Storm Spirit Guide - Raijin Thunderkeg Build & Strategy (Dota-Allstars 6.58 Remake) - DotA-Blog

Storm Spirit Guide - Raijin Thunderkeg Build & Strategy (Dota-Allstars 6.58 Remake)

Storm Spirit Guide - Raijin Thunderkeg Build and Strategy (after Dota 6.58 remake). Along with Dirge the Undying, Storm Spirit now is having new skill set on Dota-Allstars 6.58. Before the remake, Storm Spirit is DPS hero that's aim for damage items. But now, his skill is more absolutely mana dependent. But before we think about the new strategies, let's take a look on his new skills.

Storm Spirit Guide Storm Spirit
Attack Range: 500
Strength: 17 + 1.5
Agility: 22 + 1.8
Intelligence: 23 + 2.6
Movement Speed 295

Static Remnant
Raijin creates a remnant of himself containing his essence. The Static Remnant will release its stored energy whenever an enemy units comes near it. Lasts up to 12 seconds.

Damage: 140/180/220/260
Trigger AOE: 210
Damage AOE: 260
Cooldown: 4
Manacost: 70/80/90/100

Takes 1 second to create after cast. This is not channeling, just time delayed.

Note: Remember, the cooldown is only 4 seconds, so you can stack it until 3 Remnant in one place. Use this as your farming tool and your only nuke. Another thing is that your Remnant is not invisible. 

Electric Vortex
Storm focuses his energy to rip open a vortex drawing an enemy to it. This process slows the Storm Spirit down for a brief period.

Pulls 100/150/200/250 units over 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds.
Your movement is reduced by 50% for 3 seconds.

Cast Range: 300
Manacost: 100
Cooldown: 20

Note: Great spell for ganking. Ball Lightning and combine it with Vortex and immediately Remnant. Most of your enemy won't be able to escape. Please note that this can cancel Town Portal, channeling spell. And while you hold it, enemy can't cast spell.

Storm Spirit becomes overloaded with electrical energy whenever he casts a spell. The charge is released on his next attack as an electrical burst, dealing damage and slowing nearby units.

Slow: 50% as 80% ms Lasts 0.6 seconds (Same stats as old overload)
Bonus damage: 30/45/60/75
AOE: 275

Note: Combine this with your other spell to slow down your enemy. Remember, Ball Lightning will also give you an Overload charge.

Ball Lightning
Storm Spirit becomes enveloped with energy, losing his physical form, and travels until he depletes his mana or chooses to stop. While in this form, he deals damage to nearby units based on how far his electrical form has traversed. Damage, speed and area of effect improves per level.

Stops traveling whenever you run out of mana. Deals damage in a small area around you based on distance traveled.

Damage: 8/12/16 per 100 units traveled
Manacost: (15 + 7% of total manabase) + mana based on distance traveled (10+1% per 100 units)
Cast Range: Global
Cooldown: 0

Travel speed and damage AoE improves per level.
You can cast spells like Static Remnant during your roll if you are quick enough.
Specific interactions with spells/projectiles follow the same rules as Waveform does.

Note: I think this skill is Imba! Despite of the mana depleted, the cooldown is 0(zero) and this make huge difference in battle. An enemy escaped? Use this to chase him. Trust me, you won't believe how much this can surprise your enemy. You get ganked? Use this to rolling out as far as you can or just simply rolling into the cliff. Don't use this to hide into the tree because the tree will falling off and they still can chase you (i learn this by mistake T_T). Once you got your Bloodstone, you can maximize the potential of this skill.

Skill Build
1. Static Remnant
2. Overload
3. Electric Vortex
4. Static Remnant
5. Static Remnant
6. Ball Lightning
7. Static Remnant
8. Electric Vortex
9. Electric Vortex
10. Electric Vortex
11. Ball Lightning
12. Overload
13. Overload
14. Overload
16. Ball Lightning

If you are not soloing, you can leveling up Vortex before Remnant to catch a kill with your partner.

Item Build
Aim Bloodstone as fast as you can! The massive mana regen that you gain for each kill on Bloodstone is really support this hero. My item build order is:
1. 2 Null + 2 Branch + 2 set of Tangoes
2. Void Stone
3. Ring of Health
4. Point Booster
5. Energy Booster
6. Finish Bloodstone

You can buy shoes before Point Booster or RoH.


Use Static Remnant for farming your Bloodstone. The manacost is cheap and cooldown is low. Combined with Overload, farming is not that difficult with this hero. After get the Ball Lightning, you can start ganking. The combo i usually use is:
1. Ball Lightning into the target.
2. Hit with Overload
3. Electric Vortex
4. Hit with Overload
5. Quickly use Static Remnant
6. Hit with overload again and keep it on.

Just remember one thing, Ball Lightning is having 0 cooldown! If you are missed your target, just keep chasing it. You also suddenly surprise the low HP enemy from very far distance with your Ball Lightning. Use this hero for ganking, this is his role now. The only mistake i made with this hero is when i keep farming in early-mid game like the old Storm and waste his ganking potential.

Ball Lightning will make you hard to kill. Keep some mana for rolling and you will be safe. The only chances i got raped is with Sheep stick ^_^"

I know this hero is rather more difficult to use than the previous, but prefer this new one. It's more entertaining and remind me of Kungfu Panda, Rofl ;p

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  1. nice new skills, definitely better than before.

    may need to be nerfed...

  2. he has to be COMPLETELY nerfed.
    he is to good, that ulti of his is the own if you use it even to the smallest way right -.-

  3. to me new SS is balanced.. absolutely mana dependent.. or perhaps i should say, absolutely mana dependent.. u might want to consider more on INT items and mana regens than to go for DPS.. dps to SS is a bonus now for me.. b4 this i would absolutely go for DPS but now, ill put that aside and give him survival n mana items

  4. I thought that his new ultimate skill is useless, but after I tested him, he PWNS(although not that extreme).
    Need some mana-nerfing, coz this guy eats TONS of it.

  5. I have to admit that I've not really played the new version of this hero. But I do have a question: Why remake the Storm Spirit?? He was my favorite hero. I'm actually quite pissed that he's been taken away and replaced by a new hero (in all but name).
    Was he too strong?, was he not played enough? What was wrong with him?

  6. I used the old Storm when he first appeared, but then he was, what is it...; MONOTONE. "The Sentinel needs someone better than the old Storm." is maybe what IceFrog said. lol no offense.

  7. plz change back that old storm T.T
    this storm i hate it !!!!!!!!

    i vote it must change back!!!!!!!1

  8. Why the hell would you replace a unique, fun and skill based hero for a boring auto-attacker

  9. hm.. i think this the new raijin is more balanced then before, coz the hero back to the form of int hero (use more MP then before)

    thruly i like the old raijin... ~.~

    about skill, the overload usually more usesfull then before. i can make overload active when i want it.

  10. why change him back? he's fun the way he is... besides old storm was boring and corny.

    anyway I don't know what needs to be nerfed of him as of now... in fact I wanna see Overload charge stack; with a maximum limit of course... that'd be interesting. It's kinda hard to micro; ball lightning in, attack for overload, cast vortex, attack for overload, cast remnant, attack for overload... it'd be "easier" if they stack :D

  11. The new storm is fun. The old one was too lame. You just get dps and he own -_-. The new one is more fun :D
    Why do you play dota? For fun or to own? I choose the former, thus I like the new storm more. Maybe they would be remaking almost every single imba dps heroes soon. Or maybe they would not :P
    PS: Drow shud be remade!!

  12. New SS freaking SUCKSSS!!, now more like kamekaze ganker, why u removed my old SS icefrog why..why.???!!!!

  13. I think the bloodstone idea quite good, but you'll get no damage from your ordinary blows.

    I usually use an Int based PT then 2 bracers for first time and usually depending on the circumstances, sometimes it's best to use either oblivion staff, or guinso for the kill-and-run ganking

    but it'll cost more, so depending on your circumstances. But it'll always good to have PT before 13, very helpful.

  14. Well... hell yeah I'm back! ummm... well, yeah the new Storm is "fun" to use but not as the old one
    well, can you even kill the old Storm w/ barrier? imagine, the new storm has many spells and ball lightning which when activated, you'll be invulnerable...while the old storm has barrier which prevents spell damage...

    even though... stop yapping about please remake all of the imba dps heroes... soo what?? to scared to be killed??

  15. at the first time i play this new raijin i'm totally get upset... but now he's the most fun hero i've ever played... thx ice frog for the change.

  16. new ss can be a very deadly ganker if use by good player, however he's ulti and 1st skill is spamable skill that required alot of mana, now he is a mana dependent, but the best for me about the new ss he can do many combo with combo such hex and dagon probably more with others hero he3..

    however i love more the old ss becouse got many support skill, :D nice remake icefrog.

  17. I think he is better than old Storm Spirit. Skill is strange, more fun, and can support team. Do not nelf him.
    About item build, I think Orchid stick is very good item.
    Orchid + Bloodstone (+ Eye of Sakdi ??) --> wooo

  18. the new storm is far better than d old storm, had a better lane control..good for ganking n soloing...why build orchid+EoS on him?!! waste of gold bloodstone fills all the mana he need!! better get items to buff his HP n armor! his skills synergizes well with items like shiva guard, it gives him damage n armor!! n if u dont seem to observe him during mid-late game, storm is turning into a dps type that is really hard to kill....this storm is really good qhen u know how to use it..d old storm is so predictable coz he will jaz get items that fits his dps skill, but what happens when he can earn gold?!! the new storm can still b helpful even w/o expensive items via vortex....

  19. Hmmm well i cant say that this one or the former was better, they are almost COMPLETE different heroes:
    The old one was that early nuke resistent lategameruler, this one is more team oriented when ganking with a spellbased slow and Vortex .
    Hmmm bloodstone... easily farmed and effective, especially when empowered by some charges.
    But then i prefer him to be a disabler rather than a Pwner, so guinsoo preferred (well, depends on your team).
    But... he could be a total new hero. Erasing the old one is a waste, i think...

  20. guinsoo is a good item for d new storm but then its very expensive..1 thing more, all the abilities of storm except overload are all matter of activation, i mean click/select it in order to cast, then here comes guinsoo another items that requiures clicking, i a team battle clicking too much makes u lose control of storm momentarily..better get bloodstone for him, begin w/ perseverance w/c gives hp regen coz storm really has a horible hp..his vortex is more than enough as his disabling skill, wether or not an enemy hero shall escape, his rofl can easily chase them..

  21. Well, i said, bloodstone is fine i Also buy it o him, as it provides you with insane Regen. But hey, this hero is not some right-ckicl-killer and later on he le loses effectiveness. He IS a midgamer and so after having his fun of ganking he needs to do some hepings to the lategame teamfights. Well he can escape, but i think you can imagine your mates faces, when they get raped, due to some lack of disable

  22. hey nickfreak, what i meant bout the clicking thing was that of raijins skills..u see 3 of his skills are activation and when u add another one(guinsoo), it'll b too many clicking when battle begins, w/c may sometimes disadvantageous for him coz even u have perfected the right combo of his skills, there'll be times that u may abuse clicking that'll lead to waste of for me his 3 activated-based skills are enough, u jaz have to get items for his survivability and mana..

  23. Well, yeah, surviving should be his priority, but you are not a tank and as you appear most of the time in a blink of an eye you have"some"time before being focused and i still recommend a disable for lategame, coz you WILL be useless lateron as your spells wont do the damage to kill 'em all

  24. Erm, I have a question. If Treant roots Storm Spirit, Will S.S. be able to ball away?

  25. yeah u can rofl even u r being OG by treant, also earthbind by geomancer, ensnare by naga siren, also skills that u r being held as long as u aren't silenced...storm is not a tank, yeah!!! but maybe, with proper build, he can too!! especially late game comes...w/ bloodstones having some charges and cuirass, add vanguard, and threads(str), and maybe super late game u can have guinsoo(disabling item/damage/mana pool&mana regen) or a shiva guard(mana pool&mana regen/added survivability/damage too/slow) - too bad i didnt have the replay for this but i got this items on BNET and all the way win the game..
    my final item build was:
    - vanguard
    - bloodstone
    - deso
    - cuirass
    - threads(str)
    - shiva guard

    this was in 3v3 battle with my friends, this build is somewhat unachievable coz of luxury items but w/ great farming skills of storm, i was able too buy it..

  26. U mean that u can ball away even if u r OG-ed?

  27. yeah u can,if u dont believe me jaz try to have a game w/ the AI of treant..type then at level 6 get ball lightning im sure treant will get OG too...type whosyourdaddy (to avoid damage) till treant cast on Storm his OG then use ball lightning...enjoy.....

  28. This hero is lame when fighting with strength type or heroes with very big HP.

  29. Geez... well, my reason why the old storm is much much better is because of the "anti-spell" spell Barrier...
    Though even if he's an auto attacker, he's much better not with some lame skills for spamming...

    He's much better before because he's a killer and not a supporter like now...

  30. TOO FREAKIN LAME! he is carry! he cant die! he can jump in and out of combat np! impossible to focus on in fights! only way to balance this retard hero is to put either a cd on ulti, or block use of it when attacked by heroes (like dagger). it would be sad for dota history having to ban this lame hero every game.

  31. I think you are still overestimating this hero... Well agreed, he doesnt die often later on. BUT remember, he does'nt deal that much damage too! Hes more a survivor than a real threat in the lategame with just his Vortex as a pseudodisable. Still a threat in midgame but more a victim when disabled. He can escape but your team will wish you too hell if you just save your own furry pandaass.

  32. yeah his SS doesnt d much damage, but did you think about his remnants cooldown? how many copies can he make as you chase him or get close to him combined w/ his overload? when maxed, remnant+overload deals up to 300 dmg..and include deso as one of SS core items corruption+remant+overload..pair him with gankers & a tank...u have forgotten that SS is now one of the best farmers in DotA, he is a semi-carry now than before..he niw can easily reap gold via remnant+vortex for more gold...

  33. Mjolnir is also great 4 this panda..Static charge is very useful while ganking!

  34. You can godlike with this hero easily when you have enough mana to pull off the ball of ligtning - overload - suction skill (dont know wht its called - static - overload - static rinse an repeat.

  35. battle fury for him is also quite nice for attacking purposes even though he has range

  36. for me i like this new storm spirit coz, now my frend hard to kill him, now i kill him kekeke , old storm spirit are lame week need fast attack.. better new storm spirit

  37. i make initially ring of basilus or null tal..den i go for vangurad in the process i ll make phaseboots..then then shivas guard n skadi..STORM SPIRIT IS IMBA

  38. I disagree w/ the post above, Raijin ain't imba. He's so damn soft in early games! Ever tried facing palyers with experience with Raijin? hell, a nicely timed storm bolt at lvl 3 would kill this guy on a 5v5! He's got, like, 500+ life at lvl 3? damn, a storm bolt from leoric at lvl 3 together with at least two creeps would send Raijin's ass to kingdom come. Aggressive players would kick raijin's ass..believe me..and strength heroes would be his weakness in my opinion! He's gonna have a nightmare with stunners, especially those with high hp! Even just an aggressive sand king with even his low hp would kick Raijin's ass..

  39. this is what i build when using him. 2 null talisman - int threads - bloodstone - shivas guard - skadi..

  40. in order

    1. perseverance + void
    2.finish blood
    3.finish 2nd perseverance for linken
    4.eye of skadi
    5. once you get eye, gg for other team, for shits and giggles, the extra 3 spots for me is = boots of travel, orchid (for fucking insane mana regen, bstone+charge+linken+base intregen+orchid=80-100 mana regen per sec=spam ball lightnening like a nigger))

  41. i love the new SS the old one was lame, never liked it, now its my favorite intel hero!! so easy not to get killed and you can ball right in to save a friend, even though your on the other side of the map, of course youll need most of your mana XD so rocks!!!1

  42. noobs talking about items ... like ur gonna get them easy with pro players who won't let u farm ....give me a break realistic ..
    orchid is good and bloodstone ... these 2 are probably all ur gonna get .... but probably game over before u can finish orchid ...aim for quick game with this hero ... gank gank gank

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  44. prety agree about above above post

    above post = fuck tardies person(ignore that person [he has sad moment of his life])

    above above person = ya i REALLY AGREE! be realistic.orchid is the best build,i take u slowly to make orchid.orchid also has same mana regen as guinsoo,if u have 2 oblivion staff,ur attack speed and damage is enuf to pain some ass,this it help u on mana usages.and please know that raijin is pooooorly on hitpoint so bloodstone is really important but guinsoo is 2time important! look for bracer 1st(life boosting)

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  46. can he use maelstorm and assault,buriza eye of skadi,guinsoo and lastly mjollnir?

  47. I would rather go for orchid rather than bloodstone 1st..

  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. when u said he can escape from siren's ensnare, i once played with S.S .when i got ensnared, i rolled up with ulti to save my ass, but guess what ,, he still get ensnared even if he is not in his ensnared position , but without the net..( i mean, u still unable to move about 2-3 second) ,, bug maybe???

  50. its not the good strategy of raijin

  51. i make str items on storm :D
    That is pownage

  52. stupid guide man........... just kiddin its awsome!!!

  53. Build 6 aganism for Raijin then use your Ball lightning from the Sentinel Well up to the Scourge Well... ha ha ha ha ha ha.... beat that!!!!!

  54. u can vortex enemy while u lightning nearby and u can also put remnament while lighting. but to do vortex while passing through u've got to see the enemy, cause of fog the dota engine doesn't react to ur vortex =/

  55. noob guide if i used storm in game,i always got 1st blood..bcos of his overload skill..item u should begin to make is preseverence,then power thread(int) then linken..after linken u can change ur power thread to str..if u pro and know the right timing, u easily can get wicked sick...

  56. Rajin Thunderkeg (Storm Spirit)

    Skill Build: Remnant (nuke) is the key to getting First Kill and is useful throughout the beginning. An aggressive storm gets you a good head start usually.

    1. Remnant 2. Overload 3. Remnant 4. Overload
    5. Remnant 6. Ball Lightning 7. Remnant 8. Pull
    9-10. Overload 11. Ball Lightning 12-14. Pull
    15. Stats 16. Ball Lightning 17-25. Stats

    [If you'd rather keep away from battle and keep farming, you'd complete overload before pull]

    Item Build: Ok, this takes REALLY long to farm so you'll never finish it before it's completed. ALTHOUGH you may already be overpowered half way of this build. [It can get you addicted to how much more power you can achieve]

    {Mana, Mana, and more MANA} Please be intellegent. Raijin is int user. That means mana based items are essential.
    {Ulti Orb, Ulti Orb, and more Ulti Orb} Rajin is squishy and easy to die. Getting Ultimate Orbs improve your stats/survival rate. "Str" for health, "Agi" for armor and attack speed, and "Int" for damage and MANA.

    1. Boots and Healing Salve (an aggressive storm needs boots to easily plant his nuke)
    2. Bottle (nuke then heal mana, until mana and bottle both run dry: easy farming)
    [healing spring and bottle are your best friends, they make regeneration a cinch]
    3. Point Booster (survival use only until Skadi)
    4. Travel (teleporting) Boots: better farming + lane control + super ganking + spring hogging = high maintenance, killstealing Storm
    5. Orchid of Malevolence (complete asap): faster attack speed, x2 to your original damage and the best mana regen you'll get out of any item
    6. Ultimate Orb: explained above
    7. Ultimate Orb: explained above
    8. Venom Orb (completes Eye of Skadi): you finally have 2/5 Ulti Orbs
    9. Ultimate Orb, choose either Manta (clones) or Linkens Sphere (negation orb) to finish: 3rd Ulti Orb [OMG i'm op, can this get any better?]
    10. Ultimate Orb, Manta (clones) or Linkens Sphere (negation orb), whichever you haven't got: 4th Ulti Orb [PLZ DON'T END YET, I've just begun!]
    11. Ultimate Orb, Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse (sheep): 5th Ulti Orb [wish you were here]

    P.S. Usually you WON'T get to #12, rarely even #11, but if you do, you'll be invincible, its fun being "super" op. I named this completly farmed Raijin "STORM GOD", this guy would definitely be the most op hero in dota, ever.

    I invented this so one else take credit plz >.<

    (='.'=)This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into
    (")_(")your signature to help him gain world domination

  57. Rajin Thunderkeg (Storm Spirit)
    Skill Build: Remnant (nuke) is the key to getting First Kill and is useful throughout the beginning. An aggressive storm gets you a good head start usually.
    1. Remnant 2. Overload 3. Remnant 4. Overload
    5. Remnant 6. Ball Lightning 7. Remnant 8. Pull
    9-10. Overload 11. Ball Lightning 12-14. Pull
    15. Stats 16. Ball Lightning 17-25. Stats
    [If you'd rather keep away from battle and keep farming, you'd complete overload before pull]
    Item Build: Ok, this takes REALLY long to farm so you'll never finish it before it's completed. ALTHOUGH you may already be overpowered half way of this build. [It can get you addicted to how much more power you can achieve]
    {Mana, Mana, and more MANA} Please be intellegent. Raijin is int user. That means mana based items are essential.
    {Ulti Orb, Ulti Orb, and more Ulti Orb} Rajin is squishy and easy to die. Getting Ultimate Orbs improve your stats/survival rate. "Str" for health, "Agi" for armor and attack speed, and "Int" for damage and MANA.
    1. Boots and Healing Salve (an aggressive storm needs boots to easily plant his nuke)
    2. Bottle (nuke then heal mana, until mana and bottle both run dry: easy farming)
    [healing spring and bottle are your best friends, they make regeneration a cinch]
    3. Point Booster (survival use only until Skadi)
    4. Travel (teleporting) Boots: better farming + lane control + super ganking + spring hogging = high maintenance, killstealing Storm
    5. Orchid of Malevolence (complete asap): faster attack speed, x2 to your original damage and the best mana regen you'll get out of any item
    6. Ultimate Orb: explained above
    7. Ultimate Orb: explained above
    8. Venom Orb (completes Eye of Skadi): you finally have 2/5 Ulti Orbs
    9. Ultimate Orb, choose either Manta (clones) or Linkens Sphere (negation orb) to finish: 3rd Ulti Orb [OMG i'm op, can this get any better?]
    10. Ultimate Orb, Manta (clones) or Linkens Sphere (negation orb), whichever you haven't got: 4th Ulti Orb [PLZ DON'T END YET, I've just begun!]
    11. Ultimate Orb, Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse (sheep): 5th Ulti Orb [wish you were here]
    P.S. Usually you WON'T get to #12, rarely even #11, but if you do, you'll be invincible, its fun being "super" op.
    I named this completly farmed Raijin "STORM GOD", this guy would definitely be the most op hero in dota, ever.
    I invented this so one else take credit plz >.<

  58. 1. Boots and Healing Salve (an aggressive storm needs boots to easily plant his nuke)
    2. Bottle (nuke then heal mana, until mana and bottle both run dry: easy farming)
    [healing spring and bottle are your best friends, they make regeneration a cinch]
    3. Point Booster (survival use only until Skadi)
    4. Travel (teleporting) Boots: better farming + lane control + super ganking + spring hogging = high maintenance, killstealing Storm
    5. Orchid of Malevolence (complete asap): faster attack speed, x2 to your original damage and the best mana regen you'll get out of any item
    6. Ultimate Orb: explained above
    7. Ultimate Orb: explained above
    8. Venom Orb (completes Eye of Skadi): you finally have 2/5 Ulti Orbs
    9. Ultimate Orb, choose either Manta (clones) or Linkens Sphere (negation orb) to finish: 3rd Ulti Orb [OMG i'm op, can this get any better?]
    10. Ultimate Orb, Manta (clones) or Linkens Sphere (negation orb), whichever you haven't got: 4th Ulti Orb [PLZ DON'T END YET, I've just begun!]
    11. Ultimate Orb, Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse (sheep): 5th Ulti Orb [wish you were ever here]

    My idea, my credit ^^

  59. ergh shoot i thought it said my comment was too large so it didnt go through, what a fail lol, plz delete the 2nd, 3rd, and this post plz

  60. @dec 31, 2010 11:32pm
    you build can also suit other "flexible" heroes like pugna, akasha, etc :DD

  61. SUGGESTIONS!!!!!!!!!


  62. my combination first
    ring of health and 4xironwood branch
    followed by point booster
    then build arcane boots to refill 135 mana every 200 mana will lost(every static remnant)
    void stone
    oblivion staff(but actually 3x for the 30%AS and soul burn,but try only one first)
    try to build aghanim scepter as soon as u can
    build preservance

  63. 1.mekansm
    3.null talisman x2
    4.power tread (intel)

  64. My Build

    *threads ( int or str )
    *orchid malevolence
    *guinsoo ( optional, depends on what heroes ur facing )
    *euls ( optional for those heroes who can 1 hit you, i.e. Axe, Medusa )
    *Shiva's guard

    -?jasper pinlac

  65. I've seen my Uncle play as this guy and that's what inspired me to play as Storm.

  66. bobo build tang ina bad3p

  67. WeakEr tHan Ai
    if you want to play dota with me just add me on facebook...

  68. to noob here,this man noob,

  69. Hit with Overload yeah

  70. You Think Raijin IS weak Well Come to mecha lets 1 on 1 mine is raijin let see who is weak


  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. 1st Item - Lvl 1-10
    Bote - spam
    Magic Stick - +3 stats (stick charge for emergency cases)
    Bracer - Pampakunat
    Arcane Boots - di ma short sa mana at the same time support sa nearby ally

    (Habang nag-iipon ka ng real item's)
    Bloodstone - HP/MP good regeneration
    Guinsoo - Hex + Mana increase
    Shiva's - def,aura,slow,spam
    BOT- change mo na arcne boots mo may regen ka na
    Hart of Tarasq - for late gamers para di basta basta ma pitas

    I think this is the good build for Raijin...Solo Hunter/Gunker/Support ..note having only one role
    think like a pro...these item can make you survive...clash..raijin is very annoying depend on the gamer who use it...

  74. i like the new raijin... it is sooooooo cool
