be imba if played good or feeded..
Situation: Imba Vs Imba2
ReplyDelete= Same
Heroes: Imba Vs Average
Imba + Imba = Win ,Average + Imba2 lose
Not to mention that bat rider is broken now , he himself have a bug such that some skills cannot target him. Free Spell Counter? Thats why 6.60 recieve so many complains.Not to mention that Bat rider has one of the best str growth for an int. And Firefly give him the ability to chase and kill or to escape. Firefly + High hp = Unkillable. Firefly bug also.
And TC is the best defender. Skills long range and aoe. Ulti great with 1 st skill.Not to mention 60 sec cd.
Nerf TC's ulti cd to 90 ~ 100.
Fix Bat rider's bug
Fix regen rune bug
Lower down am movement speed by 5 , reason: Manta great on him now.
Even if you can ban 4 heroes each team in cm mode , isnt there additional of heroes now?
@Anoymous on Faceless Void
ReplyDeleteTheres no way they gonna buff it since he has one of the most powerful ulti. =)
And TimeWalk got damage would prevent dagger escape ... So it is not allowed to happen in the first place.
I'm certain that viper will get nerfed maybe halfing or lowering nether toxin by about 1/3, with dusa's ulti you've gotta make the aoe/line of sight range longer or else she'd be very useless, razor does need a bit of an aoe buff otherwise he'll just be one of those guys who picks of kills and thus will get targeted alot, TC now this guy needs a buff i've played with him and in almost every game it was a win, the ulti is quite balanced actually but the passive is way too imba and they've got to reduce the cast range of spirit lower the stun on stomp but up the damage and mana cost on it.
ReplyDeleteWell, thats my opinion any thoughts on it?
Should be able to random agi AND str or str & int etc...
ReplyDeletehey make a hero whose ulti is increased movement speed til maximum MS at level 3 make akasha's ulti be heard by other players like make an audio shout sort of like pudge's dismember heh. AHHHHHHHH!!
ReplyDeletelol banehallow ulti level alrdy move at max speed 522, yea i agree some ultimate will have a global sound it should be very nice.
ReplyDeletehow about if each side have a powerful "CANNON" that only can be active around 10~15 min once, dmg is about 1000~1500 AOE and casting range is about half of the map from the fountain. i think it should be cool instead of only building got high armor every 5mins.
ReplyDeletehey alief,here what IceFrog said in his blog:
ReplyDeleteI'm in the process of uploading 6.61. Let me know what you guys think after you've had a chance to play with it for a bit.
@above - thanks! I already made a post about it. Dota 6.61 is released! ;)
ReplyDeletei want 5 lanes.. hehe i think its better so all have solo lanes.
ReplyDeleteI found a link to dl 6.61AI
ReplyDeletehere but the file seems to be having problems... is it my problem or wat?
While waiting for the new AI, you can try this fun game
stop posting this fucking brute stuff, fucking annoying.
ReplyDeleteI hope that when enemies backdoor, our towers gain (50 armor) and 50 regen perseconds when no creeps is around ~.~
ReplyDeleteI want to mark something cosmetic.
ReplyDeleteWhen some heroes buy battlefury the attack animation changes.
For example Tauren hits down his axe and Lucifer somehow hits with his leg. Can this be fixed? It will look a lot better.
ReplyDeleteTHis is a great map... atleast there is a latest version af an AI that can be used for practice.
ReplyDeleteIf you guys are complaining about imbalance, well and you play LAN with other people.. that depends on how the person plays the hero.
Razor is known to be an imbalance but you can beat him if you are a good player..
Come on guyz, don't complain.. BMP really did a great job on doing these maps. Instead of complaining, give thanks.
And make your suggestions not sound like complains.. so you will prevent flaming.. it's pretty "face-palm" don't ya think?
keeper of the light??? very imbA! what if keeper of the light will blink on some areas where heroes got stuck using kelens dagger, and then recall... isn't that imba?.. same to pudge and vengeful's reason why it cannot use kelens.. got my point?... =)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI only want to make Nevermore get a (scepter upgradable) so it will get interesting
ReplyDeletekeeper of the light??? very imbA! what if keeper of the light will blink on some areas where heroes got stuck using kelens dagger, and then recall... isn't that imba?.. same to pudge and vengeful's reason why it cannot use kelens.. got my point?... =)
ReplyDeleteI hope that when enemies backdoor, our towers gain (50 armor) and 50 regen perseconds when no creeps is around ~.~
ReplyDeletei want 5 lanes.. hehe i think its better so all have solo lanes.
ReplyDeletei think troll is more imba with 3. skill
ReplyDeleteI want a new agility hero which based tactical skills(Like Kunkka,Storm,Razor).Please left bash passives all heroes This is İmba
TC imba
ReplyDeletepls dun forget TC aura only reduce BASE magic resist
ReplyDeleteTauren - IMBA in all his skill... his skill to ignore spell resistance & armor is way too much... his ulti damage should also need to be balanced...
ReplyDeleteBatrider - his ulti too need nerf... should remove the dragging/pulling of hero
Medusa - her new ulti distance/range is too low...
Force Staff - too cheap! yet it works better than Kelen's Dagger!
Stout Shield/Poor's Man Shield/Vanguard - amount of damage blocked is way too low especially for range heroes!
i want a new hero named "Lich King"
ReplyDeletecoz i always hear "for the lich king"
now who is that one?
an abbadon who have no horse??
that makes SK imba zzz...
ReplyDeletegive void stght again back coz his low hp....n everytime void ulti..kill 1 n die 99
ReplyDeletejuz giv back his stfght again to old 1
A new female strength range hero plz :D
ReplyDeletehmm.. new hero..
ReplyDeletea GNOLL ASSASSIN MODEL will be fine... ehehe... just like other heroes, jungle creeps..^^ haha..
still the same.. has a slow skill just like the old venomancer/mortred.. and so on.. its up to you.. i just want to see a gnoll assassin walking by and pawning some heads..+
I agree with the guy that says a new command shall be made, -nd, Because many players backdoors the towers >_>
ReplyDeletemore than 1 way to play dota....
ReplyDeleteearly game
late game
magina is very strong if u are a good player that can stay alive in the early game and keep farming.... if u cant, then dont use the hero... same to bone fletcher...
if they were change to stronger in early game, then late game they would be imba...therefore,weak in early game is reasonable..
MJM players can use weaver as 5v5, and play very well... so no excuses...
however, i agree on the female str hero... lol... making the game more interesting...
TC and batrider realy too strong in the early game to late game...a little change would be good!!
I want to see mountainking in dota.
ReplyDeleteI know Zeus has mountainking skin already. But, What I really want to see is not wizard type hero but fight type str hero like TC,SG etc.
I think skin overlap is really not problem. Because There are many skin overlap aleady. For example, Storm spirit , Centaur , ogremagi..etc. Besides Zeus's skin is not normal mountainking skin but avatar status skin.
Hey guys I want to hear your opinion.
(MEDUSA) ,.uhm i like bring back the old skill of MEDUSA "Purge" skill..... because she looks weaker in this version.. she cant support properly,,,,, PLEASE!
ReplyDelete(A New Human Hero) i like a new hero that looks like kardel, but the greater one.... the one that have a machine gun in X-Hero Siege.... LOL!
(BONE CLINKZ) definitely the ulti of clinkz.... yeah its great for survival but what can it do if you dont have creeps to eat to??? duh?? you already have WIND WALK for survival though the enemies hav dust or gem' the mspeed is fast so he can survive..... And also he dont have an AOE skill..... T_T
(ANUB'SERAN) i think he's one of the suicidal hero... LOL! because of shukuchiki! please kindly remake him for good.....
(ANUB'ARAK) VENDETTA REMAKE!!!! because his ulti has an easy way to encounter..... and his not really good for farming..... T_T...
hmmm... Now The Name Not Goes To _Nerubian Assassin_ because he does not have VENDETTA! LOL!
(DAZZLE) i dont like its "weave" because the enemies can run away if you cast this to them...... T_T....
and last............... ICEFROG! Please Don't Leave DOTA!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!
if bone or antimage is truly overpowered, do u think they would remain unchanged for quite some time? each hero has its pros n cons, n for them, they don hav massive hp or tank loads of damage. in return for their low hp, they get escape mechanism like windwalk and blink. n its not like u cant stop them totally, a simple silence or disable would be able to handle them in mid games with a gang due to their lack of hp.
ReplyDeleteI think that the hero that needs balancing is meepo... there were an other hero (pudge) who sucked in late game, but his ulti have been powered up, so i can't see any reason why meepos ulti cannot powerup.... mu suggestion is that after meepo has aghanim, his clones can carry 1 more item, witch is free to choose....
ReplyDeleteThere is no girl that is Strength type. I think no girl that was strong, isn't it??? Just kidding, I hope DotA team could make her one...
ReplyDeleteYes, I like the idea suggested that Maiden's Ultimate (with the scepter upgrade) should be remade into a non-channeling spell ie: you cast it once without having to channel there for 4 secs but can move around and use her spells too. This way she becomes less vulenerable and her Utilmate won't be disrupted anymore considering that the cooldown is fairly long (90 secs and it's easily disruptable as it is now)
ReplyDeleteLOL@ secret shop seller being a female hero!!!
Has anyone actually considered that the creepy/mysterious looking items seller wearing that black cloak/cape in the forest (that sells all the expensive items eg; eaglehorn etc) could potentially be a lady?
ReplyDeleteShe could be a new female hero. lol
pudge IS a female strength hero.....
ReplyDeletestone gaze is near useless, purge was better. Never seen stone glaze actually affect someone in the game. Purge was a better slow than stone glaze. People do not look at medusa enough for it to happen.
ReplyDeleteAlso, there's a need to balance razor, I think. All he needs is BoT or Phase Boots and he owns. Too much DPS.
Is the AI map out soon?
u must be a very n00000000000bish player..
Its called tp scroll,its cheap,and its the best anti backdoor mechanish..
what else can i say..?
I rarely see bds, i dont bd, and i am not against it.
Also when your 2/3 raxx are broken bd is the only way for winning.
Also the fact that frozen throne cant be razed when the raxes are up is a great antibackdoor mechanish, also the decreased the cd of tp on the shop and icefrog doesn't care much about bd..
..And next time..go to the market..and ask for a "town portal" it costs 135 gold and its right next to the entrance..
ReplyDeleteI guess.. but I still want him to change Keeper of the light and help him with killing on his own.